Cell phone case (courtesy 6abc.com)

Do you live in an open carry state? Then wearing this call phone case shouldn’t be a problem. Using it, however, could put you in harm’s way whether or not your state recognizes your natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. According to 6abc.com, “The Ocean County, New Jersey Prosecutor’s Office is warning the public about sporting a particular cell phone case that’s designed to look like a gun. The prosecutor’s office points out that police officers have a hard enough job ‘without having to make a split second decision in the dark of night when someone may decide to pull their cell phone out without thinking during a traffic stop.'” Or any other time, really. The comments underneath the post are predictably derisory . . .

“If you are stupid enough to buy this product, don’t come crying to us when you get shot,” GWC opines. Somehow I don’t think that will be a problem. Unless, of course, someone whips this out in New York City, notorious for shooting bystanders with their 12-pound trigger weight GLOCKs. [h/t JG]


  1. No please, sell this product. Nothing wrong with some good ol’ thinning of the less intelligent of the herd. See in my personal opinion this is why we have an overpopulation problem. We feel the need to protect the stupid people from themselves instead of letting nature take its course.

    • All we really need to do is remove some of the warning labels in life and let nature do the rest.

  2. “My cell phone isn’t big and clunky enough. Maybe it would be more ergonomic if I glued an Airsoft gun to it.”

    And I thought that double-barrel 1911 was the stupidest f*cking thing I’d ever see.

    • “And I thought that double-barrel 1911 was the stupidest f*cking thing I’d ever see.”
      I’d call it a tie.

    • “Can one take this onto a comercial airplane?”

      Book a flight and report back your experience…

  3. I’m on the fence. On one hand, it serves as a deterrent and normalizes guns. Open carry arguments apply even to this.

    It falls apart when you have to take a call, or otherwise use your phone.

    Product design tip: Make the phone holster look like a gun in a holster which stays affixed to your clothing. You remove the phone from the gun shaped object. Same effect, no fear of looking like you are waving a gun around, and better ergonomics.

  4. i saw this and spit coffee all over my key board,,,are you f”in kidding me ?

    • the manufacture is set up for a big wrongful death suit…don’t you think ?

      • The article appears to me to imply that cops may summarily execute someone for merely having that gun shaped case visible.

        • Uh if when your phone vibrates you pull it out in public there’s a good chance eventually someone might think you have dangerous intentions.

      • Given my above comment cops may risk getting their department and themselves involved in a wrongful death lawsuit if they summarily execute someone not to mention the chance of being held responsible for deprivation of right whether civil or criminal or both since summary executions are frowned upon.

  5. Saw this on the local news in Chicago-sure if the po-leece don’t shoot yer dumbazz yer homie’ll pop a cap in ‘ya…

  6. I have to rate this right up there with the cool guy gun tattoo in the waistline.

  7. It’s tacky, no doubt, but dangerous? I doubt it. They’ve marketed cigarette lighters in the shape of Derringers for how many decades? Never heard of anyone getting shot because of it. Just seems silly.

  8. “Officials say it is not a cool product.”
    Youngin’s check with officials now to determine what is or is not cool?

  9. Filed under “stuff I won’t buy”
    Right there with things like a fur lined sink…

  10. I have a theory about these types of things. The level of stupid is directly proportional to the amount of profit generated. Whoever invented this should make billions.

  11. This product is high stakes litmus test for your community. Do you live in a town with trigger happy cops? Buy the case and find out.

  12. Does it come with gunshot ring tone?

    “Everybody FREEZE! I’m going to take a call!”

  13. Why is it that a phone shaped like a gun is legal but a gun shaped like a phone isn’t?

    This is the kind of question that keeps me awake at night.

  14. Ironic that virtually every manufacturer has been knocking themselves out to come up with great concealed carry pistols and this company develops a gun version of the cod piece. Call it the rod piece?

  15. Meh… It’s useful for trolling idiots. I see this as a useful tool to take the jackboots in blue down a peg or two.

  16. I can already see some yahoo getting a call and pulling his real gun instead. Blowing his (or hers, gotta be PC these days!) earlobe off.
    If I ever saw one of my grandkids with this, I’d have to smack him and his mother upside the head

  17. Jeez. Getting the stupid WordPress comment warning “posting too fast slow down” after waiting 5 minutes. You should really fix the commenting system here- have to say the glitches make it not worth the bother.

  18. I suspect they’ll sell gobs of them as gag gifts for a year, then the product will die from lack of interest.

  19. Maybe people would get use to seeing guns and not freak out when they see someone carry a real gun. Folks here in Philly need to see guns toted by good men and women, and not hear about bad guys shooting each other over $10 bucks. Otherwise it makes for a stupid phone case.

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