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Here’s the press conference held by St. Mary’s County, Maryland Sheriff Tim Cameron with the latest on this morning’s Great Mills High School shooting.

After shooting one male and one female student, an armed school resource officer on duty did something no one in Parkland, Florida was willing to do. He opened fire at the shooter.

The suspect, believed to be a student, is dead after a shooting Tuesday morning at a high school in St. Mary’s County, Maryland, that has left a girl in critical condition and a boy in stable condition, according to authorities.

The St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office says it happened at Great Mills High School and that police are on the scene. ABC7’s Brad Bell said sources tell him the shooter was a student, as were the two victims. Bell says a school resource officer took action to end the threat and authorities confirmed the incident has been contained.

There’s no way to know how many more students might have been injured or killed had Great Hills been an entirely gun-free zone. Fortunately, we won’t have to find out.

Meanwhile, we’re sure that Broward Count Sheriff Scott Israel, exercising more of his amazing leadership, is hard at work analyzing the Maryland response for future training purposes.

Our friend Shannon Watts was characteristically quick to jump on the opportunity, claiming that NRA spokesman Dana Loesch was politicizing the shooting. Pot…kettle…

Shannon’s must be under the mistaken impression that armed resource officers are only there to sweep floors and hurry students along to class. She hasn’t yet addressed the fact that this morning’s violence was stopped by…wait for it…a good guy with a gun. One who was there, in a school, just in case the worst happened.

She’ll probably get right on that.

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  1. Shannon probably sends her kids to a nice private school or some fancy New England prep academy with Daddy Bloombucks’s money.

    • Most of the leadership in the anti gun movement have no children. Or they re all adults who attended a private school as children.

        • “Have you not seen her Bio? She’s a stay at home mother of five.”

          She is professional P.R. hack employed by Michael Bloomberg to agitate against Second Amendment rights.

  2. Glad the perp was stopped before things got worse. Best thoughts and wishes for the two kids he shot. Hope they make it.

  3. Maryland has an assault rifle ban
    A good guy with a gun stopped an attempted mass killer
    Good thing the school was not entirely gun free

    • It bans certain rifles, but a lot of them are still legal. The Maryland “AW Ban” is a massive farce.

    • The federal government of the United States of America has an assault rifle ban (with an exception for those posessed and regisgered before ’86) because an assault rifle necessarily has fully automatic capability. What Maryland has is an “assault weapons” ban, which means absolutely nothing in a technical sense. A bowl of tapioca pudding could be banned as an “assault weapon” because the term has no meaning outside of legal fiction.

  4. And how many of us WOULD actually walk into danger ? It’s one thing to have a gun and be authorized to use it, it’s another to walk blindly in the line of fire. Let’s give credit to a true hero.. I say ” Bravo ” and thank you for your service.

    • It’s called doing your job. No more. No less. Just like the rest of us. And I’m not shilling daily to be called a “hero” and asking for “thanks for your service”. Just do your job.

      • That’s right because you aren’t a hero, your one of the little people, glad you recognize it cop hater.

  5. It’s great that the SRO ended this expeditiously and without getting injured himself. I doubt that this incident will move the chains in our direction any, though.

    We can point to the good guy with a gun stopping this, but the antis will just point out that he was a super highly trained, expert ninja assassin, spec ops SRO, and not some aging nine-fingered, wood shop teacher with a .38 Special revolver, who pulled this off. So adding SROs, not arming teachers/staff, is the solution.

    That bats the shuttlecock back into our court, where we smash volley it back, arguing that SROs can be cowards and not engage. The antis’ response? “Yeah, we know. That’s why we also raised the purchase age, instituted gun violence restraining orders, and banned bump stocks.”

    And we…..we…..we have nothing after that, and here we are: great outcome to a school shooting, or at least as good as can be expected, and it still doesn’t kickstart anything in favor of freedom.

    • Yea we do have something.

      Show me an example of where these new laws specifically prevented a crime from happening.

      That’s right, it doesn’t and it won’t.


    • My shop teacher was a much better shot with a pistol then I’ll ever be. Of course he had all ten fingers.

  6. Johnathan Huston…. well, let’s see how much positive press the major news networks give this.. I hoping for a lot but expecting less.

  7. “After shooting one male and one female student, an armed school resource officer on duty did something no one in Parkland, Florida was willing to do.”

    Wait, the officer shot two students?

    • Ragnarredbeard: I suppose on top of Good Guy w/ a gun, you’re going to point out the obvious effects of “Common Core” lack-of-teaching. [Nice job, I elided it myself, and I’m a non-ComCore senior citizen that should have seen it, Thanks!]

  8. And she doesn’t even realize how condescending and tone-deaf she really is…probably a future blue state senator…

  9. I’m more concerned with what David Hogg, Latina Gonzalez and Cameron Kasky have to say /

  10. Immediate armed response: two wounded, zero killed.

    No armed response: 17 wounded, 17 killed.

    Anti-gun activists: guns are not the answer!

    • Guns in the right hands are the answer. Clearly, SROs with guns is the right answer, especially with patrol rifles (AR’s).

      • Long guns in a “quick access” locker, perhaps. A 5.56mm round is not appropriate in a crowded environment. Too bulky, slow handling in crowded conditions.

        Rifles might be good for CONTROLLING large crowds, but not for precision use INSIDE crowds….

  11. And the left will still insist that guns don’t stop mass shootings. Cognitive dissonance will tell them that a mass shooting involves four or more deaths, here there were none, so it’s not a mass shooting. Ergo, the good guy with a gun did not stop a mass shooting.

    • BECAUSE the good guy was there within seconds and stopped any further blood shed NO MASS SCHOOL KILLING happened, ergo, nothing happened, nothing to see or report, move along.

  12. The news is always people dying. Its never people NOT dying. This story probably wont even covered in 24 hours. Nothing to see here citizens, move along.

  13. Food for thought: This would not count as an armed person ‘Stopping a Mass Shooting’ by FBI standards. The Resource Officer killed the perpetrator of a double attempted homicide but, not a mass shooter.


    too bad that cruz kid is still 98.6 or thereabouts

    lotsa taxpayer $$$ going to be spent giving him 3 hots and a cot and medical care for the next 50+ years…

  15. As I write this I have not seen confirmed that the SRO actually shot the shooter. What I read was that the SRO fired one shot and the shooter fired one shot and the shooter later died. Possibly he shot himself, which would be a typical reaction of a school shooter when confronted with the possibility that someone might shoot back.

    • I suppose if you brew beer at home, the petitions do something.
      Otherwise, they are a bust, providing little more than “we agree” responses, but little action.

  16. Hey Shannon, are you oblivious to the fact that most if not all SROs are law enforcement officers? You know, those guys who are supposed to shoot at armed bad guys?

  17. CNN is still talking Trump. MSNBC is also talking colusion. No mention of this. Doesn’t fit their agenda…

  18. I hate how the corporate media weaselly uses firearm-related words only in a negative light.

    I’d love to see an honest headline like “Gunman stops attempted mass murder”

    • Exactly this. There is no indication at all that this was a “School Shooting” as opposed to a domestic shooting that occurred at a school.

      The shooter targeted one individual (female) that he had a “known relationship” with. No indication that the second victim was targeted. Could have been a target. Could have been a miss. Could have been a “through and through” on the first victim that over-penetrated and hit a 2nd student. No data.

      We also at this point do not know if the SRO shot the shooter or not. Only that he fired his weapon.

      • You can bet that if the shooter had actually killed another student it would have been a “School Shooting” and all over the MSM.

  19. As someone who’s worked in the prison that he’ll very likely be going to, his life will not be pleasant. I can assure you.

    • Does that mean you’ve got “Big Bubba” all prepped for the arrival of his new “bride”, with some gritty sand to mix in with the “butt grease”? OUCH!

  20. “After shooting one male and one female student, an armed school resource officer on duty did something no one in Parkland, Florida was willing to do. He opened fire at the shooter.”

    Why did the school resource officer shoot one male and female student before opening fire on the shooter?

    • Proper grammar is not taught as part of either TV or print reporting or editor training.

  21. Heeeey, look what happens when you assign a cop to a school who has the requisite balls to do his job.

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