Initial public statements from the Biden administration regime touted their full and complete support of Israel in the aftermath of the barbaric Hamas attacks on October 7th. The unelected people in the Biden “leadership” team might say they are supporting Israel, but actions speak louder than words. Despite pleas from Israel for small arms for civilian self-defense, the Biden regime continues to block those shipments.
Yes, on paper the shipments have been approved. In reality though, they have gone nowhere. It’s perfect really. The Biden brain trust can claim to support Israel, while behind the scenes they can hamstring the tiny Jewish nation.
Does the Biden administration really hate Jews that much, or is it a burning hatred of the right of the little people to defend themselves?

Or perhaps it’s some of both. reports on Biden’s continued delays, even after 100-plus days since the savage attacks by Hamas.
U.S. delays sale of guns to prevent use by settlers
Biden administration already sanctioning violent West Bank settlers and preventing their entry to U.S. fears providing guns ordered for community security teams would free up arms for Ben-Gvir to deliver to settlements
Israel is experiencing a shortage in the supply of firearms for, among others, community security teams, caused by delays in authorization by the State Department and Congress.
Some 8,350 guns ordered from the Colt’s gun manufacturer and from Daniel Defense, that had been approved in November, have not yet been supplied.
The delays come following a decision by the Biden administration to review sales of guns to Israel amid concerns that they would be used by West Bank settlers, despite assurances from the government that they would not be supplied to settlements.
The Americans worried that the National Security Ministry under far-right minister Itamar Ben-Gvir would provide other weapons to the settlers, if supplied the American purchases, hence the months-long delay, that is in addition to sanctions imposed on settlers by the administration that include a ban on entry to the U.S. for violent settlers.
“Violent settlers” is Bidenspeak for Israelis who shot back in self-defense against the savages trying to kill their families or take them hostage.
What, IWI can’t handle it?
The least Jim Crow Gun Control self serving democRat joe could do is ship hunter’s dumpster gun to a defenseless Israeli.
TRUMP 2024.
The only difference between us trying to have it both ways in supporting both sides of this conflict by withholding aid then sending aid then withholding aid and again sending aid to both parties and just sitting back and telling them to figure their shit out on their own is that the aid game costs us money.
I’d rather we not spend money accomplishing nothing when we can not spend money to accomplish the same thing.
The endless fence-sitting, waffling, hemming and hawing of politics and politicians and how much it all costs me and mine is infuriating.
At the very least they could be consistent in their inconsistencies. Why is Israel’s “far right” a concern but Ukraine’s is not? Why does accountability in Israel matter when it’s no big deal we’ve lost track of billions in Ukraine?
Nuke DC already. Make sure the chambers are full so wait for them to be voting on something really important like naming a bridge or giving themselves a pay raise.
It’s so corrupt. It’s amazing. We enable global conflict.
“Biden Regime” is accurate. He is Resident of the White House, but not President.
He and his socialist cabal are despicable and nothing bad enough can happen to them.
Trying to keep The Squad happy for so-cial media likes?
Let Israelis fix Israel. We have plenty of things here in the US that need to be worked on. We do well in sacrificing our youth and wealth for other nations, most of whom don’t even want or appreciate it. We do a lousy job of playing God.
I don’t much like the Hindustan Times. With their format, you either read what’s on screen, or you watch the video – I find it distracting and irritating. And, the musical background?
Pistols. Yeah, 8,000 pistols in the right hands would be helpful, indeed. But, Israel needs to get over it’s whole gun control attitude. Each kibbutz should have had an armory, with all manner of small arms ready to be issued at a moment’s notice. Better yet, each household should have had an AR, an AK, or an Uzi or something, ready to rock and roll. In addition, householders should have had LOCKING DOORS on their shelters. FFS, precious few, if any, shelters could be locked, so terrorists simply opened the doors, and fired inside. That was equivalent to having a storm shelter, without a roof on it.
Biden the gun control zealot? He won’t give weapons to civilians. He doesn’t want civilians on our own border able to defend themselves from the invading hordes.
Biden’s minions are channeling the rabid anti-semit-ism of their kkk stalwarts.
Biden still holding up.
He fall down go boom.
Despicable terrorist-loving baby-beheading grandma-raping jockeys are what FJB wants to unleash on the civilians here in the US and we would see murder rampages on our streets too if fjb’s minions get their way.
Israel should be buying milsurp AKs from Eastern Europe as there are a ton of them that don’t make it to US shores now. Hand one out to every civilian willing to take it home to train with it. Crank up the ammo factories. There is a war coming.
There are European makers of the AR platform. It might be less of a hassle to source them from the Czech Republic or Slovenia.
And now you know why everyone in your family needs their own AR-15 and 10 full capacity magazines.
You Are On Your Own, NO ONE IS COMING
Do it have to be an AR?
Shiver me timbers.
Nantucket sleigh ride. A chainsaw bayonet.
Damn you whale, I stabbeth thee.
Always liked “Mississippi Queen.”
“Nantucket Sleighride,” not so much.
I would consider that the bare minimum.
The 18x14x12 mag bag for my “go to” AR-10 contains……
12 25rd
12 20rd
6 10rd (keep a lower profile when shooting prone)
2 50rd Drums
32 mags total.
These are all MagPul GenM3 mags. Consistency in
equipment matters during high stress situations, especially for those who don’t train regularly.
That bag also contains a range finder (with spare batteries), 10×42 binoculars, night vision monocular, and my “long range” scope in a SPUHR QD. Just under 25 lbs total.
Always a good idea to keep gear packed in a ready to move state, and have an idea of what’s in each bag, and approximate weight.
On the mag quantity…….
I’ve never heard of anyone saying “jeez, wish I had fewer loaded mags” after a firefight.
And yes, I AM that person who get annoyed at friends and relatives who have gear scattered about everywhere.
“Just under 25 pounds total.” Really? Your empty mags alone weigh in at just under 15 pounds. 700 rounds of 7.62×51/.308 will come in at over 36.75 pounds.
My loaded mags are in the safe with the rifle.
This bag is a go bag, spare mag to be loaded later.
I wasn’t clear in my initial comment.
Why not just keep the empties with your ammo stores? If you end up having to hoof it that is 15 pounds of dead weight to lug around.
That’s exactly where that bag is.
It’s currently sitting in a bedroom closet on top of two 800 rd crates of Austrian Hirtenburger 7.62 NATO surplus ammo. 😀
Does the Biden administration really hate Jews that much, or is it a burning hatred of the right of the little people to defend themselves?
The Biden style leftists hate everyone who isn’t of their own government worshiping faith with the burning hatred of a Muslim faced with a crowd of infidels, because to them that is what we are. These Secularists hate us for clinging to our Bibles and our guns as much as or more than they hate the Jews.
“Yes” the Democrat “Jews” hate faithful Jews especially Israeli Jews, they always have and it’s why Biden has so many self-hating Jews in his administration.
Well of course Biden is holding it up – hes trying to export ‘gun control’ and like all ‘gun control’ it only serves the endanger the law abiding and emboldens ‘threat actors’.
And yet the majority of Jews vote Dim. They vote enmasse for a certain corpulent ILLannoy jewish billionaire. You have “feel the Bern” condemning Israel for shooting back & various stripes of jewish lefties marching for Gaza. How dare you fight back! You’d think they’d learn from millennium’s of death & he!! Bidum is likely “seniled” out about it. I agree there’s plenty of AK’s available🙄
It’s sad to watch the sheep. They’re always for the “latest thing” with zero understanding of it. Watch the pro-Palestine marches with the kweers for Palestine and reproductive justice signs. Those idiots must not know that both of those things are banned in Muslim countries. Just wait until the Regime begins to westernize the Palestinians. They’ll really hate us then.
Better to support the party filled with David antisemites calling for the extermination of Israel than to suffer one mean tweet.
Never again! Mean tweets I mean. Holocausts are fine.
The idea is to drain American resources into (among other things) Ukraine. With the hate in the entire Biden administration, there is no room for actually caring about Israel (or American sovereignty).
As an American, I don’t see how giving weapons to Israel helps me.
J6 protesters are still held without trial.
Hordes of illegals have overrun our cities.
Dual US-Israeli citizens in government keep passing laws taking away my 2A rights.
I pay like half my stuff in taxes- why do I need to subsidize Israel? They drop bombs on churches and kill Christians in Gaza.
“They drop bombs on churches and kill Christians in Gaza.”
I bet you have a fascinating take on the US role during WWII, defined solely by the use of atomic weapons.
if israel didn’t care about civilians this war would have been over on oct. 8th.
Truth Bomb!
The demtard party hates Jews (and Christians) but loves them some Mohammadians (who hate America). Obiden and his handlers are going the minimum possible politically to assist the Israelis.
“Does the Biden administration really hate Jews that much, or is it a burning hatred of the right of the little people to defend themselves?”
Please Obama hates Jews this much. Bribum doesn’t even no what damn day it is.
Obama’s 3rd term really sucks!
Wait till Big Mike steps into the race and picks Opraaa for VP we’re focked then!
Obama’s goal has always been to empower Iran. Remember toward the end of Obama’s time in office when Iranian proxies were so emboldened that they began attacking us? Go back and watch the 2016 debates. The main topics were the economy, immigration, and the various messes in the Middle East. Remember how quickly that got taken care of when Trump came into office? Things were so good, people were only complaining about the fake Russia story and silly things like supposedly overfeeding fish in foreign countries.
Now ask yourself why they want to empower Iran.
Obama said he was going to change America.
Our president needs to take Putin up on that Tea and Pancake’s he offered.
Or perhaps visit Xhina for some fried bat wings.
Can you imagine our president sitting down with serious world leaders, without a script, to talk about anything, except maybe ice cream?
Biden as usual was correct. Even a retarded fruit bat from the Far Right can see that Jewish Settlers have been gunning down civilian unarmed Arabs for the flimsiest of reasons.
In reality the U.S. for years has given the Israeli Military M16’s free of charge for their military. It’s the major reason that Israel stopped producing the much superior Galil assault rifle and switched over to the the totally inferior and unreliable M16. I guess they consider their soldiers expendable so they can save money by using free M16 rifles.
And lets not forget the Europeans who still produce a large amount of weapons for the civilian markets. Israel can get all the civilian weapons it wants from arms dealers in Europe.
Of course a fascist would be anti Israeli.
So says Jethro the High School dropout who never learned how to think critically. You are a depraved stalking troll.
“…Jewish Settlers have been gunning down civilian unarmed Arabs for the flimsiest of reasons.”
October 7 is holding on Line 2. Shall I tell them that you’re too fucking stupid to answer?
Both of the people currently living in that part of the world deserve each other, to the both of them I am a despised infidel/goyim so I would thank all involved to LEAVE ME OUT OF YOUR BULLSHIT! Fight your own wars.
Who’s asking you to take part?
Like most of the ignorant Far Right Alien you see the world only as us v/s them and every problem as black v/s White with no varying shades of grey in between. Of course I am sure like Jethro you too find this way over your head.
I was correct — you are too fucking stupid, period.
“Biden as usual was correct.”
Biden as usual was incoherent.
Try throwing rocks/molotov cocktails at me or attempt to take pot-shots at me or my family like the Hamastinians do to Christian/Druze/Arab/Jewish Israelis on a regular basis and you’re gonna get shot, before all is said and done I’ll even put one in your junk for funsies.
Dacian has revealed zimselph as a self-hating Jew, only one of zem would state the crap zee does.
This conflict has been a possibility for decades, why have they not stocked weapons for this day? Sounds like they suck at planning. They have no one to blame but themselves in this case. Stop using my tax dollars to enable this war.
GOP ??
“They have no one to blame but themselves in this case.”
Things that make you go “WTF?” Do you go around telling rape victims that “they had it coming?”
Say, Liar, you do know that there was a cease-fire on October 6, don’t you? Tell us again who is to blame for October 7.
A rape?! LOL we’re talking about GOVERNMENT POLICY here not sexual assault, I’m constantly told about how democratic Israel is therefore it’s people are absolutely responsible for the state of their laws. The insane histrionics surrounding all issues relating to the Jewish people continue to get more lunatic absurd by the femtosecond.
Says the lunatic in his histrionic rant.
The jewish state of israel is a socialist government. In other words, it is a government that does not believe civilians have a right to Keep and bear Arms.
You can blame Biden. He is in charge. But the Jews in the USA who hate the 2A, don’t want civilian jews to have guns in Israeli.
Yes that’s right I said it.
Now riddle me this question, Batman??
How many Jewish synagogues have been attacked, and their worshipers killed in the last 8 years???
And the vast majority of American jews in the United States, are still against the Second Amendment.
There are people who complain about “the jewish lobby” in the United States. And it’s the “Jewish s0ci@ list lobby”, as far as I’m concerned. That is preventing those guns were being shipped out of the United States, to civilian jews in israel.
The jewish state of israel is a s0ci@ list government. In other words, it is a government that does not believe civilians have a right to Keep and bear Arms.
You can blame Biden. He is in charge. But the Jews in the USA who hate the 2A, don’t want civilian jews to have guns in Israeli.
Yes that’s right I said it.
Now riddle me this question, Batman??
How many Jewish synagogues have been attacked, and their worshipers killed in the last 8 years???
And the vast majority of American jews in the United States, are still against the Second Amendment.
There are people who complain about “the jewish lobby” in the United States. And it’s the “Jewish s0ci@ list lobby”, as far as I’m concerned. That is preventing those guns were being shipped out of the United States, to civilian jews in israel.
“Now riddle me this question, Batman??”
Why do you conflate two separate issues — Israeli citizens’ rights under their form of government, and the political references of Jewish voters in the US? One of these things is not like the other.
Do another 6 million Jews, need to get gas, before the stupid f#cking jews figured this sh!t out.
These atheists who hate their own hebrew faith. Who attack and make fun of religious people. Who insist on living in a part of the world where they are totally surrounded by believers.
And who hate civilian gun ownership. And have total blind faith to the State. They might as well be full blown communists. And I know many of them are.
Now ask yourself why the communist want to confiscate everyone’s guns?
I believe in holding everyone accountable for the denial of civil rights to law-abiding people.
I’m not gonna give a free pass to anyone.
But since you are separating the two let me ask you.
Are you telling me that the Jews in the United States support giving Jewish civilians guns in Israel?
But they don’t support giving everyone else guns in the United States???
“Are you telling me that the Jews in the United States support giving Jewish civilians guns in Israel?”
So what? Who cares? Israel has an uncodified constitution. I’d no more expect them to follow the US Second Amendment than I would expect us to be bound by any of Israel’s Fourteen Basic Laws.
“But they don’t support giving everyone else guns in the United States???”
Don’t care. Doesn’t matter. The Constitution is the law of the land. The Jewish citizens — or any religious or ethnic or whatever group of Americans — can’t deny that right to others here.
You trying to say that ISRAEL does not have the capability to MANUFACTURE SMALL ARMS???
If true show Israel really needs its BIG BROTHER USA to defend it…
I fear, this time when war erupts between Israel and a unified ARAB military, 80% of modern Israel will not survive..
FJBiden/Soetoro both should be in prison for treason and interference with lawful international commerce. This is totally ridiculous. The leadership in Israel have immediately authorized the possession and wearing of small arms for self-defense.
They have their own arms industry, it’s their own damn fault they tolerated lunatic antigun tyranny. Even worse they almost unanimously support anti gun causes in this country, it’s all very convenient isn’t it?
Who is this “they” of which you speak?
The Israelis have their own arms industry. And they also purchase arms from other countries. So what? So do Americans.
“…they [US Jews] almost unanimously support anti gun causes in this country …”
You made the same error that Chris did, in conflating the two groups. You’re saying that “all Jews are the same – and since I disagree with their politics, we shouldn’t sell guns to Jews.” Isn’t that what you’re saying?
If Israel wants to buy weapons to arm their populace, it’s quicker to buy them than to ramp up production to manufacture them — especially when they are embroiled in a conflict that is taking up the production capacity of their home arms industry.
Please let me clarify. Not all jews are the same. It’s just only the 95% of them, who are against the civilian ownership of guns. Their support for the 2A has gone from 2% up to 5%.
They also tend to be for flooding the West with unlimited immigration of the world’s poor while being for controlling the border of Israel. See: ADL.
They also tend to vote Democrat.
Israel could never manufacture the number of arms necessary for their own defense it’s why they relied on both USA and European manufacturers including Star (and CZ) to fill orders for handguns today it’s worse with the civilian demand skyrocketing. If you’ve ever seen a Star or CZ that made it’s way to the U.S. market after service in Israel’s military or police you’d see they rode them hard, lots of worn out parts, they train far more than our forces.
IMI/IWI Jericho handguns too.
I’ve shot a few that looked like they were tied to a truck bumper, then got dragged through a stage of the Dakar Rally.
I find this story very hard to believe. It’s a distraction.
The people who make excuses for Israel say because of the draft. Everyone there has been trained. Unlike in the US, they say.
So then the Jewish government should just start issuing M16s to every civilian adult. With a 203 attached.
Problem solved.
But no.They want to give them AR15s. Why???
And they don’t want to issue Israel made select fire weapons to civilians either.
The jews are not serious people when it comes to issues of self-defense.
And don’t talk to me about the JPFO. I’m glad they are here. But most jews are not members.
But they are members of gun confiscation groups.
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