I know a ton of folks have a problem with Yeager, and understandably so, but at least he has a personality in front of the camera. Now, before I get flamed here, ALL I am talking about are his training videos. His laid back presentation seems to have a great deal of appeal for folks who are a little overwhelmed by Magpul, or put off by the complete lack of personality alot of his contemporaries have.
Before everyone gets bent out of shape and starts pressing the CAPS LOCK key for their responses, lets remember that James Yeager and Friends are just guys with opinions, nothing more & nothing less.
Those of you who legally can should take a look at the guns on your nightstand or in your safe. The name or brand doesn’t matter because somebody, somewhere, thinks your guns suck.
dude, leave my hi-point out of this. it does not suck, it’s as reliable as a glock, and it has this sweet nylon holster.
I’m not sure if you’re joking but hi-points DO have a record of surviving some pretty brutal torture tests.
Yeah everyone is entitled to their opinion, but a little shocked someone would pay for these guys to train them.
Lol. Exactly. I just imagine him yelling, “YOU SUCK” every 30 secs or so for hours of training.
Think of it as a character building exercise. 🙂
I don’t know why everyone piles on this guy. As far as his YouTube presence goes, he’s no more or less offensive than the vast majority of folks doing what he’s doing.
There was an incident that occured during a spell as a contractor. It’s pretty widely felt he got in way over his head, and made some unfortunate decisions leading to causulties. I don’t know the details, and I’m not going to armchair quarterback someone’s actions under hostile fire, but feel free to google.
Google james runaway yeager. I need to read up on this more but this seems to be the incident most people are talking about.
didnt your college professor teach you that google searches are not a acceptable method of research?
You should go on defensereview and read the AARs before you decide to blame yeager. The problem was with the PSD and its leadership.
Hey smwlce, I don’t suppose you have a link? I’ve never opened this particular can of worms since I figured it would be impossible to get a balanced report , but I had no idea the AAR’s were available.
Never mind, found it. Yeah, I’m not sure how that “runs away” b.s. got started, but except for putting the car in neutral and engaging the brake, I see nothing wrong here. I’m assuming it was a manual, which seems an odd choice to me, but I doubt Yeager had anything to do with vehicle selection. Extremely well planned ambush, multiple GPMG’s with armour piercing and two out of three vehicles were soft skins. Could have easily,easily been much worse.
glad you found the links.
It kills me when internet youtube rumor bullshit keeps getting slung everywhere like monkey feces.
I dont care how bad ass you are: a barrage from a PKM against a lightly armored (or soft skin) car will ruin your day.
Being on the receiving end of such weapons in my military career, i cannot judge somebody. Its amazing how these internet commandoes somehow know exactly how they’ll react when they get shot at.
but, hilariously enough, they never post links and any countering evidence to what the “hated” james yeager says.
I’ve always liked Yeager’s vids (well, fat Yeager anyway, I’m not sure what’s up with yoked Yeager) so I’m glad it was well overblown.
Lessons I learned the hard way about audio…
That video SUCKS. I stopped it after about a minute. Couldn’t even hear what the guy was saying.
While controversy certainly surrounds him (I will bet from those that have never trained with him ) the classes that I have taken with Yeager are the best and I look forward to taking more.
Okay, I can understand that he doesn’t like the bullpup configuration, but his complaints were all based on the 40 year old design of the AUG and the particulars of the owner’s setup. I also don’t tend to respond to these guy’s way of speaking. They sound like the a$$hat jocks I used to have to deal with in high school.
I can admit the shortcomings of the AUG, but the P90 with a minimalist setup and a 1 point sling would take care of the bulk of their concerns (ambidextrous operation, bottom ejecting, reloading issues). That’ll cover the issues they have, but they need to do some more R&D into bullpups. Use the P90 as a model for features that should be in bullpup a and develop from there.
While the P90 is a great package, the thought of 5.7 ammo with projectile weights below the 22lr bothers me.
Think of the FS2000 then.
I own the FS2000 CQB and the Wife the P90 SBR. Both our outstanding weapons. I know some are concerenned about the 5.7x28mm round, but my experience with it, hasn’t dettered me away in the least. Its a light, FAST, straight trajectory round and it does a bulk of its damage on the way out.
The Islamic terrorist, domestic terrorist perpetrator of workplace violence Nadal Hassan used that round to great effect.
Okay, I can understand that he doesn’t like the bullpup configuration, but his complaints were all based on the 40 year old design of the AUG and the particulars of the owner’s setup. I also don’t tend to respond positively to these guy’s way of speaking. They sound like the a$$hat jocks I used to have to deal with in high school. I can admit the shortcomings of the AUG, but the P90 with a minimalist setup and a 1 point sling would take care of the bulk of their concerns (ambidextrous operation, bottom ejecting, reloading issues). That’ll cover the issues they have, but they need to do some more R&D into bullpups. Use the P90 as a model for features that should be in bullpup a and develop from there.
Don’t know Yeager. Never trained with him.
To the point…… bullpups are NOT as ergonomic as traditional rifles. There may be some scenario or situation in which a bullpup may offer advantages. But I have never been in a situation where during the even tor afterward I thought that a bullpup configuration would have been better.
The manual of arms is not intuitive. Reloading is time consuming. Yes. The shorter overall length is an advantage getting out of vehicles. But that is not a relevant issue for dismounted troops and is easily overcome with just a little thinking.
“The manual of arms is not intuitive” – Sounds like you haven’t trained hard with them, or you tried an AUG once 20 years ago.
“Reloading is time consuming” – You must be one of those guys who trains to drop mags because some helo is going to resupply you.
“I have never been in a situation where … I thought that a bullpup would have been better.” – Of course you haven’t, because you haven’t spent much time using them.
You gravitate towards that which you acclimate.
He’s entitled to his opinion, and I don’t have a dog in the fight. I do hope that he tells his students that he doesn’t like the bullpup design before they sign up.
He does make a valid point about a fighting gun whether it’s a bullpup or other design. don’t clutter the damn think up with switches and wires and battery powered doohickeys. Simple is good, simple will save your ass.
Sorry to be disagreeable, but I own two AUGs, and a bunch of “regular” rifles (FALs, AK, Colt AR, Sig 556). Everything has its own advantages and disadvantages.
I am constantly amused by the rise of all these “tactical” instructors, teaching things that have little to no application in the domestic (USA), civilian world.
“…that have little to no application in the domestic (USA), civilian world.”
Not yet. There will be another conflict on our soil. The better prepared the populace is, the better off the US will be as a whole. It might not be in our lifetime, but rest assured, it will happen.
+ 1000
“teaching things that have little to no application in the domestic (USA), civilian world.”
youre f–king kidding me right? defensive gun uses? hurricane-katrina like situations? do those concepts ring a bell?
I find that I ignore gas bags that can only complain about what they don’t like without countering with the details they like. A one sided review or opinion is nothing to waste time reading or watching.
Personally I don’t agree with James on this or that other guy (whoever he is), I like the AUG, now that being said I wouldn’t run the sling or laser the owner had on that AUG, there are much better sling options out there for the AUG.
He is entitled to his opinion. That being said a billpup has its place just like every other gun. I specific cases a billpup is very useful, others not so much. I do agree a billpup is like a fighting gun. It should be point and shoot. Outside of a red dot and maybe a light there shouldn’t be anything else on it.
Who is Bill and what did you do to his Pup?
said he was gonna put some rounds thru it and he didnt…….
I guess I’ve never heard of the guy but U can tell you that I’d never take a class from that guy. It truly sounds like he doesn’t know a lot of things. The only bull pups I know of that are ergonomically designed are the FN ones and at least one of those reloads from the top. The Kel-Tec RFB ejects shells from the front so they can’t eject into your face.
I never had any of my instructors act like that in the Marine Corps but then again we understand honor. With people like that, I would encourage everyone to not support someone like that. Also, so we are clear, I don’t own a bull pup and don’t plan on purchasing one. I just really don’t care for people who would compose themselves like that.
+1 Casey. The tacticool goatee, shaved head, ball cap and Oakly clones along with the excessive cursing and unintelligible drawl make me shudder. It just screams unprofessional. And then to have that kind of controversy surrounding your name and have the gall to have a series of videos with the mantra “you suck.” Now that’s arrogance True or untrue, it’s out there and someone, or some people think he’s all talk and little action. That’s why the video is posted because they are questioning his honor. I hope, when I am all said and done, I may be called any number of names, but no one ever questioned my honor or integrity.
substance, not appearance.
what is this? high school?
Well, we all know what Dirty Harry said about opinions.
That said, he can hate, despise, dislike, think they suck, are worthless, ect., all he wants to. He’s free to choose whatever firearm he wishes and the Anti-2nd laws haven’t denied him. There will be others that swear the opposite and have hours on them. What one finds ergo and comfy, others won’t.
It boils down to personal taste and function. However, one could almost see this as some competent CCW instructor teaching the truth, but interjecting how the only good pistol is a wheel-gun.
“However, one could almost see this as some competent CCW instructor teaching the truth, but interjecting how the only good pistol is a wheel-gun.”
My CWP instructor was just like this. Constantly bringing up that autos are built with “a multitude of sins”. Going on about magazine lips being easily damaged, jamming, etc. He was not amused when I asked if he had the right ammo for the spring configuration, if the weapon was well kept, and if he was going to get the chance to reload a mag during a DGU to worry about a damaged feed lip.
I will concede, after the course, he pulled me to the side and we had a little chat. He commented on my knowledge of autos, gave me kudos on keeping all 200 rds of my .45 in a 10″ pattern during the range qualifying, and asked if I considered instruction for new shooters.
Seems to me for complete ambidexterity forward ejection would be more prevalent. I haven’t heard of any serious problems with the system.
If I want to be told how bad I suck, how bad my weapon sucks, how bad my gear sucks, and how bad everything within my reach sucks, While James and pals yuk it up, I’ll be sure to sign up For a class at TR.
Professionalism. It’s in the dictionary.
“If I want to be told how bad I suck, how bad my weapon sucks, how bad my gear sucks, and how bad everything within my reach sucks….” I would have stayed with my ex-girl friend. (Musn’t be bitter, Mustn’t be bitter, Mustn’t be bitter….)
Bullpups don’t suck. The AUG is an outdated execution of a sound concept. The major problem with the AUG is that Steyr did not address the trigger linkage properly. This leaves it with a trigger that is lacking, especially in FA, the squeeze further for rock and roll blows. As to Yaeger’s style: some people, like me are aggressive and respond well to aggression. Not everyone is wired that way. It would be a bad thing if everyone was. One thing I learned after getting out of the Army and into management was that you need to tailor your style to the audience.
He just does videos like that to drag viewers in. I love how he blocks ratings. I cant stand people who do that therefore Chuck sucks.
So reading all of the above comments where do most people go for training? Is there a list on TTAG? My range just confirmed I can practice drawing from IWB and I’m reading Ayoob’s conceal carry book. Info overload.
That guy (Gabe Suarez) is also a dirty ex-cop who plead guilty to defrauding his government out of over $100,000 in workmans comp.
The news articles aren’t available online anymore, but it is a commonly known fact. I’m not motivated enough to do another search, but you look thru the WarriorTalk (Gabe’s forum) he even has his side of the story up there. Here is one thread with a copy/pasted version of the news article. http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=82605
SMPD Officers Charged With Fraud Clara Sturak Associate editor
On Friday, March 2, two Santa Monica Police Officers were arrested in connection with conspiracy to defraud the City of Santa Monica through Workers Compensation fraud. Officers Jason Comer and Gabriel Suarez were arrested along with Suarez’ wife Cheryl Suarez.
According to a press release issued by the Public Information Office of the Santa Monica Police Department, the three were charged after a “long term and intensive investigation” on the part of the Department’s Internal Criminal Unit, the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office, and the California State Department of Insurance. Comer, 32, a six-year veteran, and Suarez 40, a twelve year veteran, along with Mrs. Suarez, are charged with four criminal counts, explains Deputy District Attorney Craig Omura, who led the DA’s portion of the investigation. “Count one is conspiracy to commit workers compensation fraud, count two is workers compensation fraud, count three is money laundering, and count six is grand theft, because the money they obtained was over $400.” Counts four and five, both for perjury, apply only to Officer Suarez, in regards to false depositions he gave in March and June of 2000. Details of the case have not yet been released.
The investigation, says Omura, has been going on since October of 2000, when the SMPD became aware of possible criminal activity. “They brought the information to [the District Attorney’s office] in November of 2000. At that time we began a three-pronged investigation with the Santa Monica Police and the State Department of Insurance.” SMPD did the most of the investigative footwork, according to Omura, consulting with the other two departments as to “what elements [they] needed to prove.”
The charges and subsequent arrests were not made public until March 7, with an interdepartmental memo sent by SMPD Chief James T. Butts. Although there has been concern that some City officials were not made aware of the situation until several days following the arrests, Judy Rambeau, Assistant to the City Manager states that the City Manger’s office was aware of the investigation from its beginnings. “The City Manager is always alerted when something like this is going on,” said Rambeau in an interview on Monday. “That doesn’t mean we have all of the details as the investigation proceeds. The police need to keep tight control over who knows what’s happening at any given time.”
In fact, that’s exactly why City officials were not informed. Chief Butts’ memo states that “there are other long-term investigations concerning potential fraudulent application for Workers Compensation benefits by other members of the department that continue.” SMPD Public Information Officer Captain Gary Gallinot confirmed in a telephone interview with the Mirror that, “it was our intent that the investigations be entirely wrapped up before we went public.” But, says Gallinot, the District Attorney’s office felt they had enough information to go forward, and “since they are the prosecuting authority, it was up to them.”
Once any arrest is made it becomes a matter of public record. However, the SMPD did not issue a statement on the day of the arrests. According to Gallinot, “the reason [the arrests weren’t] made public is because we did not want to jeopardize the ongoing investigations. Once we realized it was going to be made public , our strategy had to change, and notifications were made.”
Gallinot could not comment on the ongoing investigations, except to say that they are “specific” in nature, and that the DA’s office is involved.
“It’s important to note,” he said, “that this investigation was started by our police department. We are vigorously involved in the discipline and prosecution of misconduct [on the part] of our employees. If you don’t look for misconduct or criminal activity, you seldom find it. The fact that we do so shines a positive light on our institutional integrity.”
Jason Comer, Gabriel Suarez and Cheryl Suarez are scheduled to be arraigned on Wednesday, March 14. If convicted, Jason Comer and Cheryl Suarez could serve maximum prison sentences of 5 years, 8 months, and Gabriel Suarez could serve a maximum of 7 years, 8 months.
Former Officer Pleads Guilty to Fraud Charges
By Teresa Rochester
Sept. 27 — A former Santa Monica police officer has pleaded guilty to Workers Compensation fraud, money laundering and grand theft and will begin serving a year-long jail sentence for the crimes next week.
Gabriel Saurez, a decorated 12-year veteran of the SMPD, will report to Los Angeles County Jail to begin serving his sentence on Monday as part of a plea agreement reached last week in Los Angeles County Criminal Court. Saurez, who recently resigned from the force, also was sentenced to five years probation.
Saurez, his wife Cheryl Saurez and Officer Jason Comer pleaded not guilty in April to charges of conspiracy, Workers Compensation fraud and grand theft. Saurez also faced two additional fraud charges.
Like her husband, Cheryl Saurez agreed to plea guilty during last Friday’s hearing. She was ordered to serve one day in jail and also was sentenced to five years probation.
Comer’s charges were dropped in June, and he remains on paid leave pending the conclusion of an administrative investigation, according to Police Chief James T. Butts Jr.
As part of the agreement, the charges of conspiracy against the Suarezes were dismissed, as were the two additional counts of Workers Compensation filed against Gabriel Saurez, said DA spokesperson Sandi Gibbons.
The Saurezes paid a $100 fine and $112, 250.01 in restitution on Friday, according to Deputy Dist. Atty. Ellen St. John.
Chief Butts said Saurez’s plea was a testament to the “hard work, time and effort that the risk management and our criminal division officers have put into this case.
“The good thing is the City of Santa Monica has received full restitution for all wages that were paid in this fraudulent claim,” Butts said. “The jail sentence that was imposed by the judge sent a strong message that this type of misconduct will not be tolerated by the City of Santa Monica,”
Gabriel Suarez allegedly worked as a gun tactics trainer while receiving Workers Compensation for a slip and fall accident in the SMPD’s locker room in 1999. Cheryl Suarez allegedly received payments for work done by her husband through a company she never worked for. The dismissed charges against Comer were based on allegations that he received and disbursed money for Saurez.
The Saurez case stemmed from a long-term investigation of Workers Compensation fraud within the police department launched late last year by the department, the District Attorneys Office and the State Department of Insurance.
The investigation also has resulted in charges filed against Officer Richard Robert Brulato, who pleaded not guilty in June to two counts of Workers Compensation Fraud.
Butts said the investigation is “definitely ongoing.
“We have other cases we are actively looking at and investigating. Fortunately at this point those cases are few,” said Butts adding that they would be vigorously pursued.
well this just confirms my opinion on Yeager, which is that he feels that anything that doesn’t conform to his training system is bad regardless of niche or other training tactics. and that just means hes a bad instructor cause he would rather reject new ideas than try them out and see how they work and what can be integrated into his “system”.
So much face palm.
Reminds me of the bullies in school growing up making fun of the nerds or the new guy; those bullies would be the ones I would tell to lay off, since I was head taller and fifty pounds heavier than anyone in my age bracket, they did. I’m completely unimpressed by either one of these so called “experts”.
then post your own videos and start training people then…pretty easy solution to a existing problem.
No need to when there are plenty of other trainers who actually act as professionals.
“act like professionals”
by this you mean, “one that doesn’t hurt your feelers”.
i find it interesting that he says bullpups “suck.” wow what an informed opinion there, if they are so awful, why do so many squared away military forces abroad use them? i guess they “suck” too? yeager is a blowhard, he is full of bluster, but blocks dissenting opinions, he seems like a sensitive sally to me. this is the same guy who declared that glocks are the best gun in the known universe. don’t get me wrong, they are fine, but “best” is fanboy nonsense.
and i could care less. I hate keltec rifles and bullpups. Steyr, FN, and IWI make excellent products however.
FN doesnt make excelent products. I have a FNP-45 Tactical which has plenty of problems. The magazines are undersized and wont feed anything over 1.260. The trigger pin (to trigger linkage) walks out every time I shoot it. The backstrap retention system is flimsey. The trigger bar bows out and rubs against the frame in DA. This isnt just a problem with my gun, if you look at fnforum.net, you can find that plenty of other people have these problems too.
That also doesnt include that FN’s customer service sucks and lies to you too. For instance they say that you cant remove the RHS decocker/safety lever without a special machine/tool of which only 2 exist in the world. I figured out all that was needed was a dental pick. If you look thru the service sheets that come back with guns that had the FCG or trigger assembly replaced, they commonly replace the RHS decocker as well, which means they are just prying them off and not using their special tool.
My Kel-Tec RFB on the otherhand has never had an issue.
FN doesnt make excelent products. I have a FNP-45 Tactical which has plenty of problems. The magazines are undersized and wont feed anything over 1.260. The trigger pin (to trigger linkage) walks out every time I shoot it. The backstrap retention system is flimsey. The trigger bar bows out and rubs against the frame in DA. This isnt just a problem with my gun, if you look at fnforum.net, you can find that plenty of other people have these problems too.
My 1st gen Kel-Tec RFB on the otherhand has never had an issue.
This video certainly has people stirred up, me included.
There are three areas where this video is problematic.
(1) Professionalism! Those of us that have been around firearms for a long time have, and will see things that make you think “And what the &%$# were you thinking?!?” Yes the sling mounted in a way that made it impossible to run the charging handle, falls into that category.
My issue is that someone that operates as a firearms training professional should not diss their students to the whole world like that. It is unprofessional, it poisons the learning environment, and it just plain lacks class. Basically someone that does that, well, they suck.
Hey if you and your fellow instructors, want to go into a private space, and have a good yuck, I’m great with that.
(2) I have an issue with an instructor that puts down any platform that doesn’t suit their training style. The FACT is that ANY platform can be made to look good or bad on the range depending on how you use it.
A good instructor, and in my opinion any good shooter seeks out opportunities to shoot every platform that they can pull the trigger on. They seek to learn the strengths and weaknesses of a given platform, and of themselves. Learn how to maximize the good, and minimize that bad. You never know when that information might come in handy, make you look totally cool, or save your life.
Yeager’s “blah gun suck!” attitude IMO indicates INSTITUTIONAL INERTIA. I feel that those kinds of statements indicate the mindset of someone whose learning window is closing down. (whether true or not, it does give that impression)
The time and money that I have available to take classes is extremely limited, and I don’t want to waste time and money running with a trainer that is living on the past. I want to learn from those that are advancing the state of the art. The “Bullpups Suck” video has been VERY informative where, or more accurately where I will not be looking to go next year.
(3) They didn’t actually shoot the AUG. And why would that be? Afraid you would look bad on camera? Because you suck?…I mean lack experience with the platform? Just sayin.
I have noticed that his most recent videos are of a much more educational style. Great! I am glad when he does those videos. I have seen James Yeager put out a lot of good stuff, and on the whole I like what he does. I’m not a “Yeager hater.” Maybe that is why this particular video bothered me so much.
So do AR’s suck because they don’t generally have a reliable piston system like an AUG? hmmm Also, if someone put there sling on incorrectly: 1: That is not the guns fault 2: Be a good brother to you’re fellow shooter and help them, not berate them. We want to keep people shooting, not exclude others who are, or whose guns are different. 3: Training, Practice, or as I like to think of it WELL-ROUNDED-NESS (is that a word?) is good to have. Should your AR’s gas key become unsteaked, buffer tube bent, roll pins unrolled, etc.
I fired an AUG 20-some-odd years ago. Fun gun. BUT the carry-handle scope’s reticle was only good for up to 100 yards. AND I burned my finger on the barrel while I was shooting it with the front grip folded up. And I didn’t like that the rifle did not balance in my shooting hand – that it was butt heavy. Did the trigger suck? I don’t remember, because I was having too much fun.
Most firearms suck or rule based on compromise and ones opinion of that choice, not a design flaw. 1. AR: SUCKS because its self fouling. RULES because it’s modular (and it’s ours). 2. AK: SUCKS because it is inherently inaccurate. RULES because it’s more reliable than taxes. 3. Bullpup: SUCKS because it is cumbersome. RULES because it’s a full-length rifle in a subgun size (sort of). 4. Handgun: SUCKS because it is hard to shoot. RULES because it is so mobile.
Wait now, there’s some kid who did a couple of tours in the sandbox that’ll set you straight about how great AR/Ms are…
He knows more than everyone at Aberdeen and Quantico combined.
You got it right fcp503, his professionalism is nonexistent. If he at least had that he wouldn’t be so hard not to hate. I personally can’t stand the guy one bit!!!
And who is this Jeff kid anyways?!? Isn’t his biggest accomplishment winning a reality show. Now he has his own company, EVEN THOUGH HE HAS NO MILITARY OR LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPERIENCE
“If you dont like my shirt, then f**k you.”
I know a ton of folks have a problem with Yeager, and understandably so, but at least he has a personality in front of the camera. Now, before I get flamed here, ALL I am talking about are his training videos. His laid back presentation seems to have a great deal of appeal for folks who are a little overwhelmed by Magpul, or put off by the complete lack of personality alot of his contemporaries have.
Before everyone gets bent out of shape and starts pressing the CAPS LOCK key for their responses, lets remember that James Yeager and Friends are just guys with opinions, nothing more & nothing less.
Those of you who legally can should take a look at the guns on your nightstand or in your safe. The name or brand doesn’t matter because somebody, somewhere, thinks your guns suck.
dude, leave my hi-point out of this. it does not suck, it’s as reliable as a glock, and it has this sweet nylon holster.
I’m not sure if you’re joking but hi-points DO have a record of surviving some pretty brutal torture tests.
Yeah everyone is entitled to their opinion, but a little shocked someone would pay for these guys to train them.
Lol. Exactly. I just imagine him yelling, “YOU SUCK” every 30 secs or so for hours of training.
Think of it as a character building exercise. 🙂
I don’t know why everyone piles on this guy. As far as his YouTube presence goes, he’s no more or less offensive than the vast majority of folks doing what he’s doing.
There was an incident that occured during a spell as a contractor. It’s pretty widely felt he got in way over his head, and made some unfortunate decisions leading to causulties. I don’t know the details, and I’m not going to armchair quarterback someone’s actions under hostile fire, but feel free to google.
Google james runaway yeager. I need to read up on this more but this seems to be the incident most people are talking about.
didnt your college professor teach you that google searches are not a acceptable method of research?
You should go on defensereview and read the AARs before you decide to blame yeager. The problem was with the PSD and its leadership.
Hey smwlce, I don’t suppose you have a link? I’ve never opened this particular can of worms since I figured it would be impossible to get a balanced report , but I had no idea the AAR’s were available.
Never mind, found it. Yeah, I’m not sure how that “runs away” b.s. got started, but except for putting the car in neutral and engaging the brake, I see nothing wrong here. I’m assuming it was a manual, which seems an odd choice to me, but I doubt Yeager had anything to do with vehicle selection. Extremely well planned ambush, multiple GPMG’s with armour piercing and two out of three vehicles were soft skins. Could have easily,easily been much worse.
glad you found the links.
It kills me when internet youtube rumor bullshit keeps getting slung everywhere like monkey feces.
I dont care how bad ass you are: a barrage from a PKM against a lightly armored (or soft skin) car will ruin your day.
Being on the receiving end of such weapons in my military career, i cannot judge somebody. Its amazing how these internet commandoes somehow know exactly how they’ll react when they get shot at.
but, hilariously enough, they never post links and any countering evidence to what the “hated” james yeager says.
I’ve always liked Yeager’s vids (well, fat Yeager anyway, I’m not sure what’s up with yoked Yeager) so I’m glad it was well overblown.
Lessons I learned the hard way about audio…
That video SUCKS. I stopped it after about a minute. Couldn’t even hear what the guy was saying.
While controversy certainly surrounds him (I will bet from those that have never trained with him ) the classes that I have taken with Yeager are the best and I look forward to taking more.
Okay, I can understand that he doesn’t like the bullpup configuration, but his complaints were all based on the 40 year old design of the AUG and the particulars of the owner’s setup. I also don’t tend to respond to these guy’s way of speaking. They sound like the a$$hat jocks I used to have to deal with in high school.
I can admit the shortcomings of the AUG, but the P90 with a minimalist setup and a 1 point sling would take care of the bulk of their concerns (ambidextrous operation, bottom ejecting, reloading issues). That’ll cover the issues they have, but they need to do some more R&D into bullpups. Use the P90 as a model for features that should be in bullpup a and develop from there.
While the P90 is a great package, the thought of 5.7 ammo with projectile weights below the 22lr bothers me.
Think of the FS2000 then.
I own the FS2000 CQB and the Wife the P90 SBR. Both our outstanding weapons. I know some are concerenned about the 5.7x28mm round, but my experience with it, hasn’t dettered me away in the least. Its a light, FAST, straight trajectory round and it does a bulk of its damage on the way out.
Islamic terrorist,domestic terroristperpetrator of workplace violence Nadal Hassan used that round to great effect.Okay, I can understand that he doesn’t like the bullpup configuration, but his complaints were all based on the 40 year old design of the AUG and the particulars of the owner’s setup. I also don’t tend to respond positively to these guy’s way of speaking. They sound like the a$$hat jocks I used to have to deal with in high school.
I can admit the shortcomings of the AUG, but the P90 with a minimalist setup and a 1 point sling would take care of the bulk of their concerns (ambidextrous operation, bottom ejecting, reloading issues). That’ll cover the issues they have, but they need to do some more R&D into bullpups. Use the P90 as a model for features that should be in bullpup a and develop from there.
Don’t know Yeager. Never trained with him.
To the point…… bullpups are NOT as ergonomic as traditional rifles. There may be some scenario or situation in which a bullpup may offer advantages. But I have never been in a situation where during the even tor afterward I thought that a bullpup configuration would have been better.
The manual of arms is not intuitive. Reloading is time consuming. Yes. The shorter overall length is an advantage getting out of vehicles. But that is not a relevant issue for dismounted troops and is easily overcome with just a little thinking.
“The manual of arms is not intuitive” – Sounds like you haven’t trained hard with them, or you tried an AUG once 20 years ago.
“Reloading is time consuming” – You must be one of those guys who trains to drop mags because some helo is going to resupply you.
“I have never been in a situation where … I thought that a bullpup would have been better.” – Of course you haven’t, because you haven’t spent much time using them.
You gravitate towards that which you acclimate.
He’s entitled to his opinion, and I don’t have a dog in the fight. I do hope that he tells his students that he doesn’t like the bullpup design before they sign up.
He does make a valid point about a fighting gun whether it’s a bullpup or other design. don’t clutter the damn think up with switches and wires and battery powered doohickeys. Simple is good, simple will save your ass.
Sorry to be disagreeable, but I own two AUGs, and a bunch of “regular” rifles (FALs, AK, Colt AR, Sig 556). Everything has its own advantages and disadvantages.
I am constantly amused by the rise of all these “tactical” instructors, teaching things that have little to no application in the domestic (USA), civilian world.
“…that have little to no application in the domestic (USA), civilian world.”
Not yet. There will be another conflict on our soil. The better prepared the populace is, the better off the US will be as a whole. It might not be in our lifetime, but rest assured, it will happen.
+ 1000
“teaching things that have little to no application in the domestic (USA), civilian world.”
youre f–king kidding me right? defensive gun uses? hurricane-katrina like situations? do those concepts ring a bell?
I find that I ignore gas bags that can only complain about what they don’t like without countering with the details they like. A one sided review or opinion is nothing to waste time reading or watching.
Personally I don’t agree with James on this or that other guy (whoever he is), I like the AUG, now that being said I wouldn’t run the sling or laser the owner had on that AUG, there are much better sling options out there for the AUG.
He is entitled to his opinion.
That being said a billpup has its place just like every other gun.
I specific cases a billpup is very useful, others not so much. I do agree a billpup is like a fighting gun. It should be point and shoot. Outside of a red dot and maybe a light there shouldn’t be anything else on it.
Who is Bill and what did you do to his Pup?
said he was gonna put some rounds thru it and he didnt…….
I guess I’ve never heard of the guy but U can tell you that I’d never take a class from that guy. It truly sounds like he doesn’t know a lot of things. The only bull pups I know of that are ergonomically designed are the FN ones and at least one of those reloads from the top. The Kel-Tec RFB ejects shells from the front so they can’t eject into your face.
I never had any of my instructors act like that in the Marine Corps but then again we understand honor. With people like that, I would encourage everyone to not support someone like that. Also, so we are clear, I don’t own a bull pup and don’t plan on purchasing one. I just really don’t care for people who would compose themselves like that.
+1 Casey. The tacticool goatee, shaved head, ball cap and Oakly clones along with the excessive cursing and unintelligible drawl make me shudder. It just screams unprofessional. And then to have that kind of controversy surrounding your name and have the gall to have a series of videos with the mantra “you suck.” Now that’s arrogance True or untrue, it’s out there and someone, or some people think he’s all talk and little action. That’s why the video is posted because they are questioning his honor. I hope, when I am all said and done, I may be called any number of names, but no one ever questioned my honor or integrity.
substance, not appearance.
what is this? high school?
Well, we all know what Dirty Harry said about opinions.
That said, he can hate, despise, dislike, think they suck, are worthless, ect., all he wants to. He’s free to choose whatever firearm he wishes and the Anti-2nd laws haven’t denied him. There will be others that swear the opposite and have hours on them. What one finds ergo and comfy, others won’t.
It boils down to personal taste and function. However, one could almost see this as some competent CCW instructor teaching the truth, but interjecting how the only good pistol is a wheel-gun.
“However, one could almost see this as some competent CCW instructor teaching the truth, but interjecting how the only good pistol is a wheel-gun.”
My CWP instructor was just like this. Constantly bringing up that autos are built with “a multitude of sins”. Going on about magazine lips being easily damaged, jamming, etc. He was not amused when I asked if he had the right ammo for the spring configuration, if the weapon was well kept, and if he was going to get the chance to reload a mag during a DGU to worry about a damaged feed lip.
I will concede, after the course, he pulled me to the side and we had a little chat. He commented on my knowledge of autos, gave me kudos on keeping all 200 rds of my .45 in a 10″ pattern during the range qualifying, and asked if I considered instruction for new shooters.
Seems to me for complete ambidexterity forward ejection would be more prevalent. I haven’t heard of any serious problems with the system.
If I want to be told how bad I suck, how bad my weapon sucks, how bad my gear sucks, and how bad everything within my reach sucks, While James and pals yuk it up, I’ll be sure to sign up For a class at TR.
Professionalism. It’s in the dictionary.
“If I want to be told how bad I suck, how bad my weapon sucks, how bad my gear sucks, and how bad everything within my reach sucks….”
I would have stayed with my ex-girl friend. (Musn’t be bitter, Mustn’t be bitter, Mustn’t be bitter….)
Bullpups don’t suck. The AUG is an outdated execution of a sound concept. The major problem with the AUG is that Steyr did not address the trigger linkage properly. This leaves it with a trigger that is lacking, especially in FA, the squeeze further for rock and roll blows.
As to Yaeger’s style: some people, like me are aggressive and respond well to aggression. Not everyone is wired that way. It would be a bad thing if everyone was. One thing I learned after getting out of the Army and into management was that you need to tailor your style to the audience.
He just does videos like that to drag viewers in. I love how he blocks ratings. I cant stand people who do that therefore Chuck sucks.
So reading all of the above comments where do most people go for training? Is there a list on TTAG? My range just confirmed I can practice drawing from IWB and I’m reading Ayoob’s conceal carry book. Info overload.
This guy is divisive, but he’ll never treat you like Yeager, and has some of the best training programs, IMHO.
That guy (Gabe Suarez) is also a dirty ex-cop who plead guilty to defrauding his government out of over $100,000 in workmans comp.
The news articles aren’t available online anymore, but it is a commonly known fact. I’m not motivated enough to do another search, but you look thru the WarriorTalk (Gabe’s forum) he even has his side of the story up there. Here is one thread with a copy/pasted version of the news article.
SMPD Officers Charged With Fraud
Clara Sturak
Associate editor
On Friday, March 2, two Santa Monica Police Officers were arrested in connection with conspiracy to defraud the City of Santa Monica through Workers Compensation fraud. Officers Jason Comer and Gabriel Suarez were arrested along with Suarez’ wife Cheryl Suarez.
According to a press release issued by the Public Information Office of the Santa Monica Police Department, the three were charged after a “long term and intensive investigation” on the part of the Department’s Internal Criminal Unit, the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office, and the California State Department of Insurance.
Comer, 32, a six-year veteran, and Suarez 40, a twelve year veteran, along with Mrs. Suarez, are charged with four criminal counts, explains Deputy District Attorney Craig Omura, who led the DA’s portion of the investigation. “Count one is conspiracy to commit workers compensation fraud, count two is workers compensation fraud, count three is money laundering, and count six is grand theft, because the money they obtained was over $400.” Counts four and five, both for perjury, apply only to Officer Suarez, in regards to false depositions he gave in March and June of 2000. Details of the case have not yet been released.
The investigation, says Omura, has been going on since October of 2000, when the SMPD became aware of possible criminal activity. “They brought the information to [the District Attorney’s office] in November of 2000. At that time we began a three-pronged investigation with the Santa Monica Police and the State Department of Insurance.” SMPD did the most of the investigative footwork, according to Omura, consulting with the other two departments as to “what elements [they] needed to prove.”
The charges and subsequent arrests were not made public until March 7, with an interdepartmental memo sent by SMPD Chief James T. Butts. Although there has been concern that some City officials were not made aware of the situation until several days following the arrests, Judy Rambeau, Assistant to the City Manager states that the City Manger’s office was aware of the investigation from its beginnings. “The City Manager is always alerted when something like this is going on,” said Rambeau in an interview on Monday. “That doesn’t mean we have all of the details as the investigation proceeds. The police need to keep tight control over who knows what’s happening at any given time.”
In fact, that’s exactly why City officials were not informed. Chief Butts’ memo states that “there are other long-term investigations concerning potential fraudulent application for Workers Compensation benefits by other members of the department that continue.” SMPD Public Information Officer Captain Gary Gallinot confirmed in a telephone interview with the Mirror that, “it was our intent that the investigations be entirely wrapped up before we went public.” But, says Gallinot, the District Attorney’s office felt they had enough information to go forward, and “since they are the prosecuting authority, it was up to them.”
Once any arrest is made it becomes a matter of public record. However, the SMPD did not issue a statement on the day of the arrests. According to Gallinot, “the reason [the arrests weren’t] made public is because we did not want to jeopardize the ongoing investigations. Once we realized it was going to be made public , our strategy had to change, and notifications were made.”
Gallinot could not comment on the ongoing investigations, except to say that they are “specific” in nature, and that the DA’s office is involved.
“It’s important to note,” he said, “that this investigation was started by our police department. We are vigorously involved in the discipline and prosecution of misconduct [on the part] of our employees. If you don’t look for misconduct or criminal activity, you seldom find it. The fact that we do so shines a positive light on our institutional integrity.”
Jason Comer, Gabriel Suarez and Cheryl Suarez are scheduled to be arraigned on Wednesday, March 14. If convicted, Jason Comer and Cheryl Suarez could serve maximum prison sentences of 5 years, 8 months, and Gabriel Suarez could serve a maximum of 7 years, 8 months.
Former Officer Pleads Guilty to Fraud Charges
By Teresa Rochester
Sept. 27 — A former Santa Monica police officer has pleaded guilty to Workers Compensation fraud, money laundering and grand theft and will begin serving a year-long jail sentence for the crimes next week.
Gabriel Saurez, a decorated 12-year veteran of the SMPD, will report to Los Angeles County Jail to begin serving his sentence on Monday as part of a plea agreement reached last week in Los Angeles County Criminal Court. Saurez, who recently resigned from the force, also was sentenced to five years probation.
Saurez, his wife Cheryl Saurez and Officer Jason Comer pleaded not guilty in April to charges of conspiracy, Workers Compensation fraud and grand theft. Saurez also faced two additional fraud charges.
Like her husband, Cheryl Saurez agreed to plea guilty during last Friday’s hearing. She was ordered to serve one day in jail and also was sentenced to five years probation.
Comer’s charges were dropped in June, and he remains on paid leave pending the conclusion of an administrative investigation, according to Police Chief James T. Butts Jr.
As part of the agreement, the charges of conspiracy against the Suarezes were dismissed, as were the two additional counts of Workers Compensation filed against Gabriel Saurez, said DA spokesperson Sandi Gibbons.
The Saurezes paid a $100 fine and $112, 250.01 in restitution on Friday, according to Deputy Dist. Atty. Ellen St. John.
Chief Butts said Saurez’s plea was a testament to the “hard work, time and effort that the risk management and our criminal division officers have put into this case.
“The good thing is the City of Santa Monica has received full restitution for all wages that were paid in this fraudulent claim,” Butts said. “The jail sentence that was imposed by the judge sent a strong message that this type of misconduct will not be tolerated by the City of Santa Monica,”
Gabriel Suarez allegedly worked as a gun tactics trainer while receiving Workers Compensation for a slip and fall accident in the SMPD’s locker room in 1999. Cheryl Suarez allegedly received payments for work done by her husband through a company she never worked for. The dismissed charges against Comer were based on allegations that he received and disbursed money for Saurez.
The Saurez case stemmed from a long-term investigation of Workers Compensation fraud within the police department launched late last year by the department, the District Attorneys Office and the State Department of Insurance.
The investigation also has resulted in charges filed against Officer Richard Robert Brulato, who pleaded not guilty in June to two counts of Workers Compensation Fraud.
Butts said the investigation is “definitely ongoing.
“We have other cases we are actively looking at and investigating. Fortunately at this point those cases are few,” said Butts adding that they would be vigorously pursued.
Copyright ©1999, 2000, 2001 surfsantamonica.com. All Rights Reserved.
Hey Matt. You suck. Love, Gabe Suarez
well this just confirms my opinion on Yeager, which is that he feels that anything that doesn’t conform to his training system is bad regardless of niche or other training tactics. and that just means hes a bad instructor cause he would rather reject new ideas than try them out and see how they work and what can be integrated into his “system”.
So much face palm.
Reminds me of the bullies in school growing up making fun of the nerds or the new guy; those bullies would be the ones I would tell to lay off, since I was head taller and fifty pounds heavier than anyone in my age bracket, they did.
I’m completely unimpressed by either one of these so called “experts”.
then post your own videos and start training people then…pretty easy solution to a existing problem.
No need to when there are plenty of other trainers who actually act as professionals.
“act like professionals”
by this you mean, “one that doesn’t hurt your feelers”.
i find it interesting that he says bullpups “suck.” wow what an informed opinion there, if they are so awful, why do so many squared away military forces abroad use them? i guess they “suck” too? yeager is a blowhard, he is full of bluster, but blocks dissenting opinions, he seems like a sensitive sally to me. this is the same guy who declared that glocks are the best gun in the known universe. don’t get me wrong, they are fine, but “best” is fanboy nonsense.
Video response that addressed two of the issues raised in “Bullpups suck” video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPqTrYwQ5G8&feature=youtu.be
And the answer is…”It’s just a matter of training.” 4:19 of ranting smacked down by one sentence. Sturmgewehre, you’re my hero.
Sooooooo……. basically all Mr. Yeager’s objections are that this rifle isn’t an AR-15?
In a nutshell.
or AK
Funny part is that you can reload some bullpups with a AK style reload
and i could care less. I hate keltec rifles and bullpups. Steyr, FN, and IWI make excellent products however.
FN doesnt make excelent products. I have a FNP-45 Tactical which has plenty of problems. The magazines are undersized and wont feed anything over 1.260. The trigger pin (to trigger linkage) walks out every time I shoot it. The backstrap retention system is flimsey. The trigger bar bows out and rubs against the frame in DA. This isnt just a problem with my gun, if you look at fnforum.net, you can find that plenty of other people have these problems too.
That also doesnt include that FN’s customer service sucks and lies to you too. For instance they say that you cant remove the RHS decocker/safety lever without a special machine/tool of which only 2 exist in the world. I figured out all that was needed was a dental pick. If you look thru the service sheets that come back with guns that had the FCG or trigger assembly replaced, they commonly replace the RHS decocker as well, which means they are just prying them off and not using their special tool.
My Kel-Tec RFB on the otherhand has never had an issue.
FN doesnt make excelent products. I have a FNP-45 Tactical which has plenty of problems. The magazines are undersized and wont feed anything over 1.260. The trigger pin (to trigger linkage) walks out every time I shoot it. The backstrap retention system is flimsey. The trigger bar bows out and rubs against the frame in DA. This isnt just a problem with my gun, if you look at fnforum.net, you can find that plenty of other people have these problems too.
My 1st gen Kel-Tec RFB on the otherhand has never had an issue.
This video certainly has people stirred up, me included.
There are three areas where this video is problematic.
(1) Professionalism! Those of us that have been around firearms for a long time have, and will see things that make you think “And what the &%$# were you thinking?!?” Yes the sling mounted in a way that made it impossible to run the charging handle, falls into that category.
My issue is that someone that operates as a firearms training professional should not diss their students to the whole world like that. It is unprofessional, it poisons the learning environment, and it just plain lacks class. Basically someone that does that, well, they suck.
Hey if you and your fellow instructors, want to go into a private space, and have a good yuck, I’m great with that.
(2) I have an issue with an instructor that puts down any platform that doesn’t suit their training style. The FACT is that ANY platform can be made to look good or bad on the range depending on how you use it.
A good instructor, and in my opinion any good shooter seeks out opportunities to shoot every platform that they can pull the trigger on. They seek to learn the strengths and weaknesses of a given platform, and of themselves. Learn how to maximize the good, and minimize that bad. You never know when that information might come in handy, make you look totally cool, or save your life.
Yeager’s “blah gun suck!” attitude IMO indicates INSTITUTIONAL INERTIA. I feel that those kinds of statements indicate the mindset of someone whose learning window is closing down. (whether true or not, it does give that impression)
The time and money that I have available to take classes is extremely limited, and I don’t want to waste time and money running with a trainer that is living on the past. I want to learn from those that are advancing the state of the art. The “Bullpups Suck” video has been VERY informative where, or more accurately where I will not be looking to go next year.
(3) They didn’t actually shoot the AUG. And why would that be? Afraid you would look bad on camera? Because you suck?…I mean lack experience with the platform? Just sayin.
I have noticed that his most recent videos are of a much more educational style. Great! I am glad when he does those videos. I have seen James Yeager put out a lot of good stuff, and on the whole I like what he does. I’m not a “Yeager hater.” Maybe that is why this particular video bothered me so much.
So do AR’s suck because they don’t generally have a reliable piston system like an AUG? hmmm
Also, if someone put there sling on incorrectly:
1: That is not the guns fault
2: Be a good brother to you’re fellow shooter and help them, not berate them. We want to keep people shooting, not exclude others who are, or whose guns are different.
3: Training, Practice, or as I like to think of it WELL-ROUNDED-NESS (is that a word?) is good to have. Should your AR’s gas key become unsteaked, buffer tube bent, roll pins unrolled, etc.
I fired an AUG 20-some-odd years ago. Fun gun. BUT the carry-handle scope’s reticle was only good for up to 100 yards. AND I burned my finger on the barrel while I was shooting it with the front grip folded up. And I didn’t like that the rifle did not balance in my shooting hand – that it was butt heavy. Did the trigger suck? I don’t remember, because I was having too much fun.
Most firearms suck or rule based on compromise and ones opinion of that choice, not a design flaw.
1. AR: SUCKS because its self fouling. RULES because it’s modular (and it’s ours).
2. AK: SUCKS because it is inherently inaccurate. RULES because it’s more reliable than taxes.
3. Bullpup: SUCKS because it is cumbersome. RULES because it’s a full-length rifle in a subgun size (sort of).
4. Handgun: SUCKS because it is hard to shoot. RULES because it is so mobile.
Wait now, there’s some kid who did a couple of tours in the sandbox that’ll set you straight about how great AR/Ms are…
He knows more than everyone at Aberdeen and Quantico combined.
You got it right fcp503, his professionalism is nonexistent. If he at least had that he wouldn’t be so hard not to hate. I personally can’t stand the guy one bit!!!
And who is this Jeff kid anyways?!? Isn’t his biggest accomplishment winning a reality show. Now he has his own company, EVEN THOUGH HE HAS NO MILITARY OR LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPERIENCE
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