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Earlier today, we noted the announcement that as a result of the Ackerman McQueen breakup, new production of NRATV programming has stopped. On Tuesday, the National Rifle Association ended its relationship with Ackerman, their marketing and PR firm which ran NRATV. In news reports covering the NRATV production work, the reports said that old material would still be available.

Maybe not.

The NRATV website now redirects readers to this message from NRA Executive Director Wayne LaPierre.

Dear NRA Members,

As many of you may know, we have been evaluating if our investment in NRATV is generating the benefits needed. This consideration included the return on investment and the cost and the direction of the content. Many members expressed concern about the messaging on NRATV becoming too far removed from our core mission: defending the Second Amendment.

So, after careful consideration, I am announcing that starting today, we are undergoing a significant change in our communications strategy. We are no longer airing “live TV” programming. Whether and when we return to “live” programming is a subject of ongoing analysis.

The NRA will continue and improve our service on social media channels and our flagship website, – your trusted resource of information. Our many web sites will continue to showcase new and archived videos, as we reorganize much of this information in a way that better serves our key audiences.

What necessitated the change now is our conclusion that our longtime advertising firm and website vendor failed to deliver upon many contractual obligations it made to our Association.  The NRA will always hold our vendors to high standards and ask that they maximize their value to the Association. No exceptions.

Looking ahead, you can expect great things from your NRA. We will energize our messaging strategy, become more cost efficient, and promote the NRA’s singular focus like never before.  Simply put, our messaging strategy will advance the NRA’s core mission: to serve our members and fight for our Second Amendment.


The NRA-TV’s Facebook page remains up. At least as of now. Not sure about the other social media outlets. At the rate things are happening today, if the NRA-TV’s website is any indication, those will be idled in the coming hours as well.

No doubt the sound you hear over at The Trace isn’t gunfire, but that of champagne corks popping. They Bloomberg-financed anti-gun agitprop generator will be celebrating this day for some time to come.

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  1. Clearly NRATV failed to learn the lessons proven by HBO. Add in some nudity and simulated sex and viewers and advertisement dollars will roll in.

    • Actually, too much can get in they way. I abandoned GOT after the first season because the graphic language, sex, and violence distracted heavily from whatever storyline they were trying to establish. As Season 8 was about to premier earlier this year, I watched some (surprisingly well edited) summary vids on YouTube to help me catch up on the story threads all the way up through Season 7. The final episodes were far different and far better than the first season because they didn’t have all the superfluous trash that screams “hey! look this way! we have boobies!”

      Now I don’t even watch HBO or Netflix anymore.

      • wow….I mean….wow.

        I hope someday to know your real name so I can never ever…EVER…get movie or TV reviews from you .

        Your knowledge of GoT borders on the pathologically bad.

        In short, everything you said, was wrong. Except perhaps that you no longer watch netflix or HBO.

        • AL Swearagin is my hero!…maybe that’s the kind of guy we need to head the NRA?…..[feed a few of these guys to the pigs]

  2. Debating whether this situation is purely the result of internal NRA management issues or included an external anti-gun group catalyst. Either way, if the NRA had it’s act in order we wouldn’t be facing these issues.

    • There are certain aspects of national groups with five million members and no single major funder (like Bloomberg) that will always be a mess.

      I’ve seen the NRA attacked for policy choices and tactics in ways that are nihilistic and unrealistic. That became a focus and distracted from the real problem.

      The real problem is simple. They became captive of an outside professional firm that bribed the leadership and when that started to unravel, blackmailed the leadership.

      The entire board needs to go. Lapierre, Cox, the operations manager and anyone associated with Ackerman MacQueen need to go. All the other problems with the NRA are organic to any large membership based organization. What needs to be purged is personsnwith any conflict of interest

  3. “The NRA will always hold our vendors to high standards and ask that they maximize their value to the Association. No exceptions.”

    How about this expectation from the higher up leadership in NRA?????

  4. NRATV website made them money with all the ads yet they fail to fire the biggest criminal thief Wayne pee pee la-pew pew.

    Wayne has given us gun control.

    This guy (Greg Pruett) link below went to Washington DC RECENTLY and knocked on doors of Senators and Congress offices and was delivering petitions to fight gun control & Red Flag Laws and asked them to fight for gun rights …and guess what….the office workers said NO ONE HAD EVER BEEN THERE TO SAY ANYTHING ABOUT GUN RIGHTS…ONLY ANTI-GUNNERS…..THANKS NRA UR LOBBYIST GET PAID TO STAY HOME!!

    (Greg Pruett) an activist for gun rights and also helps the American Firearms Coalition with their efforts. Give him a follow on Social Media!

    • That guy sounds like a total crack pot. So he goes to offices of members of congress, that are not his district, and not bringing anyone from the district and then whines there is no record of his “meeting” when he is just complaining to some receptionist? That is not a meeting and he brings no evidence that anyone more than himself alone supports his opinions on legislation.

      What a clown!

  5. oh no, what won’t i watch now?
    thank goodness the new goon comic is out.
    and savoring season three of ash vs. evil dead.

  6. “The NRA will always hold our vendors to high standards and ask that they maximize their value to the Association. No exceptions.”

    Perhaps the members would like to hold the officers to high standards and ask that they maximize their value to the Association. No exceptions.

    “Looking ahead, you can expect great things from your NRA. We will energize our messaging strategy, become more cost efficient, and promote the NRA’s singular focus like never before. Simply put, our messaging strategy will advance the NRA’s core mission: to serve our members and fight for our Second Amendment.”

    Looking ahead,the members might expect a complete overhaul of the officers and board,each and everyone of them separated from the organization,starting with you Mr La Pee Pee.

  7. I wonder if they are going to delete all the videos of Wayne and Cox calling for gun control. I hope you guys archived them. NRA members are not going to believe you without the video proof.

  8. Wayne writes “Many members expressed concern about the messaging on NRATV becoming too far removed from our core mission: defending the Second Amendment.”

    Excuse me, Wayne, do you really view your membership as that dumb? You jokers were behind the idea of the Bump Stock Ban and Red Flag Laws. Both are seriously dangerous in that they set precedents that are potentially very dangerous to every responsible, law abiding firearms owner in our beautiful country. Trump using “Executive Fiat” to ban Bump Stocks sets the bar so low, it’s alarming as all get out. The next president can now use the exact same precedent to rid law abiding firearms owners of anything he or she deems unnecessary. Red Flag Laws are so vague and widely undefined, they potentially put every single LAW ABIDING firearms owner at risk. What risk you ask? The risk of having our front doors kicked down at 4 in the morning by LEO’s who were given an order by a judge that so and so is dangerous. No chance to face our accuser, no chance to argue our point, just having our property snatched up by LEO’s on the word of a person we may have never spoken to or met.

    Wayne, you need to step down, and you need to do it ASAP. You’re no longer worthy of my financial support or respect. You’re a typical crooked suit, living large off the donations of law abiding Americans who mistakenly thought you really had our back.
    In Illinois, the NRA hasn’t spent as much on lobbying for our 2A rights as you do on a single damned clothes shopping trip. You sicken me. Not another dime until you’re long gone and without any kind of Golden Parachute. If the NRA “Parachutes” you out, they’ll never see another dime from me, that’s a promise.

    Second Amendment Foundation, GOA, ISRA, etc., that’s where my dollars are going.

    Good Riddance Wayne, don’t let the door hit ya in the arse on the way out.

  9. Time for Wayne to go & an entire redo. The NRA needs to be lean & mean like GOA & drop the stupid wine club too IMHO.

    • Those cheap chineseum trinkets like pocket knives, mugs and bags NRA gives for membership should be dropped too.

  10. NRA television was the only Network to do stories about what was going on with Carol Bowne in New Jersey trying to get her gun permit. I know that not many people watched it. But they did watch it. Perhaps not in the numbers that the powers that be wanted.

    It’s not a good thing that the NRA doesn’t have its own television presentation service. That is 21st century communication not a paper magazine called the American Rifleman.

  11. I just checked my Roku and all that is left of NRA TV is the tile in the menu. When i click on it I get an empty black screen… just like my new feelings about the present leadership of the NRA.

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