The author's daughter with her first Osceola turkey.

It’s something I hear on a regular basis: turkey hunting turkey hunting is boring. Naysayers tend to drone on about the dullness of the kill, the small amount of meat and, in some cases, their apparent dislike of shotguns (yes, really). Well, spring turkey season is almost upon us and I’m here to give you a few reasons to plant your ass in the woods.

12 gauge BOOM

Shotguns aren’t only for clays and ducks. Unfortunately, they do seem to be experiencing a sharp decline in use among hunters. There was a time when hunters toted a favorite 12-gauge into the woods for deer and coyotes, but those days are apparently becoming a thing of the past.

Yes, there are still a few guys out there with shotguns – myself included – but fewer than before. Reality is ARs have taken over in a big way. There’s nothing wrong with that – I have more ARs than I dare admit – but why not shoulder a shotgun once in awhile?

Shotguns are sweet. Although I do have a clay thrower, I’ve tasked more than a few friends with tossing apples, potatoes, and anything else sort-of circular and throwable so I can blow it out of the sky.

There’s almost nothing more satisfying than watching an object being obliterated by a well-placed shot from, yes, a shotgun. What does this have to do with turkeys? Well, shotguns provide easy pointability, they keep your skills varied, and hey, they’re fun.

There are multiple options from 12-gauges to .410s (yeah, I’ve seen a 10-gauge appear here and there…to each their own). Then there’s the choice of pump, semi-auto, and box magazine fed. Don’t like factory bead sights? Mount a red dot and be done with it.

If a 12-year-old can use a pot call to bring in her own turkey, so can you.

For the Sake of the Call

It isn’t just an old Steven Curtis Chapman song about religion; for a lot of us it’s the highlight of turkey hunting…and kind of a religion in itself. A few years ago I sat in a blind in Florida with Anthony Brown, a guy who has proven to be the most talented caller I’ve ever met. Never before had I heard such natural talent or seen someone with such an innate sense of timing. And I haven’t seen it since. I aspire to be like Anthony.

Just as there are quite a few options for shotguns, there are a number of turkey calls on the market. Pot calls, box calls, diaphragm – mouth – calls, even one-handed push-button calls.

Some take more practice than others and just like any form of calling they do require a sense of timing. Learning to call is rewarding, though. It’s absolutely awesome seeing a tom appear in response to your yelps and gobbles.

The Other White Meat

Does wild turkey taste different than the farmed stuff you get at the grocery store? Yes. The meat of a wild turkey is darker than a domestic bird’s, with a more intense taste (in a good way).

When you dress your bird, take the time for the legs and thighs, not just the breasts. Think turkey’s only use is at Thanksgiving? Nope. The possibilities are endless. Some of my favorite recipes come from fellow outdoor writer Brad Fenson whose cooking abilities outdo mine by a country mile.

To steal a line from the Merc with the Mouth, spring turkey means it’s time to make the chimi-[totally bleeping this for sensitive readers]-changas. Check out Brad’s Wild Turkey Chimichanga recipe here.

Because Strutting

There’s no sight or sound on earth like a longbeard spitting and drumming your way. Their primary feathers drop to drag through the grass, tails fan, and the show begins. Whether they’re trying to attract a hen or expressing outrage at your male decoys, it’s a sight to see.

Once you witness it, you’re hooked. Your adrenaline spikes, your heartrate soars; it’s the moment hunters live for – well, one of the moments.

The author’s current view of her daughter’s Osceola mount.

You Saw This Coming, Right?

Just like hunting any game – or predator, varmint, or migratory bird – the memories made while hunting are irreplaceable. My favorite turkey hunting memory wasn’t mine, it was my daughter’s first Osceola. She was young, her nerves were on edge, and it was her first big out-of-state hunt.

When a jake came in and took his time beating up our tom decoy, she didn’t pull the trigger. By the time her breathing began to steady, two things happened: we realized the trigger sticks were in the truck (and she really did need them), and the jake started to leave.

We solved the first problem by making an impromptu trigger stick. I got on my hands and knees, and she rested the shotgun on my back (for the safety Nazis among us, the muzzle was well away from my body…this is a technique taught and used for team shooting).

Then he made a run for it. From five yards to 10, 20, 30…when she finally pulled the trigger, the jake was hauling feathery ass passing 30 yards.

It was a perfect shot, something I witnessed after the fact thanks to the video camera (remember, I was on the ground). The jake dropped on the spot and began the traditional flop of death. Today, as I write this, her Osceola with his little one-inch brush of a beard hangs on the opposite wall, forever captured in mid-flight. It was an epic moment in her early hunting career and a memory we both hold close to our gun-loving hearts.

However you do it, turkey hunting is awesome. In a few short days I’ll be in Texas, face-masked, gun at the ready, waiting on Rios and Easterns. I’m already anticipating the moment a tom comes strutting in; imagining the moment that tom hits the ground.

And, yes, I’m looking forward to using Brad’s chimichanga recipe (hey, it’s good!). If you’ve never spent a gorgeous spring morning in the turkey woods, I highly recommend it. Camo up and get out there. Call it the TTAG Spring Turkey Challenge. Let’s see those longbeards.



  1. Ive got the place. Private land owner is my bud and he’s got birds. I’m there dude.

  2. I have heard that spring turkeys are scrawny and autumn turnkeys are much more meaty in the northern states–due to a significantly reduced food supply over the winter (especially where snow covers the ground for a good chunk of winter). Can anyone confirm or deny this?

    • Currently in Vermont, can confirm. Behavior is significantly different in spring vs fall as well.

    • Tell that to the 28-pounder I hammered a few springs back. I routinely take out 25-pound birds on my property in Tennessee.

  3. Where I live these fucken turkeys are a plague. I refuse to pay for tags for Turkeys.

  4. Last turkey I got, I hit with the car (not on purpose).

    all over the place here, in the yards, on the roads, easy shots from the back patio while sipping your coffee… if ya seriously wanted one they are gonna end up delivering their selves and ya would not even need to go into the woods. the dogs like chasing them. The geese don’t like them at all.

    no one really hunts them around here seriously.

  5. They are highly adaptable and in 49 states. Two tags come with my annual tag sheet with lifetime license I bought a lotta yrs ago. It is my understanding that if you tag out on any species in the state as a resident, you can get more tags for free. License sales are down and wildlife populations are up.

  6. We have some turkeys around here in Lower Alabama. Watched a couple toms doing their thing a couple weeks ago while checking the fenceline for feral hog damages. Just never considered hunting them during breeding season. They’re not a pest or doing much if any damages to the farm so I only take 1 or 2 in the fall. Same as taking a deer or 2 after the rut for meat.

  7. I was late to turkey hunting compared to my other outdoor pursuits, I was focused on spring bass fishing. Picked it up about 15 years ago and it quickly moved up with deer hunting as a favorite. Not talking about these yard turkeys described above, a deep woods, wild, mature gobbler is a big challenge. I’ve hunted with legendary callers and got good enough myself to bring ’em in close. I hunt sitting under a tree where I believe they’ll strut, I love watching them come in and attack my decoys. But lately I like to run ‘n gun, move the woods and call, wait for a gobble, and set up.
    I have a Mossberg ulti-mag that’s lethal with 3 1/2″ Winchester Long Beards and a Jellyhead choke. Many, many gobblers have met their match to this setup, but this year I’m taking out the new Mossberg 940 Turkey Pro semi-auto, cut for the Holosun, just for a change, and to step away from those big 3.5″ mags to give me shoulder a rest. First several I ever shot were with a single-shot 10 ga.
    A wiley ol’ Tom is a helluva challenge to bring in 30 yards or less. I’ve had it take over an hour to bring in, other times they come on a string. Takes a real hunter to get ‘er done.

    • Wiley old Tom is a tough bird, a Jake makes better eating.
      My favorite shotgunm gauge is a fishhook full of corn on 80 monofilament.
      Damn coyotes and game wardens ruin everything.

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