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2014 is proving to be a good year for Motor City criminals to retire from the home-invasion robbery business. At least ten of them have already permanently moved on after being killed by homeowners defending their homes . . .

Police Chief James Craig called earlier this year for more Detroiters to legally arm themselves, and his department continues to support its citizens’ right of armed self-defense. Sgt. Michael Woody recently told the Detroit Free Press, “We are sick and tired of being victimized by the criminal element in this city. The citizens are protecting their homes and their property and their families, and they are well within their rights to do that.”

Two more robbers inadvertently arrived at their own permanent retirement party on March 25th, when they were interrupted while trying to break into a Detroit home. The homeowner, who has not been named, investigated noises late at night, and found two men outside trying to break into his home. When they tried to jump him, he shot and killed them.

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  1. Its the only outreach program a hood understands: reach in my house, I’ll take you out.

  2. The problem in Detroit is that bad guys are like Doritos, go ahead and kill them, they’ll make more.

    • My interpretation of crime statistics is that its a surprisingly few number that create a large percentage of the crime.

  3. considering they had more than 10 murders in the first month of 2014, that isn’t exactly an awe inspiring number.

  4. Let’s see… 10 DGUs in Detroit in 1/4 of the year. Detroit’s 2012 population was 701,475. The USA population in 2012 was 313.9 million.

    If Detroit is representative of the country as a whole (of course, it’s not), then that’s 17,899 DGUs per annum in the country, where the DGU results in the death of the bad guy. That’s far more than the number of “gun murders” per year (if the antis are only going to count “justifiable homicide”, then I’m only going to compare justifiable homicide to murder/manslaughter); obviously, guns are more beneficial than harmful.

  5. Word is getting around. My folks in the D say criminals are making people strip when they jack a business (ie, barber shop (cash), corner bar (cash), drug house (cash), etc) to make sure they don’t get smoked on the way out the door with the,yes, the cash.

    They have even robbed tax refund places, which is my many have guards (and at least one has an AR15).

  6. As messed up as Detroit is, their gun laws are generally not as infringing as those in most major US cities. I say, let the experiment continue and let’s see what empirical observations result. Can there be a better Petri dish?

    • Let the city die, along with all the income taxes and debts, and let it be reborn as a limited government haven where people can defend themselves and taxes are as low as the services provided. You know, like Texas. Let people start businesses and get out of the freaking way.

  7. Confront potentially deadly attacks on your person or property with deadly force. This is an inalienable right. Anyone that stands in the way of this is either a moron or a sissy.

  8. If Detroit is anything like Chicago then that number is going to explode as soon as it gets warm. Might Detroit become the DGU capital of the US?

    • John S.

      I am pretty sure that Detroit has led the nation in justifiable homicidea for the last few years. And this year looks to be on pace to maintain the lead.

      There are a lot of armed good people in Michigan … well over 430,000 residents have concealed carry licenses and countless more practice open carry. Even more interesting, the number of good people in both categories has been steadily increasing for the last 8 years. I wouldn’t be surprise if 1 out of 12 residents will have concealed carry licenses within 5 years. And when you figure that people under the age of 21 are not even eligible, then we would be looking at 1 out of 8 or 9 adults would have concealed carry licenses at that point.

      Try to imagine what happens to violent crime when 1 out of 8 adults has a concealed carry license and actually carries.

      • I grew up in Detroit. My mom is still there, the primary reason I got my CPL.

        These people are regarded as heroes. And you see them at the ranges, practicing. Taking classes.

        Detroit is nowhere near as bad as Chicago, LA, or NYC for violence.

  9. Or course, these gangbangers are all “good kids”, so the homeowners are horrible people who have no right to decide who dies. Or something.

    Of course, the antis just ignore anything that doesn’t fit with their ideas.

  10. The main problem is the local media who put the home invaders parents on the news and they say “Oh he was such a good boy.” And “community organizers” get on the news and call the home owner a vigilante. It’s disgraceful. At least the police are on side of law abiding gun owners.

    • That has started to change here in the Detroit area too. The media is really starting to get on board with citizens taking back their neighborhoods.

  11. Let’s see, the press is reporting 10 justifiable homicides in what is basically the first quarter of 2014. That means the greater Detroit metro area is on pace to tally 40 justifiable homicides for the year.

    But wait, those 10 justifiable homicides in the first quarter happened during the coldest, most brutal winter in something like 50 to 100 years. Given that criminal activity and defensive gun uses decline considerably in extremely cold weather, that strongly suggests the rate of attacks and defensive gun uses is going to increase considerably as the weather warms. Yikes!

    Fortunately, both the police departments and prosecutors are very pro-self defense.

    • Not necessarily true.

      It may be that after 10 DGU the bad guys start getting the hint.

      Only time will tell.

      I used to hate trying to defend Detroit as it was cast as the crumbling city of America. It is experiencing some rebirth, and these stories are bolstered by the media to help that.

      Yes, they do have the family members. But ALL families have a black sheep. Will you give your honest opinions about your black sheep member when the media shoves a mic in your face? So far only one family member (an aunt) has really shown themselves to being totally clueless to the thug life the dead perpetrator lead.

  12. Motown gets gunned up and takes a bite out of crime. Chicago is gun-free and crime sores. There is hope for Detroit’s come back. Incidentley, this is what the 2A is all about.

  13. How many DGU’s happened where a fatality was not the result? I would think that number would be even higher than ten. Then there are also numbers we’ll never know, unreported DGU’s, and perp’s that were scared off because they thought their target might be armed. This is a very interesting development, and completely shocking to me. I always thought Detroit would eventually become relevant again, but I never thought it would be because of the public exercising its rights. Very cool, let’s pray this continues and Detroit actually becomes a gun rights model for the rest of the country.

  14. With the police and policy makers on board perhaps the media can come about and do something useful for once; If they beat the drum that breaking into someone’s home will get you killed the meme might settle into the culture deeply enough to reduce the number of home invasions.

    Perhaps I’m off the rails but I still see my home as inviolate, my last bastion of defense and freedom, and I believe the appropriate response to attempted forced entry into it is deadly force. What’s disconcerting to me is that anyone disagrees with that position.

  15. From the article:

    “We’re just tired, basically. … We’re not going to live in fear. People are just doing what they have to do, you know, and just as anybody else, we value our lives, and we’d like to be able to live out our lives in peace,” Williams said.”

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