BREAKING: ATF Blocked From Confiscating NAGR Member’s Forced Reset Trigger…For Now


When the ATF targeted Rare Breed Triggers in 2021, makers of forced-reset triggers that ATF had magically designated as machine guns, they scooped up the company’s customer list. That’s given them the ability to go around the country confiscating the triggers from people who lawfully purchased them before the agency waived its regulatory wand and reclassified them.

In the mean time, the National Association for Gun Rights, along with Rare Breed and others sued ATF in federal court to block the reclassification. Earlier this week, a federal District Court Judge issued an injunction blocking ATF enforcement of its FRT ban against NAGR, its members, Texas Gun Rights and its members, and Rare Breed.

NAGR honcho Dudley Brown has tweeted (above) that ATF informed a NAGR member in West Virginia that they intended to pay him a visit and confiscate his forced reset trigger. NAGR’s attorneys then informed the DOJ that the targeted individual is a NAGR member and there’s an injunction blocking them from doing that.

Stay tuned.


    • It’s right there in the article….

      “When the ATF targeted Rare Breed Triggers in 2021, makers of forced-reset triggers that ATF had magically designated as machine guns, they scooped up the company’s customer list.”

  1. Plaintiffs’ counsel need to file a motion for contempt, as ATF violated the injunction by attempting to enforce the rule post-injunction. Require the involved agents to appear and show cause why they should not be cited for contempt.

    I daresay Judge O’Connor will not be pleased with the feddies.

  2. Meanwhile the atf is silent about trust fund dorm room punks in America supporting hamas terrorists who used machine guns to mow down Israeli men, women, children, pets, etc.

      • In his defense, it’s sometimes difficult to keep track of which group of feds is in charge of violating which rights.

      • but using machine guns to kill humans MIGHT still fall under bATF. Hard to know, these days. Feds gonna fed.
        I hope the guy DOES file for contempt.

    • The real question is, where did Hama’s get the M4s. From the $80 billion pile Biden left in Afghanistan? The ones that got shipped to Ukraine and got lost? Or, is it Egypt, where Menendez and his wife cut deals to get arms shipped there. Who is investigating that? No one is, there is too much fuckery afoot.

  3. “NAGR honcho Dudley Brown has tweeted (above) that ATF informed a NAGR member in West Virginia that they intended to pay him a visit and confiscate his forced reset trigger. NAGR’s attorneys then informed the DOJ that the targeted individual is a NAGR member and there’s an injunction blocking them from doing that.”

    To which the ATF will respond with a fully armed tactical team, with no warrant at all, and hold family members at gun point and threaten to shoot them unless the NAGR member ‘voluntarily’ surrenders the FRT. Ya know, like they did to that home FFL guy and his 13 year old and the guy fearing for the life of his child voluntarily surrendered his FFL – no crime, no warrant, show up with a fully armed tactical team, handcuff the guy, hold his 13 year old son and gun point threatening to shoot him.

    • Send the thing via USPS First Class or Parcel Post, use stamps and no tracking number, using a friend’s return address, sent to another friend in another state. Have someone else drive you downtown or to a eighbouring town and drop it in the kerbside pickup box.
      When they do nip round to take it up, demand to see the warrant naming the item desired and the specific place where they expect to find it. AND make sure you demand to see the warrant stating the probable cause on which they base their suspicion,and the name of the party providing that probable cause to believe it is where they say it is. Have some well-disguised video/audio recording devices salted throughout the house.

      Or if you have a yard of any size, maybe a large vegetable garden, find a hardy well-sealing plastic jam or mustard jar, take some siting notes, and bury it in the ground in an unlikely place. Don’t use glass jar with metal lid, as it will rust pretty quickly.

  4. Sounds like a great time to NOT open the door, don’t answer a single question, smile and keep your mouth SHUT. Lacking a search warrant, they have no lawful authorization to enter

    • SMAA
      ‘Camera up’ with the video backup going OFF SITE, and alert the local sheriff. Perhaps get a number for said sheriffs’ department that is on speed dial.

      Also, setup your video system so you have friends that can access it and have several of them on speed dial. Maybe, TEMPORARILY, setup a link that you could message to the sheriffs’ office that will gain them access to your camera system.

      Hopefully, you HAVE a sheriffs department that is cooperative with something like this, and not one of the @ssh-le ones in Californicate..


  5. The major issue here in West Virginia is we are inundated with ATF considering locals, Martinsburg, and Clarksburg. One afternoon in the summer or early fall of 2018 as I recall I walked into a local gun shop that is L shaped with one arm where these yahoos were hidden from the street and observed eight or ten plain clothed, but obviously ATF agents examining their 4473s with a laptop. Not certain if they were scanning or entering information into a database and not sure it matters as both are illegal. I ignored them and kind of browsed around the corner and out the door quietly.

    • About that same time I saw the same thing here locally. Two young female ATF Inspectors going through a stack of 4473(s) right in the small lobby area.

  6. Very overzealous the enforcement and “classification” involved in all this. I hope the injunction becomes permanent. ATF is very likely about to have their hands full taking guns away from drug cartel operatives that have waltzed across our southern border since PEDO POTUS CORNPOP JOE and Dirty Knees Kamala frauded themselves in to the WH.

    • once again ATF doing something to try to justify their existence and please the boss…instead of going after the real bad guys….

    • ATF is very likely about to have their hands full taking guns away from drug cartel operatives

      Those clowns are the LAST ones I’d trust to actually DO that. Remember they are the “brains” behind F&F. Their corruption knows no bounds. And their intent seems to be evil on two pins each.

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