DBAL-A2 (courtesy opticsbestbuy.com)

Press release [via thetacicalwire.com]:

Monterey, California – Los Angeles Police Department Metro Division’s D-Platoon (SWAT) has announced the selection of the Laser Devices (LDI) DBAL-A2 with high power green laser (Part No. 40172) for all assaulter carbines. After a comprehensive testing and evaluation process involving several competitive tactical laser aiming systems, the LDI DBAL-A2 has been adopted as part of LAPD SWAT integrated night capability system. This integrated system also includes BNVD night vision goggles, Wilcox mounts, and IFF equipment. “LAPD is continuing the trend of law enforcement teams adopting fully integrated night vision and IR capability,” said John Chapman, Laser Devices Senior Global Support Specialist . . .

“We are proud to have been selected by LAPD.” An LAPD SWAT operator noted that “A fully integrated no-light capability, including the DBAL-A2 laser system, has greatly enhanced our ability to complete our mission under any circumstance.” He added, “The inclusion of the high power green laser also allows us to direct precision fire on the assaulter level while wearing a gas mask or Patriot system, making our mission capabilities seamless across operating conditions.”

For additional information about the DBAL-A2 or other Laser Devices products, visit www.laserdevices.com. For further information on no-light system integration, contact John Chapman at [email protected] or 831-236-4690.

About Laser Devices

Laser Devices is known for its state-of-the-art visible and infrared laser aiming devices, handheld and weapon-mounted tactical lights and IR illuminators used by Military, Law Enforcement and Special Forces personnel worldwide. The company is located in Monterey, California where 100% of its products are designed and manufactured in its 30,000 square foot facility. Laser Devices holds a number of U.S. patents and maintains an ISO 9001:2008 Certified QMS. Laser Devices is a Beretta Holdings company.


  1. Why do swat teams, many of whom couldn’t make the cut to get into the military, keep trying so hard to look like sfairbornedeltaforcerangersniperforcerecondosupertroopers??

    • Male inadequacy issues? Most of us could probably clear a shoot house with a simple Glock far faster and better than they do with their HSLD gear.

      • Where are you pulling this fact from? Almost every officer I have known ESPECIALLY the more senior SWAT guys are prior military. Shows me these ridiculous facts you are quoting. I would argue that a majority of officers are ex military. Maybe not in CA because that state refuses to hire based on anything but ethnicity.

      • Another asshoel comment by an internet asshole. Did you watch the Magpul videos while eating cheetos and now think you are a tactical ninja?

    • When I was young teachers in school taught us how, in the tyrannized hell-holes beyond the oceans, fascist secret police, pillars of any suitably evil regime, wantonly harassed people in the dead of night, bringing to these cowed citizens the “dread knock on the door at 3 a.m.”

      So what does LA SWAT want to do? “Own the Night.” Well, of course they do.

      With a bunch of gear that is illegal for citizens to purchase. I knew we left out something: “The 2nd Amendment enshrines an empty right if the purchase of adequate night-fighting gear is forbidden to the man in the street.” What good is the right if it only can be lived 12 hours a day?

      • Lets not forget *takes huge breath*


  2. Whoo scary the government is wasting money on shit I would buy if they weren’t taking all my money.

  3. Good use of tax dollars if you ask me, anything that helps them aim straighter at the bad guys. GO TEAM!

    • Won’t help much you must be able to identify the bad guy and hit somewhere near him for those to help much.

    • if you are a gun owner, your are the bag guy. but don’t worry, they still cant hit you. there is no way to convince me that a laser would have helped the popo not hit 9 bystanders in the empire state shoot out. or any other police failure.

      • NYPD patrol……LAPD SWAT – Totally different in geogrphaic location, caliber of training and job description! Comparing apples to rotten bananas.

    • So this is what it’s come to. After crushing embarrassment upoin embarrassment, being video-taped missing eight out of ten shots, shooting the paper-delivery ladies, and so on, they’ve decided the only way to save face is henceforth only to work in the dark, with night-vision and lasers.

      Warning to pilots flying in and out of LAX: Buy a better grade of mirrored sunglasses immediately.

  4. “We are proud to have been selected by LAPD.” An LAPD SWAT operator noted that “A fully integrated no-light capability, including the DBAL-A2 laser system, has greatly enhanced our ability to complete our mission under any circumstance.” He added, “The inclusion of the high power green laser also allows us to direct precision fire on the assaulter level while wearing a gas mask or Patriot system, making our mission capabilities seamless across operating conditions.”

    My God, who talks like that? Send that guy off for a Psych Eval pronto.

    • He’s likely perfectly sane.

      He also likely recently received good marks in a mid-level course in conversational marketroid, and is showing off his skills.

    • That’s not cop-speak. I mean, what happened to “book ’em, Danno”, or “just the facts, ma’am” or “one-adam-twelve, see the man…” or even “Donuts!!! We’ve got DONUTS!!!!”?

      They’re sounding more and more like a caricature of some nameless, faceless, mid-level Pentagon bureaucrat. That may be the scariest thing about their militarization.

    • You have to admit that it sounds a lot better than admitting they’ll still make the same human error as always, just with marginally better aim. And they’re never going to admit that all their tactical doodads are more likely to be used against innocent citizens when they make those no-knock raids on the wrong address than to help catch criminals.

      George Orwell has it covered: https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/orwell46.htm

    • Why didn’t they just come out and say “These make the guns go PEW PEW PEW faster and deadlier!”

    • People who are trained to dehumanize their citizens into the assaulter level target points so they are more likely to place direct precision fire rather than hesitating to “kill fellow civilians.” That’s who.

      That, or a guy who thought Police Academy 1-127 were documentary and training videos.

  5. Wear red — dull crimson; it’ll be absorbed rather than reflect, even more completely than with black.


  6. Soon every tin hat wannabe thug mayor will have his own personal brown shirt army. We need to demilitarize the police. 90% of what they use SWAT for is garbage.

    • Occupy movements and student protesters aren’t paying for shit, they’re just a bunch of lefty parasites.

      • A lot of the original occupy crowd were people who were mad as hell when their 401k went poof or were taken aback by no banker left behind.

        No doubt when my Enron stock went south I became a parasite as well.

        Stick it.

        • No ….the occupy movement was more like the recent graduates in “womens studies” with 200K$ student loans that discovered that their diplomas were useless even though their leftists professors told them for 5 years that they were learning important stuff. Only thing is they got mad at “the man” instead of their schools.

        • I was in NY state, and visited NYC during that mess. There was a surprising flow of cash in that movement. They at least had benefactors. Also, you’d be surprised how many of those protestors down in the city were really trust fund kids trying to stick it to their parents in a fit of Woodstockian angst.

  7. IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) – WTF??? Do they plan on taking out planes, or “people not of the badge”? Of course, if it barks, it’s automatically the second “F” I can’t wait to see what counter-technology comes outta this. And when they shoot one of their first “F” own, as always, I’ll be smelling litigation.

  8. My comments on previous posts not withstanding, I will admit that the green laser and IR units are drool worthy. Set up a thousand of them on some 300 Blackout ARs and give them away in a free raffle to hog hunters in Texas. Might finally see a drop in feral swine numbers…

    • That’s my beef. The really good IR lasers aren’t available, except on “Department letterhead.”

  9. Oh no! Green lasers? What next? Shoes? Underwear? When will it stop!? I bet they are going to start giving cops bullets now! Only the military needs bullets! You know you guys sounds just like the anti’s with all this chicken little stuff.

    • 3/10. Your troll-fu needs work, young grasshopper.

      Now to strap on my tinfoil hat:

      Personally I tend to the take the “long road” towards a conclusion. What I see is multiple civilian police forces feeding like piggies (sorry, didn’t mean that as a bad pun at all) at the DOD equipment trough, and then subsequently using literally every piece of over-wrought hardware they’ve scooped up in an attempt to justify having it. Do you need a f*cking APC to serve a low-level bench warrant?

      And YES, it appears the police are becoming overtly militarized in both their tactics, views of everyday civilians, and usage of inappropriate equipment. Police officers are positioning themselves as Dredd-like enforcers, and not members of the community who also happen to enforce the laws.

      Here in RI, the local Johnston RI force acquired some serious equipment and put on a big show for the local paper (select-fire weaponry, I believe a couple of humvee’s, and other goodies). First off, it was the stupidest communist-bloc style parade of “Look what we will kill you with!” equipment I have seen so far in my short lifetime. The other issue is THERE IS NO CRIME IN JOHNSTON RI.

      The issue here is NOT police acquiring equipment at cost or for free – the issue is police acquiring equipment that furthers the convergence of military and police forces in both scope, tactics, and use of force.

    • mlk18: The green lasers are nothing. It is the equipping of SWAT with greater-than-5-milliwatt IR lasers for use in shooting sound-suppressed weapons in the dark with nigh-vision scopes and/or goggles which represents bringing the battlefield home. Within the US, where light, loudspeaker systems, and cordoning are all available, the enabling of raids in darkness in which the only possible witnesses are exactly the people with night vision gear on, is a step closer to complete unaccountability. Temptation soon becomes transgression.

  10. With those new lasers, the next two Asian ladies that try to deliver their newspapers are toast.


  11. Iraquistan comes home. They find out “real assaulters” do it in the night. So now Compton residents get to know how it feels to live in a small Baluchistan village. That’s gonna go over soooo well.

    “Our wars in the impoverished Muslim hinterlands just generate more dead-enders bent on terror,”
    Well, then it must be a good recipe stateside, eh? That worked!

    • No, but using a light to read the address would.

      Unfortunately, as that would betray the presence of the no-knockers (the b00bless?) they prefer to guess which house.

      That works about 40% of the time, netting crooks and brownie buttons; the rest of the time, it’s called “practice.”

  12. A lot of misplaced anger on here, I fully understand the concern when a small nowhere town starts acquiring military equipment , but all of you are completely failing to understand the reality of LA. When body armored men using fully auto ak47’s w. armor Piercing rounds takes people hostage what do you do? How can a Patrol level officer deal with that level of firepower? They cannot. They are outmatched, and if you’re one of the hostages who’s life is on the line , you’renot gonna be cOmplaining about the purchase of equipment that helps
    These guys take on criminals who aren’t restricted by what they can buy. Look it Up, who stopped some of the Burbank robbers? Swat rushing up to them in a car.
    LA started swat because of confrontations with groups wielding and using fully auto weapons and advanced tactics. This is not some Podunk town.
    It’s an insult that so many of you are so Willfully ignorant. Go ahead And hate police based on over sensationalized news stories. Lapd needs swat. Anyone who thinks otherwise is blind to the realities of that city.

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