Crime scene (courtesy

But nobody needs an AK-47 to defend themselves!” We’ve all heard it, right? It’s been a rallying cry for the CDC (civilian disarmament cabal) for decades. But now it’s time to give this disingenuous bit of anti-gun agitprop a dirt nap. A Florida man owes his life to his AK after a brutal home-invasion robbery. According to NBC News Miami, three armed men entered the man’s Davie apartment on Thursday night and severely pistol-whipped him in an apparent robbery . . .

Image courtesy Don Gamill for TTAG

Despite being badly beaten, the resident managed to retrieve his AK-pattern sporting rifle (not shown) and open fire on the intruders. Multiple shots were fired and the invaders fled, but one of them was found bleeding to death outside the front door.

The resident, who hasn’t been named by police, is cooperating with investigators. Police believe the four men knew each other, which makes it a good bet that the armed robbers knew exactly what they were looking for.

This DGU is a perfect answer to the moronic Joe Biden argument that nobody needs more than a double-barrel shotgun for home defense. If this man had followed Tailgunner Joe’s advice he’d probably be dead. Good luck defeating three armed bad guys with two rounds in your gun, Mr. Vice President.


    • He’s not a hero for defending himself. He’s just not willing to be a victim… which shouldn’t be so unusual.

      Though I’d wait to make sure we don’t find out this was a drug deal gone bad before I would lay praise…

  1. I made a mistake by selling off my AK, so today I bought another one. Placed an order for one from AIM SURPLUS, decent price. It will be good to have one back in the gun safe.

      • I try really hard not to buy any gun that I would ever want to sell.

        That’s why I own a lotta AKs.

      • I’ve sold a *lot* of firearms and made, frankly, a boatload of money selling them, particularly my seven M1 Garands. Talk about “buy low” and “sell high” … wow. Made a killing selling them on Gunbroker and did not feel an ounce of guilt when people paid what I thought was a ridiculous amount for each one.

        I buy and sell firearms for my YouTube channel.

        The only gun I’ve ever regretted selling so far has been the AK and the one I’m buying is nicer and better than the one I sold, so … all’s well that ends well.

        • Paul, I don’t have the time or patience to treat firearms like a stock market. Just about every gun I’ve ever bought is one that I looked at and said “I would like my son to have this some day,” and if it didn’t give me that feeling, I don’t really want to own it.

          I just don’t have the desire to play the buy & sell game. I bought almost everything I have at prices that I would never ever be able to match again.

        • if its your “business” guns then sell away, but the ones for the collection… well, cherish the moments with family.

        • I did the buy/sell thing a whole lot, just because you don’t really know what you like without trying different things. If I believed every review I read on the internet, I’d never enjoy a single gun. So I decided to try ’em all. Now I have a nice little safe o’ fun and I got to try a lot of guns along the way. I hope my kids will enjoy the guns as much as I do. If they don’t, I hope they make a boatload of money selling them on gunbroker.

      • I dabbled in the gun runner game during the panic, got a good AR for my VZ2008, and then with some smart buying and selling, I was able to have all the money I needed to adapt the AR to my designs and acquire mags, ammo, LBE… I don’t look down on those who do it, its fun as hell and lets you fondle many more guns than if you were just buying for yourself.

  2. “Good luck defeating three armed bad guys with two rounds in your gun, Mr. Vice President.”

    Especially after you’ve already fired both of those rounds into the air as warning shots.
    Of course, at least the police would already be on the way because your neighbors would call them on you for engaging in sporadic gunfire.

  3. Did we all miss this part; “Police believe the four men knew each other, which makes it a good bet that the armed robbers knew exactly what they were looking for”?

    So, our DGUser is probably not the most upstanding citizen. Not to say he doesn’t deserve the right to defend himself. But I don’t put near as much stock in DGU by a possibly less than upstanding citizen as I do Joe Suburbanite doing it.

  4. I have a couple of AKs. Bought them cheap long ago. I’ trade ONE of them even up for a Tavor….I’ll keep the other thanks,

    However, it is just another firearm. My guess is that the guy defending himself in this instance did not care what the action type or looks were. He just wanted a firearm that works!…and there is no better example than the one he chose!

  5. All four parties were probably criminals, so even if it was a good shoot, the media won’t play it that way. The guy getting pistol whipped should have just given up his stash or died. lol

    Funny, but this was what happened with Matthew Sheppard in Wyoming. He “came into” a large supply of meth and his on/off dealer/lover wanted him to share…

  6. So, they caught him by surprise and beat his ass, and he still managed to get to his AK? That’s just bad robbing, guys. If you’re going to invade someone’s home, have your shit together.

    Saddest part is how the newscaster says the home invasion “took a bizarre turn”. Yeah, how bizarre, someone defending himself from armed attackers! What a crazy world! What’s next, talking cats?

    • I wonder what wouldn’t count as bizarre…

      I guess the homeowner could’ve just done the decent thing and given up and died instead. That’s probably normal in newscaster world.

      • Some reporters find any defensive use of a gun either “bizarre” or consider it to be “taking the law into your own hands.” It’s pretty sad that self-defense can be called either of these things.

  7. Well, if the gentleman in question was of the criminal class it’s likely that he will face a felony charge for having the AK. But I’m not jumping to any conclusions here. He could be an upright citizen with the same judgement in friends that George Zimmerman has in women.

  8. 7.62AK would not be my first choice for HD in an apartment. I’m glad it all worked out. (For the neighbors, too.)

  9. One more nail in stopping powers coffin. Dude shot fatally with an AK still managed to travel outside to die.

    • Apparently shot several times in the leg — probably got the femoral artery. A chest wound would probably have yielded a quicker demise, but this way, poor Mr. Starting To Get His Life Together had just enough time to limp out onto the lawn where his blood will fertilize the grass instead of ruining the carpet. Acceptable results, I’d say.

  10. Hey, I live in a city (not Pyongyang), where being eaten alive by packs of wild dogs is at least a once-per-year news story. Would that everyone walked around with AK’s, AR’s or other household self-defense firearm of sufficient firepower to repel that deadly menace.

    • Only if it works reliably. Took a while before mine was, but an AK that doesn’t work somehow doesn’t seem like it’s worthy of the name.

  11. Legal Guns End Thuggery! Attention thieves: Rather than breaking into homes in Florida (since it’s residents are the best armed in America) I’d recommend another line of work such as, lion tamer, mine finder, poison tester, or alligator wrestler….all of which pay better and are less hazardous. The days of thuggery in Florida are over.

  12. I love it when the ‘news media’ reports on a crime gone ‘horribly wrong’ because the miscreants got hurt or killed. What is their idea of a crime gone ‘horribly right’?

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