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Put your imagination to work, tickle your keyboard and you could win a UM Tactical sight mountĀ for your railed pistol. Just enter a caption in the comments by midnight Sunday and we’ll announce the winner on Monday.


  1. Making the wild west a little less wild, one dinosaur at a time!

    “Oh my God it’s coming right for us!”

  2. “you think this is impressive? It’s just what we use to keep people out of the barn. You wanna see some shit?
    i got some shit in here if you wanna see some shit…”

  3. Did you hear? They’re trying to teach our kids that dinosaurs only lived millions of years ago. Some new-fangled BS called “eeevo-lotion” or somesuch nonsense.

  4. Wild Bill Hickok ain’t got nuttin’ on these boys.


    After this photo was posted on Facebook, reaction was swift. Sixty three death threats, one hundred twelve comments decrying the lack of gun control in the wild west, and six morons formed PETP…that’s People for the Ethical Treament of Pterodactyls.

  5. The boys who took the hunting trip to the Valley of Gwangi have returned. Only Latigo filled his tag however.

  6. BREAKING NEWS: Dianne Feinstein revealed her true form early this morning but made the mistake of trying to disarm Texas and was quickly dispatched.

  7. “Cousin Jedediah says that wuz the ugliest and biggest chicken hawk he’d ever seen. Luckily he had his ol Henry Rifle, and he went down like a stuck pig.”

    “How in tarnation is we supposed to cook this thing?”

  8. Cowboys near Tombstone, AZ pose with legendary female Thunderbird that they hunted after it killed several of the calves from their herd. The giant lizard bird was tracked to its nest where four lizard chicks were discovered. After domesticating the chicks, the cowboys have now saddle broken them and are using them to fly aerial roundups.

    • This is why we can’t have nice things. Just think of the falconry possibilities if they hadn’t killed that thing and domesticated it instead.

      Train one to hunt Prius’s with coexist stickers on them and move it near Berkely.

  9. You guys obviously did not see the “Red Wedding” on Game of Thrones or you never would have messed with Daenerys Targaryen’s Dragon….Look up, Look Down and just wait for death.

  10. The American Silencer Association’s latest political victory… Suppressors are now legal for hunting on Isla Nublar.

  11. Before his work as a subject of children’s books, Clifford the Big Red Dog worked as a hunting dog. Shown here are his former owners with one of the birds he retrieved.

  12. Roots of the “Rebel Yell” : Imitations of the banshee-like wail of this fearsome beast, when performed for the crowds, engendered such terror and fear that it was soon adopted by Texas troops as their battle cry, and spread like wildfire throughout the ranks.

  13. That’s the best y’all got? I kill at least two pterosaurs a week that size here in Louisiana :p

  14. Congratulation to the Dalton gang on killing that very last pesty Pteranodon in existence….. šŸ™‚

  15. I swear Billy, it just swooped down and carried my wife off. I found and shot it, but never saw her again!

  16. Few historians remember that after the success of the “Wright Flyer,” the Wright Brothers turned their attention to making the first drone.

  17. Upon closer examination of the beast, the hunting party regretted not shooting the brontosaurus instead.

  18. “…then Virgil said ‘Saddle or not, I’m gonna ride it’ and that’s why there’s only ten of us left.”

  19. Picture taken circa 1907 of what was thought to be the last of the Dinus Finastinasaurus. That was proven wrong in modern day California when one was discovered and given a federal Senate seat.

  20. Little did these hunters know that the Pterodactyl had already laid eggs, one of whom would go on to become a California Senator.

  21. Ahahahaha. For a second there I thought this was a viral picture for the sequel to Cowboys vs. Aliens. Cowboys vs. Dinosaurs. Remember the Pace Picante commercials. “Get the Rope”

  22. They ignored it when it took their cattle. They turned their back when it laid it’s eggs in the town square. They looked the other way when it took over the fishing hole. But when it crapped on Zeb from 1,000 feet up, it went to far.

  23. And “It was this big”
    While out hunting with my uncles and their two dogs, my uncle Joe shot this big bird.
    No Really….

  24. You’re worried about a hawk getting a couple of your prized pigeons? Listen, in my day we had birds as big as wagons…

  25. The NSA recently announced they made a slight tactical error while deploying their “time traveling drone” against citizens of the Southern United States.

  26. “Cousin Gertrude, I mean my wife, wanted a big turkey to feed the family for Thanksgiving. Them turkeys were too smart for me so I got one these big birds. We are going to need a lot of stuffing and cranberry sauce.”

  27. Man holding head – “Hurry, my scouts report rain on the horizon”

    Photographer – “Dammit, hold still. We have 4 hours to go!”

    Man on Wing – “Why did we let the school kids make this from paper mache again?”

  28. “Darn, we thought them thar drone thingies were a legend! We done got one with one shot from Ole Betsy.”

  29. And here is a picture of me posing with the natives. A strange bunch of flightless folks. Shortly thereafter, they made for some good eating when the rest of the family flew in. Only problem now is the kids insisted on keeping the four legged variety as pets.

  30. Wow, at first I thought this was another one of RF’s crazy ads, it blended right in with the Russian dating gals

  31. “They say I killed six or seven pterodactyls for flying. That ain’t true; I only killed one pterodactyl for flying.” — John Wesley Hardin.

  32. Dirty Steve in Young Guns: “Did You See The Size of That Chicken!!!!”
    Guess it wasn’t the peyote after all.

  33. If you can’t kill anything in North America the way your great-grandpapy did it with a 30-30 or a 10 gauge you have no business hunting in the fist place.

  34. (immediately after the picture is taken)

    “Jebediah, did you just feel it move too?”


    “Well, sh*t.”

  35. After limiting out on unicorns and about to call it a day, Joe spotted this large pterodactyl. Luckily, he had picked up a pterodactyl tag the day before and harvested this record-setting animal after a lengthy stalk.

  36. “But dammit John, what if a game warden sees this here picture?”
    “Hell, don’t worry Jed. We’re in the picture and I still don’t believe it.”

  37. “Bat sh*t crazy” they said, granny’s black painter is next!

    If I were PC I should state the obvious but let’s have some fun.

  38. “You think bird hunting is easy Son!? When I was your age we had to shoot 10 Pterodactyl just to make a meal!!!”.

  39. Another terrible gun control poster… “Scientists agree, the extinction of dinosaurs was caused by the proliferation of Assault Weapons.”

  40. Rufus was just sure that it was open season on Pterodactyl, so we got some of the boys together ‘n’ guess what?

  41. Sometimes the first take is the best one. There were lots of worthy contributions, but Bruce took the prize with “pterodactical.” Eloquent in its brevity. Congrats.

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