Gavin Newsom angry
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli, File)
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From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . .

Today, Governor Gavin Newsom cynically called for using guns, gun owners, and tragedies to get free press for his perpetual political campaigning by proposing to drag the nation into his failed policy of criminalizing the mere exercise of fundamental rights.

That Newsom is willing to offer this route to impose his immoral policies on the entire nation is an ironic recognition that the tide of history has turned against him and a genuine admission that his failed policies cannot withstand court scrutiny.

Newsom’s naked ambition, conceit, and depravity in calling for the criminalization of tens of millions of peaceable Americans is a wake up call to all those who oppose despotism and state violence.

Firearms Policy Coalition will continue to restore the rights of the People in court, just as it has done in its lawsuits challenging California’s handgun roster and discriminatory fee-shifting regime, New Jersey’s Bruen response bill, and Illinois’ “assault weapon” ban.

To all peaceable People across our nation seeking to be free from the violence of the state, FPC is honored to have your support.

And to all tyrants that push these immoral and unjust policies, we say simply this: “Fuck you. No.


Individuals who would like to Join the FPC Grassroots Army and support important pro-rights lawsuits and programs can sign up at Individuals and organizations wanting to support charitable efforts in support of the restoration of Second Amendment and other natural rights can also make a tax-deductible donation to theFPC Action Foundation. For more on FPC’s lawsuits and other pro-Second Amendment initiatives, visit and follow FPC on InstagramTwitterFacebookYouTube.




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  1. So his solution to CA being on the borderline of losing all their gun control is to amend the constitution…

      • RE “And to all tyrants that push these immoral and unjust policies, we say simply this: “Fuck you. No.”

        Instead of using muckmouth’s habitual tough guy f-bomb as a Second Amendment defense just Define Gun Control for a judge, jury and America according to its historical analogies in slavery, segregation, lynching, Jim Crow, the kkk, Eugenics, concentration camps, gas chambers, swastikas, etc. After all…History Confirms all of it walked hand in hand with Gun Control and if left unchecked History repeats itself.

        I believe a judge, jury and America would rather hear the Truth About Gun Control than hear a f-bomb. Yes or No?

        • NO!

          The first thing I thought when I read that line was this:

          FINALLY! Someone has provided the correct translation into American English of the ancient Greek phrase MOLON LABE!

        • I think different people prefer different approaches, and different people RESPOND to different approaches. I personally PREFER the factual, intelligent, reasonable discourse, debate, discussion (NOT arguments) and trying to find common ground and winning people over. That is if I have a chance to actually have a reasonable conversation WITH A REASONABLE PERSON. That is not always possible. In that case, Strongly asserting our absolute unwillingness to comply with unconstitutional laws and tyranny, and our willingness to support and defend the Constitution of the US, against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same, as I’ve taken several oaths regarding, is our best approach. I don’t usually use language like these other people, but I echo their sentiment.

      • my cousin may truly get cash in their additional time on their pc. their dearest companion had been doing this 4 some place around a year and at this point cleared the commitment. in their littler than normal house and acquired an uncommon vehicle.

        that’s our strength here====)>>

  2. Quite the narcissist this Chiclet teeth gov.. Is this before or after he arrests the Florida gov.?

    • If he wants to arrest a governor let me offer him the governor of Pennsylvania l.

      • And we’ll throw in a lightly used Senator for free!!! But he must act now!!! Time is running out! Call 1-kic-kem-gone

        • “…throw in a lightly used Senator…”

          …like apples of gold, in settings of silver…

  3. I look forward to California separating from the rest of the union. Hit “the gas pedal” on a National Divorce.

    • China will soon assert their historic claim on the west coast based on an “ancient map”.

      Putin should be worried because China has already released a map showing historic claims over Mongolia and a lot of Siberia.

      • The Chicoms might have a fight on their hands if they do, as Mexico also would stake such a claim.

        • The racist white liberals who have flooded California with illiterate Spanish speakers. Believe they can control them. However it is the racist white liberals, who worship communism, who will end up in front the firing squads of the Mexican drug gangsters.

          It will be the Spanish-speaking version of “hanging the last capitalist with the rope that he made”.

  4. The chances of this tyrant wannabe getting his proposed amendment passed by the required majority of States are slim and none.

    Newsom is a publicity hound and this is nothing more than a continuation of his bid to show himself as the “leader” of the progressive left.

  5. Fuck Newsance, he’s not going anywhere… Might eventually get a Senate seat after his tenure as Governor is over, but he would just be replacing another left wing nutjob, so no real harm done there and that is almost as inconsequential as being POTUS has become…

  6. Instead of Newsollini spewing his drivel nation wide, he and his ilk actually attempt to fix the problems of the once great state of Komifornia. It was once a great place to live, now, not so much.

  7. I’ve decided to identify as a proton so I can get places more quickly.

    Maybe, I’ll identify as a bank, so that I will always have money.

    No, no, no!!! I will identify as a scary black firearm with a high-capacity magazine so that I will always be in the headlines and star in movies.

  8. Build the border wall and just take a right turn when you get to Southern California and run it along the coastal ridgeline East of the coastal cities etc. Man the wall with regular military and post signs that trespassers will be shot/use of deadly force authorized. A couple bursts from an M2A1 and the border jumpers will get the hint. Just make sure to detour around and include Sacramento on the outside of the fence. While we’re at it, wall off the Dementiacrat controlled cities, and cut off power, water and food supplies. bet that within a week the lefties running those cities will change their tune and begin to see common sense.

  9. The 28th Amendment will permanently enshrine four broadly supported gun safety principles into the U.S. Constitution:

    Raising the federal minimum age to purchase a firearm from 18 to 21;

    Mandating universal background checks to prevent truly dangerous people from purchasing a gun that could be used in a crime;

    Instituting a reasonable waiting period for all gun purchases; and

    Barring civilian purchase of assault weapons that serve no other purpose than to kill as many people as possible in a short amount of time – weapons of war our nation’s founders never foresaw.

    • A smooth-bore single-shot musket was a weapon of war; at the time, it was the technology used to kill as many people as possible in a relatively short time — perhaps as many as two per minute if the marksman was well-regulated.

      • watermelon gun

        8ga mounted on big watch spring on a tripod with 6 or 8 tripwires. Trip a wire, gun pivots, fires down that wire.

    • Amending, you have about as much chance of passing this “amendment” as a snow ball in hell. What you are looking to “ban” are NOT “assault rifles” but semi-automatic rifles. I have no problem with your background checks as they are about as useless as titts on a bull. You really think criminals will buy their guns at the corner gun store? LOL
      Maybe we also should have “waiting periods” on anything that can be used as a “weapon”, like knives, hammers, screwdrivers, etc.

      • “Maybe we also should have “waiting periods” on anything that can be used as a “weapon”, like knives, hammers, screwdrivers, etc.”

        Yeah! I’m all for that. Recently discovered how dangerous a Dremel can be. Put it in a bag with other weapons (hammer, screwdriver, hedge trimmer, paint scraper, socket wrench set, and some other scary looking implements) took it all to the county dump. I should have had to prove I wasn’t a dopey, or other type criminal, before being allowed to leave the hardware store with those weapons of war.

  10. Just watched “Armed Scholar” on U-Tube. Seems Newsome is looking to organize an Article 5 Constitutional Convention, rather than a standard legislative move.

    Newsome is proposing to limit a Constitutional Convention to a single subject (his gun control proposal).

    Oh, joy! This would be even better entertainment. It’s a great time to be alive.

  11. Newsome is proposing to limit a Constitutional Convention to a single subject

    Newsomes “proposal” happens to be law… Under article 5 a Convention of States can only address one Amendment at a time… Prevents a runaway wholesale overhaul of the Constitution… But Hairgell certainly sounds sincere… Right?

    • “Newsomes “proposal” happens to be law… Under article 5 a Convention of States can only address one Amendment at a time…”

      Not seeing a limitation of proposed amendments* under a Convention of the States. Is there a federal law that purports to supplement Article 5?

      *Article 5, “…on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments,…”

      • There are two methods of amending the Constitution.

        A Constitutional Convention of the States is set up by Congress at the request of a 2/3 majority of the State Legislatures, and it would be a wide open affair that could address any number of amendments.

        A proposed amendment passed by a 2/3 majority of Congress, and then sent to the State Legislatures for consideration and possible ratification, would be limited to whatever issue the language of that amendment addressed. Historically, this is the method that has been used to add single amendments. This is likely what Newsom has in mind.

        • Yeah, but Leftists speak with forked tongue. Don’t forget about their “by hook or by crook” method of electioneering. He may try to dupe folks into thinking they would limit a Convention to a single issue, but bait and switch is their stock in trade. They could flush the whole shebang.

        • “”A proposed amendment passed by a 2/3 majority of Congress, and then sent to the State Legislatures for consideration and possible ratification, would be limited to whatever issue the language of that amendment addressed. Historically, this is the method that has been used to add single amendments. This is likely what Newsom has in mind.”

          Agree. My take is that a COS can propose as many amendments as it desires. There is also no restriction on the number of issues that an amendment might address. Thus, like the first Constitutional Convention, a COS could repeal the current constitution, and establish a new one.

  12. Except there is already an Amendment that owns that issue…

    Calling it by a different name makes no difference.


  13. Gav has a lot of back-patters in California telling him “you go girl”, but there’s going to be a harsh reality embracing him which is that he’s not well liked, in California and elsewhere.

    The constitution change ploy is going to flop as bad Dylan Mulvaney and Bud Light. It’s already recognized as nothing short of publicity stunt and feeble attempt just to stay relevant, JUST like David Hogg!

    The painful reality is what seems like a great idea often, more than we care to remember, turns out to be galactic screw-ups and there’s plenty of them out there. Remember the new Coke??

    if Gavin runs, it’s going to be as big a joke as Bloombergs was. If all Gavin has, besides his failures as Governor is to push gun control with a constitutional amendment, it showcases the sheer desperation his administration has. They have nothing and his band of nitwits failed to recognize it.

  14. It was always a trade. Your gun civil rights for the “civil right” and security to have sex in public in front of children. And to be able to urinate and defecate, in public without fear of being arrested.

    And since a judge decreed that h0m0sexu@ls have a civil right to adopt children. They can now take their children to their sez shows and 0rgies. So they can “have a proper education”. According to their h0m0sexu@l parents. As well as their like-minded straight allies.

    This has been going on for decades now. Christian filmmakers documented this and of course whenever they displayed their film, they were called h0m0ph0bes.
    But that’s okay. That’s just the price you have to pay when you speak the truth.

    At one time you could open carry guns at Pride parades. But that was declared to be forbidden. By the head h0m0sexuAl Tom Ammiano.

    “Grown Men Engage In ADULT Acts At Pride Event IN FRONT OF CHILDREN SParking OUTRAGE” video 15 min long

  15. I’m old, in declining health with a end that promises to be miserable in extremis, so if I needs sacrifice my life on the Alter of Freedom, “Fucking Bring It On Bitches!”

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