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John Farnam asks . . .  United States Marine Corps Pistols in Question? – “On pistols for the USMC, from a friend in a position to know: ‘Most of the USMC has been using the 9mm M9 Pistol (Beretta 92F) for the last several decades, but Force Reconnaissance companies and some other special units, who have sufficient political autonomy to be able to get specific equipment, wanted to stick with the 1911 (and the 45ACP round), and were ultimately able to get their way! However, new-production pistols were deemed necessary, because 1911 pistols in the existing inventory date from the 1930s. Most have been ‘rebuilt’ so many times, they are little more than scrap metal!'”

Pissing on our legs and telling us it’s raining . . . Washington senator insists insurance bill is not about gun control – “One senator has introduced a measure that takes on the issue a different way, requiring liability insurance before someone can buy a gun. Sen. Maralyn Chase (D-Edmonds) says people have to buy insurance for their homes, their cars, and other items, so having it for guns makes sense to her. Chase insists her bill is not about gun control, but rather public and private protections.”

When seconds count . . . Detroit police investigating delayed response time to home break-in – “The Detroit Police Department is launching an internal investigation and admitting mistakes were made after a family was stuck in their home with an intruder for more than 30 minutes. Officers didn’t arrive until hours later. DPD isn’t making excuses. They admit things didn’t go as they should have and luckily this family wasn’t harmed.”

Full-auto fun . . . Hasbro Unveils the First Select-Fire Nerf Gun, the Nerf Regulator – “The Nerf Regulator is a carbine-style blaster that uses four C batteries to blast darts from its standard N-Strike magazine. We’ve seen plenty of those before, like the Nerf Hyperfire, Rapidstrike, and Stampede. The Regulator makes its own unique mark with a three-way selector switch in front of the trigger guard. It can fire full-auto (hold the trigger down and darts keep shooting out), semi-automatic (pull the trigger once to fire a dart), and burst-fire (pull the trigger once to fire three darts rapidly).”

Ruger Adds .357 Magnum to ARX Self-Defense Ammunition Line – SAVANNAH, GA – Following successful expansion of its popular LCRx line, Ruger today announced the addition of .357 Magnum to its portfolio of ARX Self-Defense Ammunition by PolyCase. The 86-grain bullet speeds downrange at 1,650 fps with 520 ft-lbs of muzzle energy, offering a lighter, faster, hard-hitting variation of this traditional powerhouse cartridge.

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day . . . ACLU: Gun control laws should be fair – “This month, Congress repealed a rule that would have registered thousands of Social Security recipients with mental disabilities, who have others manage their benefits, into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System to prevent them from owning firearms. The American Civil Liberties Union does not oppose gun control laws. As an organization dedicated to defending all constitutional rights, we believe the Second Amendment allows reasonable restrictions to promote public safety. But gun control laws, like any law, should be fair, effective and not based on prejudice or stereotype. This rule met none of those criteria.”

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    • ARX – I’m carring some in my P3AT (.380) and the wife has some in her Rossi .38. I saw a small hog shot with the 9mm round. It made a mess of it. It was shot in the left cheek (once) and killed it. (25-30lbs) I really need to get some of the .45 colt rounds(need .454!) and go hog hunting. For what it’s worth the gel/denim tests seem to show it packs a wallop. I wonder if the ARX design would work in a PCP .22 airgun? I’ve looked online for photos of game animals shot with it with no success.

    • Haven’t used ARX am mo (and really, you need input from someone who’s used it hu nting or in ballistics gel) but I’m skeptical for two reasons. One, like any ultra-fast lightweight bul let it will rapidly shed it’s energy on the atmosphere. And two, it’s only going to make one to one and a half revolutions once it hits tissue before it comes to a complete stop, unless it doesn’t actually work in which case you might as well be shooting FMJs.

      • From the gel test videos I’ve seen it does indeed lose energy quickly… but that’s a feature, not a bug. Very unlikely to overpenetrate a target at typical defensive distances and makes a decent, if not exactly awesome, wound channel. I really should have picked up a few boxes we had on clearance last year; I’ll bet my SP101 would be just a kitten to shoot with em’.

        • Losing energy on tissue is a feature, losing energy on atmosphere is a bug. But that does bring up another skepticism – I’m assuming that’s 520ft/lbs out of a 4″ vented barrel – compared to the standard neutered factory 125gr. loading at 583ft/lbs or the full pressure stuff at ~700ft/lbs. That difference only gets bigger with every yard.

    • I wish I had that Nerf gun when I was a kid. I shy away from the ARX because I don’t like light-for-caliber bullets.

      • I’ll wish EVERY kid could own or at least play with this one. Good for Hasbro! Teach these kids early the DIFFERENCE between full and semi-auto so they’ll grow up to call BS on the media when they lie to them about guns.

    • I use Arx in my 9MMs. I read several reviews and it appeared the .380 struggled to meet the penetration minimums, but the 9MM had no troubles. both 9MM and .380 did dramatically more damage in the first 10-14 inches than pretty much all other rounds thanks to the design and incredibly high speed. Then after that stretch, they both tumbled as designed.

      What I liked is they both have dramatically reduced recoil. Arx’s website claims it’s 20-30% reduced, but it felt reduced even more to me. Even if you don’t believe the hype and just see it as average in terms of terminal ballistics, the ability to quickly get your gun back on target can save your life.

  1. Sen. Maralyn Chase (D-Edmonds) says people have to buy insurance for their homes, their cars, and other items, so having it for guns makes sense to her… Chase insists her bill is not about gun control, but rather public and private protections….Requiring liability insurance may cause an irresponsible gun owner to exercise extra care in preventing firearm-related accidents, especially in tragic accidents involving children

    Doesnt sound quite right to me. Lets replace a few words and see if this can make sense

    Sen. Maralyn Chase (D-Edmonds) says people have to buy insurance for their homes, their cars, and other items, so having it for PEOPLE WHO VOTE makes sense to her… Chase insists her bill is not about VOTE control, but rather public and private protections….Requiring liability insurance may cause an irresponsible VOTER to exercise extra care in preventing ELECTION RELATED accidents, especially in tragic accidents involving children

    Hmmm… makes sense to me now

    • What state requires by law that you buy liability insurance for your house or ‘other items’? None to my knowledge. And they only make you buy it for your car if you operate that car on public roads. 102% pure bullshit.

      • There are a lot of states that don’t require you to have auto insurance, they simply require you to have proof of “ability to pay”. NH is one of them. As for homeowners insurance, that’s more a requirement of having a mortgage on your house and common sense.

        • You started on well with the home insurance idea them left the rails. Urban hive dwellers would not believe it but much of the housing stock in small town rural America was built before WWII with market value of $20-50k. Insure for market value would be silly, insuring for replacement even dumber. Any significant loss (fire or tornado) will be a teardown.

          Perhaps insure contents IF you would be unable to recover from a total loss. This is the only reason to purchase any insurance of any type (and perhaps getting your wife to shut up about it).

        • Home insurance is indeed optional ifyou own your own home, everyone except stupid liberal democrats knows this. Car insurance can be satisfied with a bond equal to liability limits. It’s what wealthier people do rather than enrich insurance company

        • If people could get zero down, federally guaranteed loans for guns, I reckon having insurance for the ones bought that way, may just make some sense…..

          Otherwise, “liability insurance”, of any kind, is one thing and one thing only: Welfare for lawyers. Including the ones that duped this dumb bimbo into shilling for them.

    • Clearly the ACLU needs to have a word with the esteemed senator regarding the inherent bigotry of her idea as the ones most likely to be left uninsured (and thus disarmed) will be the lower income citizens she calls constituents (subjects).

      • Damn right. As income-impaired individual, I resemble your remarks.

        My income has gone down significantly since I bought my firearms (which are always properly stored, but my storage practices are nunya biznis), and a liability insurance law would simply turn me into an involuntary scofflaw, not so different from people who can’t afford (or refuse to buy) the state-mandated liability insurance on their automobiles.

        It’s just another way to turn the screws on poor people. And increase government control over everything citizens do. Let’s not forget that important goal. It’s the Democrats’ raison d’etre.

    • A law we really need is the HPA — Homeburglars Protection Act.
      All homes that do not contain a firearm should be required to have a “GUN FREE HOME” sign posted on the front door so that criminals will know where they can safety ply their trade. Minimum eight inch high letters. Routine random inspections where a house resident must show their gun or have a sign immediately posted. OSHA can administer the law.

    • The idea of voter’s insurance makes a lot of sense (or should, anyway) to libs. Given their constant harping that Trump will destroy the country (not even a claim they make about guns), then voter’s insurance should indeed be made mandatory.
      Then they can cry that it blocks the poor (whom they have SO much concern for). SO much, in fact, that they will do anything they can to make sure they don’t have any guns for self-defense – er, to kill each other with. Yeah, that’s it. Kill each other with.
      Oh, and how does Chase plan to make sure criminals (you know, the ones who overwhelmingly shoot each other with guns) get the insurance? Oh, silly me; the government (that means us taxpayers) will get it for them.

  2. My copy of Constitution must be outdated. I can’t find any language that “allows reasonable restrictions to promote public safety” in 2A. On the contrary – it doesn’t allow exceptions.

    • The last time I checked, the ACLU still considers the 2A to be a collective right despite Heller, etc. I suspect that the ACLU’s interpretation is meant to suit a certain political viewpoint rather than a consistent reading of the Constitution.

  3. The reason why the Detroit Police were so slow is because there aren’t any. Some shifts might only have 2 cars out in a precinct. Dozens of cops retire, or move on to other jobs every month. With few replacements.

    • Didn’t I read something on here in 2015 (maybe earlier) where the top cop in Detroit basically told people, “look, this is a violent city and we don’t have the resources to protect you, so PLEASE tool up”? Anyone else remember that?

  4. All of these people who want to require liability insurance for guns don’t know jack about insurance. A renter’s or homeowner’s policy will provide protection for accidents. Insurance policies do not insure victims; they insure the owner of the policy against liability. No policy offers protection against intentional shootings; in fact, most if not all states have laws prohibiting insurance coverage for intentional or criminal misconduct. These people seem to think that insurance coverage will kick in for all of the thousands of shootings every year (around 70,000-80,000 I believe, the vast majority of which, obviously, do not result in deaths but minor to very serious injuries), while the truth is that accidental shootings account for fewer than a thousand shootings every year nationwide. Thus, requiring (typically) a $1 Million liability policy would be an absolute money pit for insurance company with negligible payouts annually.

    Parenthetically, some sheriffs require–or at least used to require that CCW licensees obtain such a policy naming the sheriff as an additional insured, just in case the sheriff were to be sued for “negligently” issuing a license. Not only was this requirement NOT authorized by state law, it was entirely silly because the sheriffs were immunized by stature for issuing licenses.

  5. The USMC uses the M9A1 which they worked with Beretta to develop over 7 years ago and their M9s have been replaced. It is unlikely that they will switch over to anything anytime soon.

  6. The American Civil Liberties Union never uprldated their stationary after they became The American Social Justice League.

    This confuses people.

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