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Congrats to AlanInFL who won last week’s contest. If you’d like a new trigger for your Remington 700 rifle courtesy Timney Triggers, enter the best caption for this photo in the comments by midnight Sunday. Good luck.

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  1. Whoever thought up this cavalry artillery thing needs to a bit more thought into how we are gonna mount this gun on a horse!

  2. “The pistol needs a permit? The gatling gun needs a stamp from ATF? And the horse needs a diaper? What happened to the wild west?”

  3. For anyone curious this is from the movie Sukiyaki Western Django, a mix of wild west / samurai. Its actually a piece of work with the help of Quentin Tarantino is in it as well.

  4. No officer, this is a FEATURELESS……


    No officer, I’m NOT shouldering it, so this is legal

  5. My buddies keep saying they can install this in a Warthogs nose. I thought the horse would be easier. Ill be damned if I can figure it out

  6. Jesse Ventura. The early years….


    I’m here to register as a candidate for governor…

  7. I am venturing to that distant and dangerous land full of villainy, trials, tribulations, and evils of every magnitude. I am venturing to the land known as…..Chicago.

  8. Young Genghis never got to thank Bill and Ted for the ride in the time machine, but he was truly grateful they let him do a little ‘souvenir’ shopping on their travels.

  9. Young Genghis never got to thank Bill and Ted for the ride in the time machine, but he was truly grateful they let him do a little ‘souvenir’ shopping on their travels. Next stop: Beijing.

  10. What do you mean that’s not what what you were getting at when you said it’s a mounted weapon system?

  11. No. It’s fine. I’ll just carry it. Every time I connect it to the pintle mount on the underside of the chassis the vehicle kicks the hell out of me.

  12. Proof that the language barrier struggle still exists, here is an example of when ‘bear’ and ‘bare’ are mistaken.

  13. Tony Montana aka “Scarface” famous quote “Say Hello to my Little Friend” was actually started by his Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Grandfather…

    “Speak Salutations to my Minute Acquaintance”

  14. When a man with a .45 meets a man with a magical Gatling gun, the man with the pistol soils himself.

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