After Two Mass Shootings, California Rep. Judy Chu Demands Gun Control Laws That Are Already On the Books

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Judy Chu
Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., left, addresses the media outside the Civic Center in Monterey Park, Calif., Sunday, Jan. 22, 2023. A mass shooting took place at a dance club following a Lunar New Year celebration, setting off a manhunt for the suspect. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

From the CCRKBA . . .

California Congresswoman Judy Chu, who represents the state’s 28th Congressional District, reportedly called for universal background checks in the wake of Saturday night’s tragic mass shooting in Monterey Park, telling CBS News it should have passed “a long time ago.”

“But in California,” noted Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, “that has been the law for quite some time. The gun allegedly used in this horrible attack is already illegal in the state. Yet, Rep. Chu is making statements suggesting her state needs more gun control when it is clear the laws she wants are already on the books, and they did not prevent the tragedy in Monterey Park.”

The congresswoman also was quoted in news reports demanding to know, “Why do we have so many guns in this country and even more on the horizon? It’s not right…Other countries don’t operate this way, and we should not either.”

“For a member of Congress to make such a remark is astonishing,” Gottlieb observed. “The right to keep and bear arms is enshrined in our Constitution, which she swore an oath to uphold when she took office. Surely she must realize our Second Amendment is a cornerstone of the Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

“California has adopted some of the strictest gun control laws in the country,” he added. “The 72-year-old alleged gunman ignored virtually all of them, along with the statute against murder. If this crime demonstrates anything, it’s not that the Golden State needs another restrictive gun control law, but instead needs to take a hard look at the laws already in place to determine why anyone would think any of those laws would prevent a determined individual from committing mass mayhem.

“There are millions of law-abiding gun owners in California who didn’t harm anybody over the weekend,” Gottlieb noted, “and Rep. Chu ignores the fact that many of those gun owners have defended themselves and their families from violent criminals. Still, the first reaction from too many public officials is to penalize them for a crime they didn’t commit. We certainly sympathize with the people in Monterey Park, but asking for gun laws that already exist, and failed to prevent this crime, amounts to running in circles, and that’s not the way to make progress.”

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  1. It’s a classic fascist tactic. Machine gun a whole village just in case there might be a resistor hiding there. In fascism’s view we are all guilty and cannot prove ourselves innocent.

    stalin. mao. pol pot. hitler. biden. chu. dacian. miner49er. All the same.

    • When my septigenarian, marijuana bootlegging tenant shot at my son, his wife lamented “we’re old. We don’t have time to shoot at children.”

      Ding Dong, the witch is dead.

    • “A ban on septuagenarian Asians”

      But this guy was only 21:

      “The suspect in the overnight fatal shooting that left three people dead in Yakima, Washington, has died after taking his own life, the Yakima Police Chief said Tuesday.

      Police were pointed to the suspect’s location after getting a 911 call from a woman who had lent the suspect her phone near a Target store in Yakima, Police Chief Matt Murray said in a Tuesday evening news conference.“

        • “A man screaming “Die!” burst into an animation production studio in Kyoto and set it on fire, leaving 33 confirmed dead and another 36 people injured, authorities said.

          “The fire broke out in the three-storey Kyoto Animation building in Japan’s ancient capital of Kyoto, after the suspect sprayed an unidentified liquid to accelerate the blaze, Kyoto prefectural police and fire department officials said.

          “Survivors who saw the alleged attacker, a 41-year-old man, said he was not their colleague and that he was screaming “Die!” when he dumped the liquid and started the fire, according to Japanese media reports.”

  2. Hard to believe the last two mass shootings weren’t perpetrated by yet another fat, old white guy. The guy in SoCal had contact with the police at least twice before committing his murderous attack. Perhaps in HMB, they were growing more than shitake mushrooms. So glad I moved from that god forsaken state 6 months ago.

  3. DO SOMETHING! Oh I haven’t been on tv for a long time so let me regurgitate the same bs instead of showing how intelligent I am (I did get elected by highly informed voters) by actually doing my job and introduce a useful idea. politicians, fck chu

    • All humor and irony aside, Asians are the ethnic group least likely to commit homicide in America. in spite of the easy access to firearms, Asian Americans are no more likely to commit murder than their Japanese or Chinese counterparts. Mexican -Americans are actually far less likely to commit murder than citizens of Mexico in spite of Mexico’s stringent gun prohibition.

  4. “Why do we have so many guns in this country and even more on the horizon? It’s not right…Other countries don’t operate this way, and we should not either.”

    according to the CDC, collectively, annually, there are over 2,000,000 serious injuries and deaths due to car accident, 90,000 of them are kids age 12 and under.

    Why do we have so many cars in this country and even more on the horizon? It’s not right…Other countries don’t operate this way, and we should not either.

    • “…so many cars…”

      Don’t worry, they’re working on this too. Nothing is safe from their chopping block.

    • but maybe for the same law already on the books, if we put it on the books a second time.. yeah, that’ll work.

    • quote—————–according to the CDC, collectively, annually, there are over 2,000,000 serious injuries and deaths due to car accident———-quote

      Booger Brain you humiliated yourself without even realizing it by trying to be sarcastic as well as showing your ignorance. Automobile use could be significantly reduced if Capitalvania had the mass transit capability that many foreign countries already have, even poor Eastern European ones. When traveling in Eastern Europe I was astonished that I was able to go just about anywhere on public transportation and at dirt cheap prices compared to operating an expensive automobile.

      Nevertheless automobiles are still necessary in Capitalvania but turning the U.S. into a shooting gallery is not necessary and sane people know it. You of course live in your own paranoiac demented world completely devoid of reality and sanity. Your demented rantings you constantly scream from the rooftops is “Losses can never be too high”, Adolf H said the same on quite a few occasions, your closest confidant.

      • Am I the only one that notices that dacians simply screams out all his shortcomings as insults to others?

        And how did he get from his mothers basement to eastern europe?

        • We got counties bigger than E European countries – but the troll pretends he doesn’t know it. A true fallacy-monger…

          500 miles from miami just gets me to the state line. 500 miles from Paris gets me to lots of really different places.

        • No, you aren’t the only one.

          As usual he doesn’t get the point and context, and goes off on a contrived tangent that feeds his confirmation bias.

      • Does anyone actually read your bullshit? I get to something like “show your ignorance” and I know it’s just not worth the effort lol. You really need to take a break from social media if all you do is come to argue. Your life sucks that bad, huh. Passive aggressiveness is a disease, man.

      • dacian the demented dips***,

        I won’t bother to try to educate your pathetic self about the PATENTLY OBVIOUS reasons why “public transit” is not a viable strategy for the US, but trust me, anyone with the brains God gave a retarded baby duck is well aware. Your idiot delusions about this fictional “Capitalvania” you constantly obsess about make you sound like a demented, ignorant idiot . . . perhaps because you are.

        I used to pity you for your lack of education, but no longer. Any attempt to “educate” a mind as damaged as yours would simply be a waste of resources. You will continue to stumble through your pathetic life as an uneducated, ignorant @$$clown, and we will continue to mock you. It is said God protects fools and drunks – in your case, He gets a twofer.

        • Aw, the poor Duck Lamp, please don’t compare him to Dik-weed Darcy,,,he’s jus’ Quackers! Quack,Quwoke! Quwoker!

      • If you had ever actually traveled ( and we who read this forum know that you haven’t, Jerry P/ Vlad/ Cisco / Dacian, ) you would realize that comparing countries is never apples to apples. You can fit most of Eastern Europe inside of Texas. So mass transit comparisons ( like you’ve even had a Eurail Pass lol) are beyond silly. But regale us some more
        with all of your firearm knowledge instead..until someone like Dyspeptic Gunsmith shuts you down.
        It’s really getting old. Go be a twerp somewhere else.

      • When traveling in Eastern Europe I was astonished that I was able to go just about anywhere on public transportation and at dirt cheap prices compared to operating an expensive automobile.

        Yeah, but US public transportation is like this video below. That’s why we all buy our own cars! And leftists have infinite sympathy for these people, so they are letting them out with no bail.

        • And if we defend ourselves from being killed by gangs on public transportation, that’s gun violence! LOL

    • maybe they should ask why so many feel the need to own a gun when they haven’t previously…and how they created this environment….

  5. another brain dead Democrat that has no idea what she’s talking about. the Democrats and they’re stupid gun control doesn’t work right in front of their face and they can’t even see it.

  6. I was a high school kid in Sacramento California when this happened. Back then there was a lot of Asian on Asian crime going on. Which I’m sure there still is today. Much of it because of the language barrier as well as, immigrants working in American Asian owned businesses being paid under the table.
    Disarming the law abiding does not stop criminals from massacring innocent people.

    “The five perpetrators, members of the Joe Boys, a Chinese youth gang, were attempting to kill leaders of the Wah Ching, a rival Chinatown gang. The attack left five people dead and 11 others injured, none of whom were gang members.”

    From 1977

    • “Back then there was a lot of Asian on Asian crime going on. Which I’m sure there still is today.”

      There is, but the Asian Triads ‘take care of business’ out of public view, as much as possible. It is, quite literally, “Bad for business”, and the elders frown on it.

      What was the last public one, Raymond ‘Shrimp Boy’ Chow, and dumbass Leland Yee?

  7. More asian on asian crime. Very sad.

    From 1983

    “bound, robbed, and shot fourteen people in the Wah Mee gambling club at the Louisa Hotel in Chinatown-International District, Seattle. Thirteen of their victims died, but Wai Chin, a dealer at the Wah Mee, survived to testify against the three in the separate high-profile trials held in 1983 and 1985.
    It is the deadliest mass murder in Washington state history.”

    The Wah Mee massacre

  8. quote—————California Congresswoman Judy Chu, who represents the state’s 28th Congressional District, reportedly called for universal background checks in the wake of Saturday night’s tragic mass shooting in Monterey Park, telling CBS News it should have passed “a long time ago.”

    “But in California,” noted Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, “that has been the law for quite some time.———quote

    Who is Gottlieb tring to bulshit anyway. Without a Federal Law Universal Background checks cannot work because Red Hillbilly States with lax gun laws ship in thousands of second hand guns into California.

    quote—————The gun allegedly used in this horrible attack is already illegal in the state.———–quote

    Gottlieb, I ask you, just where and how do you think this gun got to California????? Obviously Gottlieb thinks it’s been beamed down from an orbiting Klingon Warship.

    quote————-The congresswoman also was quoted in news reports demanding to know, “Why do we have so many guns in this country and even more on the horizon? It’s not right…Other countries don’t operate this way, and we should not either.”——–quote

    She hit the nail squarely on the head. When you look at the overall death rate from firearms, more firearms in circulation means way more deaths both from homicides and suicides. A country that has become an “Armed ethnic waring Military Camp” is not a polite or safe society to live in. Capitalvania, where life is considered cheap and expendable, has the highest death rate from firearms in the Industrialized world. Europe and Asia have far less deaths because of their strict and sane gun control laws.

    Of course all of the above irrefutable facts and data are ignored with the wave of the hand by the Far Right Fanatic Neanderthals whose paranoia makes it impossible for them to fathom any of this even at the 4th grade level.

    And remember the Greatest Humanitarian President of all time “Jimmy Carter” increased spending to help the mentally ill (which this latest mass murder certainly was in need of) but this deranged man got no help because of the Great Satan Ronald Reagan who destroyed Jimmy Carter’s prior passed legislation that was helping the mentally ill as well as keeping people from being forced to live out on the street.

    No other industrialized country on the planet permits such human degradation and outrage (something totally ignored with the wave of the hand by the Brutal Jackbooted Republican storm troopers. You do not see many people living out on the streets in civilized Socialist countries or being gunned down everyday at shopping centers and social gatherings.

    quote———-and that’s not the way to make progress.”———-quote

    These are the only 7 truthful words in this entire far right propagandistic story because as long as you have modern day deraigned Nazi Republicans in office nothing will ever get done to stop the mass murder and blood baths that are now an almost everyday outrage in a 21st Century society that has disintegrated into complete chaos and mass murder.

    • Keep blowing that horn, dacian the demented dips***,

      You’ve been debunked on that asinine bullshit so many times I can’t count it. SOMEHOW, those red states seem to avoid (outside a FEW “blue” cities, that are responsible for the vast majority of murders in those red states) those murder rates. And we already HAVE national mandatory NICS checks for any gun purchased at retail. And we already KNOW that over 80% of recovered “crime guns” were stolen or otherwise acquired illegally. So your fantasy law (which is not going to pass) would do exactly DIDDLY SQUAT.

      Locking up a bunch of criminal gangbangers, and KEEPING them in jail, would go a long ways, but criminality has existed since Cain and Abel (and probably long before). Laws don’t prevent crime. Effective ENFORCEMENT of rational laws can have a deterrent effect. Prohibition didn’t prevent either drinking or drug use – in fact, it increased both. Prohibition of guns will not accomplish anything more than prohibition of alcohol did . . . enrich the criminals who supply the prohibited product.

      Perhaps if you’d gotten an actual education, you wouldn’t be so STOOPID. But given your EXTREMELY limited mental abilities, it would have only been wasted on you. Perhaps you’d be SLIGHTLY more articulate, while babbling your ahistorical, false-to-fact nonsense, but then again, probably not.

    • I’d like to hit YOU squarely on the head you basement crawling Troll…..No, REALLY I would…

    • You’re such a liar.

      “Who is Gottlieb tring to bulshit anyway.”

      He’s just stating a fact: CA has universal background checks. Apparently they didn’t stop these two shootings. No law, background check or firearm ban would have stopped them.

      “Gottlieb, I ask you, just where and how do you think this gun got to California????? Obviously Gottlieb thinks it’s been beamed down from an orbiting Klingon Warship.”

      Obviously you don’t know where the guns came from. And Klingon warships only exist in your imagination, and on certain TV series and movies.

      “Of course all of the above irrefutable facts and data …”

      Nope, you’re lying again. Of course, it’s all manufactured in that dank, puerile space that you call “your mind.” We call it “Space, the final frontier.”

      “[… and that’s not the way to make progress …]”
      “These are the only 7 truthful words … ”

      Those are eight words. You can’t even count. Better go back to watching Sesame Street.

      • does seem as though those red”hillbilly states” are in the majority…the vast majority…and have no need to cater to the whims of the few blue states who can’t manage their own affairs….

        • Willing to bet it was lawfully purchased decades ago before Cali went commie and just sat in a closet somewhere. Like hundreds of thousands of firearms everywhere, many without serial numbers oooooooh ancient ghost guns.

        • Another nail in the coffin of dacien’s screed —

          The Half Moon Bay shooter purchased his gun legally and it was registered to him. That means he passed the background check that dacien believes will prevent certain people from purchasing firearms, and the gun didn’t come from outside CA.

    • California DOES have universal background checks AND an assault weapons law AND a law that prohibits importation or transfer of ANY “Assault Weapons” (as defined by statute). So this shooter did NOT acquire his firearm legally, or acquired it legally but then possessed it illegally after the newest version of the assault weapons ban.

    • @dacian

      California already has a universal background check. In fact California already has a law against everything the shooter did and for everything Chu is screeching about.

      stop spewing out your ignorance and delusion.

      The problem is not guns or any other ‘tool’ or ‘weapon’, the problem is a mental health illness condition that exists and drives these people. A condition for which no law or background check can detect, stop, or prevent – a condition, most likely, triggered or made worse by the constant exposure to the pressures of an increasingly confusing and amoral or excluding yet restricting society further pressuring and restricting those who have been ignored or marginalized and have no outlet to help deal with their issues. And its gotten worse with democrats in office with their loosening and blurring the lines of laws and celebrating and supporting more amoral or excluding activity that intentionally pits races and groups one against another and inter-racially as well. Every one of these shooter mass murderers in the last 40 years have been in the same situation from the withdrawn to the isolated to the raging and everyone of them were ignored and no one got them help they needed – 100% of them. Sometimes it expressed it self as a grudge, sometimes as a racial motivation, sometimes as anger, sometimes other things as the outward motivation excuse or reasoning – but 100% of them were driven by a mental health illness issue that had either developed over time or became triggered before or by the moment of circumstances.

      Even if there had been no such thing as guns, these people would have committed their horrible acts with something else (e.g. axe, knife, blunt object – swinging an ax around hacking away in a crowd or down a school hallway or in a room would have had the same effect).

      There has never been and will never be a law put on the books anywhere – that can or will stop an in-progress crime or a mental health illness from manifesting its self in a resulting horrible act of violence. Laws only derive their effect and power from those who are willing to obey them – the law abiding, if someone chooses or is driven to commit a crime the law will do absolutely zero to stop them from acting on that choice or drive. It is only after the fact of the incident the law appears for these people, and then we have Chu and you screeching again about needing more laws and further restrictions on the law abiding who have done nothing wrong.

      You can not legislate away human nature or mental health illness or anger or rage or prejudice. You can only deal with it when it happens.

      Get a clue you moron – laws do not prevent this sort of thing from happening. All the laws Chu is screeching about having are already on the books in California including your masturbation fantasy of ‘universal background checks’ – and all this did absolutely zero to stop this or prevent it from happening just like the law in your gun ban countries does absolutely zero to stop crimes in those countries.

      • Odd that both shooters in their 70s? Something in the water? Some other nefarious mind games at work? Funny little factoid, UC Davis School of Medicine (hardly a bastion of conservatism) has tracked gun homicides in California since the Universal Background Check law went into effect in 1991 and in spite of that law and all of the bans and restrictions put in place since then, there has been NO change in gun related homicides or suicides. I know why not pass ALL of that crap again? Maybe all those killers and suicides didn’t get the memo the first time, or the next time there is a mass mailing of ballots for an upcoming election you could include the volumes of gun laws enacted by the state to refresh their memories…

    • Who is Gottlieb tring to bulshit anyway. Without a Federal Law Universal Background checks cannot work because Red Hillbilly States with lax gun laws ship in thousands of second hand guns into California.

      After that passes, you’ll say, “Without a world government and global law, universal background checks won’t work in the USA!”

      You guys are freaks! There is no level of government control you won’t suck off. Go get ordained in government worship and leave us alone weirdo.

    • Europe and Asia have far less deaths because of their strict and sane gun control laws.

      Yeah, but you can still make a homemade gun and kill the prime minister of a place like Japan. So, does it really work? Really????

      • “Europe and Asia have far less deaths because of their strict and sane gun control laws.”

        Well, actually they don’t. That’s another of dacians out of context confirmation biased moron arguments – he doesn’t know how to read properly nor does he know how to actually do research. And his command of the English language is more like ’emotion knee jerk 5 year old child’ level plus his math skills are about maybe third grade level of a kid that doesn’t get it yet. He’s a ‘short bus’ kinda person that buys into the radical violent far left-wing ideology and an ANTIFA member because it satisfies his confirmation bias.

    • Gottlieb, I ask you, just where and how do you think this gun got to California?????

      Someone made it on a jig???

    • If you went out and got a real job you wouldn’t have time to write all these long and incredibly senseless diatribes.

    • wrong again dim sum.
      it’s against both state and federal law to ship handguns to none ffl holders and you know it.

      you still have not explained how to get criminals to obey your universal background checks.

    • Geez, it seems that all this endemic homelessness and mass murdering seems to happen where Democrats are in control of the social situation. Why is that?

  9. I wonder what this lady Asian California lawmaker knows about this other Asian California lawmaker who was arrested and pled guilty to gun running??? Including trying to purchase rocket launchers. And what did she have to say when he pled guilty to gun running???

    I seriously doubt the Press will be asking her any of these questions. What was their relationship?

    Leland Yee, Former member of the San Francisco Board of supervisors. Former assemblyman of the 12th District of the state of california. And admitted gun Runner.

    “Yee was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on March 26, 2014 on charges related to public corruption and gun trafficking — specifically, buying automatic firearms and shoulder-launched missiles from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), an Islamist extremist group located in the southern Philippines and attempting to re-sell those weapons to an undercover FBI agent, as well as accepting a $10,000 bribe from an undercover agent in exchange for placing a call to the California Department of Public Health regarding a contract at the organization.[2]”

    The internet never forgets.

    • Virulently Anti-2nd Amendment Democrat, Reerand Ree, was Rep. Ted Lieu’s mentor, now you know why Lieu is the way he is ie. “guns for me (and my Yellow brothers/Asian tongs) but not for thee”.

  10. My suggestion to California? Build a wall, really, we won’t mind a bit. Legitimate commerce won’t be a problem, trucks can go back and forth through the checkpoints just fine (after the cargo is inspected and the drivers indoctrinated), your sports teams can get their papers checked for away games, you can even hand out masks upon entry as needed and Hollywoke can continue to transmit their “entertainment” unhindered. Build your wall, keep all us unredeemable bitter clingers out of your worker’s paradise and all your highly evolved citizenry in where they’re safe. Heck, I’ll even start the GoFundMe for it if you want or buy the construction bonds when you start raising the money. Do it California, build that wall!

  11. Madman Chu,

    The reason we can’t trust you is that you feloniously SLAUGHTERED thousands of Americans at Pearl Harbor. You imprisoned and starved tens, no hundreds of thousands of innocent people. You raped women in Nanking, then bayonetted their babies inside them when they came to you pregnant, and laughed as they died in front of you.
    You should be stripped of your right to vote, your house taken away from you, and be put in prison.

    Oh, you aren’t Japanese?


    You did the same thing I just did, but unlike YOU, I didn’t deserve it. Neither do the 99.9% of Americans that are NOT murdering creeps.


      • Shouldn’t Judy Chu be busy designing woman’s shoes or cobbling them together in a Chy-Knees sweatshop?

      • @MADDMAX:
        She’s American of Chinese descent and dimwitted. I’m sarcastic and pissed off. Seems like a fair fight to me. I think my SarGasm felt pretty good, actually…
        When stupid crap flows outa somebody’s mouth in contrast to the SWORN OATH of their office, they should be prepared to meet someone like me who takes great personal offense to their mental flatulence. And gee, did I misspell Madame?
        How careless of me.
        WHEN will we stop being “genteel” and start TELLING our politicians that they are doing wrong by us and blaming the acts of criminals on us? I stew in that shite every day here in Leftifornia.
        Dreaming of my escape…

  12. She’s just reading the script, no thought required. The zombie voters keep voting for the same zombie pols, no thought required.

    • Thanks Dude. I had to come a long way down to get to a mention of ‘voters’. Saved me the trouble of going to the bottom.

    • @ dude

      A better system.

      Still one person, one vote, BUT! – you can either vote for, or AGAINST a candidate (+1 or -1).

      So I could have said, “I couldn’t bring myself to vote for Bush, and voted against Gore instead.” Or, “I wanted to vote for Trump, but I hate Hillary so much, I couldn’t resist voting against her.”

      Did I mention what happens to candidates who end up with negative totals? Oops, never mind for now…

  13. The PRK is said to be full of fruits, nuts, and flakes.

    The nuts and flakes are getting more prevalent

  14. It’s simple, you make it more illegaler. Instead of a maximum sentence of life without parole, you make it Life without parole and don’t go to heaven or LWOP & NH. Instead of the sentence for having an prohibited weapon get’s you 10 years, you make it 15 years.

    OBVIOUSLY this would work. It really really would, HONEST!


    Republican Hypocrites say they will go into prayer, ritual, incantations and dance naked in the shadows of their Bronze Age Temples.

    • Never happened – Kalifornia put all potential gun owners on double secret probation – it’s unpossible!

    • So the ritual push for gun control……..was it a white person shooting? No? Well be out of the news before the weekend.

    • There was a shooting in Yakima, WA this morning. For no apparent reason, this guy killed three people at a Circle K. That was at like…4 in the morning. The cops caught up with him in the afternoon and he chose to tunnel a hole through his head.


      From the person who wants to liquidate a third of the population thinking it will bring utopia and prosperity to the poor masses.


      California has some of the strictest laws on the books. You must be mistaken. And if those guns came from neighboring states with lax gun laws, then that’s not possible either, because California has laws about those guns too! Laws are the answer to everything Dacian, and the laws in California are perfect and working, so says democrats. So you can’t blame other states because California’s laws aren’t working. Just like you can’t blame Mexico for the US war on drugs. Those drugs are illegal, and thus the laws are working perfectly to prevent bad things from happening. Laws fix everything! A democrat told me that once.

  16. Chu-Chu-Chudy GOOD-BYE!!!!, Chu-Chu-Chudy don’t cry !!!!! You don’t even know the 10 ba-zillion laws you wokesters ALREADY HAVE ON THE BOOKs…Damn yu dumb !

  17. some nut killed a bunch of people…while the rest of us just went about our daily affairs and didn’t….and life goes on…

  18. I see her comments as hate speech. She is equating lawful gun owners with criminal murderers. Explain how this is not hate speech? I am a legal gun owner who has done nothing to no one and she attempts to relate my gun ownership to criminal use of a firearm?. This like associating every person of color at be involved in criminal conduct solely based on their race. Citizens have had it and they are not going to take it anymore. As much as I stick my head in the sand, it is becoming very clear that nothing will save America but a revolution.

    • Great point on the hate speech. Needs to be said loudly, in accusatory tone, directly to the grabby ones.

      No revolution needed tho. Just continue the one begun 1776 by exercising your 4th, 2nd, and 1st Amendment rights. In that order, imo…

  19. Meanwhile, back in the Valley, Noisome Newsom, the greased =pig of California government, called for a FEDERAL assault weapons ban. Of course, he didn’t address how the government was going to “buy back” 20 million firearms.

    • @ Mark N.
      Noisome Newsom can call for anything he wants. The fact of the matter, there is a very slim chance of such a ban. The Bruen decision has thrown a wrench in the gearbox on a lot of these clearly unconstitutional laws. Watch for an upcoming Jones v. Bonta decision.

      Naturally the gun-grabbing states want to act like nothing has changed and it’s business as usual because as everyone knows, non-gun people are wholly uninformed about gun stuff but things HAVE CHANGED post Bruen. Oregon, Washington and Illinois are poised to be mighty unhappy but it takes time. The wheels of justice turn slow. Oregon’s gun law is on hold and a Washington lawsuit Brumback VS Ferguson challenging the magazine limit is very close to a decision although that ruling is likely waiting for Bonta that was sent back to the lower courts to recognize Bruen.
      Fun things to watch for.

  20. Judy Chu should be more concerned that my pork lo-mein and wonton soup haven’t arrived yet, if she opened her eyes a little wider she would see my order is guaranteed to be delivered in under an hour and that it’ll be “hot”.

  21. In the Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 7(3-4), 135–156. (Lankford, A., & Cowan, R. G. (2020)) ( )

    … Cowan writes of their research they “…closely analyzed public mass shooters who attacked in the United States from 1966 to 2019 and found that correlates of mental illness were approximately equally common among perpetrators, whether they had been coded as mentally ill or not.”

    Forensic psychiatrists James L. Knoll IV, MD, and George D. Annas, MD, MPH, of SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse New York, both today’s leading authorities on the mental health aspects of mass shooters, summed it up for the issue for the mental health community various studies on various aspects in terms of mass shooters…. Although mass shooters may not meet DSM-5 criteria for a recognized disorder, “they do have an ill-defined trouble of the mind for which the mental health field has no immediate, quick-acting ‘treatment,’” – in other words, mass shooters do have mental illness driving them but not something clearly defined and for which the mental health community basically has no treatment.

    California already has a universal background check. In fact California already has a law against everything the shooter did and for everything Chu and dacian is screeching about.

    Even if there had been no such thing as guns, these people would have committed their horrible acts with something else (e.g. axe, knife, blunt object – swinging an ax around hacking away in a crowd or down a school hallway or in a room would have had the same effect). The mental illness condition drives them, not what ever ‘tool’ they can get or have.

    There has never been and will never be a law put on the books anywhere – that can or will stop an in-progress crime or a mental health illness from manifesting its self in a resulting horrible act of violence. Laws only derive their effect and power from those who are willing to obey them – the law abiding, if someone chooses or is driven to commit a crime the law will do absolutely zero to stop them from acting on that choice or drive. It is only after the fact of the incident the law appears for these people, and then we have Chu and dacian screeching again about needing more laws and further restrictions on the law abiding who have done nothing wrong.

    You can not legislate away human nature or mental health illness or anger or rage or prejudice. You can only deal with it when it happens.

    Fact: ‘gun control’, restricting/removing the rights of the law abiding, laws – have absolutely zero effect for preventing mental health illness driven acts of violence. This has not only been proven time and time again in modern day times but in history as well – after hundreds of years of ‘laws’ and restrictions on society in some form or another violent crime driven by mental health issues is still with us.

    Even back when we still had laws and ‘regulatory structure’ that enabled society to involuntarily ‘force’ a person into treatment or mental health confinement, we still had horrible heinous acts of violence by mentally ill people conducting ‘mass’ killing either in a distributed sense or localized. Those laws and ‘regulatory structure’ did more to harm the mentally ill that could have been helped, this harm because of the liberal nature of the mental health ‘professionals’ in that system.

    One of the worse things for mental health this country ever did was let a democrat president and democrat politicians dictate how mental health should be handled. Not only were millions of innocent people persecuted and confined by the application of the system those democrats created but thousands were killed outright ‘under treatment’ or driven to suicide by the liberal doctors misapplication of medications and treatments and the system was racially biased with non-white races being confined more harshly or for no reason at all or treated with dangerous substances or sterilized and subjected to horrible things such as electro shock or lobotomy. Thank goodness Regan did away with with that real life horror show. But there is a democrat resurgence of this system today in the form of ‘Red Flag’ types of laws with over 80% of those in democrat controlled areas of the country accused under ‘red flag’ laws having been falsely accused and forced to undergo ‘mental health’ ‘treatment’ and deprivation of their rights under color of law created by democrats – and having absolutely no ‘due process’ afforded them and their property seized or homes and persons searched without warrant or cause (‘community care taking’ they call it).

  22. I’m just concerned that if to many asians die in America China will take away the Second Amendment.

  23. Likewise, the governor of Illinois has been bragging non-stop on television and radio that he just signed a new law that bans full-auto switches for Glocks.
    Just once, I’d like to hear a reporter do their job, just once, and point out that full-auto switches have been illegal since 1934 (without a machine gun license).
    But no, Governor Pritzker of Ill-Annoy keeps bragging daily about banning full-auto switches, and he never gets called on this lie by the media.

  24. What I’d like to know if any state or federal agency tracks the legal status of every gun used in a crime. I would love to know that stat

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