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  1. If you do please be sure to get that on a high speed camera… I know people that would love to see that thing split in two with a well placed bullet.

    The MAC / PC wars are still alive and well but now that we’re all running the same CPU can’t we all just get along… 🙂

  2. If y’all could wait to pre-order your black 64 GB iPhone 5 until I’ve ordered mine, well, that would be super. Thanks, I owe you one!

    • But….why would you want a phone that’s not even for sale yet and is already considered outdated compared to phones that have been on the market for months?

        • In what, not any standard benchmarks. The iphone 5 has a better screen, cpu, gpu, design, data speed and app store then your phone. If you can find something your phone is better at let us know, lol.

        • Considering that Apple fanboys refuse to try anything else, how would you know?

          I know one person who switched from Android to iPhone – myself and many others I know switched from iPhone to the vastly superior Android.

          Apple knows that their products are inferior, hence why they keep suing and trying to ban competition instead of innovating and making a better product.

  3. These days, I’m longing for the old rotary phones that I grew up with… I too would use a CZ vz. 52, if I didn’t feel like blasting the infernal machine with a 7.62 x 54R round.

  4. You know your a gun nerd… when you find out the iPhone 5 was announced from a gun blog. Guess I have to turn in my Apple Fanboy(TM) license.

  5. @Greg Camp…LOL!!!!! I know what you mean!!!! Big honking steel dial, ring ring sounds!!! Yelling at people to get off the line because you were on there first!!!
    Hoping your girlfriends parents were on the same party line while you were discussing the weekend plans with your buddies!!!!
    Actually if I shot it i wouldn’t use my 7.62x54r, I would use my 1914 Mauser Pocket Pistol in 6.35mm(.25auto) with hardball ammo.
    Tiny holes=more shots before it disappears in a cloud of plastic dust!!!

  6. Oh and btw since the Iphone5 is 7.6mm thick and my Mauser Pistol has a 6.35mm round I wonder if I could put a hole through it side to side without destroying it on the first shot!!!

    • A friend told me that he shot a soda can with a .25 and the bullet bounced back. If were going tiny, I’d rather chew it up with a .22 LR pistol and a brick of ammo.

      • Or a .22wmr with flextips!!!! See if it expanded before it went thru!!!!
        Side to side and try it front to back also!!!!
        Could be fun!!!

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