Image via Twitter.

Chicago Police wanted murder charges to be filed after a felon illegally carrying a gun shot a man repeatedly, killing him. Not only did Juan Ferba, 26, fire at least 14 rounds, striking Kristopher Willett a number of times — including three times in the head — but Ferba also hit a woman on a CTA bus with an errant round.

However, Cook County’s Soros-funded State’s Attorney Kim Foxx looked at the case and pronounced it…self-defense. Now Mr. Ferba is only facoing charges related to being a felon in possession of a firearm rather than a murder rap.

Should Mr. Ferba be able to scrape up and post $1000 in cash, he can go home ahead of a trial.

CWB Chicago has more

Chicago police say they know who fatally shot a man outside a South Side liquor store and shot a woman who was sitting on a nearby CTA bus in December. But prosecutors refused to charge the suspect with shooting either person due to “self-defense,” according to court records and the man’s defense attorney.

Instead, Juan Ferba, 26, is charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm — the gun officials say video footage shows him using to shoot both people.

Chicago police arrested Ferba on Tuesday with plans to charge him with murder and attempted murder, according to a CPD arrest report. But a prosecutor in the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office “rejected the first-degree murder and attempted first-degree murder charge for self-defense,” a police supervisor wrote in the report…

A 21-year-old woman seated inside a nearby CTA bus was shot in her hand, officials said. Video aired by ABC7 on the night of the shooting showed at least four bullet holes in the bus windows.

But Ferba’s defense attorney reminded Judge Susana Ortiz that the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office refused to charge him with any wrongdoing related to the shooting allegations.

“They allege he had a firearm, but there’s no indication it was ever found in his possession,” the lawyer argued.

The old “it wasn’t me” defense.

After confirming that Ferba was not facing any charges other than gun possession, Judge Susana Ortiz ordered him to pay a $1,000 bail deposit to go home on electronic monitoring. He is due in court again on January 18.

And people wonder why Chicago has a violent crime problem.


  1. If it was self-defense then I have no problem with the DA not pursuing charges based on a self-defense claim even if the man was prohibited from having a firearm and could care less about how many times the other person was shot. The bystander getting shot in the hand is regrettable and I hope the man is a little bit more careful next time. Given that he is in Chicago I’m assuming that there will be a next time.

  2. “They allege he had a firearm, but there’s no indication it was ever found in his possession,”

    Ahhh… the ‘Luke Skywalker’ defense, didn’t need to have the gun in his possession – he used the force to make the gun fire.

    • Either the Luke Skywalker defense or the SODDI defense. Some Other Dude Did It. A very popular defense in this county in CA.

  3. I’m not familiar with the details of this one. but if it is as bad as it sounds then this is why stuff like the Houston taco shop shooting happens.

    If people think real bad guys are just going to get let off then they are going to make sure they end the criminals career once and for all.

  4. Context matters, and this article provides none. Was it actually self defense? Inquiring minds want to know.

    • If the police wanted to go for 1st degree murder in most jurisdictions it would be a huge context clue but not as familiar with Chicago re use of force/self defense. With that said probably still a context clue due to the unwillingness of the prosecutor to press charges against a totally legal gun owner.

  5. How did they determine self defense? If true then I agree with officer bill above. 2a is for everybody. If a convicted felon served their time they should have their rights restored.

  6. For starters let’s ignore the “felon i possession” issue and just focus on the shooting in question.Seems that was totally justified. Yet some seem to add that to the “lawlessness” in Chicago.
    Now we’re left with the felon in possession issue. Has he served his sentence for the “felony” charge? If so his rights need to be restored, includin that of going about armed. Further it is not clear what his “felony offense ” was. Many actions are falsely labelled “felony” and should not be. This, along with the “once a felon always a felon” mantra violate constitutional rights. cruel and unusual punishment right to arms etc. Some things labelled “felony” are not such at all. To disarm a man for life on that basis denies him his God-given rights to self-defense.
    More infirmation is needed, but if the shooting itself is indeed self-defense, let it be that and move on.
    Seems his decision to carry a handgun was a wise one… he NEEDED it to defend his life. Better to get the “unlawful possession” rap and be alive than to “obey the law” (likely unjust on its face)and end up dead.

    I will allow, in addition to all the above, that he may have put himself in unnecessary danger by being where he was, but it seems he was just in a normal place in Chicago. That town is one place I simply choose to avoid, at least until the dweebs running da joint do their jobs. Seems if they had been doing it well enougu this “incident” never would have happened.

    • @Tionico

      “…just focus on the shooting in question.Seems that was totally justified. ”

      wait… maybe I missed something …are you saying it was justified because Kim Foxx said it was self-defense?

      • Exactly. There is a paucity of evidence to establish this conclusion by the DA. Was the other guy shooting at him before his demise? Inquiring minds want to know.OK sure, it could have been another gang banger–from a different gang, but we should be let in on that little secret if the decisions of Foxx are to be given any credence.

        • The news reports are saying they were arguing (about what I don’t know) and this felon in possession pulls out the gun and starts shooting. From the way its phrased in their reports the first shot may have been to the head. It could have been another criminal (e.g. gang banger) but don’t know.

          As far as Kim Foxx – she is known to be anti-self-defense when a law abiding person with no other choice employs DGU, and gladly goes after the law abiding 2A rights in her support and overreach. And she like all anti-gun blames law abiding gun owners for the acts of criminals using guns in their crimes and wants law abiding gun owners 2A rights removed/restricted and their guns banned.

          So now she is accepting and blessing criminals using guns for, she says, self-defense?

          And we are expected to take her word for it? When we haven’t taken her word for anything else because she is clearly and provably biased and a devout and compromised and racist ‘paid’ anti-gun freak who does everything she can not to allow self-defense DGU for the law abiding against the very criminal element she emboldens and lets run free?

      • “because Kim Foxx said it was self-defense?“

        Imagine how interesting it will be when the Texas DA files murder charges against the taco shooter.

        • “Imagine how interesting it will be when the Texas DA files murder charges against the taco shooter.”

          Imagine how interesting it will be when people here can have a discussion without you jumping in with something confirmation biased and out of context.

        • “out of context”

          So you don’t believe there’s any contextual relationship between the public place defensive gun use in Chicago and the taco DGU shooting in Texas?

          I do find your position interesting as well.

        • “So you don’t believe there’s any contextual relationship between the public place defensive gun use in Chicago and the taco DGU shooting in Texas?

          I do find your position interesting as well.”

          No I don’t believe there’s any contextual relationship. And you just told us why and you don’t even realize it.

    • gentleman i work with lives in that neighborhood. he was shot in the leg at that same likka sto’ a few years ago. just hangin’ out with his homeys; it was intended for a different member of the group. nice guy, old habits.

      • “… it was intended for a different member of the group.”

        Had the shooter hit the intended target, would the DA have charged him?

    • This.

      Beefing and escalating yoots engaging in mutual combat with the victor claiming self-defense is going to be used as a nudge to convince the suburbs and sheltered white ninnies that carry and self defense are bad things. Injured bystanders are a bonus.

    • That’s what I’m thinking. Their plan is to give everyone a free pass until the masses demand self defense laws repealed and we go back to the era of duty to retreat.

  7. and why chicago has a
    “good people moving out” problem
    which will eventually lead to a
    “not enough tax base to provide basic city services” problem
    which will lead to a “wow we really turned into detroit in a hurry problem”

  8. Not enough information in the article to make any kind of determination if the self-defense defense was legit or something just ginned up by the prosecutors. Some statement would have to be made why Ferba felt it was justified pumping off 14 shots at someone. Was the person that ended up dying an attacker? The author of the article has slanted the piece to make it seem like yet another felon is going to be let loose on the streets. Inquiring minds want to know what the real situation was that made the defense of self-defense legitimate.

  9. and why chicago has a
    “good people moving out” problem
    which will eventually lead to a
    “not enough tax base to provide basic city services” problem
    which will eventually lead to a “wow – we really turned into detroit in a hurry – how did that happen – nobody saw that coming” problem

  10. The man in Houston who shot a robber can use this statement as setting legal precedent since he shot the criminal several times including in the head when he was already incapacitated. Not condoning either action…. just saying.

  11. They are just keeping the prison and jail population down. This has been demanded, for many decades now. That is the Libertarian Liberal and Left wing mind set. SA Kim Foxx is doing exactly what they want.

  12. breathless title and snarky article but absolutely no actual discussion on the merits of the self defense claim other than the number of shots? Curiously omitted info that seems pretty damn relevant: “Willett pulled out a firearm simultaneously”

    Two things. First, a glancing shot to the head will not neutralize a threat. Second, if shots are fired in rapid succession- which often happens in valid self-defense scenarios, including police shootings- someone can be struck multiple times before they hit the ground. Was the decedent evidently no longer a threat and the suspect continued shooting him?

    • “First, a glancing shot to the head will not neutralize a threat.”

      Not always true. I’ve done it twice and it neutralized the threat. A glancing shot to the head can cause a massive concussion that renders the person unconscious.

      But gunshot wounds to the head: 42% of those (non-suicide) shot in the head survive. 20% of suicide-by-gun-shot-to-the-head survive. Women have a 72% better chance of surviving a gunshot to the head than men do.

      “Second … someone can be struck multiple times before they hit the ground.”

      That’s true. I put several .40 S&W rounds in a bad guy and he was still up and aggressing and shooting at me and trying to get to my wife.

      • .40 cal Booger,

        I put several .40 S&W rounds in a bad guy and he was still up and aggressing and shooting at me and trying to get to my wife.

        Three questions:

        1) What type/brand of bullets did you launch at said attacker?

        2) What were the locations and nature of those wounds?

        3) Was your attacker amped-up on drugs?

        As you are surely well aware, bullet type/construction, wound location/path, and an attacker’s drugged-up status all have GINORMOUS impacts on incapacitation potential.

        • Going back and checking now in my ammo usage log, actually at the time I was loaded with Federal Hydra-Shok 165 grain in two mags and Hornady XTP 155-grain JHP in one mag.

          I’ve related this incident before, but briefly:

          It was difficult to get shots landed in them because of the environment as they had lots of cover from the cars and the structure, but kept moving around to try to get to my wife so would expose their selves. So I took what I could get when they exposed a body part. Had to keep advancing on them and firing to keep them pinned down and away from my wife. In one guy (the one with the knife) I put two in his right side just below his rib cage, and one in his left thigh, and another two in his lower center back (this had the effect of paralyzing him). The one with the gun I put two in his lower left chest, one in his upper left chest, one in his right groin area, two in his right upper thigh and one in his right foot. The one with the gun was still up and firing at me as I advanced. The one with the knife was down and paralyzed but still alive (and still is today, although paralyzed). I kept firing and finally when I was within a few feet of the one with the gun and he saw me as he came up with the gun again I put two more rounds center mass and he went down. I had three rounds of ammo left out of three magazines. Its not easy to hit a moving target when you are moving around too.

          No, not on drugs although I have no doubt they were not strangers to drug use. Just plain evil and violent. They had attempted to abduct and rape my wife at knife and gun point and had successfully done so to three other women before that and on the third one had tried to kill her but she lived. They will never do this again to anyone.

          As my wife struggled with them she saw me coming from across the distance and screamed at them “He’s gonna kill you sons a bitches!” and that’s when they saw me coming. She broke free when they turned their attention on me but got trapped between them and they kept trying to get to her.

          From the time they saw me to the last shot I fired, was under five minutes on the surveillance camera video. Sheriffs department rolled up about 30 seconds after I fired my last shot, 911 had been called by a bystander before I fired my first shot.

        • .40 cal Booger,

          Thank you for the details. I imagine that it is emotionally difficult to review your incident.

          Both Hydra-shok and XTP hollowpoints are supposed to be pretty good. So, to some extent, I am a tiny bit surprised that it took so many hits to incapacitate your attackers. On the other hand, there are plenty of events where attackers keep absorbing handgun rounds without any obvious significant effect until several minutes later.

          I am glad that you and your wife survived this event without any significant physical injuries. Of course the emotional trauma had/has to be a different matter and much more involved to heal/recover from. I wish you the best in that regard.

  13. I need a whole lot more context for what actually went down to decide if this is bad or good

    If he actually was attacked and defended himself, good(personally I don’t like the idea of lifetime prohibition after serving your time, if the person paid their price they paid it and deserve full rights back)

    If he wasn’t and this is just a ploy to enrage people about “self defense” then bad

    But I don’t have enough info to decide either way

  14. Is this a case where they’re trying to call it “self-defense” so they can redefine self-defense as totally irresponsibly lead slinging, therefore bad and use it to support gun control? The ol’ “We can’t stop the crazy because it’s legal!” manner of shifting the Overton Window because the outcome dovetails with the whole “weapons of war” narrative?

    Or did this guy just suck at shooting and end up getting a few rounds into the BG like, you know, a cop would do?

      • Oh yeah, lets not forget the mostly peaceful BLM and their summer of carnage … then there is this > BLM New York threatening bloodshed if plain clothes officers return to ‘stop and frisk’ practices

        “New York Mayor-elect Eric Adams received massive pushback from the New York City chapter of Black Lives Matter who threatened “riots and bloodshed” if the New York Police Department re-enacted their “stop and frisk” practices with plainclothes officers, according to ABC 7 New York. ”

        Oh yeah, and this > ‘BURN THEM DOWN’ BLM leader threatens to ‘burn the White House down’ and put police ‘in f***ing graves’ >

        Oh yeah, and lets not forget the thousands of Black people (collectedly) tortured, raped, murdered, oppressed, threatened, by the democrat created and run KKK. Also lets not forget the thousands of women and men forced sterilized by a liberal facism cadre. And lets not forget the democrat party heavily armed violent left wing radical ‘adopted army’ called ‘Antifa’.

        and ya know, thousands more democrat’s, and far left wing violent radicals, and BLM inspired mischief and carnage

        • to Booger Brain

          Ignoramuses like you try and insinuate that the type of people who were once Southern Democrats have not switched over to the Republican party over 100 years ago. Nice try with the far right lies and propaganda but educated people are laughing at you.

        • to Booger Brain

          And also Retardo none of the links you gave were about people trying to destroy American Democracy and establish a dictatorship. Most were protesting for national reforms long overdue and most were peaceful despite far right hateful lies and propaganda as to what actually happened.

        • Nice revisionist history efforts there dacian.

          You obviously don’t do much real research or know much about anything.

      • “people do bad things sometimes and its got nothing to do with who they supported or not”

        So you don’t think that Republican Peña’s attack on his Democratic opponents had anything whatsoever to do with his political party and support of Donald Trump’s bullshit ‘stolen election’ claims?

        So what do you think motivated the Republican politician to use firearms in multiple violent attacks against democratic rivals, employing his Republican gang in a violent conspiracy?

        Donald Trump’s lies are nothing more than a disinformation campaign to cover up Republican election fraud. Fortunately, the safeguards built into our election system are catching more and more Republican election fraudsters:

        “Former New York Election Official Admits to Vote Fraud Scheme
        Jason Schofield, a Republican, pleaded guilty to using voters’ personal information illegally to obtain absentee ballots as a Rensselaer County election commissioner.
        Ed Shanahan
        By Ed Shanahan
        Jan. 11, 2023”

        “Prosecutors charged Kimberly Zapata, who was fired earlier in the week, with felony misconduct in office and three misdemeanor counts of election fraud. She could face up to five years behind bars if convicted of all four counts. Her attorney, Michael Maistelman, declined comment.
        On the morning of Oct. 25, she made up three names with fake Social Security numbers and requested military absentee ballots in those names through MyVote Wisconsin, the state’s voter database, the complaint said.”

        “An Iowa official’s wife is charged with 52 counts of voter fraud in congressional race
        January 14, 20239:22 AM ET
        SIOUX CITY, Iowa — The wife of a northwestern Iowa county supervisor has been charged with 52 counts of voter fraud after she allegedly filled out and cast absentee ballots in her husband’s unsuccessful race for a Republican nomination to run for Congress in 2020, federal prosecutors said.“

        This last case is interesting, this Republican election cheater was released on a personal recognizance bond. Let’s see if she gets prison time like this Democratic voter did:

        “A Texas appeals court on Thursday upheld a five-year prison sentence for a woman who was convicted of illegally voting even though she didn’t know she was ineligible when she went to the polls in 2016. The punishment for the Fort Worth woman, Crystal Mason, stirred national outrage because of its severity, prompting accusations that prosecutors were trying to intimidate Texans from voting.“

        Let’s do the math, one illegal vote equals five years in prison, so 52 illegal votes should equal 260 years in prison.

        Anybody want to wager that these Republican election cheaters will do zero time in prison?

        Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican.

        • @Miner49er

          “So you don’t think that Republican Peña’s attack on his Democratic opponents had anything whatsoever to do with his political party and support of Donald Trump’s bullshit ‘stolen election’ claims?”

          I never said either way. Yet here you are once again pretending to know what people think just so you can once again screech “TRumppppp!”

          Seriously, get some mental health professional help. Your obsession with Trump and religion is unhealthy especially when you claim to know what others think to invent reasons to screech about it.

        • 40oz: “I never said either way.“

          Also 40oz: “people do bad things sometimes and it’s got nothing to do with who they supported or not“

          And the pertinent part would be:
          “it’s got nothing to do with who they supported“

          So you maintain the Republican politician’s violent assault on his Democratic rivals has nothing to do with his political affiliation or support?

          Sadly, the facts prove otherwise:

          “After receiving just over 26 percent of the vote in his run for the state house seat in District 14 representing eastern Albuquerque, Peña tweeted that he “never conceded” his race and is now “researching my options.” After his loss, the Albuquerque Police Department said that he visited “at least three” county commissioners to show them paperwork that would prove his election-fraud claims. An APD spokesperson said in a press conference that the officials were “puzzled and surprised” by the encounters and that one led to “quite an argument.” Shortly after, the shootings began.“

        • @Miner49er

          “So you maintain the Republican politician’s violent assault on his Democratic rivals has nothing to do with his political affiliation or support?”

          Once again Miner49er, I never said any such thing.

          “people do bad things sometimes and it’s got nothing to do with who they supported or not“ – is simply a general statement of fact of life, its not saying one way or another anything about any political party or support or no support of a political party.

          I never said either way. Yet here you are once again pretending to know what people think just so you can once again screech “TRumppppp!”

          Seriously, get some mental health professional help. Your obsession with Trump and religion is unhealthy especially when you claim to know what others think to invent reasons to screech about it.

        • Hunter Biden asks judge to stop his 4-year-old daughter, who he had with a stripper, from taking his surname, say reports >

          “Hunter Biden asked a judge to stop his four-year-old daughter, who he had with an Arkansas stripper, from taking his surname, the New York Post reported.

          President Joe Biden’s son made the request to an Arkansas court on January 6, arguing that the name would rob the child of a ‘peaceful existence.’

          The child’s mother, Lunden Roberts, had asked Circuit Court Judge Holly Meyer on December 27 to allow daughter Navy Joan Roberts to take Biden’s name, arguing that she would benefit as the name is ‘now synonymous with being well educated, successful, financially acute and politically powerful,’ the paper reported. ”

          This is the type of people Joe Biden and his son Hunter are, what the Biden’s are. Hunter has a child with this woman and now wants to ‘dis-avow’ the child denying the child what is rightfully hers, and he does it with the lame and false excuse of “that the name would rob the child of a ‘peaceful existence’ ” while he enjoys the fame and money and status and education and lifestyle and benefits and comfort that comes with the Biden name and he refuses to publicly acknowledge her and it took a court case to force him to do so and then he does it it in a manner as to slight her and deny her. And on top of that Joe and Jill will not even acknowledge actively the child as their grand daughter.

          All this by the Biden’s is intentionally inhumanly cruel and inflicting emotional and psychological, and financial, and quality of life, damage on a child. They inflict intentional damage without regard for the lives of others. This is a life long and career thing with all of them, its a way of life for them, its the Biden flavor of their intentional inhuman cruel damage they inflict that they thrive on and enjoy. Now Joe Biden is doing it to law abiding gun owners in the millions – inflicting the Biden flavor of intentional damage to remove/restrict/deny our inherent constitutional right to deny to us what is rightfully ours.

          Joe Biden, the Biden’s, are far more ‘criminal’ in nature by their acts of their flavor of cruelty than Trump ever was in anything he did.

          Miner49er – you want to cheer on Biden by demeaning Trump while ignoring the criminal nature of Biden, that’s up to you. But it does not speak well for your state of mental health or your intent, and not only that but your support and defense of the Biden’s enables their criminal nature to continue to exist and paints you as the same as them in nature – and this is an evil the world does not need. So now we know what type of person you are Miner49er.

    • A fascist Leftist calling a common criminal the bad guy? Only dacian is that disconnected from reality.

      ‘Trumpite.’ That’s goebbels speak right there.

      • “Pena was an election denier…”

        What do you think should happen to those who deny the results of an election?“

        The problem at hand isn’t his public denial of the election, if he’s expressing his opinion that’s just free speech.

        The problem is, he expressed it as a fact and used it as motivation to engage in a violent criminal conspiracy to use lethal force against his democratic rivals.

        I’m not surprised this difference escapes the average Republican voter, as Donald Trump said “I love the poorly educated!”

        • And the guy that shot up the DC pols at the soft ball game was your typical leftist dem? I used to think you had some education, miner. It turns out I was wrong. You’re just another partisan foot soldier following the orders without question from above. soros, gates bloomberg, bezos, are your masters. Corporate billionaires own you.

        • “your typical leftist dem?“

          No, he was an ordinary deranged citizen, never engaged in a political campaign as a Republican/Democrat candidate for the legislature.

          Republican candidate Peña received the Republican committee’s approval to run for office, even though he was a convicted felon who had served 7 years in a New Mexico state prison:

          “Peña previously served almost seven years in prison after a 2008 conviction for stealing a large volume of goods in a “smash and grab scheme,” CNN affiliate KOAT reported.“

          Oh yeah, these Republican conspirators are doing so much to advance the cause of firearms freedom in America!

          “That day, Lopez “heard loud bangs but dismissed them as fireworks at the time,” she told police.

          But her 10-year-old daughter woke up thinking a spider was crawling on her face and that there was sand in her bed. It turned out to be sheetrock dust that was blown onto the child’s face from a bullet passing through her bedroom, the affidavit says.

          Police later found “12 impacts” at the state senator’s home and shell casings nearby, according to the affidavit.

          About 40 minutes after the shooting, a deputy spotted a silver Nissan Maxima with “an improperly displayed license plate sticker” about four miles from Lopez’s home and made a traffic stop, the affidavit states.

          The Nissan was registered to Peña — but it was driven by José Trujillo, who had a felony warrant out for his arrest, the affidavit states.

          In the trunk, the deputy found a Glock handgun with a drum magazine and an AR pistol, police said. The handgun matched the shell casings from the lawmaker’s home, police said.“

          Say, I wonder if the Republicans AR15 pistol had a brace…

        • Always a ‘qualifier’ with you, miner. As I said your billionaire masters have a loyal minion in you.

      • The problem at hand isn’t his public denial of the election, if he’s expressing his opinion that’s just free speech.

        The problem is, he expressed it as a fact and used it as motivation to engage in a violent criminal conspiracy to use lethal force against his democratic rivals.

        • that’s rich coming from you Miner49er… the video shows the Democrats in their own words denying the election… the very thing you were accusing republicans of and by exclusion and your own denial claim the democrats as innocent of such. and now you try to move the goal post to get away from the fact that you have once again been shown to be lying hypocrite.

  15. Cultural Mutual Combat?

    Perhaps mayor Groot can set up dueling zones and put it on pay-per-view. “Two men enter. One man leaves!”

    • I like that! A new streaming channel. The dueling channel! All day, every day. Coming to you live from all your favorite liberal shitholes !
      let em choose weapons.

    • That’s more info appreciate it Link

      Two “preps” uh, customers going into a liqour store to buy…ice cream, the one gangzter um citizen exiting the store with said”ice cream” is dissed by the other upstanding citizen, both pull gunms…shoot-out ensues. Slower to react citizen doesn’t wish to drop ice cream and is shot dead w/ three to the incredibly hard noggin’ and is newest member of Chicgo’s “chalk line club” congratulations son welcome to the 2023 700+ club….

      Who cares

    • “Perfect article for the lemmings of TTAG,…”

      So says the twerp who calls himself a Lemming…

      *snicker* 😉

  16. Sooo the woman on the bus was shooting at him too? No charges for winging the innocent bystander(bysitter)? YeeHah pewpew shootem up cowboy!

  17. In the heat of combat a combat untrained human will more then often be pulling the trigger on an empty gunm.
    I went testified in court to represent a fellow who had done just this. He stated he thought he had only shot two or three times when in fact he had emptied the whole magazine.
    Jeff Cooper wrote an article on this phenomenon if I’m not mistaken.
    I have heard of police officers actually reloading and still believing they had only fired a few times.
    It’s not deer hunting were we fire one shot and as the Europeans or African guides call it, the Americans habit of “Admiring the shot”
    Shoot until you believe the threat is stopped, with adrenaline pumping that may even entail beating the assailant mercilessly after you’ve already shot him dead 29 rounds ago.
    Then on the other side of the coin we encounter the professional “hit man” or gangster who wants the job done right, so he will make sure
    his victim is deceased.
    The novice believes he will blow the assailant away or one shot stops,when that doesn’t happen the empty the firearm and may even reload. The professional knows he will not blow the victim away and always makes certain the victim will not have his day in court or seek revenge.

    • You bring up a point that’s not actually possum related this time 😁

      Its a normal and expected thing to not know exactly how many rounds you fired in a defense situation. Its happened to me, it happens to just about everyone.

      Its that loaded question police and prosecutors ask “How many times did you fire?” – they know its not normal for one in a true self defense situation against an imminent threat to remember exactly how many rounds they fired. People that answer an exact number that was actually fired are viewed somewhat ‘suspiciously’ by police/prosecutors sometimes because its out of the norm.

      Never guess … its always “I feared for my life” and if necessary “I shot to stop the threat”. Never ever tell them how many times you fired, its a normal reaction to such stress to not remember how many times you fired. You have no obligation to tell them how many times you fired, its up to the state to prove how many times you fired.

      The idea of ‘excessive force’ can greatly influence a jury in a self-defense claim case. If you tell them you fired 3 times when, for example, the cops arrive and there are 10 holes in the bad guy, if you only fired three times then the threat must have stopped at three rounds because you are only suppose to shoot until the threat is stopped or it ends, right? So if the threat stopped at three rounds how come there are 10 holes in the bad guy? The prosecution is going to say you continued firing intentionally after the threat was no longer at three rounds thus not self defense and the prosecutor is going to use that to paint a picture for the jury of excessive force and possibly pre-meditated murder when it was actually true self defense and you simply don’t actually remember how many times you fired but were in that moment of terrifying fear that causes you to not keep track of how many times you fired.

      • That is of course, evidently, unless you are a criminal in possession of a firearm and Kim Foxx is on the case and its Chicago where a convicted criminal illegally in possession of a firearm can fire 14 – 19 rounds and shoot their target multiple times and in the head at least three times at almost point blank range and then shoot an innocent bystander – then its evidently automatically self-defense no matter how many rounds you fired.

        But for the law abiding gun owner, never ever tell them how many rounds you fired in an actual imminent threat self-defense as the ‘Kim Foxx’s’ of the world will want to use it against you to put you in prison.

      • “Its a normal and expected thing to not know exactly how many rounds you fired“

        You know, if you’re gonna get into the shootist game, you might wanna develop the ability to unconsciously count rounds, it helps you understand when it’s time to reload.

        • You know, if your going to get into a discussion on a subject Miner49er it would help if you had some actual knowledge of the subject and knew about something called ‘context’.

  18. Now the news reports are saying the prosecutors office is saying – As Willett (victim dead guy) exited Happy Food and Liquor, Ferba (supposed self-defender) appeared to make a comment to Willett and then drew a gun. Then Willett pulled out a firearm simultaneously, and then Ferba started firing and fired between 14 and 19 shots, striking Willett in the head three times.

    Sounds sort of stretching it some to say its true self defense. It sounds more like Ferba said something that provoked a confrontation then pulled out his gun and in response about the same time Willett pulled out his gun. They say there is video, but I’d need to see it because I sort of doubt this interpretation right now cause ya know how the media does with news stories and sort of changes things some the way they say it.

    Ferba’s lawyer says “They allege he had a firearm, but there’s no indication it was ever found in his possession,” – that’s some crafty wording right there, the use of “found in his possession” … “found” as in what, when he was arrested? But supposedly the video the prosecutor sees shows him having a gun because if he didn’t how did he shoot in supposedly self-defense and shoot up a bus and fire 14 – 19 rounds and shoot a bystander and why is he charged with gun possession – so wheres the gun supposedly not “found in his possession”?

    • .40 cal Booger:
      I think that you’ve pretty well summed it up. There is a smell of rotten fish emanating from this story.

      • Shadow,

        …rotten fish?…..or rotten flesh? jus’ sayin’..🤾‍♂️🤾‍♂️🤾‍♂️🤾‍♂️🤾‍♂️🤾‍♂️

    • “It sounds more like Ferba said something that provoked a confrontation then pulled out his gun and in response about the same time Willett pulled out his gun.”

      There is a trend of politically-astute DAs (Translation : Soros plants) excusing such actions as “mutual combat”, and declining to prosecute the politically-correct individuals involved…

  19. Criminal street thug A shot down criminal street thug B in a hail of gunfire. Other than the collateral damages, I honestly have no issue with it. Just means we the taxpayers will have 1 less to house and feed.
    Self Defense? The video I ran across makes me doubt it.

  20. You get the government you vote for and all the consequences that come with it . As well as the society you deserve because of the choices you make.

    • Had the Shooter in this case, been a Law Abiding Citizen in Legal Possession of his gun, and used it in the same circumstances, would he have been given the same opinion by Foxx? Somehow, I seriously doubt it.


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