It can be hard keeping track of everything you need when when you’re smoking a rack of baby backs, a brisket and a nine-pound Boston butt over ten or twelve hours. Even something as simple as grilling steaks or a few burgers can be a challenge for some.
At any time during the process, you may need a spatula or flipper, a BBQ fork, tongs, a meat thermometer, a spray bottle and – some of you – a brush for barbecue sauce. And that’s just the beginning. You’ll also want to be sure to have a good knife at hand (we’d suggest a Ka-Bar Warthog), fire-making capability, your phone and maybe a bottle opener.
Not to worry, though. We know just the thing that every dad with a Weber kettle will appreciate and there’s still time to have one delivered tomorrow.

The Tactical BBQ Apron with full MOLLE capability (both front and rear) may just be the best barbecue apron on the planet and will save you countless trips back inside the house for those pesky items you’re always forgetting. And just to let everyone know who you are and what you hold dear, there are two — count ’em, two! — Velcro fields on which to affix your favorite morale patches.

Note the thoughtful design that leaves your four o’clock position open for easy home carry and a clean draw.
Since dehydration is every pitmaster’s worst enemy during hours of low and slow cooking, you might consider utilizing some of that backside MOLLE acreage for adding an appropriate hydration pack, though we can’t vouch for what may happen when you try to dispense a carbonated adult beverage like Thirsty Goat amber ale through that tube.
Please be sure to let us know how it works, though, if you give it a shot.
Since it’s molle one could mount a holster for ones BBQ gun.
I envision being covered with sweet / meaty dripping goo, and then swarmed by bees.
Would like it better in a lighter color like coyote. black absorbs heat
I’d hold out for a pink and black version of the Southeast Asian tiger stripe camo….
You mean like Crimson Pirate’s gun avatar? 🙂
“Buy something” holidays suck.Yeah, I know you don’t have to buy stuff on those holiday and I don’t but they sure sucker a lot of people into unnecessary spending.
The end justifies the means. 😉
I don’t normally go for tactical crap, but I think I need one of these things….
Hahaha. This is kinda cool. Kinda wishing I would have thought of it.
Speaking of thinking of it, hey Dan, as we roll towards a really important holiday, (July 4th), how about a daily featuring bar-que guns?
Let’s show off our show pieces, safe queens, pieces we are just darned proud/happy to have.
Yup, a braggin’ carry dump. Bust out those watches, spendy knives, hand tooled leather holsters and other assorted accouterments.
Cmon folks, you know you want to….
Soo…the usual WICN stuff. A parade of phantasmagorical “operator” EDC loadouts, with a real-life one tossed in from time to time to satisfy the realists in the crowd.
I like seeing all the fancy “dress-ware” gund and accoutrements. Not intended to be anything more than a fun show-and-tell. Why not?
Needs pockets for ballistic plates … or dinner plates will do!
“Needs pockets for ballistic plates”
Hate to say it, but I agree with enuf.
All that acreage and no plate carrier?
It accommodates Chinets, both front and back.
Oof. Dan said “Chinets”. Words are becoming less safe in 2020.
Ha! Ballistic plates or dinner plates!
Why not, Mr. Stikindamud?
Just purchased my Father’s Day gift: a Stetson Stargazer (color: Driftwood –that’s some sort of brown).
Left my cheapo Outback style hat somewhere, so my wife and daughter insisted I treat myself.
Darned fine looking hat.
Thank you!
Not that there’s anything wrong with it.
of course not.
Tongs in right hand , beer in left , done .
Since I wear my pistol at home, even when out on the back deck slaving over a hot BBQ I really need this.
Not only will it hold everything I need to cook a delicious steak, but there’s roof for the IFAK when I cut myself chopping the vegetables, burn dressings for those flare-ups from flipping the burgers, and plenty of room for extra magazines.
You know, in case I have to defend the steaks from an assault by the neighbor dogs digging under the fence when they inhale the heady aroma of fine meat grilled to carcinogenic perfection.
In any case, when choosing a watch, it is necessary to focus on the stock of money in your pocket, but it is best not to skimp. Men’s watches should look expensive – this is an axiom that no one has yet managed to destroy. It is worth noting that the watch https://www.h2hubwatches.com/collections/ferrari is a great gift for a man. No matter how expensive your phone is, there is nothing more solid than a man casually glancing at his wristwatch.
A pellet smoker keeps all the fun of grilling, without having to inhale charcoal, dust and smoke in the process. You no longer need to put in any extra effort to maintain a steady temperature – the pellet grill will take care of that! The best pellet smoker can get you great-tasting food from the comfort of your own home. With the option to grill, cook or smoke a wide range of ingredients, you will definitely taste the difference.
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