“You can take your shots in those chintzy Mariachi glasses your friends brought you back from their Mexico vacation. Or, you can bust out the heavy artillery and have some drinks in the above Muzzleshots.” So snarks ohgizmo.com. What they don’t realize is that your friends, knowing you’re a gun guy, did buy these for you down Mexico way. Only they stopped for one last Margarita (no salt) on the way to the aeropuerto and made the mistake of trying to carry them  — in their custom Pelican case, of course — onto the plane . . .

When the English-challenged Mexican equivalent of our blue-gloved TSA officers asked, “¿Qué diablos es eso?,” your buds blithely blurted, “shot glasses!” That’s when the bolts retracted on the Federales’ MP5s and your amigos missed their flight out of Acapulco.

As an added bonus, they got to experience some of the fun that is the legal system — such as it is — south of the border. Until, that is, they managed to straighten the whole thing out almost two days later. And they picked up those chintzy Mariachi glasses they ultimately gave you in the airport gift shop (all bags checked this time) as they vowed to each other never to venture even close to the border again. Ever.

Bet you feel guilty now, huh?

[h/t Tyler Kee]


  1. I…want those. I don’t know why. I don’t drink shots. I hardly drink at all. They seem ridiculous and the inspiration for any number of awkward moments. But I still want them. So weird.

  2. The ATF accidentally sent some of these from Bud’s Liquor Store to Los Zetas in a botched tequila sting called Operation Stumbling & Slurring. Boy, were their faces red.

  3. Totally unrelated, but I wanted to get out the word:

    Looks like the Robo Call I just received from Mayors Against Illegal Guns is to coincide with the following “Day of Action” 3/28/13. They are trying to get out the word to have people call their congress person. We need to make sure we are countering these voices.The following link outlines the latest push by Mayors Against Our Rights:


  4. Been drinking scotch and watching my favorite gun porn tv show (Justified (their gun play is damn near immaculate, BTW)), and all I can say from the pic is, I WANT VERY MUCH!

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