Behold: This is the 6.5 Creedmoor of the future. It was discovered among ancient texts located in an obscure, forgotten blog referred to as The Truth About Guns. The readership worshipped this caliber and believed ritualistic dances, sacrifices, and hymns devoted to the caliber would grant favor from Mars, the God of War. Our modern recreation has exceeded all expectations and appears to be more powerful than any of our ray guns.

The winner of last week’s contest was DrewR55. This week’s winner will receive a package of delicious Black Rifle Company FN SCAR coffee courtesy Black Rifle Company and FN America. Just get your entry in the comments by Sunday midnight to be eligible.

Black Rifle Coffee FN SCAR

Black Rifle Coffee




    • “But those Chinese tariffs are going to destroy the market for enriched aluminum Gatling guns!”

  1. Behold: This is the 6.5 Creedmoor of the future. It was discovered among ancient texts located in an obscure, forgotten blog referred to as The Truth About Guns. The readership worshipped this caliber and believed ritualistic dances, sacrifices, and hymns devoted to the caliber would grant favor from Mars, the God of War. Our modern recreation has exceeded all expectations and appears to be more powerful than any of our ray guns.

  2. What’s this crap?!? 7.62×51? I guess that’s why they call it a ‘mini-gun’.

  3. No, I don’t think it’s a good to test this out on Wilma… and don’t call me Buster. My name is Buck.

  4. At the TTAG costume party, readers decide if Nancy dressed as a .308 cartridge or Wong dressed as a 6.5 Creedmoor should win best costume.

  5. “Guy, do you seriously not see the problem with going on The View with your Asian houseboy and the PhalliGun 2000??? This intern is already pissed.”
    “Dammit, son… Someone’s gotta do it!’

  6. Don’t give me that look. I was dancing and it just went off. (The galactic federal agent was released from custody to his supervisor soon after)

  7. “But it doesn’t need a tax stamp. Because you operate it with a crank, it’s technically semi-auto”

  8. It’s called a “Vulcan gun,” and if that Spock feller ever shows his pointy ears around here, I’ll show you why.

  9. “Ok, quit snickering. It’s a Hi-Point. It’s big and clunky. But you find me another phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range for under $300, Mr. Wizard!”

  10. “Look at her! There’s no way her dainty body can handle the massive thrust of the Creedmoor! Not and live!”

  11. His ruse had worked! The UN inspectors were so in awe with Kim’s “fake world-destroyer death ray” that they completely overlooked his ridiculous outfit. He had his Minister of the Supreme Leader’s Wardrobe executed anyway… with a real death ray.

  12. The Guy In Back normally didn’t fish in the company pool, but he just couldn’t resist short and sassy, especially with that stylin’ silver hat on her head.

  13. “C’mon Ray, can’t you see she’s PMSing? Just fix the damn tampon dispenser!”

    • “C’mon Ray, can’t you see she’s PMSing? Just fix the damn Creedmoor tampon dispenser!”

      There, fixed it for you.

  14. Wow, the first space movie George Takei ever starred in, but old William Shatner lookes more than a little strange!

  15. “What do you mean ‘I can’t take this to New York??’ it’s still America isn’t it??”

  16. Going solely on the position of the ‘firearm’ and the gentleman holding it I believe an ‘Excuse while I whip this out’ is in order

  17. “With our new Creedmoor brand Creedmoor Package cannon (pat. pend.), we’ll speed up shipping immensely! Well, we might even hit Ludicrous speed!”

  18. “Oh, GREAT!! You chopped up her broomstick! NOW, how is she supposed to get home”?

  19. This gun isn’t working right. Please call John Browning on your shoe phone. He can help us. I believe he resides in Ogden, Utah.

  20. This gun is having a FTF problem. Please call John Browning in Ogden, Utah at 635 – 765 – 3006 and press 9. He can offer technical advise.

  21. “C’mon Harvey, you said you’d give her a speaking part if she went, you know, full Creedmoor.”

  22. “Wilma here says that you shoot blanks, Sir, and my friends and I are inclined to agree!”

  23. “Actual photo of Trump and Rocket man waiting for the gent to refill the 7eleven hotdog roller” -CNN

  24. Plebe: “But sir, why do I need to fetch 14 eels for the hellfire gun?”
    Wizard dude: “Bore snakes…”

  25. “That’s a great thingamabob you’ve got there, Doc, but is nobody going to acknowledge how tiny this woman is?”

  26. Hey! You promised this BFG9000 would have 20 barrels. Where are the rest of them? I am not paying for 1/2 a gun! Now go back and deliver me what I ordered!

  27. Wait? You mean it ISN’T available in 6.5 Creedmore!? What kinda half assed commie bullshit is that?

  28. It’s codenamed “chaos”. It fires verbal jabs in every known language. Several political parties are interested.

  29. “no running, no bottles, and everyone in the pool must wear a bathing cap. no exceptions.”

  30. “The barrels are different lengths because that way you can engage the perps at different ranges.”
    “Also in hopes (probably false) that the “Notify me of follow-up comments by email” button will work.”

  31. But how does that get the guy in the back to stop following me around with that stupid grin and wistful look?

  32. Hero: The Martians are invading! Thank GOD we have this weapon! Where are the magazines?
    Govt official: They’re right here! Once again your government has solved the problem!
    Hero: But these things only hold 8 round apiece and we’ve only got 5 of them!

  33. What do you mean, “Intuit won’t handle our accounts” anymore ?
    How are we gonna sell these things now ?

  34. Dispeptic said skull covering is as important as ear covering for hearing protection… so where do I get ear pro like hers before you shoot that off?

  35. your email said it would drive her wild and she would never want to leave the bedroom again. Does this look like the face of a woman who had her world rocked? It did absolutely nothing for her she even yawned while I was using it on her. Now I will admit I tested it on slappy back there first and he hasn’t left me the hell alone since then, he just keeps following me around with that wistful smirk while staring at this device, but her? Yeah it did absolutely nothing she’s still the shrew she always was. I demand a full refund!

    Also 6.5 Creemoor sucks!! The .375 or .408 Cheytac rounds perform much better if only they would make an AR capable of containing that awesomeness they’d take off!

  36. Wait!

    This gig is FLASH Gordon? My agent told me it was FLESH Gordon! Where’s the phone?

  37. Of course I don’t need twelve barrels for deer hunting! The 2nd Amendment isn’t about deer hunting.

  38. “She said the Orgasmatron didn’t even tickle her fancy, much less… well, you know!”

  39. Yes, yes, I know, it’s a Fully Semiautomatic Ghost Gun BumpStock-o-Matic ™. But our evil plan won’t work if it doesn’t shoot through schools!

  40. Now look, it is totally featureless, no vertical thingy, no pistol grip and the butt stock is fixed and furthermore the ammo is is in common use, everyone has one, the most popular tool in the galaxy

  41. In the distant future, historical reenactments get a little hazy on details – but everyone can agree the Gatling replica stays in the Mongol invasion scene.

  42. That’s right, Flash … this galaxy needs a “Good guy with a Dissolvo ray gun”.

  43. Ok you knuckleheads. I’ll go over this one more time. The coffee goes in here. The water goes in here.

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