“The guns, a Beretta shotgun and a Sig. Sauer 9 mm duty weapon, and ammunition had been locked in the trunk of a 2005 Honda Accord that was reported stolen March 17 while it was parked at a Chula Vista coffee shop, officials said.” And what criminal mastermind’s arsenal might that be? “According to the Chula Vista Police Department’s crime report of the incident, the San Diego detective had parked his car at the Starbucks on East Palomar Street about 8:40 a.m. As he was leaving he realized he had left his keys in the bathroom, and when he went to retrieve them, they were gone. So was his car.” And the guns and ammo. Flash forward (courtesy signonsandiego.com) . . .

“‘I couldn’t believe he was actively shooting at us,’ said Banks, who is a K-9 officer. One of the four rounds that blasted into his car nearly hit him, passing just above his right shoulder and leaving burn marks on his uniform. Banks, who had a reserve officer riding with him as well as his dog, Utah, was behind the Accord heading south on Bear Valley Parkway just past Midway Drive when he was fired upon. ‘My windshield exploded,’ he said. The bullet that nearly hit him also missed the other officer and the dog. Two more bullets hit the left front of the car and another hit the front license plate dead center. He said he didn’t hear the shots being fired or see a muzzle flash so he never had time to react, which he thinks saved his life. ‘If I had heard the shot I would have leaned down and taken the bullet right in the head,’ the 6-foot-4 officer said. ‘Someone was looking out for me.’” But not the car filled with guns and bullets, obviously.