black gun owners range train
(AP Photo/Lisa Marie Pane)
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Despite the ways that gun violence disproportionately affects communities that bear the scars of structural inequality, gun rights activists would have you believe that gun control of any kind represents the “real racism.” 

To accept that the same crowd that opposes such things as Critical Race Theory, voting rights, and athletes kneeling on sidelines is genuinely concerned about protecting the liberties of Black Americans requires a level of mental gymnastics that would humble Simone Biles. The suggestion that underserved communities somehow benefit from a proliferation of firearms that feeds cycles of retaliatory violence is naïve at best. At worst, it is an act of gaslighting that purposely seeks to imperil Black lives. 

This is not to say that as Black Americans we should not enjoy all the same guarantees that are afforded our white counterparts under the Second Amendment — we should hold America to all the lofty promises found in her Constitution. 

At some point, though, we must come to terms with the fact that the firearm has done little to guarantee our freedoms and even less to protect our lives. At some point, we must acknowledge that the prevention of gun violence is one of the most pressing civil rights issues of our time. With so many lives in the balance, I would argue that point is now.

— Scott Charles in Black People Need to Break Up With the Second Amendment

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  1. Yet another post by someone who prefers being needed by victims, rather than enabling citizens to Not be a victim in the first place!

    • It always tickles me when someone who argues for civil rights seeks to reduce the recoginition and access of rights we all have.

      If you look at voting rights, there is no gaurantee that you voting will make a difference in a election get the results you want. Indeed, the opposing party might win and you personally could end up worse than if there was no 15th or 19th amendment.

      If having a right is too dangerous or detrimental then, if you follow this premise to it’s logical end, you can argue having any right is too dangerous. We would need a group of mentally superior people to plan and direct us in order to save us from ourselves, if this the case.

      We have the world that we have. There is no gaurantee of anything in this life. Maybe there is in the next life but we will have to see when we get there.

      Rights are protection of personal liberty from the government. We, the people, need to figure out the rest.

      “Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem.”

      “I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude.”

      -Thomas Jefferson

      • The plantation cracker scott charles can simply order Blacks to start picking cotton and he’ll see just how well the 2A serves Black Americans.

        • Charles blow is the kind of sell out establishment black man that Robert Williams was talking about, in his book “negroes with guns” (1962).

          Blow would be happy to give up his civil rights for the acceptance of the white liberal establishment in Washington DC. And being a black gay man he is hoping to fit into the white gay community. In an order to gain admittance you must publicly eschew your second amendment civil rights.

          The NAACP gave up gun civil rights for the white liberal $$$ donations. They don’t like the competition from the National African American Gun Association. Which is attracting a very young membership.

        • Oops wrong Charles. But Scott Charles is the same. He needs acceptance in the white medical community who are nearly all anti-civil rights. He would rather have blacks be disarmed and then he would latter call the police racist???

      • “If having a right is too dangerous or detrimental then, if you follow this premise to it’s logical end, you can argue having any right is too dangerous.”

        The Left already believes that there is “Too much freedom”, that quote came from Joe Biden himself in his run for president…

  2. Attn Scott Charles: Blacks are exactly who the Second Amendment covers. Self preservation is a human right. Please stop thinking and saying nobody has that right. When someone tries take your property, your life or your rights, you have to act.

  3. Sounds like a racist in his own right. The fact that he ties “voting rights” into the whole thing tells you just where he is coming from. All of these fools keep pretending certain people aren’t allowed the right to (legally) vote, yet not one of them has come up with a single example of someone who has been prevented from doing so.

    • I got one for you. In 2016 and again in 2020 members of the New Black Panthers were at polling places in Philly with baseball bats to endure everyone voted “correctly”. People who did not intend to vote the way that the Panthers considered correct were denied their right to vote.

        • I love people who insist others do their googling for them.

          I remember in 2008 they were doing this. I don’t doubt they’re still doing it but it probably doesn’t get the media attention it used to.

        • Wha,t where you still in elementary school in Obumer days – this crap from the NBP thugs was widespread in 2008/2012 elections.

        • Wow, I simply asked for a link to a reliable source, or to a video.

          I heard some things about it but never saw any vids or reliable coverage.

          Jeez, so many here make comments that verification of info is critical, then whine when someone asks for a link to source materials.

          I guess requesting a citation like ONCE every six months is too much for the TTAG crowd to handle.🙄

        • “Wha,t where you still in elementary school in Obumer days…. ”

          Didn’t follow current events closely back then.
          I was working 10-12 hr days (usually six days a week) as a contract manufacturing engineer overseeing root cause/corrective action responses for aerospace customers.
          This job was around 1500 miles away from my marital home, so if I ever took a long weekend, I was on a plane to see my family.

          Most TV coverage I saw was Clinton News Network at the airports. 🤪

          My youngest son was in elementary school at that time though. 😄

        • The Panthers at the polling places was on the news at the time. Do your own research.

      • “The Truth About Black People
        March 5, 2022 At 08:47
        I got one for you. In 2016 and again in 2020 members of the New Black Panthers were at polling places in Philly with baseball bats to endure everyone voted “correctly”. People who did not intend to vote the way that the Panthers considered correct were denied their right to vote.”

        It’s been four hours since you made this statement TTABP.

        Again, citation. 🙄

        I don’t disagree there’s serious voter fraud issues, but I don’t blindly accept assertations/heresay due to a confirmation bias on my part.

    • “voting rights”

      i.e. election integrity. Or lack thereof. Just like it’s not freedom in their minds to let the peasants protect themselves it’s also not freedom to allow them to elect their own leaders in free and fair elections. ‘Voting rights’ is a euphemism for voter fraud.

      • Lee,

        The onus of citation is, and has always been, on the person presenting a claim as fact. While a comments section is hardly an academic paper or scholarly article, it’s still perfectly reasonable to ask a poster to include a citation for a claim that might not be common knowledge. That request is especially understandable given the level of disinformation on the internet that permeates both sides of the political aisle now that can make it a chore to sift through search results to find credible sources and evidence.

      • “I doubt you’re a serious person”

        Sez the person using the name “Citation” 🤪

        Oh, the irony.

        • See below. That comment wasn’t directed to you. Why would you think it was? I promise not to make assumptions about your self-esteem.

      • Ms. Campbell,

        I began reading at Gov’s comment who spoke about election integrity. Someone responded to his comment asking for citation. If I wanted to reply to you, I would have done so, but I didn’t. Get it?

        • Well, you entered in the middle of a comment stream honey.

          Still waiting for BP voter harassment links.

          This request for citation started here…….
          “In 2016 and again in 2020 members of the New Black Panthers were at polling places in Philly with baseball bats to endure everyone voted “correctly””

          Thanks for the reply sweetie.

        • Gov’s comment was NOT part of your conversation. If you’ll notice, Gov’s comment about election integrity was a reply to Gipper’s Ghost comment. Gov even quoted him. Your comment asking for citation was a completely different conversation. You were asking The Truth About who was replying to Gipper’s Ghost.

          Why would an engineer have such a difficult time navigating the comment section on a blog? The answer is emotion. An engineer doesn’t solve a problem using emotion. So why is that happening here? Simple. Ms. Campbell was busy defending her ego being attacked. When I was replying to CannotComply, Ms. Campbell took that as a challenge to her ego because she was already in a severe emotional state. Had she taken the time to use some logic, she could have avoided another needless confrontation. Her first clue, which she even acknowledged, was that I was citing evidence of the lack of election integrity. Gee, now why didn’t I give the citations that Ms. Campbell requested? Hmm. We’ll have to think about that one, won’t we?

          The irony of this situation is that, instead of being gracious and acknowledging her error, she lectures me on entering in the middle of a comment stream! Now THAT is funny!

        • Lol ‘Ms. Campbell’. Love it. What a clown and fool that ‘man’ is. This forum was so much better when he and his buddies/fellow Hitler worshippers Haz and jwm left TTAG for awhile because derp…

        • Read again citation,

          March 5, 2022 At 10:08

          The onus of citation is, and has always been, on the person presenting a claim as fact.”

          That CC post is referring to MY request for citation, you posted Citation AFTER that 10:08 comment by CC.

          If not me, who were you providing citation to? 🙄

        • Oh, wow. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt with the emotion versus logic conversation. You really don’t understand how this comment section works. Perhaps CannotComply responded to the wrong comment by Gov. What you’re saying would make sense if CannotComply responded to Gov’s above comment of “I love people who insist others…” But CC did NOT respond to THAT particular comment. No, he responded to the comment chain that goes like this:

          1. Gipper’s Ghost “voting rights”
          2. Gov “election integrity”
          3. CannotComply “onus of citation”
          4. Citation “start here”
          5. Ms. Campbell “lashing out at someone who wasn’t speaking to her”

          If you’re still having difficulty in figuring out the order of the conversation, you should try viewing it on a desktop. It’s easier to see the indentations, and thus understand the flow of the comments.

          “If not me, who were you providing citation to?”

          I literally already spelled that out for you in a previous comment. I don’t mind being a mentor, but this is getting a little ridiculous.

        • “Lashes out” ? 🤣
          Wow, don’t get your panties in a bunch there Karen!

          Again, I’ve been the only one who requested ANY citation in this thread.

          Still waiting for citation from TTABP on the Black Panther ball bat attacks on PA voters. Or is he just a sh!t stirrer from your troll farm? 🤔

        • “Again, I’ve been the only one who requested ANY citation in this thread.”

          It doesn’t matter what you requested when the flow of the conversation never included you. You’re failing to grasp an extremely simple concept. I’m out of ways to tell you that I wasn’t speaking to you.

          “Lashes out” ?

          “Wow, don’t get your panties in a bunch there Karen!”

          “Or is he just a sh!t stirrer from your troll farm?”

          Zero self-awareness.

        • Just want citation to the Black Panther comment.

          Still waiting for Lee or TTABP to provide it.

          Bye bye anonymous troll. Keep stirring. 🤣

  4. Black people commit most murders and most violent and non violent crimes. Maybe we need more black people control.

    • Probably should have added a tag to that so the slow kids would get that it was said to illustrate a point and I do not actually advocate for people control of any kind.

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, obviously brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) PR

          Compared to an obsessed, obviously brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) like you, he is really cool and relevant.

          Now dance for that banana, I command you… 😉

  5. The little people shouldn’t embrace measures to empower themselves unless those measures are submitting to the authoritarian class that will continue oppressing the little people while paying lip service to their empowerment and scapegoating an other for the little peoples seeming inability to rise.

  6. 2nd Amendment proponents ‘oppose voting rights’? What rock did this asshat crawl out from under? Good luck convincing black America to just let the police protect them.

    • This Charles is one more guilt ridden self-loathing idiot prog. His drivel has no relevance except at clikbait. Though it is mainstream prog doctrine (as if we didn’t know already)

  7. The record numbers of black people purchasing firearms these past few years indicates Mr. Charles has already lost the argument with black folk and is writing primarily for liberal white, racist folk.

    The indoor range I shoot at (shooting indoors, not actually at the range) is a great example of multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural enjoyment of the 2nd Amendment.

  8. It always tickles me when someone who argues for civil rights seeks to reduce the recoginition and access of rights we all have.

    If you look at voting rights, there is no gaurantee that you voting will make a difference in a election get the results you want. Indeed, the opposing party might win and you personally could end up worse than if there was no 15th or 19th amendment.

    If having a right is too dangerous or detrimental then, if you follow this premise to it’s logical end, you can argue having any right is too dangerous. We would need a group of mentally superior people to plan and direct us in order to save us from ourselves, if this the case.

    We have the world that we have. There is no gaurantee of anything in this life. Maybe there is in the next life but we will have to see when we get there.

    Rights are protection of personal liberty from the government. We, the people, need to figure out the rest.

    “Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem.”

    “I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude.”

    -Thomas Jefferson

    • ‘…there is no gaurantee that you voting will make a difference…’

      You’re just not voting enough. You can’t expect to make a difference if you only vote once.

        • Conservatives just need to rent more buses on election day. And hand out swag bags – ammunition, burner cellphones, Mountain House food, etc

        • Don’t forget duplicate ballots, neia. Lots of duplicate ballots. (Who knew the bad Orange Man was going to get 11 million more votes the second go ’round?!?)

  9. I have a ‘Critical Race Theory’

    My theory is its critical that all law abiding people of all races be able to exercise their Second Amendment rights to have and carry a fire arm to defend themselves from the non-law abiding people of all races who think its critical that people of all races are their prey.

  10. Neither have liberal policy’s????? I think they should reject those first.

  11. ‘Freedom’ and ‘safety’ are NOT guaranteed. These are thing that the human race continuously must fight for and maintain. Guns are simply a tool used in that fight. They are very effective at it. That’s why there is a 2A in the first place. Race, gender, or age has nothing to do with it.

  12. We need the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. It’s time for black people to finally be able to vote. Look, we can’t expect the same from black people as we do from whites. That would be racist. That’s why we should do away with voter ID. We also can’t trust states to control their own elections. That should be the responsibility of the ACLU and NAACP, excuse me, I mean the Civil Rights Division of the federal government. Come on folks. Put the bill on my desk.

    • Wait…Joe Biden took ‘inappropriate showers’ with your daughter? Were you watching? Pervert!

      • “The Times also confirms the legitimacy of a report by National File’s Patrick Howley, who published excerpts from the diary on Oct. 24, 2020 – and the full diary two days later. While treated as potentially fake at the time, we now know that the contents are legit”

        Diary excerpt:
        “Was I molested? I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma…I remember somewhat being sexualized…having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate); being turned on when I wasn’t suppose to be.”

        Why did the FBI raid James O’Keefe’s apartment to get that diary back? What was the legal basis for that?

        • What a sick SOB… IF TRUE, he should be in prison, not the Mud House, at the very least, in therapy…. What’s up with this????

  13. How come white people owning hundreds of Millions a Firearms doesn’t cause them to shoot each other up and turn their own neighborhoods into war zones? I got news for the author, it ain’t the klan that is shooting black people in black majority cities.

  14. Mr Charles, you are exactly who Mr Booker T Washington was talking about:

    “There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

      • I had a 1SG who had this posted at his desk. One of my better mentors over the years. He was black by color, but he bled Army OD.

  15. Only YOU can insure your freedom and your own and your family’s protection.

  16. Blacks need to break up with the party that reduces the police presence in their neighborhoods while simultaneously releasing violent criminals into their communities with little punishment or reform. Democrats call it social justice to make sure the criminals aren’t separated from their victims. When the Black community realizes that government isn’t going to help them and decide to arm themselves against the thugs, liberal commentators gaslight them into staying on the Democrat plantation, lest they think for themselves and vote Repuican in greater numbers.

    As for Critical Race Theory, many Blacks should oppose it as well. The bastard child of Communist Critical Legal Theory espouses new racism as the cure for past racism and that race is the defining characteristic of a person. It’s yet another method of taking hope from the Black community while keeping them indentured to a political party that claims to support them, but doesn’t improve their condition in order to keep them as a captive voting block.

  17. Oh thank the good lord above. The blacks definitely should not be armed. I get nervous enough putting on my white sheet the way it is. Then yah gotta worry about sum nggr inside the church having a rifle, why I get to shaking so much worrying about that I just about spill my can of gas.
    Nothing ruins a good party like a black man with a gunm.

  18. He can send the Sheriff out to confiscate those dangerous objects, wait a minute, this seems familiar.

  19. “This is not to say that as Black Americans we should not enjoy all the same guarantees that are afforded our white counterparts under the Second Amendment — we should hold America to all the lofty promises found in her Constitution.”

    Yes, please. Blacks should sue the he’ll out of leftists of every kind that has or had the authority to help uplift blacks but rather worked to make them dependent on the liberal plantation.

    This includes the racist rhetoric and agenda again gun ownership, and for unconstitutional laws.

    Hold every politician and bureacrat, and unconstitutional “law” to account. I wish there would be black class action lawsuits brought left, right, up and down against the anti-second amendment crowd.

    At that point we would see who are really the racists and hate freedom, and who really believes in liberty for ALL.

  20. Wow, I’m certainly glad that our “elite” Mr. Charles, who grew up in an America AFTER the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act knows SO MUCH more about civil rights and the safety of African-Americans than those stupid “Uncle Toms” like, oh, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglas and others, who actually GREW UP under slavery and Jim Crow. THEY all understood why the 2A was particularly important to blacks still living in the South (or even many of those who moved North). That this Leftist/fascist idiot fails to grasp it speaks volumes. Like our resident village idiots, he is too stupid to insult.

  21. I missed something here. How is it wrong for Blacks to arm themselves with the means to fight back against both criminals and oppressive governments? Something that is also forgotten. Criminals and authoritarian government will always find the means to arm themselves for their predations upon the weak or disarmed populace.

    • I seem to remember Condoleezza Rice describing her father defending their home from racist attacks with a .30-30 rifle during her childhood. THAT is how the Second Amendment is supposed to work!

    • Thank you Eric.


      So the CNN link from yesterday provided false info. Go figure 🤪

      A complaint WAS filed in District Court of Philadelphia. Thrown out by R Holder. Go figure. 🤪

      The obummer criminal cabal strikes again.

    ~ FOR ALL OF US !

    • Deporting folks who don’t agree with your interpretation of the US Constitution is one of the things that same Constitution was designed to prevent.

      • LightUntoMyFeet Actually you are dead wrong. You see, the Constitution was written by our Founding Fathers to be followed as written. It is not about interpreting the Constitution. Nice try.

        If you don’t like the Constitution as written there are two methods to change it. If you had read the Constitution, you would know that. But the fact is you Lefties don’t want to take the time to amend the Constitution because you and I both know that the Constitution would not ever be changed to adopt your Leftist ideology and agenda.

  23. “To accept that the same crowd that opposes such things as Critical Race Theory, voting rights, and athletes kneeling on sidelines is genuinely concerned about protecting the liberties of Black Americans requires a level of mental gymnastics that would humble Simone Biles. The suggestion that underserved communities somehow benefit from a proliferation of firearms that feeds cycles of retaliatory violence is naïve at best. At worst, it is an act of gaslighting that purposely seeks to imperil Black lives.”

    Mr. Charles, I find myself in COMPLETE agreement with you. May I suggest that once ALL guns are removed from BLACK neighborhoods by FEDERAL TROOPS, (forcibly or not), that the solution to BLACK on BLACK violence is simple, and cost effective.

    Simply INCREASE the PLANNED PARENTHOOD abortion clinics to a level where EVERY black american can have INSTANT access in THEIR neighborhood to FREE ABORTION on DEMAND. I know PP will be 100% in support of this goal, and so will BIG PHARMA as they get to resell all t the body parts on the global market.

    In addition, ratchet UP the PSY OP campaign to convert as many BLACK AMERICANS to the GAY, QUEER, TRANSGENDER “lifestyle” as possible.

    And if that doesn’t produce the results WE ALL want, perhaps WWW 3 with RUSSIA and CHINA will. I know how proud we all are of black men and women who serve in the military.

    And please, BEFORE you criticize my recommendations, consider ALL of my suggested policies are already being implemented by the DEMOCRATIC PARTY. But if we can get the REPUBLICANS on board, we should be able to DROP the african american population in “America” to under 5%. Now that’s a goal worth working for…don’t you agree ?

  24. Use your rights or face loosing them! He must of forgotten about the fbi study that the black pres had done only to find out arms are used .5 to 2.5 million times a year defensively! What a moron!

  25. The only “group” that needs to lay down and reject firearms are criminals (regardless of race), but let’s be realistic, that’s not going to happen. We all need to be able to defend ourselves against evil. To pick out one group of people like Scott Charles has done is the same as inviting them to be victims. His statements are at best ill conceived and at worst dangerous.

  26. Charles’ target audience is the foolish, poorly-read, and easily influenced. A most revolting Pied Piper he is.

  27. Talking about “mental gymnastics,” trying to find any coherent, intelligible, and reasoned logic in that piece gave me a headache.

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