“… the right to defend one’s home and one’s person when attacked has been guaranteed through the ages by common law.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
the racist antis would say that he doesn’t say gun in that quote
Are these the same antis who refuse to acknowledge that the good Dr King applied for a CCW b/c of death threats but was denied b/c of his race? Oh yeah, Shannon Watts is a RACIST!!!!
Ah, the Letter From Birmingham Jail. Excellent piece.
The man has a point!
And yet the left will continue to villify him and all those like him as self-loathing [insert your favorite epithet here], while the right embraces him for who he is — and not based purely on the color of his skin.
That still doesn’t negate the simple truth that we still need more people like him (and women as well as LGBT!), though.
“And yet the left…” Wait, what?
Please try and keep up.
Okay, I went back and read it again and Excedrine was saying the Left vilifies Colin but I read it as vilifying MLK Jr. It was late and I was tired. Carry on Excedrine. My mistake.
I agree with Colin 100% but sometimes you have stand in your living room, look out the window between the curtains and hold an M1 Carbine in the other hand (see Malcolm X historical image).
I have that image on my iPhone.
Sustainable community SWATted for “unpaid parking ticket”:
You’re not using the word ‘Swated’ to its normal definition now (which means pranking someone except with cops instead of pizza). Additionally it sounds from your post like a swat team went in after an unpaid parking ticket which is completely misleading from the article itself. I don’t believe the drug war is a good idea but it’s dishonest to conflate a warrant based on probable cause of drug growing with some cops just busting down a door for an unpaid ticket. Way to show us how the media operates though, slanting things however you want to fit your narrative…
Hella good speech.
I’m white. Grew up in an all-white community but in my home that taught me that everyone was the same. I didn’t think anything about it when I left for boot camp and my bunk mate was black. I treated him as a brother, but had stupid questions like does the black rub off on you when you wrestle with a black guy? I grew to have deep friendships with others different from me and learned a lot. All the while not thinking anything about it. Maybe it was my complete innocents/ignorance, or maybe they could see in my heart I just didn’t see a difference.
Since then I’ve seen racism both ways. I didn’t see it until I was in boot. I wasn’t exposed to it growing up, and was taken back. My bunk mate and other black friends tried to explain it to me. Then I saw whites to it to blacks.
I agree with Colin, racism is still alive and well in the US. Most of it however is perpetrated by blacks on whites in my opinion. And it is ironic that the worst examples come from a man who stood next to MLK Jr.
My dream is that every young black male in this country understand that every white guy isn’t out to get them. Stop listening to those who sell racism and hate. Stand up and be fathers to your children, and if you don’t have sons, mentor young black men around you. Encourage education (just like MLK did). Discourage gangs and violence. The Gangsta mentality is just plain dumb.
Most of us white guys want relationships with friends and neighbors who are different than us (same is boring). I love listening to the stories of my neighbor who was a sanitation worker in Memphis. His wife has adopted my son, and we count them not just as friends/neighbors, but as family. We are all God’s children. Miscommunication is usually two-way. Lets make the Country better together.
Sorry, what I get for posting comments after midnight and after taking benadryl.
No apologies needed. I liked your comment! Also, I could be posting after some Benadryl myself…. And a beer…or two… I don’t judge. : )
Whatever, you nailed it and I agree 100%. I experienced black on white racism in the military on my last trip to the sandbox. It’s unbelievably hypocritical.
I judge every person I meet on their actions and demeanor. That is all.
Absolutely well done post. No need to apologize – it needed saying.
Hell yeah! It drives me mad to see that the so called “black leaders” (Jackson, Sharpton, etc… Obama, Holder…) be anti freedom and anti gun. “Gun control” was used to prevent black people from protecting themselves and their families. Now the so called “leaders” are the biggest proponents of gun control.
They say that the government + system in general is still highly racist, yet they want that same government + system to disarm the people and further control our lives?! Its absolutely insane.
Mr. Colion Noir is awesome. If anyone should be looked up to and listened to by the black community, and really by anyone for that matter, its him. He believes in freedom.
Real freedom.
Not the bullshit the lying, scheming so called “leaders” of our communities and government claim to believe in.
All those black leaders you mentioned use the language of divisiveness and like to tell the Black Community its not their fault, it is someone else’s fault and by electing them it is the only way they will know freedom. So much emphasis in the Black Community is how they have been put down and there is little talk in the community about lifting themselves up.
They are shackled by many false leaders and false beliefs — they are killed everyday by their own kind and they support and celebrate the “gansta” living in the way they dress, talk and the music they choose while at the same blaming whites (and more recently Latino’s) for their situation. There is in a way a broken spirit — something that is difficult to repair.
Changing an ingrained culture is near impossible and even 100yrs from now it may be no different. The only way to change is by actually changing — something they do not wish to do. They elect the same leaders and continue the same cycle of unwed homes and poverty while teaching that the issue is someone else’s fault.
Look at immigrants who come here from other countries who barely speak the language, with little to nothing to their name and after 5 or so years have homes, businesses and well established healthy families. Yet, we are to believe that someone who is born here cannot do the same if they applied themselves.
There are many social and economic issues in urban centers but the largest issue is not wanting to change and listening to leaders whom if they examine carefully, have given them nothing over the years despite their promises. The left uses them as pawns to gain office and then abandons them all the while telling them it is someone else’s fault.
“So much emphasis in the Black Community is how they have been put down and there is little talk in the community about lifting themselves up.”
^^^^^ THAT is the root of the problem that we as a country have.
This. It’s much easier to find excuses and feel sorry for myself than get up and work hard every day to achieve something. The welfare system doesn’t motivate anyone either.
I love Colion Noir and the videos he produces, but this one just didn’t do it for me. While everything he is saying is sensible, he usually has such scathing logic that is impossible to disagree with. In this one he provides a history lesson attempting to paint the 2A struggle as something MLK Jr identified with. While he does, we know that history doesn’t matter to those on the other side of the aisle, it’s why we keep doubling down on failure at a federal level.
I posted this video on FB to annoy my liberal friends 🙂
Honestly I think it is disturbing that MLK has become a sacred cow and if you point out his plagiarism, womanizing and personal faults (such as an affinity for Communists) you are immediately considered a racist malcontent. I am not a racist a malcontent, I am just willing to question the diktats of political correctness.
I went to grade school in a district that embraced integration in the form of busing. For some grades they would bus black kids from the inner city to the burbs where I lived, and in other grades they would do it the other way around, bus us white kids to what was quite literally the ghetto. I graduated High School in 2002.
For three years I had to endure a long and unnecessary bus ride, almost an hour each way. The bus ride would eventually become shorter, but the experience remained the same throughout. The black kids would all sit in the back of the bus and do really reckless things, like throw objects out the window on the interstate and get in brutal fights. When I say “all” I am not exaggerating in any way. The black kids I rode the bus with practiced self segregation and in school it was hard to make black friends after a certain grade, because it got worse as we all got older.
In fourth through sixth grade when I was bused into the inner city, they pushed MLK very hard. They wanted us to worship the man. Even then, before I knew the truth about him, I found it odd that we had to recite this man’s speeches in large groups for an audience, in a very drawn out and over the top fashion. It felt very silly, especially since every day I was reminded that his so-called dream had not come to pass but for the machinations of the state, which had made a mockery of it.
I respect Colion’s viewpoint and I am sure he knows many of the more unsavory things about MLK. Many people know these things, but hardly anyone wants to bring them up for obvious reasons. Personally, I have a dream that some day men of all races will not be bound by the chains of political correctness and collectivism and forced to kowtow before the indoctrinated masses to gain approval.
MLK was in many ways a cretin, but he was in a position of influence at a key moment in history and he was a gifted public speaker. I’m not sure the man is deserving of his present legacy, but it is what it is and I don’t expect people to appreciate the truth of the matter for some time, if at all. My only fear is that the legacy of MLK is being or will eventually be used to promote something profoundly un-American.
You didn’t grow up in Atlanta, did you? Your experience is similar to mine. I grew up in DeKalb County, GA (E/NE portion of Atlanta). Due to a supreme court case back in the ’60s they started the M to M busing program. It was not mandated, but they would send whites/asians from the north end of the county to the “magnet” schools in the south end of the county where all of the high speed math and science programs were. The black kids in the south more or less go to pick where they went to HS. I lived in the district of one of the higher performing high schools at the time (graduated ’01). The funny thing was is there were 2 to 3 levels of classes based on performance for any given subject, usually. “regular” / Advanced / AP. The irony lied in the fact that nearly all AP classes were populated by the kids who lived in the district (mostly white/asian), Advanced classes usually were more kids from the district plus some of the MtoM kids who tried hard, and “Regular” featured most of the kids from the south end of the county plus the latinos that barely spoke english with a local mixed in every once in a while. So the school was essentially segregated since classes were structured on academic performance. Anyone could ask to be moved up/down but it seldom happened. So it was only the 30 or so minutes a day that I changed classes that I even realized I went to a school where I was a racial minority (being white).
Comically, in middle school they would have a history contest or whatever of who could remember the most black history. At a county level it was usually a white kid who ended up winning (it was my sister one year).
It is as you say, it was pretty much a given that any fight you heard about featured kids from the “regular” classes.
So on MLK Jr’s home turf segregation is still alive and well. The areas are segregated based on property values (gentrification, basically), and achievement (which is arguably linked to the culture in the home more than anything)
“… the right to defend one’s home and one’s person when attacked has been guaranteed through the ages by common law.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
the racist antis would say that he doesn’t say gun in that quote
Are these the same antis who refuse to acknowledge that the good Dr King applied for a CCW b/c of death threats but was denied b/c of his race? Oh yeah, Shannon Watts is a RACIST!!!!
Ah, the Letter From Birmingham Jail. Excellent piece.
The man has a point!
And yet the left will continue to villify him and all those like him as self-loathing [insert your favorite epithet here], while the right embraces him for who he is — and not based purely on the color of his skin.
That still doesn’t negate the simple truth that we still need more people like him (and women as well as LGBT!), though.
“And yet the left…” Wait, what?
Please try and keep up.
Okay, I went back and read it again and Excedrine was saying the Left vilifies Colin but I read it as vilifying MLK Jr. It was late and I was tired. Carry on Excedrine. My mistake.
I agree with Colin 100% but sometimes you have stand in your living room, look out the window between the curtains and hold an M1 Carbine in the other hand (see Malcolm X historical image).
I have that image on my iPhone.
Sustainable community SWATted for “unpaid parking ticket”:
You’re not using the word ‘Swated’ to its normal definition now (which means pranking someone except with cops instead of pizza). Additionally it sounds from your post like a swat team went in after an unpaid parking ticket which is completely misleading from the article itself. I don’t believe the drug war is a good idea but it’s dishonest to conflate a warrant based on probable cause of drug growing with some cops just busting down a door for an unpaid ticket. Way to show us how the media operates though, slanting things however you want to fit your narrative…
Hella good speech.
I’m white. Grew up in an all-white community but in my home that taught me that everyone was the same. I didn’t think anything about it when I left for boot camp and my bunk mate was black. I treated him as a brother, but had stupid questions like does the black rub off on you when you wrestle with a black guy? I grew to have deep friendships with others different from me and learned a lot. All the while not thinking anything about it. Maybe it was my complete innocents/ignorance, or maybe they could see in my heart I just didn’t see a difference.
Since then I’ve seen racism both ways. I didn’t see it until I was in boot. I wasn’t exposed to it growing up, and was taken back. My bunk mate and other black friends tried to explain it to me. Then I saw whites to it to blacks.
I agree with Colin, racism is still alive and well in the US. Most of it however is perpetrated by blacks on whites in my opinion. And it is ironic that the worst examples come from a man who stood next to MLK Jr.
My dream is that every young black male in this country understand that every white guy isn’t out to get them. Stop listening to those who sell racism and hate. Stand up and be fathers to your children, and if you don’t have sons, mentor young black men around you. Encourage education (just like MLK did). Discourage gangs and violence. The Gangsta mentality is just plain dumb.
Most of us white guys want relationships with friends and neighbors who are different than us (same is boring). I love listening to the stories of my neighbor who was a sanitation worker in Memphis. His wife has adopted my son, and we count them not just as friends/neighbors, but as family. We are all God’s children. Miscommunication is usually two-way. Lets make the Country better together.
Sorry, what I get for posting comments after midnight and after taking benadryl.
No apologies needed. I liked your comment! Also, I could be posting after some Benadryl myself…. And a beer…or two…
I don’t judge.
: )
Whatever, you nailed it and I agree 100%. I experienced black on white racism in the military on my last trip to the sandbox. It’s unbelievably hypocritical.
I judge every person I meet on their actions and demeanor. That is all.
Absolutely well done post. No need to apologize – it needed saying.
Hell yeah!
It drives me mad to see that the so called “black leaders” (Jackson, Sharpton, etc… Obama, Holder…) be anti freedom and anti gun. “Gun control” was used to prevent black people from protecting themselves and their families. Now the so called “leaders” are the biggest proponents of gun control.
They say that the government + system in general is still highly racist, yet they want that same government + system to disarm the people and further control our lives?! Its absolutely insane.
Mr. Colion Noir is awesome. If anyone should be looked up to and listened to by the black community, and really by anyone for that matter, its him. He believes in freedom.
Real freedom.
Not the bullshit the lying, scheming so called “leaders” of our communities and government claim to believe in.
All those black leaders you mentioned use the language of divisiveness and like to tell the Black Community its not their fault, it is someone else’s fault and by electing them it is the only way they will know freedom. So much emphasis in the Black Community is how they have been put down and there is little talk in the community about lifting themselves up.
They are shackled by many false leaders and false beliefs — they are killed everyday by their own kind and they support and celebrate the “gansta” living in the way they dress, talk and the music they choose while at the same blaming whites (and more recently Latino’s) for their situation. There is in a way a broken spirit — something that is difficult to repair.
Changing an ingrained culture is near impossible and even 100yrs from now it may be no different. The only way to change is by actually changing — something they do not wish to do. They elect the same leaders and continue the same cycle of unwed homes and poverty while teaching that the issue is someone else’s fault.
Look at immigrants who come here from other countries who barely speak the language, with little to nothing to their name and after 5 or so years have homes, businesses and well established healthy families. Yet, we are to believe that someone who is born here cannot do the same if they applied themselves.
There are many social and economic issues in urban centers but the largest issue is not wanting to change and listening to leaders whom if they examine carefully, have given them nothing over the years despite their promises. The left uses them as pawns to gain office and then abandons them all the while telling them it is someone else’s fault.
“So much emphasis in the Black Community is how they have been put down and there is little talk in the community about lifting themselves up.”
^^^^^ THAT is the root of the problem that we as a country have.
This. It’s much easier to find excuses and feel sorry for myself than get up and work hard every day to achieve something. The welfare system doesn’t motivate anyone either.
I love Colion Noir and the videos he produces, but this one just didn’t do it for me. While everything he is saying is sensible, he usually has such scathing logic that is impossible to disagree with. In this one he provides a history lesson attempting to paint the 2A struggle as something MLK Jr identified with. While he does, we know that history doesn’t matter to those on the other side of the aisle, it’s why we keep doubling down on failure at a federal level.
I posted this video on FB to annoy my liberal friends 🙂
Honestly I think it is disturbing that MLK has become a sacred cow and if you point out his plagiarism, womanizing and personal faults (such as an affinity for Communists) you are immediately considered a racist malcontent. I am not a racist a malcontent, I am just willing to question the diktats of political correctness.
I went to grade school in a district that embraced integration in the form of busing. For some grades they would bus black kids from the inner city to the burbs where I lived, and in other grades they would do it the other way around, bus us white kids to what was quite literally the ghetto. I graduated High School in 2002.
For three years I had to endure a long and unnecessary bus ride, almost an hour each way. The bus ride would eventually become shorter, but the experience remained the same throughout. The black kids would all sit in the back of the bus and do really reckless things, like throw objects out the window on the interstate and get in brutal fights. When I say “all” I am not exaggerating in any way. The black kids I rode the bus with practiced self segregation and in school it was hard to make black friends after a certain grade, because it got worse as we all got older.
In fourth through sixth grade when I was bused into the inner city, they pushed MLK very hard. They wanted us to worship the man. Even then, before I knew the truth about him, I found it odd that we had to recite this man’s speeches in large groups for an audience, in a very drawn out and over the top fashion. It felt very silly, especially since every day I was reminded that his so-called dream had not come to pass but for the machinations of the state, which had made a mockery of it.
I respect Colion’s viewpoint and I am sure he knows many of the more unsavory things about MLK. Many people know these things, but hardly anyone wants to bring them up for obvious reasons. Personally, I have a dream that some day men of all races will not be bound by the chains of political correctness and collectivism and forced to kowtow before the indoctrinated masses to gain approval.
MLK was in many ways a cretin, but he was in a position of influence at a key moment in history and he was a gifted public speaker. I’m not sure the man is deserving of his present legacy, but it is what it is and I don’t expect people to appreciate the truth of the matter for some time, if at all. My only fear is that the legacy of MLK is being or will eventually be used to promote something profoundly un-American.
You didn’t grow up in Atlanta, did you? Your experience is similar to mine. I grew up in DeKalb County, GA (E/NE portion of Atlanta). Due to a supreme court case back in the ’60s they started the M to M busing program. It was not mandated, but they would send whites/asians from the north end of the county to the “magnet” schools in the south end of the county where all of the high speed math and science programs were. The black kids in the south more or less go to pick where they went to HS. I lived in the district of one of the higher performing high schools at the time (graduated ’01). The funny thing was is there were 2 to 3 levels of classes based on performance for any given subject, usually. “regular” / Advanced / AP. The irony lied in the fact that nearly all AP classes were populated by the kids who lived in the district (mostly white/asian), Advanced classes usually were more kids from the district plus some of the MtoM kids who tried hard, and “Regular” featured most of the kids from the south end of the county plus the latinos that barely spoke english with a local mixed in every once in a while. So the school was essentially segregated since classes were structured on academic performance. Anyone could ask to be moved up/down but it seldom happened. So it was only the 30 or so minutes a day that I changed classes that I even realized I went to a school where I was a racial minority (being white).
Comically, in middle school they would have a history contest or whatever of who could remember the most black history. At a county level it was usually a white kid who ended up winning (it was my sister one year).
It is as you say, it was pretty much a given that any fight you heard about featured kids from the “regular” classes.
So on MLK Jr’s home turf segregation is still alive and well. The areas are segregated based on property values (gentrification, basically), and achievement (which is arguably linked to the culture in the home more than anything)
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