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Anytime anyone is shot for any reason, gun control advocates see it as a gun problem. Exhibit A: the antis’ willingness to include firearms-related suicides to pad  their “gun violence” stats. When it comes to Chicago’s astounding levels of firearms-related injuries and homicides, for advocates of civilian disarmament, it’s all about “easy access to guns.” Great landing, wrong airport . . .

Truth be told, gangs are the cause of all but a fraction of Chicago’s “gun violence” victims. Any suggestion that gun control can “choke off” gang bangers’ access to firearms is a [crack] pipe dream. Ipso facto. The Windy City’s draconian gun control regime has done nothing to stop the shootings.

As proof that Chiraq’s suffering is a gang — not a gun — problem, here’s an excerpt from the Chicago Tribune’s Friday-into-Saturday report 11 wounded, 1 fatally, in 9 hours. See if any of these tales of ballistic discharge doesn’t seem gang-related:

• Just before 3:50 a.m., a man was critically injured in a shooting in the 3600 block of West Ohio Street in the East Garfield Park neighborhood on the city’s West Side, police said. He was shot in the back, and he was taken in critical condition to Stroger Hospital. Police did not release additional details about the shooting.

• In the Chicago Lawn neighborhood about 2:05 a.m., a 32-year-old man who was driving for UberEats was grazed in the arm while he was stopped at a stop sign in the 3200 block of West 60th Street, police said. The shooter was on the sidewalk and opened fire, grazing the driver in the arm. As the 32-year-old man was driving away, a black Hummer began following him with someone from the vehicle firing additional shots at him. The driver declined medical attention.

• Two people were wounded during a drive-by shooting just before 1:30 a.m. in the 1400 block of North Talman Avenue in the Humboldt Park neighborhood, police said. The men were standing outside when someone inside a silver car shot at them. A 37-year-old man was shot in the arm and in the chest, and a 34-year-old man was shot in the abdomen and the hand. The older man’s condition was stabilized at Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, and the 34-year-old man’s condition was stabilized at Stroger Hospital.

• In the North Austin neighborhood about 12:35 a.m., a 20-year-old man was in the passenger seat of a car in the 5000 block of West Division Street when someone fired at the car. He was wounded in the neck, and he took himself to West Suburban Medical Center. His condition was stabilized.

• About 12:10 a.m. Saturday, a 46-year-old man was shot in the right leg during a drive-by shooting in the 300 block of South Albany Avenue in the East Garfield Park neighborhood, police said. He was standing outside when someone inside a passing car shot at him. His condition was stabilized at Mount Sinai Hospital.

• A 24-year-old woman was shot in the left arm about 12:05 a.m. while she was walking in the 6300 block of South Ashland Avenue in the West Englewood neighborhood, police said. She was walking north on Ashland Avenue when shooters opened fire. She took herself to St. Bernard Hospital, where her condition was stabilized.

• A 35-year-old man was critically wounded about 11:20 p.m. outside of a gas station in the 5900 block of South Morgan Street in the Englewood neighborhood. People inside a Chrysler 300 pulled up next to the man, got out of the car and opened fire, striking the man in the head, police said. He was taken in critical condition to Stroger Hospital. Police are investigating if the shooters took the victim’s hospital. A large pool of what appeared to be blood could be seen next to one of the gas station’s gas pumps.

• In the East Garfield Park neighborhood on the city’s West Side, someone shot a 22-year-old man as he was getting into a car about 10:45 p.m. in the 3200 block of West Franklin Boulevard, police said. He was shot in both legs, and his condition was stabilized at Stroger Hospital.

• Earlier Friday night, a 35-year-old victim was shot about 6:55 p.m. in the 6900 block of South Prairie Avenue in the Park Manor neighborhood. He was walking on a sidewalk when an assailant who was also on foot pulled a gun and shot him in the left buttock, Chicago police said. The man was taken to Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn where his condition had stabilized, police said.

Police did not report arrests in any of the shootings.

The best “answer” to this plague of “gun violence”: eliminate the City’s revolving door justice system. That link is from The Trib, BTW, which supports gun control in all its forms. Go figure.

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  1. Nope. More like a failed government system that prefer to accommodate the criminals’ rights than it’s citizens.

  2. But but but…who’d vote for the democlowns if they were incarcerated?!? Funny but I’ve been in every damn locale mentioned. Stay safe in Texas RF-I heard the storm is spreading to Austin. My cousin lives in the little town of Wimberley…

  3. If they are unwilling to clearly look at and identify the root cause of a problem, they can never solve said problem.

  4. Who really cares. It’s Chiraq. The more dead thugs the better. No one makes good people stay there. There are safer places to live and jobs can be found if you’re willing to work. Choosing to stay in a failed 3rd world city/state is a recipe for disaster much like Venezuela.

  5. It is a Welfare Industrial Complex problem. But there are many people who like controling how families are created. The hatred of the Traditional Family is very strong in the three L’s, Libertarians, Liberals and the Left.

    I understand why people have problems with organized religion. But I seems these same people prefer organized godless government intervention instead. With gun free zone public housing projects.

    • Religion has nothing to do with it, or god would just put an end to the violence. The PEOPLE have to stop this insanity, there is no chance any government ever will.

  6. Massive multicultural empires like ours, never last. The only one to last any significant amount of time was Rome. Take that as you will.

    • We are definitely following the declining multicultural empire model. Federal Government is a paper tiger at this point. It’s broke and every institution it has, even the Armed Forces, are corrupt and falling apart. Every State has its unique vision of governance and the rights of residents (citizenship is passe) and laws are becoming radically different. Normally citizens unite and sacrifice to dig nations out of these messes. But American citizenship has become a meaningless, cheap trinket handed out willy-nilly. It is arguable that being undocumented in the U.S. is preferable to being born here.
      The silver lining is that living in the twilight years of a failing empire historically is usually great for citizens. Basically we are mice gorging on the seed corn with no care for tomorrow. Enjoy the feast! I personally hope that America can keep together for a few decades more until I croak, but that’s probably wishful thinking. At some point the Left or the Right could push a national agenda on the States and some of them will be willing to resist with force. Or alternatively we will have a financial crisis, major war, or other black swan that will bankrupt us, and then shit will get real.

  7. Of course Chiraq has a gun problem. Just look at the reports: shot in arm, shot in leg, graze — those guns just don’t shoot straight at all. If they did, Chiraq would be a ghost town.

    As it should be.

  8. If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about the answers.
    Thomas Pynchon in Gravity’s Rainbow
    There’s a lot of that going around these days.

  9. I asked my gun to shoot up people. Didn’t even answer that piece of shit. But it didn’t go out to kill people either so i think we are fine until skynet takes over armed robots. It’s almost like regular weapons are inanimate pieces of steel.

  10. chicago–not unlike the rest of the country–doesnt have a gun problem

    it has an a-hole problem

    get rid of the a-holes and then everybody can have ten guns of whatever shape and size–even guns that fall under the nfa–and all the gun killings would stop

    but the powers that be dont want an armed populace you see

    they want a disarmed one…much easier to control

    thats why eric holder let it slip that their aim and goal and plan is to brainwash people to get them to believe that the 2nd amendment doesnt mean what it says

    its the only way as its some of the clearest language in the entire document…it couldnt be any more unambiguous

    so the killings will continue and the people who continue to elect democrats in cities like chicago new york la baltimore and philly will continue to get the government they deserve

    and the rest of us can continue to be thankful we dont live there

  11. Chitcago doesn’t even want to fix their problem. They just want to use the statistics of it to govern you.

    Again, it’s an evil POS (D) problem. You encounter similar wherever you encounter them in great numbers, and even more when they’re in charge. And it’s more of their “We’re F’d up, we need to fix you” plan.

    NOTICE, the only way the evil POS (D) would be more happy, is if THEY killed all of these with scissors as they dropped out of their moms (and they got to sell the pieces for medicine and food, and fund their campaigns with the proceeds).

    Don’t let them bs you into thinking they give a rat’s a_ _ about them shooting each other. AND DON’T LET THEM THREATEN YOU WITH GUN CONTROL TYRANNY.

    • “NOTICE, the only way the evil POS (D) would be more happy, is if THEY killed all of these with scissors as they dropped out of their moms (and they got to sell the pieces for medicine and food, and fund their campaigns with the proceeds).”

      THAT, now, would be a spectacularly wonderful result, can anyone at all find a problem with it?

  12. Gangs, ignorant voters, and dirty politicians make Chicago bleed money before midnight and blood after.

  13. It is obvious the authorities aren’t even trying anymore. At this point the city should start advertising their “Murder theme parks” and sell tickets to armored buses filled with tourists. I bet tour companies are already doing something like this.

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