tax dollars money flag

By Rob Morse

We have 23,000 firearms regulations on the books already. Gun control lobbyists say that’s only a first step and many more laws are needed to protect us. While that’s a fascinating story, real evidence calls it a lie. That is why I propose a different sort of fee and licensing structure for armed America. To make this more interesting, gun control lobbyists say it would hardly cost a thing.

Gun control lobbyists say we need “safe guns,” mandatory firearms training, and mandatory psychological evaluations of gun owners. They say we need more “gun-free zones”, and higher taxes on guns and gun owners. Again, those are more “first steps” to to achieving gun safety nirvana and the last gun control law is nowhere in sight.

The mainstream media dutifully play along. Gun control politicians say gun owners and gun manufacturers should be taxed to pay for the harm that people cause with firearms. In short, we’re told that government employees are the only people who can really keep us safe and everyone else who owns a gun is a clear and present danger to civil society.

The Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex tell us that armed self-defense doesn’t really happen, or if it does, it’s vanishingly rare.

Since safe firearm handling is in everyone’s interest and training furthers the goal of gun owners practicing gun safety, I propose that ordinary citizens should be reimbursed by the state when they take a firearms training class. Maybe a tax credit on their annual return. Those classes always cover firearm safety, including safe storage, and the gun control groups say we need more of that, too. So on top of the training stipend, let’s add another $200 per year for bedside gun safes.

If firearm instruction and frequent practice make all of us safer, then let’s also have government reimbursement of the first $200 dollars spent on ammunition each year. Practice makes perfect and makes for safer gun owners and ammo isn’t cheap. To quote the gun control advocates, ‘This is only a first step, and it’s all worth it if it saves just one life.’

The news media and gun control lobbyists tell us that we don’t need to protect ourselves or the people we love. We’re simply supposed to call the police and let them take care of those situations. Since armed defense allegedly never happens, I have another low-cost solution to make us even safer.

Since there are so many calls to “defund the police”, and they’re having trouble answering 911 calls, let along responding, let’s have the cities and counties that have have cut their police funding pay $200 each citizen who self-identifies as a gun owner. Each one help for over-stretched and outmanned police departments.

We should also wave all state and federal taxes on the next firearm these defenders buy. Likewise, both the firearm and the ammunition manufacturers should be paid $200 for each defensive firearm sold to citizens in areas where law enforcement budgets have been cut.

Since gun control advocates say it’s the government’s job to keep us safe, it’s only reasonable to ask states, counties, and cities to pay for their mistakes when an honest citizen protects the public after the government failed to do its job of maintaining public safety.

It’s odd that the mainstream media and the Gun Control Industry™ deliberately ignore the 7,600 times a day that we use a firearm in self-defense. Just like the police, most of those defensive gun uses never involve pulling a trigger.

In fact, the number of lives saved by ordinary citizens each year is downright amazing. The monetary benefits are enormous as honest citizens prevent injuries — assaults, robberies, rapes and murders — to innocent victims. The emotional costs are even larger.

There is so much more we can do to make us truly safer. If licensing and regulation are important, then those gun control laws should apply to police and politicians too. That can come later, but making it easier for average citizens to arm and defend themselves is a common-sense first step.


This article originally appeared at Slow Facts Blog and is reprinted here with permission. 


    • RE: “Gun Control politicians say gun owners and gun manufacturers should be taxed to pay for the harm that people cause with guns.”

      Gun Control politicians should be charge for treason for promoting an agenda that has led to the imprisonment, torture and murder of millions of defenseless people.

      • you’re not number two. well, you are #2 but you’re not second.
        one trick screed, two videos, both snatched from fotay.
        enjoy your three phase.

  1. Let’s cut to the chase….

    DGUs upset the balance of nature. While it is true that elimination of firearms held by the general public is a proper goal to eliminate violent crime, in the nation (if a complete ban on guns saves only a single life, it is the obligation of government to save that one life.

    On a related note, DGUs also upset the balance of nature: violent crime is nature’s method of population control, ensuring that population growth does not outrun nature’s ability to keep things properly balanced.

    If, indeed, there are 7600 DGUs every day, that is 2,774,000 people absorbing resources that otherwise wouldn’t be depleted at such a rate. These 2,774,000 people selfishly put unwarranted strain of the planet’s ability to sustain itself; follow the science. Everyone involved in a DGU should be fined $1000 per each instance; a fine for impermissibly disrupting natural selection.

    (Note: There is no need to address the criminals in the inner cities; they are fully engaged in natural selection, and will eventually make themselves extinct. Besides, the people worth saving don’t live in inner-cities, and don’t go to places where good people congregate.)

      • “You should be writing for comedians.”

        Oh, yeah? Oh, yeah?



        You sound like one of those far right far righters who hang out with far righters, on the far right.

        And you think your are right.

        • “…violent crime is nature’s method of population control, ensuring that population growth does not outrun nature’s ability to keep things properly balanced.”
          Sam, how would YOU like to volunteer as a subject for “nature’s method of population control?” You seem to be an excellent candidate.

      • Yeah, but then he’d be on strike along with the other comedy writers… Except for that one guy that writes for Kamaltoe…

        • That Guy??? Yeah, he’s collecting a paycheck…but not really doing anything. Need evidence? Just watch ANY interview or speech.

      • “Sam I Am, appears Word Salad Kammie is your communication mentor.”

        Nah. I am way better at it.

      • StLPro,

        It’s called ‘irony’ or ‘sarcasm’. Sam has caught me a time or two, with his dry wit, so I am not saying this as one who is innocent, but . . . learn to read in context. It will help you.

        MajorLiar and dacian the demented (and Debbit Dimwit) can afford to be dense as uranium (or, more accurately, don’t have another option), but we can’t. Try to keep up.

    • So, are you willing to be on the receiving end of your so-called “natural selection process”? Unless you are, you’re a hypocrite…

      • “So, are you willing to be on the receiving end of your so-called “natural selection process”? Unless you are, you’re a hypocrite…”

        You are over-thinking this.

      • Bob,

        Bob, Bob, Bob. Are you daft?? We are ALL on the receiving end of natural selection, will ye, nil ye. Every goddamn day I walk outside my house (and even IN my house), I am participating in natural selection. Unlike most of my ‘peer group’ (white, adult, male, college-educated (out the ying-yang), and well above middle class), I have four children (all doing well, thank you God) and making their own way.

        I try to practice situational awareness, wherever I am, and do what I am able to mitigate the risks I perceive. That’s all we CAN do.

        If you are deferring your immediate, personal protection to someone/thing else than yourself? Hope that works out for you, chief. I choose another path.

        • Nope. I’ve learned to rely only upon myself. To depend on anyone else is foolish.

          You’ve expressed yourself clearly and concisely. Thank you.

  2. Higher tax breaks for training and ammo and firearms. The .gov should subsidize at least 3 firearm purchases for each citizen. When you turn 18 you should get a rifle, shotgun and pistol as a birthday present from uncle sugar. And a free case each of ammo for each.

    • In Louisiana a Democrat House member filed HB247 that give a income tax credit up to an amount not to exceed $500 per tax year for expenditures for gun safes or other gun safe storage devices. HB247 was signed by the Dem governor and became Act 403 and went into effect August 1. The new law is only good for tax years: 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026. HB247 passed both the House and the Senate with zero/no Nay votes. I am dubious about this new law feel it may lead to further negative legislation and since it is claimed via income tax returns a state registry of those firearm owners could be created. In short, I do not trust the state to do the right thing(s).

      • Just one more attempt to make a list. And if you don’t accept and buy a pretend safe what is the repercussions of someone stealing your firearm (that Karen thinks should have been locked in a pretend safe).

        No $500 “safe” is going to keep a 12yr old out.

        • @neiowa, There were other trash bills filed this year including SB216,
          SB 216 Original 2023 Regular Session:
          “Proposed law provides that the owner of a firearm which is stolen from his vehicle is liable for damages, if the firearm is subsequently used in the commission of a felony.” Keep in mind that in Louisiana a person’s vehicle is considered an extension of their home.
          It is my belief that had this bill become law, in the next session there would be multiple bills to amend SB216 that would create even more restrictive liability on POTG.

          SB 216 never passed the first committee hearing.
          However, HB65 became law making burglary a crime of violence.

    • all guns have at least one safety – its called keeping your finger off the trigger when it doesn’t need to be there.

      • so you see, all guns, even Glocks, do have a visible ‘fire/safe’ manual safety after all and its called ‘finger’.


      • Dropped guns have no finger on the trigger, yet they often discharge upon impact with the deck or other hard surface.

        ‘No finger on the trigger’ is not any sort of fail-safe device.

        • “Dropped guns have no finger on the trigger, yet they often discharge upon impact …”

          Define “often.” Pistols have to pass drop-safety standards to be offered for sale, Liar69er.

  3. “Gun control lobbyists say we need “safe guns,” mandatory firearms training,…”

    The mandatory firearm training we need can be done in the public school system.

    High school students can learn how to safely handle firearms the same way they learn how to safely drive a car, with NRA certified instructors on the gun range in the school’s basement… 🙂

    • No mandatory to operate a civil right. Make it voluntary and with no requirement to complete before purchasing a firearm.

      Now, If the mandatory class is only to graduate, yes. But you know the fascists like miner and dacian will try to expand it.

    • If you have mandatory firearm training in schools you may have a group of people engaged in firearm training and that would make it a militia movement that .gov is providing resources for. We can’t have that, the Constitution only give the militia the right to Arms as I am told by some members of the far left.

      Think of the absolute gymnastics that would have to perform to say all that with a straight face.

  4. @jwm
    “If I’m Right, I’m Right. Right?”

    Uh, I mean, like, you know, uuuummmmm, swigpdccede###…

    No, I mean, like, uuuuhh G$^&#@….

    Ok, you’re Right.

    MAGA !

  5. “Gun control lobbyists say we need “safe guns,” mandatory firearms training,…”

    “We” (meaning the firearms community) tried to do that:

    1. “We” had training in schools and outside of schools, in public places on public ranges, through private organizations – “Gun control lobbyists” (e.g. anti-gun) said “No, you can’t do that ’cause we say so ’cause its teaching ‘gun violence’ ” – so “WE” said “well, what do you want, we will work with you.” and the “Gun control lobbyists” said “Let us ban guns, and charge you hundreds of dollars so you can exercise your constitutional right and take the training that we control and let us control when and where you can exercise the right.” – so we said “Whoa… not so fast, we said we will work with you not be your peasants. Have you never heard of the Constitution?” and the “Gun control lobbyists” said “We don’t recognize the Constitution. We need more money to combat ‘gun violence’, the problem is law abiding people owning guns.”

    2. “We” had and do have “safe guns” and the “Gun control lobbyists” told us “You don’t have safe guns ’cause we say so ’cause a mentally ill person or criminal can get a gun.” – “WE” said “Do something about the crime and mental illness, we can help and work with you to do this.” – and the “Gun control lobbyists” said “OK, let us ban guns and that’s sure to make crime and mental illness will go away.” – so “WE” said “Whoa… not so fast, we said we will work with you not be your peasants. Have you never heard of the Constitution?” and the “Gun control lobbyists” said “We don’t recognize the Constitution. We need more money to combat ‘gun violence’, the problem is law abiding people owning guns.”

    Law abiding gun owners and our guns are not the problem.

    Anti-gun organizations and anti-gun-politician run cities and states last year (collectively) got $1.2 Billion dollars of tax payer money from Biden’s tyranny ‘communist’ government for ‘combating’ their claimed ‘epidemic’ of their contrived political term deception called “gun violence” – less than 7% went for ‘programs’ to combat 90% of the violent crime that uses guns which are gangs, less than 2% went to harden schools, more than 70% went to pay “salaries” of employees in ‘shell’ programs that exist in name and administration only, and the rest went to pay for ‘consultants’ to keep telling them there was ‘gun violence’ – all the while these anti-gun-politician run cities defunded police and emboldened and facilitated criminal violence through ‘justice reform’ polices that basically removed any serious threat of criminals being held responsible.

    Its like that program in San Francisco, every year they get millions of dollars in federal funding to help solve the ‘homeless’ problem…, their ‘shell’ programs and employees get paid, consultants get paid well to keep telling them ‘Yep, there’s a homeless problem’ and less than 9% goes to doing anything about the homeless … and here it is today…

  6. The point of training requirements is to act as a paywall to keep the poors away. Crediting or reimbursing them defeats that purpose.

  7. We should have a bounty program. A law abiding gun owner gets $1,000.00 per criminal they legally shoot in the act of committing a crime. I’ll bet the crime problem and thus the ‘violence’ decreases rapidly.


  8. Here is an idea. Have any citizen who completes a gun license course immediately be added to the state unorganized militia. Kinda like the old militia but no other training than say a every five year recert.
    The state will cover a liability policy if they have to use their firearm. AND being a member of the state militia will allow them to purchase any weapon, attachment etc they wish since like the forefathers they could be called on in time of crisis and may need specialized weapons during a crisis.

    Sorry ATF no my suppressor, automatic weapon, mortar whatever is NOT covered by your federal law I am part of the state militia and as such…you have no authority over me.

  9. We gun owners could “game” this system just like politicians do. We claim to have done all of these things, only to get the tax credits and reimbersals, without actually doing any of it.

  10. @LampOfDiogenes
    figuring out whether the old man was serious, or just taking the p*ss out, was such a challenge!”

    I’ll try to measure up.

    • With your sense of humor, you and the old man would have gotten along fine. I went to the grocery store with him one time, and we were walking up one side of the aisle, and an EXTREMELY pregnant young lady was walking down the other side toward us. Dad waited ’til we got next to her, turns to me and said, “Look at that! Somebody poked a little fun at her, and she took it serious!” I said, “Dad, you’re an @$$hole!” His response was, “Yeah, but it was STILL funny.”

  11. How about this. On the first day of the month you reach the age of majority, the age you can vote, sign a contract, purchase alcohol, sign up for military service, or sign for a student loan, you are issued a rifle and side arm, as well as 100 rounds of ammunition, all basic military uniforms and equipment, and enrolled in a 90 day basic training course for militia duty. Training to include firearm safety. After completion of said course you are an unorganized militia member and can purchase any arms and munitions you deem necessary or may be on the TOE for militia duty should you be called for some emergency. Militia duty may also include helping look for a lost child or elderly Alzheimer patient, search for lost hikers/hunters/campers, help search for survivors after a natural disaster, or assist law enforcement during public discord etc. Local militias will elect their own officers and may be called by state governors or local officials if needed. And, yes, participation is voluntary and unpaid unless on actual duty.
    Criminal use of said arms will result in a minimum of 10 years in prison. Murder or attempted murder gets a minimum of 20 years prison time and premeditated/first degree murder get the death penalty.
    As would rape, child molestation, and kidnapping for ransom.

    • “How about this. On the first day of the month you reach the age of majority….”

      All things considered, it seems that if we had political power to implement all the suggestions, we wouldn’t be having these conversations.

    • I completely agree with your modest proposal regarding mandatory militia service.

      And no possession/carry of firearms until one has completed “a 90 day basic training course for militia duty. Training to include firearm safety“

      See, I knew we could find common ground on this issue!

      • MajorLiar,

        I see you remain too stupid to insult. So, ‘splain to us, Loosey, how it is that makes the 2A inapplicable to those who do not fit the statutory definition of “militia” (per the Militia Act)?? Does that mean “the people” who have a right to vote doesn’t include unregistered potential voters? Are inherent rights, as PROTECTED by the Constitution (not granted, dimwit, PROTECTED) only available to those who fit your statutory scheme? Now let’s apply that to the 4A and the 5A. Does a teenager not have the right to counsel?

        You are so stupid you squeak when you walk (that’s the sound of your butt cheeks rubbing against your ears).

  12. Old In Alabama

    “On the first day of the month you reach the age of majority, the age you can vote, sign a contract, purchase alcohol, sign up for military service, or sign”

    I (kinda strongly) disagree! Basic training and service should happen BEFORE your full majority – majority status to be attained upon completion (sensu “high school graduation”).

  13. “If firearm instruction and frequent practice make all of us safer, then let’s also have government reimbursement of the first $200 dollars spent on ammunition each year.”

    Great! By next year .gov can reimburse us on the first half of a 50 round box of 9mm FMJ!

    And here I was hoping for a real “modest proposal” in the vein of the original; eating cops and politicians.

    • cops taste like doughnuts.
      politicians taste like pork.
      clowns taste funny.
      malort tastes like pencil shavings and heartbreak.

  14. M­y­ l­a­s­t­ p­a­y­ c­h­e­c­k­ w­a­s­ $12000 w­o­r­k­i­n­g­ 12 h­o­u­r­s­ a­ w­e­e­k­ o­n­l­i­n­e­. m­y­ s­i­s­t­e­r­s­ f­r­i­e­n­d­ h­a­s­ b­e­e­n­ a­v­e­r­a­g­i­n­g­ 15k­ f­o­r­ m­o­n­t­h­s­ n­o­w­ a­n­d­ s­h­e­ w­o­r­k­s­ a­b­o­u­t­ 20 h­o­u­r­s­ a­ w­e­e­k­. i­ c­a­n­’t­ b­e­l­i­e­v­e­ h­o­w­ e­a­s­y­ i­t­ w­a­s­ o­n­c­e­ i­ t­r­i­e­d­ i­t­ o­u­t­. t­h­i­s­ i­s­ w­h­a­t­ i­ d­o­.

  15. @Complete Disapproval
    “Sam, how would YOU like to volunteer as a subject for “nature’s method of population control?” You seem to be an excellent candidate.”

    Been there, done that; survived.

    However….you are overthinking this; not every comment stops at the surface.

    • Sam,

      I’m just shocked he’s so dense he doesn’t realize that we ALL participate in “nature’s method of population control” with every breath we take. Last I heard, there is no box to check to opt out of the laws of physics, or natural selection. It sorta, kinda happens whether we like it or not.

      • “…he doesn’t realize that we ALL participate in “nature’s method of population control” with every breath we take.”

        Maybe my original comment was too clever, by half, and I struck out,

Comments are closed.