1. The ‘Big Stick’ working group at the 2013 MAIG conference. Bloomberg is 3rd from the right, but even in heels, is too short to be seen.

    • Heyyyy Bob – Notice the one on the right, standing in the culvert, is still the tallest? Got her second varsity letter in basketball.

  2. Les Femmes De La Resistance, 1918.

    The Leadbetter Sisters

    Annies Got Their Guns

    Guys and Molls

    Sorority Women Prepare for their Spring “Jungle Adventure” Dance… The men will be coming dressed as Tarzan

  3. Here representing the future graduating class of 1938 at UW Madison, is the organizing committee for the first annual “Take Back the Night” rally. Although that was the official name, among the “girls” it was affectionately known as “We Own the Night”.

  4. …and the fine ladies of the town waited patiently for their husbands to return from a night on the town.

  5. Yeah, Marilyn may be a “blonde bombshell,” but that doesn’t mean us brunettes are harmless!

  6. Tiring of the traditional Mah Jongg and Chinese auctions, the ladies of the Temple Beth Israel Sisterhood have branched out in an entirely new direction.

  7. The women recruits said they’d go into combat and do their part. But they’d be damned if they did it wearing those tacky BDU’s and combat boots.

  8. Sigmund Freud’s cousins terrorized him at an early age, clearly demonstrating commonsense methods for dealing with ‘penis envy’….

  9. lots of funny captions here but what I want to know is: what are the rifles they are holding?

    • Mike, they look like Springfield training .22s. Single shot bolt actions made at Springfield armory for training troops with when the issue rifle was the 1903 Springfield.

      Back in the day the government used to surplus things like this out to the DCM. I wouldn’t be surprised that these were donated to the school at no cost.

      We had one on the farm for general pest control duty. Dead accurate and built to a larger scale than most .22s. Great hog killer and beef killer.

      Girl on far right and the 3rd girl from the right look like they have some type of falling block rifle.

      • I see a Springfield M1922 or two, a Winchester model 52, and a Winchester high wall .22. If I recall correctly, the M1922 was produced for basic marksmanship training following the Great War where accuracy in combat was sorely lacking. The availability of these rifles to the women suggests the photo dates from about 1928 or so.

      • TB5, I’m not an expert on school rifle teams but I’ve never heard of one using 03 springfields, which are .30-06, for target practice. All the school teams I’ve heard of used either .22s or air rifles.

    • Two early Winchester 52 rifles, two Springfield M1922 MII (probably), and two Winchester Windner style Muskets. Low wall Army surplus Windners were in .22 short, but the commercial versions could be bought in either short or long rifle.

  10. With the men folk fighting in Europe, the ladies tea club were ready should Hitler try to invade Ottumwa Iowa.

  11. “This is my rifle. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my rifle is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy, who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my rifle and myself are defenders of my country, we are the masters of our enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen.”

  12. I realize you had to stop with the links to hot Israeli swimsuit models, but this is entirely too far in the wrong direction.

  13. “The Newport Red Hat Society target shooting team awaiting for more red hats. After deciding that the red dot in the bullseye of their paper targets were too small, they pinned up their hats. This resulted in more bullseyes but, alas, after shooting the hats literally into shreds they must pause their practice until the local hatter comes through.” — Red Hat Society Northeastern Region News.

  14. After buying coats at the thrift store, we all got haircuts – buy one, get six free – on our way to the gun range.

  15. The women pictured prefer to conceal long guns under their long coats. As one woman said, “30.06 wins the 9mm vs 45 ACP debate every time.”

  16. 1) You better not let these fugly ladies hear you call them “hags” – or it’ll be the last thing you say.

    2) There isn’t a bag in the world that’s thick enough to hide this amount of ugly.

    3) I wouldn’t let any of them hold my barrel!

  17. PETA spokesperson: Ladies, lay down your furs!!
    [a bullet flies out and impacts him between the eyes, and he falls, dead]
    Queen Leonetta: PETA! Come and get them!

  18. Clearly they’re getting ready for the buyback, as evidenced by the rifle with the crude taping job. The ladies will be quite pleased to know that for each rifle turned in, they will receive a Five Dollar Gift Card to the local secondhand thrift shop.

  19. Their coats serve a multi-purpose role. Once flipped inside out they function as a ghillie suit.

  20. The unofficial NRA Cheerleader squad met today for practice and were peeved that no one could find any ammo to bring to the session. They complained that their “new” uniforms wouldn’t allow for concealed carry (or conceal anything else) and refused to wear them. Heads will roll.

  21. The school committee wasn’t taking any chances when they met with the parents of the young James Bond to discuss his antics in 8th grade.

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