By Michael Probst, AP
Eight people were killed in shootings in the German city of Hanau late Wednesday, officials said. A local broadcaster said the attacks took place at two hookah lounges.
Authorities were searching for the perpetrators early Thursday, hours after the shootings that police said also wounded about five people. Police said a dark vehicle was spotted leaving the location of the first attack at about 10 p.m. (2100 GMT), and another shooting was reported at a second site.
Police officers swarmed central Hanau, cordoning off the area of one of the shootings as a helicopter hovered overhead. A car covered in thermal foil also could be seen, with shattered glass next to it. Forensic experts in white overalls collected evidence.
A short police statement gave no information on the victims and said a motive was not immediately known.
“This was a terrible evening that will certainly occupy us for a long, long time and we will remember with sadness,” Hanau Mayor Claus Kaminsky told the Bild newspaper.

Regional public broadcaster Hessischer Rundfunk said, without citing sources, that the first attack took place in a hookah lounge in the center of the city. It said witnesses reported hearing eight or nine shots and seeing at least one person on the ground.
The shooter or shooters then apparently went to another part of the city, where shots were fired inside another hookah lounge, the broadcaster said. Hookah lounges are places where people gather to smoke flavored tobacco from Middle Eastern water pipes.
Hanau is in southwestern Germany, about 20 kilometers (12 miles) east of Frankfurt. It has about 100,000 inhabitants and is located in Hesse state.
Police from neighboring Bavaria were deployed to help their local colleagues, news agency dpa reported.
Breaking: BILD is reporting that 8 people are dead following a mass shooting in Hanau, Germany. Reports indicate that the shooting(s) took place in the vicinity of at least one hookah bar. pic.twitter.com/tWG7yiqtTU
— PM Breaking News (@PMBreakingNews) February 19, 2020
Hookah bar?!? Sounds profoundly middle eastern…I do have experience with a hookah from my misspent youth. Mein gott I thought this only happened in ‘Murica😩
Hookah, those things that they smoke when they’re smoking out of something that looks like deflated bagpipes.
Mass shootings every other month? Yep only in murica. But you know, shall not be infringed bla bla bla, we need them guns in case the commies invade us or the government puts people in FEMA camps…Because everybody knows you’ll do well with your AR15 if the government decided to strike you with drones, artillery, jets, etc. You aren’t north Vietnamese fighting like dogs, you all need to take it easy because if stuff hits the fan, most of you will get humbled really quick.
Looks like we triggered some Euro trash.
Nah. Just another fascist weenie from right here. Supports the rich white men like bernie and bloomberg.
Euro trash lol, did you ever visit any country in Europe? I would take Euro trash over white American trash anytime. What kind of trash are you? I am interested.
Moron. I have spent more time in both Europe and Asia then you have spent outside your mama’s basement.
JWM -“JS” = Ji*z-Stain…
*snicker* 😉
” I would take Euro trash over white American trash anytime. ”
I wouldn’t and that’s a promise.
I did 6 years in “Europe”, mainly in Germany. All I am going to say is deflate that helium outta your head, because there is trash all over the world buddy. The worst kind is you, who acknowledge the bullshit and let it get to you, then use the minority representation you focus on to gather opinions on a majority. It’s pathetic. You are indeed a landfill of garbage.
“EU/ SOY drinking ,Moronic ,Globalist Troll!”
Eat $hit…. if the shtf, i’ll be just fine…. it’s morons like you that will be paying the ultimate price right out of the gate….
So I would advise you to shut your mouth and stay off the internet you mommas boy…
whooops we woke up a ‘woke’ basement dweller…have mommy bring you some coco and chill …little bitch!
If you can’t read I’ll translate. This happened in Germany
All you nice folks responding to the new troll on the block (NTOTB?!?) JS should be reminded of the still relevant adage that one should not bother feeding the trolls. Even a single insult directed at them is still 100% more attention than they would normally get in their directionless life. Of course their ranting are amusing, but it’s best to just laugh at the losers rather than respond to them.
Besides, some of them might actually get PAID if you respond – even with insults.
JS is NOT a NEW troll, JS is the OLD VLAD in a new wrapper… One or two minor similarities in the posts could be overlooked but post after post with the hillbillies and the retards, the Jethroes, the mocking, the crying out for attention with the really absurd pseudo “intellectual” superiority that permeates ITs posts make it obvious that either it IS our beloved (sarc) Vlad or it’s someone who was sitting right next to IT over the past few months (A Soros/Bloomberg/Steyer/Obama protégé of sorts) in other words Vlad or a very close copy… If this clown actually gets paid for responses then responding is a good thing as it keeps IT off food stamps and welfare and the attention just might be enough to keep IT from walking into an Elementary school and murdering a couple dozen 1st graders. So whenever IT rears its ugly little non-binary pinhead in the guise of a new persona it is still somewhat entertaining to fuck with IT for a bit but that always ends in disappointment when IT can only respond with the same tired drivel that IT started off with… So, yeah I’m already bored with the JS (assuming an attempted comedic reference to Joseph Stalin) and will not participate in anymore of ITs ignorance.. Hell who knows this time IT might even learn something (with that big brain and all) and maybe try to come up wth some new insults and possibly a couple of NEW names for the POTUS.. Another give away is ITs obvious mommy issues displayed by the reverence to Melania and ITs desire to see her take CONTROL of the situation just like ITs mommy has controlled every aspect of ITs entire life.. Nice try Vlad but as expected, another epic fail on your part……
Forget it Jake, it’s Turk Town.
Turkish. Huge fucken problem in Germany. Every turk there is a fucken twat.
Definitely had to be German Catholics exacting retribution on German Lutherans for Martin Luther’s 95 theses nailed to the door of a Catholic church in 1517.
And we all know what that means: both sides will be fighting a low-level war for several hundred years into the future.
Germany needs a more rigorous vetting process, like they have it in Europe.
Right also stricter gun control like they have in Germany
Hey Burt Simpson, how often do they have mass shootings in Germany? Certainly not every other month like we do. Moron! Bloomberg is “coming for your guns,” quick go buy some more!!!
24 January 2020 was Germany’s last mass shooting…that’s every month so far this year.
Care to try again with your falsehoods and misdirection?
“Hey Burt Simpson, how often do they have mass shootings in Germany? Certainly not every other month like we do. Moron!”
You don’t need guns to massacre people, gun grabber. The Religion of Peace uses motor vehicles as weapons of terror to mow kafirs down with great efficiency in Europe; in Japan last year, a nut murdered about 40 people with a little gasoline and chained exits.
Wait until your Muslim masters force you to grow a beard and forgo pork.
Sorry for this tragedy. I hope American’s/NRA won’t be blamed for this foreign tragedy like we were during the tragedy in New Zealand.
…….. or Trump because of his withdrawal from the Paris accords
Let’s just hope the retard in Chief will not post another embarrassing tweet. I am hoping Melania can help him find Germany on a map before the idiot runs his mouth and says something unbelievably stupid, again. The world is used to it by now, but it’s always a disgrace for us normal Americans.
Your liberal love for Germany will not save it from islamification.
Having enjoyed a number of your posts this evening you ALMOST convinced me that you were correct about Trump because, damn, an idiot like you should absolutely be able to identify another idiot….
“…before the idiot runs his mouth and says something unbelievably stupid, again.”
Looks like you beat him to it.
First time I’ve ever heard of Trump getting bad mouthed for withdrawing early from , ANYTHING.
It’s Trumps fault… No the NRA can own this one,…. no it’s those damn gun owner/protesters in Va…. No I got it, they can blame it on BREXIT which can still be put off on Trump since he backed Britain leaving the EU.. So yeah BREXIT and Trump and the NRA and all pro gun Americans, hell why not?
Don’t forget climate change.
Damn, yeah and climate change (which is Trumps fault).. there that should cover it… Of course by morning the French will have the right answer and we can all stop worrying…. I’m pretty sure they will agree with Iran and Bernie and Nancy and Chuck and Mini Mike and Liz and Mayor Pete and Amy and Creepy Uncle Joe and Crazy Auntie Maxine et al: because….. Trump…
Now it’s called Climate Crisis. It sounds more urgent.
Your little Trumptarded brain is going to deny the existence of scientific data regarding the impact of human activities on the environment? Because TTAG, Breitbart, Alex Jones, etc told you it’s “fake news?” Leave it to the functioning adults, we will consult you if we want to learn useless things about guns.
Is Vlad now posting under Joe Stalin (JS, get it?) now?
Possibly, TDI. Sounds like the same tired old fascist bullshit.
I feel sad then. He seems to be further off the rails then normal.
If someone wants their scientific data to be taken seriously then how about getting one prediction model to work out. It’s funny how they always err in the same direction, and they “adjust” their models by throwing out data that doesn’t help their predetermined outcome.
“I feel sad then. He seems to be further off the rails then normal.”
He must have watched the comedy show in Lost Wages last night and is *horrified* Trump will coast to victory in November… 😉
Fake news. This only happens in the US.
Virginia’s Mark Levine will blame this on the Virgini Senate’s refusal to pass the AWB.
And The Australian Greens have released a statement, in conjunction with Gun Control Australia and The National Coalition for Gun Control, that more restrictions on private firearms ownership in Australia would have prevented this from happening. All 8 people in the latter two groups are demanding immediate retribution on licensed gun owners. (/sarc)
Any bets it’s criminal gangs that are the cause? One gang doing a hit on another?
Wouldn’t surprise me but they got the date wrong. It was supposed to be last Friday.
That, or could be one was upset at his boyfriend.
Not kidding…. when I lived in the Sydney area, I once had to go to a 24 hour chemist, which was in Fairfield. It was about 2 am, and there were Lebs and Assyrians and other Middle Eastern types there, literally all of them were men, not a woman in sight, and they were walking along holding hands etc….
I bet they *love* Australia, compared to being thrown off the tops of buildings back in their peaceful homes…
Well, there are many evangelicals right here in America who believe that homosexuals are deserving of the death penalty.
Just ask Matthew Shepard how tolerant the white Christians are in his neighborhood.
For many years, homosexual acts were a felony in most of the USA, research the Stonewall riots.
miner. When was it official policy in the US to throw gays off roofs?
“Just ask Matthew Shepard how tolerant the white Christians are in his neighborhood.”
Christians don’t believe in robbery; much less robbery, assault, and murder. You’re anti-white and anti-Christian prejudice is very apparent.
“miner. When was it official policy in the US to throw gays off roofs?”
It’s conveniently overlooked as long as you aren’t white or Christian.
*Not overlooked. I meant embraced.
Miner, you fell for the propaganda. I suggest you read “The Book of Matt.” Turns out he “knew” his attackers if you know what I mean. His story isn’t just about murder. It’s about drugs and sex too. And the author, Steven Jimenez, is gay.
Was the chemist doing ballooning business selling condoms?
it happens every other month in the US, not in Europe. Try again Skippy
If a rifle was used, Mark Levine wants to know if they shouldered the rifle or shot from the hip. That’s what determines whether it was a hunting rifle or a weapon of war.
You know how I determine if you’re a stupid hillbilly? I make you smile saying some b.s about the wall, Hillary going to prison, Obama is a muslim….and I count your teeth.
Yep. Runaway fascist train on track 1. You’ll be derailed in November.
The loving, accepting left on full display as usual.
If he is re-elected he will guarantee you the following: vote for junior in 2024 the wall will be completed and Hillary (or her maid, or some random chick who may be a democrat or something) will be going to prison. Tired of winning yet? Me neither! Drain the swamp? Done! A better deal to replace Obamacare? Done! All aboard the Trump train, going to lalaland, full speed for the fully retarded choo chooooooo
JS says: You know how I determine if you’re a stupid hillbilly? I make you smile saying some b.s about the wall, Hillary going to prison, Obama is a muslim….and I count your teeth…. Hey idiots, do you want to compare the frequency of mass shootings in Germany, France, Spain, Italy vs the United States?…. Hey Cletus, It’s Virginia not Virgini, even Trump knows that….. Your little Trumptarded brain is going to deny the existence of scientific data….. Let’s just hope the retard in Chief will not post another embarrassing tweet. I am hoping Melania can help him find Germany on a map before the idiot runs his mouth and says something unbelievably stupid, again….. Hey Burt Simpson, how often do they have mass shootings in Germany? Certainly not every other month like we do….. Mass shootings every other month? Yep only in murica. But you know, shall not be infringed bla bla bla, we need them guns in case the commies invade us….. All aboard the Trump train, going to lalaland, full speed for the fully retarded choo chooooooo
Yeah, right on point.. Definitely Vlad.. Damn dude it must really suck to be you…. Every time you post you start wth an insult, move straight into exposing your ignorance about whatever the subject is IF you address it at all, and close with another insult.. That formula probably works with the eight year old kids that you hang out with but it doesn’t take all that long to become boring among adults and you have continued to prove yourself to be a condescending (look it up) childish, uninformed, irrelevant, ignorant, useless (you’re not even entertaining anymore) waste of space and it is truly scarry that a clown like you is wasting air that a reasonable, intelligent person (with something actually interesting to say) could be breathing….
Fkn weirdo…..gtfo
Hey Cletus, It’s Virginia not Virgini, even Trump knows that.
Moron, we Virginians somtines refer to the state as Virgini out in the Valley.
You purpose misspell the name of your state, because???? Uncle Cletus had 4 teeth and couldn’t pronounce the A in VirginiA? lmfao what a joke! And please don’t impregnate your cousin, enough with that sh*t it’s 2020 and this is not Pakistan.
Aww. Moron doesn’t get that I am making fun of my own typo.
Or we could blame it on he real reason and admit its the evil in mens hearts
The burning question for me is why the cops seem to have adopted a decidedly “Dark Helmet” style of head gear. Who/what are these guys? Rick Moranis clones?
Well, they heard that Drewish Princesses REALLY dig dark helmets.
Just doing it for the ladies.
Yeah that’s definitely a very important question, good thing you asked on TTAG, it will keep your pals here busy for the next month or so.
Stable genius you are, nazi boy.
You must be that kind of guy who used to reply with “libtard, snowflake” every time he was triggered. I see you upgraded with the use of “nazi.” You’re that dude who has nothing to say, but still needs to say it, hoping some other loser will reply with “yeah I know bud, teach them libtards, F yeah!” It isn’t crowded here, but what a gathering of idiots, it’s quite a party.
“You’re that dude who has nothing to say, but still needs to say it, hoping some other loser will reply…”
Irony so thick and rich you could drizzle it on pancakes.
“Irony so thick and rich you could drizzle it on pancakes.”
*Outstanding* idea!
I shall fire up the waffle griddle right now, on this fine morning and celebrate the laughing-stock performance of the Leftists last night in Vegas…
(Mmmmmmm…. melted butter and hot maple syrup…)
Mmmmmmm…. melted butter and hot maple syrup…)
And blueberries, gotta have blueberries
+1 on the blueberries.
drop one per wafhole.
just be aware; they have no waffles in belgium. i asked.
“Nobody needs or wants your input James Campbell.”
Wow, I almost felt hurt.
Then I realized it’s just some anomious first time posting troll, straight outta mommies basement.
Go F yourself with a pile driver, and welcome to TTAG.
I hate to see tragedies such as this. Government restrictions do nothing to prevent these things from happening. They just open up the lanes.
A short message to CA, MA, NY, NJ, WA and now VA, “witnesses reported hearing eight or nine shots.”
He might have only been using a (Limited) Reasonable (Don’t call it gun control if we don’t) Capacity (Magazine) Clipazine Thingy in his Fully Semi Automatic firearm that goes Pew, Pew, Pew with one pull of the trigger (vs., just Pew as in a proper hunting firearm as Germans are allowed to own after jumping through more hoops than Flipper; just ask Mighty [Mini] Mike Old Bloomers; “Just ask Mikey, he’ll eat any[bullshit]thing!”) with thingies that go up removed (because Germany), for the children. (Or maybe a 1911, though it seems doubtful in Germany).
From Ca. here………
Coulda been more dead if the guy/s had high cap clips.
You forgot the numerous mass shootings in Florida and Texas, 2 of the worse in the history of our nation happened in FL not that long ago, both states that are mostly conservative and pro 2A. I guess you forgot that, what a coincidence. Data on gun violence for 2020 shows there is a much higher % of death rate per 100k people in TX and FL than in CA, HI, NY, MA, CT and VA. I know, I know, it includes suicide, then let’s just pretend suicides by firearm make a difference in this ranking, as if 1,000 folks in TX or FL shot themselves in the melon every week while nobody does it in the other states with more “gun control.”
Moron, until last week or so Virginia had far less restrictive firearms laws than Texas or Florida but you didn’t know that because, well, you are a moron.
Hey idiots, do you want to compare the frequency of mass shootings in Germany, France, Spain, Italy vs the United States?
But but but gun control in murica doesn’t work. If morons didn’t leave their guns unsecured in your cars maybe that would be a good start.
You are seriously triggered beyond all comprehension. Please seek help and don’t take your rage out on innocent people.
But he wouldn’t be a good nazi if he did that.
JS says:
February 19, 2020 at 21:59
Hey idiots, do you want to compare the frequency of mass shootings in Germany, France, Spain, Italy vs the United States?
But but but gun control in murica doesn’t work. If morons didn’t leave their guns unsecured in your cars maybe that would be a good start.
I ‘ll tell you what, you are absolutely correct and anybody that allows some fuckin MORON to leave an unsecured gun in THEIR car should have their ass kicked…. I am absolutely grateful to you for having pointed out this particular problem AND I can assure you that I will be much more vigilant in watching for those dreaded MORONS who are out there trying to slip THEIR unsecured firearm into MY parked car and after reading your post I have a pretty good idea of at least one clue to look for in trying to identify those morons….
That’s not a clue, it’s called an auto-correct fail while typing on a cellphone, moron. Oh yeah, you have nothing to say regarding the actual problem, I don’t blame you.
Yep. It’s for sure vladdie. He’s the only low iq drop out that would write that tripe.
I know you want me JWM but I’ll pass. I don’t want to be your Vladimir and I don’t want you to be my Donald. Ask your cousin if she wants to blow you instead.
“I don’t want to be your Vladimir and I don’t want you to be my Donald.”
Tough shit. You get to choke on 4 more years of Fearless Leader Trump ruining your miserable little life… 😉
Tough shit. You get to choke on 4 more years of Fearless Leader Trump ruining your miserable little life…
Actually quite the opposite just like the Clinton News Network and MSDNC our resident non-binary clown would drift off into obscure irrelevance WITHOUT Trump… They NEED him to be POTUS, the 14 viewers of last nights circle jerk (apparently only broadcast on MSDNC) would have been watching the Home Shopping Network if not for the hope to hear just one “Orange man bad” reference from the clowns on deck.. They need the Bad Man, they need his “tweets” and his straight to the point “help me or get the fuck out of my way” attitude that got him elected the 1st time, they need his crude in your face common man way of getting things done.. Just see how crazy they get over some of Trumps most outrageous claims, they are too stupid and too self important to realize (like anyone with an ounce of common sense would) that he is fucking with them and they fall for it time after time.. Trump is like Lucy with the football and they are Charlie Brown, even when in the back of their minds that little voice keeps saying don’t fall for it again, they just block it out and let the good times roll in hopes of grabbing a seat on the relevance train but then, at the last instant, Lucy pulls the football, Charlie Brown falls on his ass (again) and they slink back into the obscure world of repetition (remember when Trump said?) until Trump pulls on their leash once more…
Thank you for the Lucy / Charlie Brown analogy. Hope you don’t mind if I put your expression to use here in the northern Rockies.
By all means, be my guest….
Really, four more years of the plastic president?
You know, we didn’t have a problem with fake news until we got a president with a fake tan, fake hair, a fake fitness physical, a fake time magazine man of the year cover, etc.
But just like the mob boss lawyer said, the “truth is not the truth”.
Hey JS, would you like to sight sources for those “every other month” mass shootings?
We were informed by the most knowledgeable liberals that mass shootings “only happen in America”. These two incidences prove that idea to be false! Besides, Germanys gun laws are much stricter than ours; so that an incident like this is not supposed to happen.
Your condescension knows no bounds. Maybe if you came on and tried an intelligent conversation instead of talking down to folks, you would be perceived as something other than a liberal hack.
If you insist: already more than 20 mass shootings in 2020 in the U.S.
I included a link although I am well aware most morons here won’t know what to do with it. It’s evil, if I open it the goberment is going to grab me guns, Alex Jones said it.
Sorry to inform you that the FBI labels a mass shooting as 4 or more killed. So only 2 of the incidences are mass shootings (wounded do not count). Your source uses a different model than “official” sources.
How many of the listed “events” were gang related? Which ones were domestic in nature? If I use a bomb or arson to kill a bunch of people, is that more or less evil than if I shoot them?
Your smugness shows your fear of firearms is showing through. Quit trolling for Bloomberg.
Comparing Europe vs. The United States of America would be a more relevant argument. Instead, you want to compare the entirety of the USA against individual European countries, that are often smaller than a single state in the USA.
To have an honest comparison; let’s see the numbers of the EU vs. the USA.
Regarding the term ‘mass shooting‘ I found it interesting that you don’t think we should count those who have the shit shot out of them but don’t quite die as not being victims of a ‘mass shooting’.
George Orwell himself would be proud of your excellent use of newspeak, he couldn’t have done better himself.
It’s just all part of the Right wing authoritarian redefinition of words, being shot isn’t a ‘shooting‘ and “the truth is not the truth”.
Hey Miner, talk to the FBI. It is their definition not mine.
“It’s just all part of the Right wing authoritarian redefinition of words, being shot isn’t a ‘shooting‘ and “the truth is not the truth”. You might want to revisit who the speakers of “1984” linguistics are. Communist sympathizers are the ones who wish to muddle the language to confuse folks as to what their real desires are.
“Sorry to inform you that the FBI labels a mass shooting as 4 or more killed. So only 2 of the incidences are mass shootings”
Oh oh, bringing truth, facts, logic, and empirical evidence into a discussion with a libtard?
I would bet JS is throwing poop around his mommies basement just like the chimps in a primate enclosure.
Too easy, boring, you guys have nothing. I am going to have some fun with your cousins on Breitbart, at least they try.
Your twat lips are flapping in the wind
You do understand that these cowardly material driven conservatives, who you are antagonizing, will eventually be forced to let us White men restore the White cultural construct known as the Constitution. The 2nd Amendment, means it is legal for us patriots to drop authortarian scum like you and your entire bloodline, not in that order of course.
So with all that strict gun control in Germany they just had more murders in one night than Bend Oregon had in 5 years. Apparently more guns may equal less crime.
You’re attempting to compare the town of Bend, Oregon with the entire nation of Germany?
Have you compared the population statistics for the two areas you wish to compare?
Your handle says it all, you are indeed slow.
substitute the tiny hamlet outside of frankfurt, then.
they are both approx 80k pop.
Why not, miner? Your alter ego up there(why don’t you just drop the charade?) is comparing Germany to the whole of the US.
4 more years of MAGA is going to play hell with your mental fitness. This is me not giving a fuck.
There is a suggestion by the media that the attack was racist in nature, as there are violent right wing racists on pone end of the spectrum, and racist jihaddis at the other. The shooter was “caught,” at least in the sense that he was found dead next to the body of another dead person. Details…sometime.
How vibrant! Germany sure is getting good and enriched.
Hey Monica T. Castillo, do you toss salad after swallowing a load?
Thanks MTC, good to know.
Germany’s gun control laws are intense. Licenses and approvals to be achieved and multiple reasons to deny someone a license to own.
Once again, laws do not prevent criminal behavior. They only serve to state the degree of punishment for doing evil shit.
Every other good thing that common sense gun laws claim to achieve is a mere fantasy, one that gives comfort to morons.
@ JS (Vlad),
Here’s your big chance!
It probably is JS (Vlad) trying to make an extra(?) buck….
Pulling his pud on a webcam for comrades in the old country.
JS tried to get a job at the bus company, sucking farts out of foam cushions.
They told him he was underqualifed, also told him his breath would make the cushions STINK.
what you receive for thanks when letting aliens into you country, you get people who don’t understand your culture, background, etc: just ask the American Indians!
I thought that mass shooting ONLY occur in the US. How could this have possibly happened with Germany’s strict gun control laws?
Wait a sec, it has to be Trump’s fault. The NRA? The 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution?
And I remember when Neo Nazism seemed, to me, to have been an issue confined to Germany long before I ever heard of it rearing its ugly head here in the States.
Awww look another scammer that thinks everyone is as fucking stupid as they are.. JS (Vlad) you really need to get control of your brain dead, “libtard, snowflake” cousins and help these morons understand that nobody here is going to fall for their ignorant scams…. Hey TTAG why do a third of my posts just disappear when I hit the button but shit like this and that dumbass “my cousin be dropped so many pounds” bullshit has started popping up in every discussion….
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