ammunition background checks wasserman schultz
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

By Lee Williams

Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) admitted something we all knew last weekend at the March for our Lives rally in Parkland, Florida, when she was asked about the gun control “framework” that a bipartisan group of 20 Senators have said they support.

It’s just the beginning, she said, and more “significant” gun control is coming.

“We were expecting moderate reform at best, I wasn’t expecting anything of significance,” Wasserman Schultz told MSNBC’s Alex Witt. “Anything you can do to put an obstacle in the path of someone who would do themselves or someone else harm and save a life, is a step we should take while saying we should push for a lot more. This is only the beginning, it has to be only the beginning, not the end.”

Wasserman Schultz added that “extremists” will now likely target Senate Republicans and “everyone in congress.”

“We absolutely have an opportunity to move forward, and let me just be clear, Alex, for those of us who support much more significant reform, this is just the beginning,” she said. “We have to begin to make some progress, I’m glad that those 10 senators had the courage thus far.”

In Congress, Wasserman Schultz is far from being a back-bench first-termer. When she makes an admission like this – that the Senate plan is just the beginning and more gun control is coming – she is certainly not speaking out of turn.

She has been in Congress since 2005 and serves as the Chief Deputy Whip of the Democratic Caucus. She was the first woman to chair the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee, and she also serves on the Committee on Oversight and Reform, which according to her website “has vast jurisdiction over the government and private sector, and plays a key role in overseeing the Biden Administration.”

Wasserman Schultz’s comments prove that if we willingly give the gun banners a slice of bread every time we sit down with them, eventually they’ll have the whole loaf. She just said the quiet part out loud. There will be no appeasement if we agree to let them infringe on our constitutional rights. All the Senate plan will do is whet their appetite.

It is clear based on the Congresswoman’s comments that their true goals remain “assault weapon” and standard-capacity magazine bans and restricting firearm sales to those 21 and over. These were their goals before the Senate “framework” agreement was announced. These remain their goals today.

Anyone who thinks that the bipartisan Senate plan will somehow stop the gun banners from trying to achieve their ultimate goal of total civilian disarmament is deluding themselves. They will never stop. There will be no appeasement, regardless of what happens in the Senate.


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This story is part of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and is published here with their permission.


  1. My God! What a HIDEOUS visage! She looks like a troll from Norse literature. *** puke ***

      • Gun Control democRat hasbeen debbie schultz AKA blabbermouth has more baggage than an international airport. She is a no count.

      • Wasserman Schultz’s comments prove that if we willingly give the gun banners a slice of bread every time we sit down with them, eventually they’ll have the whole loaf.

        Exactly. Give them nothing.

        • Albert the Subject,

          Even a eunuch “subject” such as yourself couldn’t honestly claim attraction to the vile, ugly gutter scrunt that is DWS. TELL me even you aren’t that depraved! Having a queen is one thing; lusting after DWS is a bridge too far.

      • She certainly hasn’t aged well, has she? She wasn’t that ugly, 30 years ago. Ugly, yes, but not THAT ugly! She was one who you might think about tapping if you were desperate – until she opened her vile mouth.

    • It’s too bad she’s not trans. Then at least she’d have an excuse for looking like that.

      • Is “none of the above” an option??????

        But give DWS credit for one thing . . . she’s all over ‘truth in advertising’. She’s as vapid as she is ugly.

    • You would think so, but when you own the corrupt media as well as a large enough segment of the Republicans, then what is there to fear?

  2. They can dream all they want. They aren’t taking anything. They can go suck a big fat one.

  3. Honestly, who cares what they say?

    Part of the American public has gotten their “action”, Bruen will be delivered here in a matter of days and libs are f@cked on midterms.

    Gonna start calling you guys the NRA with all your fear mongering.

  4. “Anything you can do to put an obstacle in the path of someone who would do themselves or someone else harm and save a life.”

    This is not how rights should work, you don’t string together a bunch of obstacles and hoops to jump through, hoping to ward off a few less determined bad guys some of the time, while impacting 100% of the good guys all the time. If that isn’t the definition of unconstitutional and repugnant legislation, it should be!

    • …let me invite you to the CA model of CCW permit application, where you allegedly have a right somewhere, but must go through an exhaustive gauntlet of obstacles and hoops intended to dissuade you as much as possible from wanting to even claim that right.

      As someone else rightly responded to one of my previous comments on the matter, “the process is the punishment.

    • For Pete’s sake! How in the world could my comment I just submitted have anything that could trigger moderation????

      Dan, fix the site!

      • For fuck’s sake Haz, quit cussing and you’ll avoid moderation.

        This shit ain’t hard. Just be family-friendly with you’re goddamn language.

        • strych9,

          ISWYDT!! That was actually funny AF. Please continue to roast the absurd TTAG “moderation policy” . . . I still harbor hopes that we’ll embarrass them into doing something rational. NO “moderation policy” would be better than the s***show they have going now.

        • I guess what cracks me up, is that posts are moderated for “foul language” or for not being “family friendly”, and yet the spam sex crap goes through without any problems? What a screwed up world it is.

      • Well played, strych9.

        Haz, it’s because you were critical of gummint, even if only kinda sideways.

        I’m more mild-mannered than Clark Kent, but 34% of my posts are moderated. Maybe we need more profanity, or lies. You’ll notice that dacian, albert, and miner all have free reign. Even their trolls never get filtered out. Nice guys finish last.

        • Mebbe I need to werd my kommentz more like possum duz, to avoyd katching the attenshun uv the Eff-Bee-Eye.

        • I’ve noticed some words about extreme left political ideology go straight to moderation. I use number or symbol substitution to get around it.


        • I was sent to moderation purgatory earlier today for a two-line post, the second line was a string of “HA HA’s.”

          I cut it down to HA HA and it posted just fine.

          Rhyme or reason? No, it’s goddamned bot.

  5. As they say in Texas come and take it. As my daddy used to say not with a barried peter

  6. Guys, she is ugly. I mean really ugly, but that doesn’t make her less dangerous to our rights. Particularly, our 2A rights. Stay focused.

    • Gadsden,

      Don’t forget stupid. Yes, she is (hideously) ugly, but she’s also Eric “Fangbanger” Swallowswell-level stupid, too. Not QUITE as dumb as AOC, but probably Mazie Hirono-level idiotic.

  7. There’s something about that top picture – like there should be a third eye in the center of her incredibly large forehead.

    Guaranteed I will have nightmares about that.

    • slap thre more eyes on there and you’ve got henry j. waternoose lll.
      or do nothing and still enjoy the ravenous bugblatter beast of traal.

  8. Fury, she should have a black cloth sack over her head every time she’s in public, but again, let’s all stay focused on her politics and how to thwart her.

    • November 8th will take care of her and her ilk. That’s why they are pushing so hard now. They know they are in the tunnel and there’s no light at the end of it. Even now some of the RINO’s in the senate are beginning to back slide on their previous agreement, because the left to pressing for more.

  9. “It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop… ever, until you are dead!” Kyle Reese (fictional) 1984.

      • Im familiar with the Exorcist book and film, actually watched it with my 19yo daughter last weekend and she found it funny, says its dated and there have been so many other “possession” stories it did not scare her. Anyway, I was referring more to “gun control” than DWS as being The Terminator.

        • The Seinfeld is Unfunny effect. Original effective premise is copycatted into oversatiation, until even the original is accused of a cliche that didn’t exist at the time of its creation.

  10. Someone please go and tall that Washerwoman Shultz creature that the “control” she envisioins is being applied to the wrong part of the equation. It ain’t the hardware that’s doing the killing. Hardware can ONLY do what it is told or made to do. My scarface framing hammer cannot bury a twenty penny nail in two strokes unless i know how to use it and MAKE it do that. In the same vein, nor can it kill someone unless/until that someone picks it up and smashes it into someone else’s head as hard as they can.

    The Washerwoman needs to improve her aim. She MUST accept the plan FACT that the guns used to kill innocents are USED to do so by criminals of evil intent, and begin working toward addressing that end of the equation.
    the punk that shot up Parkland High school SHOULD have been benind bars for each of the FOUR felony acts he had perpetrated, but was never charged for any of them. The creep that shot up Uvalde school SHOULD have beeninstitutionalised on accout of his known mental instability. gaige Groskreutz SHOD be in prison for attempted murder AND felon in possession of a firarm. The mental case that sot up Sandy Hook elementary SHOULD hve been in an institution to take care of mentally disturbed people. The dirtbg that shot up the Sutherland SPrings church, killing 26 innocents, SHUILD have been behind bars for his three felony offenses, AND at least have been unable to lawfully purchase the weapon he used in that murder. The “background check” system FAILED to prevent acquisition of many recently used murder weapons. Hunter Biden SHOULD be in prison on at least two counts of unlawful possession of a firearm, and lying on his Form 4473 to purchase at least two handguns, along with being charged for unlawfully disposing of a firearm and reckless endangerment in that action.

    • The US Penal sysytem is already at breaking point with MORE persons incarcerated per capita than any other civilised nation in the world so IMPRISONMENT if apparently NO DETERRENT It’s the same with the DEATH PENALTY. I suggest you take a look at the murder rate per capita of America compared with the European/Canadian/ Aussie/ UK norm none of which have a death penalty. As far as I can ascertain every single country that has a Death Penalty [and apart from most ISLAMIC and extremist nations very few now have one] also has a higher illegal death rate which of course includes the implimentation of the Death Penalty itself.
      If a felon is NOT CHARGED it means that there is insufficient evidence to do so. Neither YOU or the POLICE are judge, jury and executioner. The other point is who mis to decide uponn the seriousness of a felony which can be anything from a traffic violation to mass murder. I have no bloody doubt at all that YOU would be the first to start mouthing off if a person convicted of a few minor felonies was banned from firearm ownership.
      If insufficient checks have been made regarding firearms purchase the main culprit MUST be the retailer surely?
      So explain WHY you cannot tighten up those procedures yourselves You simply cannot leave everything to the Police. You know who is or is not likely to turn a blind eye to legal procedures because most of you have used them yourselves and it’s younthat has to turn informer. Unless you are prepared to do that SHUT the flock up! The Police can only perform their function with public support and assent.

      • You’re a bloody fokwit, Albert Hall. A bloody bleeding poof of a fokwit. The English once had fortitude. Great brass balls. Today? Fekkin’ poofs. Your great-greats are rolling over in their graves. Even your grandmothers were more men than you are today.

        Tell me one thing, before you wander off. If the death penalty is not a deterrent, why do we not see more people playing chicken with 18 wheelers? Why don’t we see more people trying to steal live copper lines? Why don’t we see more people doing swan dives from skyscrapers? And, why do we not see more crazies assaulting police precincts, instead of soft targets like schools?

        You can’t explain any of that, while holding the position that the death penalty is not a deterrent.

        Run along now, you wanker. I don’t expect any sort of an intelligent reply from you.

        • OUCH!!!

          “That’s going to leave a mark!!”

          You notice idiots like Albert the Subject NEVER discuss little details like . . . the fact that the “death penalty” is seldom actually imposed in the US, and takes DECADES when it is. Then there is the undeniable fact that the recidivism rate among murders who’ve been subjected to the death penalty is, historically, zero.

          On the other hand, what you said, X 1000.

      • Prince among kings Albert, you do know the UK Home Office has openly admitted they’ve been downplaying crime statistics in Jolly Old Britain since the 60s?

        And local senior officers get 5-6 figure bonuses for reporting year-on-year “reductions” in crime. They have a financial incentive to under report criminal activity and even actively dissuade people from reporting crime.

      • Prison is a deterrent as long as the bad guy stays in prison. The death penalty is a deterrent to the killer who will never offend again. (Actually I don’t support the death penalty because it is cheaper to lock someone up for life no possibility of parole than it is to try to execute them. And then there are all of those questionable cases where the defendant is convicted with no physical evidence connecting him/her to the crime; too many have been found later to have been convictions of the wrong guy.)

        England, as I recall, was one of those places that where all crimes were felonies, and all felonies were punishable by death. High crimes were punished by torture leading to death. Hangings, unlike the American practice, did not involve a drop and a broken neck, but death by strangulation, with the bodies left hanging until they rotted enough to fall to the ground. As a deterrent. Apparently the English are so horrified by their (not so ancient) medieval practices that now someone acting in self defense gets more time in prison than the criminal who attacked him.

      • SO FRICKIN’ WHAT!? Where would you have us put the criminals? Build them a house and provide them with everything they desire? Get a fricking grip.
        No, it is not cheaper to keep ’em locked up. Much cheaper to give ’em “Ole Sparkie” or the Hangmans’ Noose.
        Do you know of any executed murderer who ever came back to do it again?

      • Even if prison and the death penalty weren’t deterrents, it gets rid of them NOW! LOL. See? Already has a useful function. Who says it needs to be a deterrent? It can be a rug, that we sweep people under, who we are tired of looking at.

  11. It’s amazing to me how they (Congress) believe that they are allowed to do any of this! FACT: the U.S. Constitution was instituted to limit government’s powers. The specific text of the Second Amendment states: ‘… the right of the people (American citizens) to keep (own, acquire) and bear (carry, possess on one’s person) Arms, shall not be infringed.’. This text forbids the government from doing ANY of what she/they wanna do. Our form of government is a Constitutional Republic – meaning that the Constitution is the “supreme Law” that is binding upon the government(s) of this republic. Her/their intent IS therefore a seditious conspiracy to overthrow a part of the established “supreme Law” – or our established form of government. How therefore are her/their intent and actions not an act of treason?

  12. Hopefully Thomas is watching and a SCOTUS decision is written to put the smackdown on all this nonsense.

  13. Don’t worry, Mitch just needs to find a straw and blow a couple heaters and he’ll rally the GOP to fight back!

    Any minute now! Any minute…

    • “For myself, I’m comfortable with the framework and if the legislation ends up reflecting the framework, I’ll be supportive,” McConnell (R-Ky.) told reporters.

      I realize you’re being sarcastic, but the Senate leader is giving it a thumbs up without even attempting to get a real compromise. Why not at least say you’ll support part of it in return for approving the Hearing Protection Act? Always begin negotiations by asking for more than you want. Why not try to get something? Because they don’t care! They make their own personal deals in order to get other types of legislation passed. They don’t care about their constituents. None of these people should make it past their next primary.

        • Oh, strych9, they’re true hos – they are “willing” to sell us out on ANYTHING; the only issue is dickering over the price. And, unfortunately, they aren’t HONEST politicians – they don’t stay bought. As far as Mitch the Bitch is concerned, my rights are on the auction block, and the price isn’t very steep.

  14. Our Washington state AG dances on the thought that they can pass anything they want and it is enforceable until SCOTUS says it is not. Seems to be a liberal paradise for passing laws because it takes years to get to SCOTUS.

  15. Schultz should have been arrested for treason, and imprisoned, when she was chair of the DNC. The voters told her what they wanted (Bernie) but she told them they can’t have what they want. Instead, she did everything necessary to pave the way for Hillary.

    IN SPITE OF a corrupt party chair, Hillary couldn’t pull in the support to get elected. I guess there were just too many skeletons in the Clinton closet.

  16. I very much doubt that she cares a Cat’s Cojone’s what youn thing or do noy tbthink an bout her looks! I’ve seen what an awful lot of tou iliiterate gun freaks look like as well No bragging points there then!
    What you fools have to realise is that the tide ism turning and you only have yourselves to blame by your own stupid inaction and resistance to change. There is, in the affairs of men, a ‘tipping’ point and that tipping point regarding gun control measures may well be at long last approaching. Once there is sufficient support change will happen and you will be helpless against it.
    Considering thjat over half the American electorate do notm own a firearm there must be an awful lot of firearms inn the hands of the rest. do not you think.??
    T There is no logical NEED [as against whatbthey just want] for anybody to possess more than ONE decent 9mm or 38 handgun for ‘self defence’. There is no need for anybody to have other than a five-shot bolt action rifle of a suitable calibre for any kind of hunting or target practice/range use, none at all and there is no need for anybody to hold more than 25 rounds of ammunition for immediate use.
    Single firearm ownership like this is not even against the supposed provisions of the American Constitution regarding firearm ownership which after all was designed for the Defence of the United States by a well regulated and DISCIPLINED Militia. [Incidently I always, as an outsider, thought that the NATIONAL GUARD was a MILITIA formed for exact purpose.
    It truly is laughable that Americas gun freaks w could be a bulwark against an imaginery enemy Even the Constitution recognised this by inserting the WELL REGULATED and DISCIPLINED condition. THe fact isn that during the American War of INdependence the armed civilians mostly got inn the bloody way [you c should perhaps take a look at your own hid story and if itb had not been for the intervention of FRENCH REGULARS thaqt war might well have been lost.
    As it was the British had lost interest in the United States and saw much more of a future in CANADA and the HUDSON BAY COMPANY. The Americans provided a very useful diversion of French Troops that otherwise would have been making things difficult in Canada

    • Albert the (Stupid) Subject,

      Wow. What a lot of bollocks!! First, and foremost, yes, we got help . . . the US colonies got help during the Revolution, from the French, among others. Oh, gee, lemme think about that . . . an EMPIRE (over 8M people in Britain, alone), WITH a standing army and the world’s biggest navy, and a group of colonies, WITHOUT a standing army OR navy, numbering about 2M (2.5M, if you count slaves) needed help. Mirabile dictu . . . you pudding-headed nitwit. OTOH, we beat your @$$es, didn’t we?? There’s a reason y’all are over there, and we are over here . . . and had to go BACK over there and save your sorry @$$es twice. And you’re welcome, you ungrateful f***tard.

      On the point of only half of our electorate owning guns. And your point would be??? What do you figure the percentage is in Jolly Auld, you ignorant twit??

      I, personally, currently own about 15 firearms (exact number and details none of your freakin’ business) . . . because I ACTUALLY know something about firearms, and recognize that, like ALL tools, you use the correct tool for the job. So I have tools for most jobs I am likely to need to perform (plus a few historical examples that I own BECAUSE I CAN, you gormless, d***less subject). I only have about five or six others on my “to acquire” list. It’s called the “Bill of RIGHTS” for a reason, you d***less ponce of a “subject”, and I don’t need your permission, and give not even a shart about your opinion, so feel free to go pound salt in your @$$, you pathetic subject. Bye!!

    • What you fools have to realise is that the tide ism turning and you only have yourselves to blame by your own stupid inaction and resistance to change.

      I’m sorry you don’t like our principles. Maybe you should give up your principles? What’s wrong? Is your principles rocking the boat and you need to rid yourself of them immediately so others will no long criticize your inaction and resistance to change????

    • There is, in the affairs of men, a ‘tipping’ point and that tipping point regarding gun control measures may well be at long last approaching. Once there is sufficient support change will happen and you will be helpless against it.

      This works both ways Albert. Surely you understand this.

    • Considering thjat over half the American electorate do notm own a firearm there must be an awful lot of firearms inn the hands of the rest. do not you think.??

      Yeah, us. That’s unarmed people, telling heavily armed people what they can and can’t do with their lives, what they can and can’t say, what they can and can’t own. Surely, even you, see the irony and hilarity of this.

    • T There is no logical NEED [as against whatbthey just want] for anybody to possess more than ONE decent 9mm or 38 handgun for ‘self defence’. There is no need for anybody to have other than a five-shot bolt action rifle of a suitable calibre for any kind of hunting or target practice/range use, none at all and there is no need for anybody to hold more than 25 rounds of ammunition for immediate use.

      Tell the Ukrainians that stupid shit.

    • Single firearm ownership like this is not even against the supposed provisions of the American Constitution regarding firearm ownership which after all was designed for the Defence of the United States by a well regulated and DISCIPLINED Militia. [Incidently I always, as an outsider, thought that the NATIONAL GUARD was a MILITIA formed for exact purpose.

      The national guard does NOT replace the 2nd amendment. If they would like it to – all they need to do is repeal the 2nd amendment.

    • It truly is laughable that Americas gun freaks w could be a bulwark against an imaginery enemy Even the Constitution recognised this by inserting the WELL REGULATED and DISCIPLINED condition. THe fact isn that during the American War of INdependence the armed civilians mostly got inn the bloody way [you c should perhaps take a look at your own hid story and if itb had not been for the intervention of FRENCH REGULARS thaqt war might well have been lost.

      Sure. A disarmed populace fairs better than an armed one. Keep telling yourself that.

    • As it was the British had lost interest in the United States and saw much more of a future in CANADA and the HUDSON BAY COMPANY. The Americans provided a very useful diversion of French Troops that otherwise would have been making things difficult in Canada

      Yeah, and you guys lost them too.

    • Everything you wrote was moronic crap. Quite possibly the worst post you’ve ever written.

  17. Don’t worry. In exchange they will give you “free” condoms from the government.
    “Free” medical marijuana.
    “Free” abortions. Especially for pregnant children without the consent or knowledge of the parents. And the abortions will be performed inside government schools.

    “Free” sex change operations.
    “Free” intravenous needles.
    And the “free” use of the government injection centers. Where you will be monitored by government doctors. Who will keep you from over dosing on your, clean and safe, crystal meth. Used to improve your sexual experience.

    And yes I’m being serious.

  18. Those ten senators, except for the cowards like toomey that are retiring, are all going to be reelected and if donald fucktard runs again everyone here will vote for that prick and you will all get precisely what you deserve. Gun owners have no friends among politicians no matter the party.

  19. No boating accident.

    I will not comply with registration or voluntarily surrender guns regardless of any laws passed.

  20. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s “Jaime’s Law” is a law requiring a background check to purchase ammunition.

    That will roughly double the cost of a box of 50 rounds of 9mm.

    …and encourage bulk sales of thousands of rounds of ammo at the same time, further freaking them the fuck out… 🙂

        • Why do you think I’m so short on the USA at this point?

          Two reasons;

          1. The mask is off.
          2. Most people don’t recognize #1 or are too fuckin’ stupid to realize what it actually means.

          They’ll figure it out though and when they do shit’s gonna get really wild. It will be both amusing and a relief when the Boomers finally figure out that they’re being set up for a trip to the glue factory on a short timeline.

          Unfortunately a large percentage of them won’t realize this until they’re at said factory, this is obvious since they’re already at the gates and don’t realize what’s going on.

          My dudes (and dudettes), you represent $70 trillion in liabilities and $30 trillion in taxable assets that become available to .gov when you die. Do the math and consider who’s most vulnerable to exactly the shortages the Biden Administration is intentionally causing. This ain’t hard to figure, when those people say “useless eater” they mean you FFS! Just go look at Zeke Emmanuel’s comments on Scottish QALYs. No one should live past 75 and dying younger would be better.

          Printing is coming to an end because fiat is dying due to multiple quadrillions in leveraged debt worldwide. Just look at Japan for how MMT really works. BOJ’s fucked.

          Here in the US, buying you off with your own money won’t work any more because retirees don’t work and heaping moar debt on the country is untenable in anything other than the ULTRA short term. The smart move is to try to buy off the younger people with your money. How to get it, I wonder?

          You already live in a society where .gov has openly created anarcho-tyranny. Does this really need to be spelled out line-by-line?

          Courts won’t save you, they operate too slowly even if they are inclined to your position. Elections won’t save you unless you gut the current GOP and replace them. But will you vote for a guy like Tommy Altman, or will you complain about his tattoos without asking why he has them?

          Guess we’ll find out.

  21. These Rino’s do not see anything wrong with what they have done and see what they give up as our rights as a problem. They have no skin in the game. They are out of touch with what the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment means. All we can really do is vote Rino’s out of office and put in place pro Constitutional and 2nd Amendment representatives and senators. Nothing else will stop the commiecrats from the final goal of disarmament.

  22. Theres a problem with the I Hate Gunms crowd.
    The first problem is they think anyone who owns a gunm are cold blooded killers.
    The other problem is they think by taking away the gunms all the cold blooded killers will magically dissapear.
    And yeah, there just getting started, they want every gunm owner with a RIP stone laying on top of us.

  23. I love how they claim that we must be disarmed to save lives, but are all in for abortion at any time during pregnancy!

  24. A total ban on all “civilian” weapons, dissent, and wrongthink is their goal. They would like to have summary execution of any dissenters by militarized police armed with fully-automatic high-caliber (not wimpy 5.56) weapons. They also would love some sort of AI-directed social credit system to torture their slaves (with Communist China as the model), and don’t be surprised when the Republicans hand them all of those in the name of “law and order.”

  25. When the hanging starts they will be SINGING A DIFFERENT TUNE….1000% BUT, WE WON’T FORGET!

  26. That is one of the ugliest photos I’ve ever seen. She looks like some kind of fish monster from the Star Wars movies and I’m afraid that I’ll never be able to unsee this.

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