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“Otto Van Bismarck once said: ‘Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable — the art of the next best.’ For those who are looking for the repeal of the Second Amendment, I would urge them to abandon that hope and look to the ‘the next best:’ the imposition of a national ban on assault weapons.” – Sol Wachtler in Keep assault weapons in the military [via]

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  1. There is very little doubt, that bans on standard mags are going nationwide. A complete ban on semi auto rifles will be next. The writing is on the wall.

    • That is possible but is the created message by the left. No different and no less dangerous when the leftist media created the reality that Hillary would inevitably become president. That reality they created crashed down when she lost. We must help the leftist fail again, by voting and using the truth to erode it. Give money and participate with Pro-2nd Civil rights groups. Put money in a dish every time you hear the idiot media tell another lie and donate it to your favorite pro 2nd group. I’ve donated hundreds that way.

      Exploiting tragedy is the trade craft of the current leftist media and shows their success in manufacturing equivalence of a mass murder and gun control, diverting attention away from the causes and refocusing on the legislative and societal changes they want/need. The fact we all know is guns are not the cause, ergo the solution is not any of these bans or restrictions. The FBI, Sheriffs, Schools, even the former President’s initiatives massively played into the Parkland massacre. The incompetence, failures and cowardice shown by those institutions is stupefying. The astroturfing and exploitation of the students of parkland is reprehensible and willful and planned.

      The possible, today is that laws become more respectful to the law abiding. The possilble is the exposing of corruption , and incompetent and the lying, manipulative media to the awareness of the general public.

      We have the Democratic Party wholeheartedly exploiting hate and creating racial division in this country in a play to win the November election and undermine our collective freedoms. We have the dark situation that Republican (Florida) turncoats have scrambled in the wake of a mass murder to pass legislation that not only ignores the root causes but plays to the leftists talking points.

      What is important is that there are many, many allies to the real 2nd amendment rights we have, the take away should be to get money and support to pro civil rights groups, and VOTE.

      National Rifle Association (NRA) :
      Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) :
      Firearms Coalition :
      Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) :
      Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) :
      Gun Owner of America (GOA) :

      • I like the fact that through Amazon Smile, you can trigger a donation to a charitable organization every time you make a purchase. My donation goes to the Second Amendment Foundation.

    • Dude, that’s just disturbing.

      War should never be looked at with glee or anticipation.

      More likely, the country would split into separate countries with different values, coastal vs flyover. And then people with differing values would move to the country that best supports their values. This country will not remain united, but I doubt there would be a war to make it happen vs it just happening politically.

    • Fortunately, no violence needed. The 2A has always been alive and well at a national level.

      If people could be bothered to actually READ THE D*MN LAW, and comprehend it, they would have seen that it probably does not affect them. Oh, this means the “bumpstock ban” too. Tough luck if you live in DC, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, Samoa, or any of the enumerated territories.

      Here’s the condensed version:

      Any sort of Federal ban or restriction on anything gun related ONLY (ONLY, ONLY, ONLY..get it?) applies to:

      Commonwealth of Puerto Rico

      Definition of “State” per 18 USC 921(a)(2):

      The term “State” includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the possessions of the United States (not including the Canal Zone).

      Per 8 USC § 1101(a)(36):

      The term “State” includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands of the United States, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

      “Oh, but they can just do what they want, interstate commerce clause and all.”

      Yep. Again, in the enumerated “States:”

      Per 18 USC § 921(a)(2)

      The term “interstate or foreign commerce” includes commerce between any place in a State and any place outside of that State, or within any possession of the United States (not including the Canal Zone) or the District of Columbia, but such term does not include commerce between places within the same State but through any place outside of that State. The term “State” includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the possessions of the United States (not including the Canal Zone).

      “But….they must mean all the other states too, they just didn’t list them.”

      Nope. The statutory definition of “Includes” means “those things listed and things not listed in the same class.” Meaning, territories. Unless you consider the various States to be territories. But just in case some obtuse or mentally deficient attorney comes along to insist it means the states, rather than the enumerated territories, here’s some precedent and relevant case law examples:

      26 USC 7701(a)(22):
      Includes and including: The terms ”includes” and ”including” when used in a definition contained in this title shall not be deemed to exclude other things otherwise within the meaning of the term defined.”

      “[T]he verb “includes” imports a general class, some of whose particular instances are those specified in the definition.” Helvering v Morgan’s, Inc, 293 U.S. 121, 126 fn. 1 (1934);

      “[I]ncluding… …connotes simply an illustrative application of the general principle.” Federal Land Bank of St. Paul v. Bismarck Lumber Co., 314 U.S. 95, 62 S.Ct. 1 U.S.(1941)

      Per US Treasury Dept.:
      “The terms “includes and including” do
      not exclude things not enumerated which
      are in the same general class.”

      Put in plain English: “Cruciferous Vegetables Include Brocolli and Okra.”

      You would not then be able to make the assertion that potatoes, squash, and corn were also included, since they are not “Cruciferous Vegetables.” Includes imports “all those things which are of the same class or nature.

      So there you have it. Any sort of “Federal” bans or restrictions on anything are only applicable if you live in the enumerated territories (or give presumption of being from there).

      The above is why it’s important to read for comprehension.

      Now, it does not make up for people deciding to assert that they actually DO live in the United States (as defined in the various iterations of the US code), or making other testimony under penalty of perjury that places them back into the statutory jurisdiction. The government is not going to interfere with your ability to make contracts, and sign away your rights. That’s on you.

      But next time someone says “the interstate commerce clause authorizes this,” explain to them that you don’t live in Puerto Rico.

      Now it’s just about the individual states.

    • I keep hearing this, “an AWB is next”! I told this to Sam I Am. There has been some states with overwhelming democratic control passing AWB and mag restrictions, but nothing on a national level even when Obama was president, because even Bill Clinton said that the Dems were voted out because of the ’94 AWB.

      Women are the fastest demographic in getting CC licenses, black people, especially black women have had a sea change in embracing gun ownership for self – defense. This demographic is key in securing our 2nd amendment rights for the future. A strong majority of Americans accept the 2nd amendment as a right and a benefit to self defense. This is our 100 million(and growing) american gun owners fighting for our rights, by the use of the ballot box.

      Now with Trump as president, we have a possibility to put in at least one, (if not more) constitutional USSC judge, giving us a chance to finally hear some of the state AWB suits, and finally clarify that these AWB are unconstitutional.

      Yes, the fact that we are depending on one vote in the USSC to determine whether my 2nd right will be defended as such is exactly what Thomas Jefferson warned would happen with an unelected judiciary given the power as final arbiters of all things constitutional. But with G-d’s help, we will prevail by the ballot box with not needing to open the bullet box.

      If history is with us, this latest putsch by the Democratic elites and the media, ( but I repeat myself) for more gun control is simply the last gasp of a discredited and dying belief system, I guess we will see in November.

      • a lot of gun folks are unfriendly to minorities such as myself, but what they dont realize is that you NEED minorities to get on board with gun culture in order to keep up with demographic changes over the next 50 years.

        • There will be no demographic changes “over the next 50 years”… we’re not going to sit back and abet genocide.

        • The demographic change is already happening. White America is too smart or too lazy to have kids, just like the white europeans.

          The non white folk are going to out fuck us.

          End of story.

        • Not if we don’t let them into the country. Oh, and there are plenty of European countries with positive population growth. Just not the socialist ones.

        • The history of gun control in North America is the history of violent White supremacism and the efforts of its proponents to create for themselves a “safe working environment”. No Klansman or Nazi wants to go to a lynching where he’s not sure who’s going to end up dead.

          I point this out every chance I get. It’s amazing the things that White, Democrat anti-gunners call me. Sometimes you’d think you were talking to the “editorial” staff of the Stormfront website.

          Gun control is NEVER about guns, ALWAYS about power, usually over disfavored and despised minorities.

        • To power brain. qutoe———————-There will be no demographic changes “over the next 50 years”… we’re not going to sit back and abet genocide.————————

          Population studies have shown that within the next 20 years Whites will become an minority and Spanish people are the fasted growing segment of the population. As a matter of fact two of the top running Republican Candidates in 2016 were both Latino’s i.e. Cuban Calypso Rafael Cruz and Marco Rubio and many White Conservatives cheered them on and voted for them.

          Quote————————-Not if we don’t let them into the country. Oh, and there are plenty of European countries with positive population growth. Just not the socialist ones.——————————quote——————–

          Wrong Power Brain. The Republican Businessmen have been luring Spanish people here since the 1940’s to be used as slave labor. They then pay off their prostitutes the Republican Congressmen so that no new immigration reform laws can be passed such as a “guest worker program” that would force corrupt Republican Businessmen to pay at least minimum wage and workers compensation.

          As you can see “the old adage” a Moron Conservative is his own worst enemy is quite true because these Morons vote for the very people who are bringing in illegals.

          Now is all this necessarily a bad thing. No, its great for America because history has shown that in all countries, not just the U.S., that immigrants make a country great and with European and American White populations having too few children both Continents need more immigrants not less. And thanks to the American wars in the Middle East to Control the oil supplies our wars of rape, pillage and conquest caused millions of Middle East people to flee to Europe. In the 1970’s Germany actually imported several million Middle Eastern people because they had so few industrial workers so the current migrations to Europe is actually a bonus for Europe in regards to filling present and future employment needs.

          Its interesting to note that the Ford Motor Company yesterday announced that it was discontinuing most auto production in the U.S. and once again Herr Drumpf (just like with the Carrier Co.) did nothing to prevent it. So you see this Moron with a red tie certainly has no plan at all to “make America great again” he is fast realizing he is no match for the greed monger industrial gangster criminals who run this country.

        • Whatever you say Crisco. I’m sure all those illiterate migrants will be eminently employable… Oh… wait… the latest wave of arrivals has a less than 1% employment rate post 1 year in the country.

      • Your living in a fantasy world, Neal Gorsuck stabbed us in the back and he was supposed to be a super radical right wing radical appointed by none other than Herr Drump himself.

        The Supreme Court has gone full blown anti-gun simply because they have always voted according to public opinion not what the Constitution says. I could give you pages of their former anti-constitutional rulings, some so outrageous they defy even common sense.

        Since the 2017 ruling by the Supreme Court that refused to hear the Maryland Assault Rifle case the anti-gun State Courts were given the green light to go full blown anti-Second Amendment with one judge recently screaming that he could and would ban assault rifles as he has declared them not covered by the Constitution. Its become that absurd.

        California is in the process of confiscating assault rifles and has draconian ammo restrictions and has also declared “self defense” not a right except of course for the protection of the “court ruling elite and their protective henchmen, right out of Nazi Germany.

        The High Priests Attorney General of Massachusetts even banned assault rifles by a “dictatorial decree” with no new law being passed and naturally the anti-gun State Court prostrated itself beneath her feet and kissed and licked the dirt off her shoes and gave her full blessing to ban them all. It was right out of a 3rd world dictatorship and the majority of Americans (64 per cent) that do not even own guns cheered from the roof tops. Its called catering to public opinion.

        Its outrageous that in the 1930’s the Supreme Court declared that only military weapons were guaranteed by the constitution when they wanted to jail a man that had a sawed off shotgun (which by the way was used by the military) but never mind reality because when has the Supreme Court ever paid any attention to reality or the Constitution because now they have once again reversed themselves blessing every gun ban coming down the road as the “new salvation” for a new wave gun free society so as to give the “power elite” supreme power over us the proletariat worker slaves which now have to pay for the latest Trump/Republican tax rape bill that gave them billions in cash to stuff in their corrupt greedy pockets and we the proletariat will have to pay for it all by getting less Social Security and less medical and drug coverage. Its part of converting the U.S. into a 3rd world country of the “haves” and the “have nots”.

        What a joke the U.S. has become with European countries now so far ahead of us in Social Programs that we are the joke of the industrialized world. So why would not the Power elite want to disarm us all.

        5 famous industrialized countries last year had ZERO bankruptcies due to health care problems but the U.S. had almost 5 million bankruptcies over health and drug costs.

        As you can see both political parties have all the reasons in the world to disarm us as they have hogged all the wealth and enslaved us all.

        • Europe is also far ahead of us on “innocent children ordered to die by a court”…. yeah… “social programs” need to be eliminated entirely. Get rid of Social Security, Medicare, medicaid, and all forms of welfare and watch 90% of this country’s problems disappear in a generation.

        • You claim to hate Trump but at the same time you wish to give him the right to have the final say in who owns a gun.

          You sound like a battered wife making excuses for her abuser.

        • to Power Brain: Quote———————–Europe is also far ahead of us on “innocent children ordered to die by a court”…. yeah… “social programs” need to be eliminated entirely. Get rid of Social Security, Medicare, medicaid, and all forms of welfare and watch 90% of this country’s problems disappear in a generation.———————Quote

          Where do you live on Alpha Omega 7? We have already done that as we have the least Social Programs in the Industrialized world and that is exactly why we have so many problems. We are squandering our most precious resource and that is the education of our own Children. While other Nations give vast sums in social subsidies to educational programs and public education we have driven up the cost of higher education to astronomical levels that have made getting a higher education for many children beyond financial reach.

          Our primary schools have become an obscenity with our property tax finance of education giving millions of children not even a sub-standard primary education which effectively puts them so far behind in the basics that even if they were given a free college education many would require several years of remedial courses before even entering college. Even in Canada their education programs are not financed by property tax but come from the central government that gives “all schools” equal educational benefits. It works so well that even illiterate refuges within 2 years are getting grades equal to that of the indigenous children while our children in the U.S. that come from inner city schools cannot even read or write after graduation, it has actually become that obscene.

          I suppose the Republicans fear an educated populous as they would vote them all out of office and they would also not find enough “cannon fodder” to fight their endless wars of rape, pillage and conquest.

        • Still like how Crisco kid ignores the point that the UK courts just ordered a kid taken off of life support and refused to let his parents try and save his life… Socialism in action.

          As for your “immigration makes countries great” argument… Yeah… no.

          1. Hispanic birth rates are only high for the first or maybe second generation. Stop new arrivals, stop the population boom
          2. If these immigrants make countries great, why is every country they come from a shithole? You’d think the governments of those (mostly) totalitarian countries would have an interest in retaining those citizens if they are so productive…

        • We dump, absolutely dump, money into failing schools to reverse them. It has almost no effect. None, nada, zero. Show me one instance in which money was dumped into a failing school or district and turned it around. I’ll wait, but remember that when looking make sure that there wasn’t a “no child left behind” (pass the dumbasses) initiative that was also initiated to mask the problem. The public school system is a joke for the most part, but it’s not so much the schools problem as it is a student problem and culture problem. A large swath of society in across multiple demographics is anti-intellectual or simply doesn’t care about education. That’s a real problem.

        • “California is in the process of confiscating assault rifles and has draconian ammo restrictions and has also declared “self defense” not a right except of course for the protection of the “court ruling elite and their protective henchmen, right out of Nazi Germany.”

          None of this is true. If California is confiscating assault rifles, it is because they are possessed by prohibited persons, not because they are “assault weapons.” There was one exception that I know of, an old man who’s rifle was in an illegal configuration under the old, pre-registration statute. (They took the rifle as an illegal weapon, but he was not charged with a crime.) The ammo restrictions are ridiculous, but not “draconian.” Ammo is freely and readily available, the license is not yet required, nor is the pseudo-background check required by the law. The only difficulty is finding an ammo vendor/FFL to accept your internet purchases. Otherwise, you have to pay retail prices.
          And no, self-defense has not been outlawed. The rule is the same out in the street as it is everywhere else–is there an imminent threat of serious injury or death to yourself or others? In the home, it is presumed that you are acting in self-defense if someone breaks in, and the DA must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you were NOT acting in self-defense. Just like a stand your ground law, except we do not have a stand your ground statute. As you might imagine, prosecutions for a DGU are extremely rare in home invasion/burglary scenarios.

        • To be fair, they are only anti-intelectual because our society supports them. Get rid of social programs, and education will get rather important rather quickly. (Real education, not underwater basketweaving.)

        • Mark N, if cisco wasn’t lying he would be silent.

        • I’ve officially named him Crisco kid… he reads like some pimply overweight commie stuck in his mother’s basement and covered in a mixture of acne cream and cheezypoof residue.

        • To mark. quote——————None of this is true. If California is confiscating assault rifles, it is because they are possessed by prohibited persons, not because they are “assault weapons.”————————-quote

          If you have a registered assault weapon/.50 BMG rifle, you have the following options:

          Sell the weapon to a licensed gun dealer who has a permit from DOJ to purchase assault weapons/.50 BMG rifles.
          Make arrangements with your local police department or sheriff’s office to relinquish your assault weapon or .50 BMG rifle. Call first. Do not go to the police department or sheriff’s office without first making prior arrangements.
          Lawfully remove the weapon from this state.
          Render the weapon permanently inoperable.

          And yes the new ammo restrictions are indeed draconian. You cannot travel to another state to buy ammo and you must pay a fee to a licensed in state vendor or f.f.l. holder for a background check to buy ammo each and every time you buy ammo which will drive the price of ammo to higher and higher levels. The fee for a background check could go up annually or even weekly depending on the whim of the legislature. In other words the power to tax is the power to destroy. The next step of course is the amount of ammo you can possess as this is planned for stage two of the ammo restrictions only just not passed yet.

          quote—————–And no, self-defense has not been outlawed. Quote—————–

          Sorry I did not make my self clear. I should have said “concealed carry” which is of course the right to self defense. The California Courts did indeed out law self defense by ruling that concealed carry was not a right except for themselves of course and they also refused to rule on prior laws banning “open carry” which let the previous laws stand. Therefore now both “open carry” and “concealed carry” is either already banned from prior laws or is permitted “to be banned” according to the local laws.

        • To Drunk on your Ass. Quote————————-We dump, absolutely dump, money into failing schools to reverse them. It has almost no effect. None, nada, zero. Show me one instance in which money was dumped into a failing school or district and turned it around. I’ll wait, but remember that when looking make sure that there wasn’t a “no child left behind” (pass the dumbasses) initiative that was also initiated to mask the problem. The public school system is a joke for the most part, but it’s not so much the schools problem as it is a student problem and culture problem. A large swath of society in across multiple demographics is anti-intellectual or simply doesn’t care about education. That’s a real problem.——————–quote—————

          You are shouting to the world you live in the hills on the side of a Mountain with two junk cars up on cement blocks Jethro. You you have no knowledge at all of either U.S. educational efforts or other Industrialized Nations. I already mentioned Canada’s great educational successes and when you look at the U.S. elite schools where there are high property taxes due to the extreme wealth of the community we have had very good success with producing outstanding students. Just listening to some of the well educated students that spoke up after the latest Florida mass murders with their complete command of the English language and very good grasp of the gun problem in the U.S. made Herr Drumpf and his halting broken grammar when he struggles to form a semi-complete and somewhat coherent sentence a good example of both our success and failures to educate people here in the U.S.

          I could mention the well funded and thoroughly professional German and French educational systems as well but all of this would take pages and pages and of course would be quite over your head.

          I might add that France is so serious in regards to the education of their children that children that need tutoring get it free and the professional tutoring teacher actually makes a personal visit right to the child’s house to help him on a one to one basis. Only the children of the “upper elite” in America get such educational training.

          Yes spending money on education is a proven historical fact and your ignorant comments only shout to the world your own level of education or shall we say a complete lack thereof.

          Give up Jethro your making a fool of yourself among educated people.

        • to Power Brain. Quote—————–To be fair, they are only anti-intelectual because our society supports them. Get rid of social programs, and education will get rather important rather quickly. (Real education, not underwater basketweaving.)—————quote————-

          Your a real laugh. Education is a Social Program Jethro.

        • To Power Brain. Quote———————-2. If these immigrants make countries great, why is every country they come from a shithole? You’d think the governments of those (mostly) totalitarian countries would have an interest in retaining those citizens if they are so productive…—————————quote———————–

          In a recent study done and pointed out several weeks ago when our Hitlerite leader Herr Drumpf called African immigrants people from “shit hole countries” it was found that some of our most successful students in recent years came from guess where “Africa” and it has been found that as far as Middle East Refugees are concerned many are of the upper elite which includes engineers, doctors, teachers and many others from skilled professions. They have already found jobs in both Europe and in America as well. Here in my area dating back almost 40 years now we have hundreds of small stores owned and run by Middle East People not to mention the Middle East professional people in all walks of life here in the U.S. One Michigan town council is now completely staffed by Middle East People and the Whites are very satisfied the way they have been running things because they keep re-electing them.

          If you had any educational background at all you would have already studied the history of immigration and it has been proven that immigrants start more new businesses than the indigenous population and are almost always more successful at it. Studies on this phenomenon abound and date from not only the present but date back as far as 2,500 years ago under the Roman Empire and how when they banned immigration by using immigrants as scapegoats for the governments own incompetence and corruption that it was one of the leading causes of the collapse of the Roman Empire but of course if you were a product of higher education you would have already been aware of this as its basically “immigration 101”.

          Give up Jethro your making a fool of yourself among educated people.

        • Ok Crisco… let’s see a citation on that…

          But the logical conundrum still stands… if these people are so useful, why aren’t their home countries fighting to take them back?

        • Concerning cisco, it’s best not to feed the trolls…it only encourages them..(cisco reminds me of that adage, “Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in awhile.”, but he has no proper perspective on most of the things he says.).

        • Why is there not a reply button on lower comment levels? Regardless, Serge has it exactly right on these socialist programs:

          “Get rid of Social Security, Medicare, medicaid, and all forms of welfare and watch 90% of this country’s problems disappear in a generation.”

          So simple on all major issues, remove government, problems resolved.

        • “Why is there not a reply button on lower comment levels? ”

          Because this is a web page in HTML, not usenet that supports unlimited depth-of-threads.

          And I do miss it…

        • The Supreme Court has gone full blown anti-gun simply because they have always voted according to public opinion not what the Constitution says.

          RThat must be why they voted to uphold bans against same-sex marriage in Obergefell v. Hodges.

        • “Give up Jethro your making a fool of yourself among educated people.”
          Too bad your oh-so-superior education did not include explaining difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’. Who is making a fool of himself again?

          While we are talking about education, here’s some more for you – calling someone ‘Mister’ in German is not really an insult. And ‘moron’, while indeed an insult (good job there, attaboy!), is not a proper noun, unless you meant city in Argentina, so there’s no need to capitalize it.

          Talk nonsense if you have to, but don’t call your betters names until you educate yourself.

          That would do for today’s lecture. Small mind, small portions. Wouldn’t want to overload you. But feel free to write more, we all need a good laugh.

  2. And then they named a battleship after Bismarck, and it became one of the biggest, most shot-at targets of the war.

    Got a 32 cm armor belt, Sol old fellow?

    • Bismarck was a good ship, just not so lucky. I think it held up better to heavy hits better than the overrated Musashi. I know it is rather academic, but the Royal Navy hits really did not sink the Bismarck, the opening of the sea cocks did.
      Seems like all the lucky stars fell on the Prinz Eugen.

      • The Bismarck was basically a 1st world war design. The plans were dusted off and a few upgrades made as the Germans had had no chance to build a new heavy ship since their defeat in 1918. All german heavy vessels in ww2 suffered from the same flaws. Overly complex with demands for large crews.

        Prince Eugen was lucky. Her sister, Blucher, was sunk by antique Norwegian shore batteries with heavy loss of life.

        As for Bismarck being tougher than Musashi it only looks that way because most of the fight against the Bismarck was carried out by guns, not airplanes. It’s very, very difficult to sink a large ship through gunfire alone.

        You can wreck the ship down to the water line and it will still, technically, be afloat. Which is what happened to Bismarck. What is really telling against the Bismarck is how poorly she did with a single torpedo hit. She was completely crippled and left for the Royal navy to finish. Which they did.

        Musashi took 15+ torpedoes and god only knows how many bombs before she went under. And her anti aircraft battery was much more superior to Bismarck’s. A handful of unescorted bi plane bombers was all it took to end the Bismarck.

        Musashi would have came through that with hardly a scratch.

        Both ships had big flaws. But Bismarck took up a lot of resources that Germany did not have to spare and was killed on her first combat mission.

        • That torpedo hit Bismarck in the only possible place it could hurt her, the steering gear. Forced her to steam in a circle otherwise she was going to show her heels to RN and beat them into Brest.

          And most of the British BB designs weren’t exactly super modern themselves. Look at what the IJN aircraft did to Repulse and Prince of Wales about a year later.

        • Winterborne.
          the japanese had bigger and better torpedoes than anybody. And that single hit that knocked out her rudder could have been compensated for by steering with her engines. A flaw in her design that was known about was she was completely helpless when using engines only to steer.

          Repulse was an antique and she put up a better show at her end than Bismarck did. And the brits had already got decades of service out of her. Bismarck was on her first operation.

      • Scuttled might have been the final blow, but she was really sunk by that single, lucky, RAF torpedo in the rudder. A ship that cannot maneuver is helpless, and any opponent will quickly take advantage of that, just as the Royal Navy did. It matters naught how difficult it is to sink by gunfire, they will just keep firing at the helpless carcass until it goes under, by whatever finally causes it to. The opposing navy would just resort to taking it in turns that their ships go back to rearm and refuel, and keep firing at it 24/7 until the end. But that’s never necessary, because the prey knows it’s helpless and deals with the reality. That’s why she was scuttled. Helpless, dead in the water, cannot run, cannot fight, cannot even fire… what other choice is there? There is one: surrender. That’s not one that the German’s like.

        • GFSZ (love the handle btw)
          Granted on the IJN torpedoes, best in the world. And I’m aware that Bismarck could not steer with her engines, possibly because she was a 3 screw design not a 4 like PoW was. But the steering gear hit was the killer.

          And it was a single torpedo hit that flooded her Number 4 shaft that killed Prince of Wales as well. Flooded her boilers and lost electrical power. And she was one of the RN’s newest designs

        • Winterborne. The King George the 5th class had their own set of shortcomings. They were ‘treaty’ battleships and at best very compromised. And the brits had a failing economy that led to budget cuts that were false economy, at best. Ark Royal sank from a single torpedo because she had no backup generators to make electricity. All her power came from her main engines and that was were the torpedo hit. A carrier lost because of a decision not to spend a little on diesel generators.

          Bismarck was built without treaty restraints and was spent lavishly on. The old Repulse put up a better fight than either Bismarck or POW.

  3. Would never comply, a-hole. So tell me. Who exactly is going to go out and confiscate the millions of AR’s that fail to be handed over?

    Good Luck with that! (sarcasm)

    • You do realize they’re not going to “confiscate” already-owned mags and rifles right? They’re not that stupid.

      1. Ban new purchases. Old stuff grandfathered.
      2. Ban possession without registration of old stuff.
      3. Ban possession of old stuff.

      In this way, compliance is not needed, and secret scofflaws don’t threaten their agenda at all. After a few generations, no one questions the bans. Very simple stuff.

      • That’s how I’d do it. It placates most of those with skin in the game. It makes them special even. Divide and conquer at its best.

      • I remember a photo of all the AR-15 owners lining up to register their guns in some East Coast Libtard State. I was thinking that today you register your Assault Weapons, tomorrow you turn them in, and the next day you line up to get in the brightly painted cattle cars to take you away to the warm showers which await at the re-education camp.

      • If I’m not mistaken tens of thousands of Connecticut residents failed to register their AR15s after the state passed mandatory registration laws. This act of defiance will be repeated over and over, even if it’s adopted at a national level. Sure, many will cave and comply but an awful lot of people won’t.

        • This is not a comfortable position for us law abiding gun folks, we want to abide by the law. Many of us have too much invested financially to risk being on the wrong side of the law.

        • “Many of us have too much invested financially to risk being on the wrong side of the law.”

          But some of us are too old to get in the cattle car without a fight.

          I won’t wait till some poor county sheriff’s deputy comes knocking on my door. I will take the fight to the people responsible before that.

        • to Roger. Your right but only in the beginning. After most of the guns are turned in then that is when the government resorts to making an example of people who did not comply. It does not necessarily mean a “waco style assault either”. Simply taking you to court and bankrupting you and jailing you will set an example to scare the shit out of all the others who did not turn in their weapons. And remember they are smart enough to wait to arrest you when you least expect it. Unless you are wealthy and never leave the house you eventually will have to go to work or to the store and then that is when they nail you when you least expect it. Only a suicidal man would draw down on a group of heavily armed storm troopers pointing automatic weapons at your head. And remember all it would take is just one former friend to rat on you to the government as to whether you had illegal weapons in your home.

          In short when they pass a gun confiscation law your ass is grassed and there is nothing you can do but comply if you want to stay a free man or even a living breathing one.

        • I said in an earlier post a while ago why a gun buy back worked in Australia but would not work in the USA.

          1) Population. In the late 1990s, Australia had a population of 22 million. The USA would have had a population of about 300 million.

          2) Firearm ownership rates. In Australia, much lower than the USA.

          3) The ownership rates of self-loading rifles and handguns are also much lower than the USA.

          4) The buyback in Australia was funded by an increase in the Medicare levy of the individual tax returns over several years. US Citizens have a reluctance to pay more tax.

          5) In Australia the government gained compliance by paying well above market rates for self-loading firearms, but backed by extreme penalties (fines and jail time) for non-compliance.

          US law enforcement are more likely to conduct “shock-and-awe” on a few examples to gain reluctant compliance. Ruby Ridge and Waco would be mild in comparison to the actions that will be conducted.

      • That’s basically what’s happened in California.

        Sure, nothing stops one from making an 80% lower (which is legal there, for the time being), making magazines, or smuggling in lowers or whole rifles or magazines from elsewhere. I’m sure that happens all the time, particularly with those of criminal intent.

        But then what? An otherwise law abiding person who makes or possesses such things isn’t going to take illegal stuff to the range for target practice, as that would reveal the illegal stuff to all. For example, 30 round mags that people owned were grandfathered in to the AWB. If that grandfathering is revoked, it’d be foolish to bring them to the range. Same thing with illegally acquired newer products that couldn’t have been grandfathered in due to being made after the ban, like PMAGs. If they just sit unused in the basement, what’s the point?

        Eventually, the younger people getting involved in the shooting sports accept that as the baseline: they grow up in a world where those things have never been widely available. As current owners die off, some grandfathered items get passed onto their heirs, but a hefty amount gets destroyed or thrown away.

        Such bans take place over the long term, and don’t need door kickers going around confiscating guns. Do it a little bit at a time and each step seems tolerable, even if barely, and not rising to the point where people would take up arms. Recall the “boiling a frog” saying.

        • Why does everybody obsess over being “law abiding”? The average American cimmits 3 fellonies and unknown numbers of misdemeanors and infractions every day without realizing it.

          Get over it. We out gun and out number “the government” 10,000 to 1 and the people who want to take our guns, by self imposition, are disarmed. In 94′ and 04′ the government was responsive to our grievances (i.e. the GOP taking congress and the sunset of the AWB). We are very capable of causing problems from funding and voting, all the way to armed insurrection. Stop being so scared of “the government” and trying to be so “law abiding”.

          Know the law so you know what laws you are breaking and the ACTUAL limitations of the law. It costs tax payers about $5million to investigate, arrest, and full court press prosecute a federal gun case against 1 person. Thats a sound investment if you can frighten 100million “law abiding” citizens in to compliance or paranoid silent disobedience.

      • “1. Ban new purchases. Old stuff grandfathered.”

        Until they ban the future transfer, and that will include inheritance. And they *will* do that, when they can.

        *Poof* – They instantly made simple possession illegal of those weapons in a *single* generation.

        We have good news, however. I have heard that recently Justice Thomas is interested in declaring AR-platform and similar in function weapons to be declared constitutionally-protected under the 2A.

        We just need to replace Kennedy or another Leftist justice to get that.

        In my opinion, the people of NY state and others who have elected to not register their weapons will be proven right in their decision to do so.

        But it only buys us time until the Leftists regain control of SCOTUS. And they will, eventually…

  4. The Fudds will love it.
    Sensible and Reasonable at its best.
    They can ban all the evil ARs, but as long as I can keep my double barrel duck hunting shotgun…..
    2A is for hunting!

    • And what if one owns an AR-15 , no double barrel shotgun in my home? Next they will be calling my Ruger 10/22 an assault weapon & thus trying to take it.think about it , They want all our guns. Period !!!

      • Agreed, I don’t own anything that isn’t semiauto. Antis would be thrilled to just fix the supply of guns in private citizens hands.

  5. From Wiki…don’t think I want advice from a felon…

    Solomon “Sol” Wachtler (born April 29, 1930) is an American lawyer and Republican politician from New York.[1] He was Chief Judge of the New York Court of Appeals from 1985 to 1992.[2] Wachtler’s most famous quote, made shortly after his appointment as Chief Judge, was that district attorneys could get grand juries to “indict a ham sandwich.”[3] He achieved national notoriety when he was charged with, and then convicted of, acts stemming from threats he made against a former lover, Joy Silverman, and her daughter. Upon conviction, Wachtler served thirteen months in prison and a half-way house.[4]. After his release, Wachtler became an author and critic, as well as an advocate for the mentally ill.

    • I had forgotten about that. Bravo.
      Though some felons do in fact dispense good advice – just not this corrupt jhole.

    • I had to get THIS far into the comments before anyone brought up this jackwagon’s background. The name was very familiar and I knew he was some kind of scandal-plagued criminal public official from the 1990s, but I had to go look him up to get the details on what exactly his crimes were.

      This Sol Wachtler fellow is exactly why people need to exercise their right to keep and bear arms. This man is a woman abuser and child abuser. In my opinion, he would abuse anyone over whom he had power and strength, whether personally or in a public official capacity with the power of the State behind him. This is the kind of man the Founders and Framers warned us about and codified our right to keep and bear arms to defend against.

      Semi-automatic firearms, or any firearms, are not the problem. Evil men like Sol Wachtler are the problem!

  6. Ive lived in upstate NY my entire life, ive been through several major gun control schemes as well as countless smaller scale laws. Everything is a slippery slope, they want all of our guns, never believe differently or it will be too late.

    • Yes, and if anyone had actually bothered to read the relevant law for comprehension, they would have quickly discovered that it ONLY affected:

      Commonwealth of Puerto Rico

      Definition of “State” per 18 USC 921(a)(2):
      (2)The term “interstate or foreign commerce” includes commerce between any place in a State and any place outside of that State, or within any possession of the United States (not including the Canal Zone) or the District of Columbia, but such term does not include commerce between places within the same State but through any place outside of that State. The term “State” includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the possessions of the United States (not including the Canal Zone).

      Per 8 USC § 1101(a)(36):

      The term “State” includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands of the United States, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

      “Oh, but they can just do what they want, interstate commerce clause and all.”

      Yep. Again, in the enumerated “States:”

      Per 18 USC § 921(a)(2)

      The term “interstate or foreign commerce” includes commerce between any place in a State and any place outside of that State, or within any possession of the United States (not including the Canal Zone) or the District of Columbia, but such term does not include commerce between places within the same State but through any place outside of that State. The term “State” includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the possessions of the United States (not including the Canal Zone).

      “But….they must mean all the other states too, they just didn’t list them.”

      Nope. The statutory definition of “Incluedes” means “those things listed and things not listed in the same class.” Meaning, territories. Unless you consider the various States to be territories. But just in case some obtuse or mentally deficient attorney comes along to insist it means the states, rather than the enumerated territories, here’s some precedent and relevant case law examples:

      26 USC 7701(a)(22):
      Includes and including: The terms ”includes” and ”including” when used in a definition contained in this title shall not be deemed to exclude other things otherwise within the meaning of the term defined.”

      “[T]he verb “includes” imports a general cl
      ass, some of whose particular instances are those specified in the definition.”
      Helvering v Morgan’s, Inc, 293 U.S. 121, 126 fn. 1 (1934);

      “[I]ncluding… …connotes simply an illustrative application of the general
      principle.” Federal Land Bank of St. Paul v.
      Bismarck Lumber Co., 314 U.S. 95, 62 S.Ct. 1 U.S. (1941)

      Per US Treasury Dept.:
      “The terms “includes and including” do
      not exclude things not enumerated which
      are in the same general class.”

      Put in plain English: “Cruciferous Vegetables Include Brocolli and Okra.”

      You would not then be able to make the assertion that potatoes, squash, and corn were also included, since they are not “Cruciferous Vegetables.” Includes imports “all those things which are of the same class or nature.

      So there you have it. Any sort of “Federal” bans or restrictions on anything are only applicable if you live in the enumerated territories (or give presumption of being from there).

      This is why we read for comprehension. It’s now just about the states.

      • I think you are the one who needs a lesson in reading comprehension. The state is “any state” (i.e., all fifty of them) and includes things that are otherwise not states. (By the way, I’ve read and interpret statutes five days a week for most of the last 30 years.)

        • Mark, congrats! You are the first of the mental deficients.

          You say you have read and interpreted the statutes for the past 30 years? Proof that you can have a sub-100 IQ and still manage to not starve.

          18 USC, which is the relevant statute regarding gun laws, specifically subsection 921, states (again):

          ‘The term “interstate or foreign commerce” includes commerce between any place in a State and any place outside of that State, or within any possession of the United States (not including the Canal Zone) or the District of Columbia, but such term does not include commerce between places within the same State but through any place outside of that State. The term “State” includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the possessions of the United States (not including the Canal Zone).’

          At no point does the modifying phrase “but is not limited to” appear within this construction. Meaning: STATES, AS DEFINED IN THIS TITLE, ARE ONLY….ONLY….ONLY DC, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, and Samoa.

          You are, as I noted earlier, either being deliberately obtuse, or you are really, really, really…lacking intelligence.

          Anyway, since most people Elect to reside in DC, Puerto Rico, or the Virgin Islands (pull your Individual Master File from the IRS with an FOIA if you don’t believe me), the statutory authority of this Title applies to them.

          WildBill: Wickard provided NO NEW POWER that was not already enumerated in USC 8, USC 18, and USC 26. It has no authority to regulate anything outside of Federal Territories. Did you actually read what I wrote? To either you or Mark N., all you have to do to rebut my (correct) reading of 18 USC is to show an example of a non-territory (i.e. California, Texas, etc.) mentioned after the exclusionary term “includes,” since (again) it is a term-of-art that stipulates the boundaries of non-enumerated entities.

          The 50-states are NOT TERRITORIES. No matter how much you want to think they are, Mark N. The vast amount of both case law, precedent, as well as the actual law itself!

          Next time, try going to at least a third-tier law school, not a correspondence course from the University of Togo.

    • Beyond the usual ephemeral claims that it did, the “assault weapon ban” had little to do with safety or reducing crime. It was and continues to be a way for a group of people who strongly identify with gun-control to demonstrate their social power by imposing their values on others. Gun-control, “assault weapons bans”, calls for “meaningful conversations about gun-control” and nothing more than that. Don’t be fooled by gun-controllers’ claims that they want safety. They don’t. What they really want is social dominance over gun owners.

      • Gun control have never been about crime or safety. (Other than safety of criminals.) That’s just a pretext for total public disarmament. A lie that can fool only those very young and inexperienced or those not very smart.

  7. These fuckers can take my “assault weapon” when they take my bullets first, one at a time from the end of my barrel.

    • Resisting them once they’re at your door is almost certain suicide. It would be better to live and cause them serious problems with better tactics. You probably know this, but I felt compelled to say it anyway.

  8. This fool crows about New York’s “assault weapons ban.” I wonder if he knows you can legally buy an AR15 in NY right now. Sure, it’s modified to have no “banned” features, but it’s the same gun.

    Over in CT the Ruger Mini 14, Mini 30, Saiga Sporter and a host of other mag fed semi auto rifles are perfectly legal.

    His cherished ban banned very little. Support for it simply shows how unserious or ignorant these folks are.

  9. I’m getting so tired of the threats. Just do it already…ban my ARs/mags and let the games begin! It won’t end well for either side, but they will find out how many are ready/willing to fight for our rights and freedoms.

  10. This man quoting Bismarck tells you everything you need to know…Bismarck, who spilled other men’s blood in order to build his personal dream of an aggressive, militaristic German Empire, thereby leading to two of the greatest bloodbaths in human history.

  11. I don’t think this guy understands the power of the M1 Garand he was issued by the military. Given the option to go up against an opponent with an AR-15/M16 or an M1 With an equal complement of Ammo I’d choose to avoid the 30.06 rounds from the Garand any day of the week.

    • I think you missed the entire point of the concept. The ammo component will NOT be equal.
      5.56 is both lighter and cheaper than .30-06, so you can afford, and can carry, more. That is the entire assault rifle concept, that the job can be done better with a smaller, lighter, rifle with less recoil and more ammo.
      It goes without saying that the .30-06 is ballistically superior to the 5.56, but which would you rather carry; an M1 with 48 rounds or a 5.56 with 800?

      • I think you missed my “equal complement of Ammo” qualification. He thinks that these rifles should not be available to civilians in everyday scenarios, but should be reserved for the military. This isn’t a debate on their advantages and disadvantages in the field of military conflict. Mass shooting scenarios do not involve a very mobile attacker, so I don’t see how the advantages of lighter weight play a role. I’ll say it again…I’ll pass on going up against 30.06 rounds coming my way in favor of 2.23/5.56.

        • Sure it would, but would you rather go up against some sick A-hole mass shooter with an AR and 200 rounds of 2.23/5.56 or the same count of 30.06 coming out of a Garand? The felonious doofus that inspired this TTAG article thinks the M1, that Uncle Sam issued him back in the day, isn’t as threatening as a modern AR. I’m saying his M1 is worse than an AR with the same complement of Ammo. Maybe even with less Ammo considering the killing power of that big 30 caliber round.

  12. Hahaha! He’s quoting a dictator! Why doesn’t he quote Hitler or Stalin while he’s at it?

    That is exactly why we need guns in the first place.

  13. Wachtler wants to prevent you from obtaining guns because his felony conviction prevents him from buying guns.

    BTW, I went to law school with his daughter.

  14. Then we need to put the second amendment into full effect by forming a well regulated militia in each state with a minimum of 10000 enlisted.

  15. So some dirt bag bangs out some retarded opinion piece and the good citizen read it with a drop of spit on their lips and nod their collective heads in agreement? Give me a barf bag please.

    Listen up, opinions are just that, an OPINION! Little is worse than a semi-fiction opinion piece written by some agenda drive slob from some corporately owned media conglomeration, as if THEIR opinion matters. Well it doesn’t, not to me and it shouldn’t matter to anyone else let alone be read.

    I gave up on the lamestream media cartel long ago. I had to stop for the sake my sanity and my own individualism. I’m not going to be programmed by the school system, religion and then societies media. Nice try but no thank you. Besides it being fake news, how about being too often competently inaccurate? Why is it that every time I have first hand knowledge of something, when I read about it in the paper, it’s wrong? If that happens, what am I really reading? How much is just plain wrong and fake??

    Society is neutering men and fogging free thought.

    Privacy is another huge concern. Since when is it OK to lay down and set aside our privacy for all? I’m sorry….no wait, I’m not sorry, but not me, ain’t happening. The notion that giving all your details on Facecrook, such as where you live, your age, your birthday, your likes and dislikes, what you eat, where you go, who you know and MORE as if it’s perfectly OK is WHOLLY RETARDED! We should NEVER embrace that mindset. That is something you don’t do and no matter how Facecrook paints it, it’s NOT a good thing.

    It’s bad enough our cellphones track and log every place you go even with location turned off! Now Farmers insurance wants to give me 5% off my rates if I install an application that tracks my driving habits. It can even send me a signal if it detects distracted driving. Excuse me? Essentially, it would know when I’m speeding, what stop signs I didn’t stop at and knows where and when you went places? Really??? I told my agent F—- NO!

    • Yup, cell phones the ultimate spyware. I’d get land line if it was cheaper, screw the internet, and I tell everyone fuck Facebook stay away from that. This is crazy I know, but when I travel I wrap my cell phone in tin foil, “they” don’t need to where I been from point A to B. I used to take my battery out, but a guy showed me there’s another little battery in them cell phones you can’t take out. And this cell phone u can’t even take the battery out. Everyone on a cell phone, everyone on Facebook. Shit we are giving up our privacy to be techies, Alexis n all that. FUUUUUK Em , ballistics apps on a cell phone ain’t so smart either.

      • Long before cell phones the Government already knew if you ever owned a weapon. If you ever subscribed to a gun magazine or bought ammo or a gun with a credit card or even if you parked your car at a gun show your licence plate number was photographed and documented. The Government was caught more than once doing this.

        All this was unnecessary of course because all that was and is necessary when they pass a ban is to make it so financially devastating that no normal person would ever take the chance on keeping anything that was banned. Some places that have already banned guns have a $1,000 dollar a day fine if your caught with a banned weapon not to mention jail time which could stretch into years as well as the right of the state to confiscate all of your assets. You see they really do not have to “waco you” like they did the Branch Dividian’s for not having a “state licensed church” they just bankrupt you when you do not comply. When you are bankrupt you will want them to jail you because their you will get 3 meals a day and free medical coverage, all a retiree would ever want because here in CAPTIALVANIA we are not a civilized nation that has the social benefits that allow people to retire without living under a bridge which by the way is now illegal in most places. They are even putting in sharp concrete pillars under the bridges so you cannot sleep there anymore.

        • Wow. You’ve made yourself into a parody of yourself.

        • Wow. Aside from vaping too much cannabis oil, I must ask you Billy the kid, where oh where do you get your info from? Even if the “government” passed a ban on assault weapons how would they confiscate them? House to house? Even a learned man would balk at that attempt. Yeah they may have the names and addresses of people who bought one but do you honestly think that the libtards and their immigrant allies have the intelligence to find them all? Your living in cannabis
          heaven. Time to come down and eat with
          them burritos.

        • to Eli-idiot. quote———————–Even if the “government” passed a ban on assault weapons how would they confiscate them?—————–quote

          Like most of the uneducated you know nothing of history. I suggest you read up on the Germans in the Second World War. They simply made an example of just one person or a few people in a town and believe me the rest of the people knew that they were next if they did not comply and with today’s instant mass media everyone on the entire planet would know what would happen if they lived in the U.S. and did not comply with turning in weapons. Are you naive enough to believe human beings have no desire to save themselves from death or financial ruin. Yea its fun to talk tough on a forum like this but when it comes down to down and dirty reality the sheep comply and they do it damn quick. In Europe they threw their guns out on to the street out of windows, do you think it would be any different here especially when you knew 65 per cent of your neighbors hated guns and do not even own them. Get real, your ass would be grassed if you did not comply and to survive you would comply unless you wanted to go out in a blaze of idiocy. Tough talk and stark reality are very different animals.

          Its also interesting to note that 90 per cent of all firearms in the U.S. are only owned by 3 per cent of the population. And only 36 per cent of the population own a firearm which is usually only 1 gun which would not be a big financial loss if they turned in that one gun. Losing all their assets or jail time would not be an option and the government could easily deal with the 3 per cent of the population that owns most of the guns one way or another. As a matter of fact their own neighbors would turn them in because the gun owners are a minority of the American population and the majority that do not own firearms consider them a danger to civilized society because sometimes they indeed are.

        • Truly your stupidity knows no bounds. Your “facts” are from MSNBC and your demeanor is that of megan Kelly. You’re talking about a totalitarian state. We’re not in your Muslim country. We still have freedom here. Go back to the UK if piers will take you back. LMAO.

        • to Eli-idiot- —————-quote—————-Truly your stupidity knows no bounds. Your “facts” are from MSNBC and your demeanor is that of megan Kelly. You’re talking about a totalitarian state. We’re not in your Muslim country. We still have freedom here. Go back to the UK if piers will take you back.———————————-quote

          Actually MSNBC news is one of the most respected news media’s on the planet. I suppose you get your news from Sly Fox News that panders to the unwashed who still believe Herr Drumpf is the new “Hiterlite Messiah”.

        • “Like most of the uneducated you know nothing of history. I suggest you read up on the Germans in the Second World War. They simply made an example of just one person or a few people in a town and believe me the rest of the people knew that they were next if they did not comply and with today’s instant mass media everyone on the entire planet would know what would happen if they lived in the U.S. and did not comply with turning in weapons.”

          If you knew the WWII history, you would not pull nazi regime as a government behavior template worth following. They did not punish one or few people to set an exemple. They killed whole families, apartment buildings and even whole towns for one person’s infraction. Does name ‘Lidice’ ring a bell in your progressively educated memory?
          How about ‘Lezaky’?žáky

          Even under such great threats the resistance kept fighting.

          Sheep would disarm while freedom loving upstanding men would risk their property, freedom and even their life to fight a tyranny that tries to enslave the population. Not everyone is like you. Gott sei dank!

  16. If “they” ban semi autos and take my 7400, I’m going to be damned pissed. Then when “they” ban bolt actions n take the 03, I will be even more pissed. ” They” will keep fucking around until I eat butter beans and B B’s and turn myself into a walking Claymore

  17. Lead on, elite. Tell us plebes how we should run our lives.

    “Sol Wachtler, New York State’s former Chief Judge, who had once hoped to be governor, was sentenced today to 15 months in Federal prison for threatening to kidnap the daughter of his former lover, Joy A. Silverman.”

  18. So, why, again?

    Are we just banning all the things we can get away with, or is the banning in aid of something? Oh, wait. it’s in aid of teaching those deplorables with who’s boss. “Bismark” should have clued me in.

    Nevermind. Carry on.

  19. You know, I can predict everything the anti’s are gonna do and say when I assume their goal is : “You can have any gun you want, any way you want … so long as it’s no help protecting yourself and yours.”

  20. When I served if you had issued me an AR-15, I’d have thrown it at you. Hey Sol, stick to TV court. What you don’t know about military weapons would fill volumes.

  21. “The M1 had to be aimed from the shoulder, and fired one round at a time. Too slow, too heavy, not tactically suited to modern warfare and unable to kill the enemy in large numbers.”

    After that turd nugget I refused to give anything else he wrote the slightest bit of mental energy to think about.

    • Good thing there wasn’t large numbers of enemy during WWII. Or in WWI when every army has been issuing bolt action rifles.
      Wait. What? Does that mean gun grabber would lie to push his agenda? No way! That would be first time! …I’m almost sure….Right…?

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