Eric Church Gun Control

“I’m a Second Amendment guy. That’s in the Constitution, it’s people’s right, and I don’t believe it’s negotiable. But nobody should have that many guns and that much ammunition and we don’t know about it.” – Eric Church in Country singer Eric Church blames NRA for inaction on gun control after Las Vegas shooting [via]


  1. Eric Church, FORMER Country singer

    Hey douchenozzle, ask the Dixie Chicks how opening your yap to insult your customer base worked out for them.

    • So for his new stage name, what would you guys think about “Dixie Chuck”?

    • ” . . . But nobody should have that many . . .” My answer to this kind of idiocy is simple: HOW IN THE HELL DO YOU KNOW? I had a similar discussion with a “gun-owner” who tired to tell me I didn’t “need” a 30 round magazine. When I asked him that question, there was a long silence as he just looked at me without answering. He really didn’t have an answer because isn’t one. This guy was just virtue-signalling, perhaps to his girfriend who’s afraid of guns.

      • If you are an ethical hunter you just need one bullet.
        If you need more than one you are not a good shooter find another sport.
        If you want to have 30 rounds to kill people
        get the fuck out here

        • If I have 500 gun and 1,000,000 rounds of ammo that’s my free choice and none of your business.
          Just keep on enjoying your 1st A right of free speech until someone says you don’t need it!

        • So, you would rather let the animal suffer? Even a good hunter, with a good hit, doesn’t always kill with the first shot. And what would ethics have to do with it anyway? You obviously don’t have a clue.

          • I suspect many just consider guns magical killie wands.

            And knowing more about them and the many different tools the different kinds of firearms are would force them to share our evilness.


        • #1: The Second Amendment isn’t about hunting
          #2: Have you ever put the sights of a gun on something other than a non living target?
          #3: It doesn’t matter what someone wants a thirty, forty, or hundred round magazine for, until it directly affects you, it’s none of your damned business, nor is it your damned place to tell someone how many rounds they should, or should not have.

        • You obviously don’t know much about hunting.

          But what if there is 30 or more people that need shooting? Like in case of defending the free state?

          And who the hell are you to tell me what I need?!

        • The man protecting the Sikh temple in 2012 was shot 17 times and kept fighting. He is a genuine American hero. (Police Lt. Brian Murphy was shot fifteen times at close range, including once in the face and once in the back of the head and an additional two times to body armor.)
          If two attackers had suffered the same damage during a home invasion they would have taken 34 hits and still have been coming.
          Contrary to President Obama’s use of him in his State of the Union Address, Brian Murphy is the poster child for large capacity magazines.
          How many rounds do you think it takes to get 34 hits in a dynamic situation? Stories of attackers not going down after being shot are not rare. So, what about a home invasion by multiple attackers (maybe more than two) makes you think I can have too large a magazine, too many guns, or too much ammo?
          Remember, the problem in Drunk Driving is Drunks, not driving, and the problem with Gun Violence is violence, not guns. People are the problem, not inanimate objects. Yes, taking away all the cars would stop drunk driving, but somehow, we all know that’s a stupid solution.

        • Just for the sake of the argument Roger, let’s assume that you are an intelligent guy…

          HaHaHa!!!! Sorry, I can’t even say that without laughing! You are apparently NOT an intelligent guy, you’re a moron! Deer hunting, or hunting in general is a tiny percentage of what gun owners do with their guns, and is not even mentioned in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution of the United States. More importantly, it’s none of your business what a law abiding citizen does with his person or property, whether it’s guns, bicycles, muscle cars, or any other legal private property. Mind your own damn business and leave us alone.

      • My comeback is something along the lines of this:
        You only really NEED food and water and air…the rest are just WANTS. Even clothes and shelter. Humans lived outside for millennia.
        Especially good if they have an expensive car or watch…large house…expensive clothes/shoes/glasses…etc etc etc.
        Even better if they have multiple expensive houses, cars, etc…

        • I agree with many up above in regards to the other “luxuries” that aren’t protected but people automatically believe they deserve. Case in point, many people have cars or bikes that can go in excess of 100+ mph; there isn’t a road in the US (anymore,) that I know of, where the speed limit allows for this. It’s dangerous and people die EVERY day from reckless driving, soo where’s the outrage? No one NEEDS a vehicle that can travel at those speeds. We should all be driving the same model, shape, color, etc. of some kind of Econo-car, if we use their logic. Or maybe we should go back to horses and horse drawn autos…

    • I’m sure he’ll be frontlining for Hillary and the crooks during her 2020 run.

      • I have a few guns. What I collect is brass, primers, powder, and bullets. Lot’s and lot’s and lot’s of it.

        And I pay for a lot of it in cash.

      • Remember…beware the man that has only ONE gun.,..LOL
        I have plenty…but always a few on “the list”.
        Not a matter of needing. Only really NEED air, water and food.
        And it is the Bill of Rights…NOT the bill of NEEDS.,..just sayin’….

    • And no one that makes sh*tty music should be allowed to own a guitar, or a gun. Eric Church sucks.

    • Gentlemen and everybody (and thing else including but not limited to; abominations , stupid and or miss-guided humans, etc.) I will not ; at any given time , fall to the frailties ,fears or plain stupid(shit) of those whom do not base their opinions or final decisions on hard facts and plain ; well, human history the fact that absolute power corrupts absolutely by which I mean I WILL NOT BE RULED BY THE ELITE !!
      You will not tell me how ,why or when and for that matter ; what to believe but know ye this you all disgust me that would have me or any real AMERICAN as your personal BITCH !! SO with that ; I say : BRING IT ON ; MR. (NON-AMERICAN /OR COUNTRY SINGER !! ) THE REAL MAN IN BLACK (REAL “COUNTRY SINGER) as well as hell of a lot of other REAL COUNTRY SINGERS would tell you flat out to go to hell !! AMEN !!

    • Is it just me or is “I support the second amendment, BUT…” becoming the new “I’m not racist, several of my best friends are black…”?

      Yeah, we’re not buying it, or your music.

      • And he didn’t get to the “but” until the beginning of the second sentence, which means you have to read a whole sentence before you know to quit reading.

    • I’m all for the right to keep and bear arms… buuuuuhhhh….
      Git Rekt.

      Right to arms is right to all arms, including military, as much as I want. Just a hundred years ago, citizens owned private fleets and canons and could bombard coastal towns.

  2. Never heard of you. Don`t care about you now. And your now on the “list”.

    Nous Defions

  3. To sum up his statements: we have non-negotiable 2nd Amendment rights but, only how he thinks they should be defined.

    Isn’t that special.

  4. The most consequential word by Church? “But”. Let’s hope his fans are smart enough to end his career.

    • I like country music, if I had heard yours I might have wanted to pay money for it, but …

    • George Michael was far more talented, far more popular, and from the sounds of this asshat, far more pro-constitution.

  5. That is his problem.
    I got more swords then firearms.. Does he want to count them too.

  6. Not really much of a country music fan but I’ve never heard of him. Probably just another shitkicker turning out recycled formula-driven wank.

  7. He grew up 20 miles from me. I can assure you that his opinions, and the ‘but’, are not shared by the community he come from.

    • “He grew up 20 miles from me.”

      The ‘research triangle’ area in NC is pretty Leftist, you have to admit…

      • Yeah, it sure is. But it’s also 3 hours away. He is from western NC, Caldwell County. It is a very conservative area.

  8. So, we’re cool with the 2nd Amendment but fairly flexible and negotiable on the 4th?

  9. Until I read the article, I thought the picture was of a Lou (Rob Corddry) from Hot Tub Time Machine.

  10. Translation: I’m a liar, an asshole, and a phoney. (Hey, that has a ring to it!)

  11. What does knowing about someone’s firearms ownership get you? Then what? What do you do with that information? The answer is always confiscation, but when you say that, they deny it. Yet, there is no other alternative.

    In his case, he doesn’t explicitly say confiscation, but he does go on to say that nobody should even have that many guns snd that much ammunition. How will they downsize their arsenal? No answer.

    Take both statements about knowing who has guns and setting a limits on quantities and ta da! You have registration begetting confiscation.

    • Precisely. Knowing where every single firearm and every single knife and every single hammer in the freaking WORLD are will not change a thing. Hell, knowing where every single past or future killer in the world is will not change a thing. So, while running your mouth pretending you have great wisdom to share, explain what you plan to DO with that information which might accomplish anything, because that is not possible, unless you plan TOTAL CONFISCATION WORLDWIDE. Moron. That would force people to make their own. OOoops! Still nothing accomplished.

  12. I own SIX revolvers…am I over your limit Herr Church?

    1, 2, 10…25? What is this country music Constitutional scholar’s definition of “too many”?

    • Its doubtful whether or not he can count. Probably needs to have his shoes off to count past ten.
      This is the obvious flaw in the “too many guns”, leftist BS. It begs the question; “And how many then CAN I have, according to you?” Their answer is always; “None”, but they know better than to say that. Instead, they say that there is no firm number, but they will define that part later. Too many sheep buy into this: We’ll make the statute now, and figure out what it means later. Any thinking human should know how dangerous such a useless non-answer is. Absolutely fraught with peril.

      • How many can you use, at any one time? How could owning more than that hurt anything?

        • How many shirts can you wear at one time? How many pairs of shoes? How many dishes can you eat off of at one time? None of it matters and none of it is any of your business. You only want to own one gun fine, keep it to yourself. Most of us like to have choices and many of us like to collect, but that, again, is none of your business.

        • I own a bunch of guitars, no doubt either Mr. Church or his bandmates as musicians also own at least a good number of instruments. In fact some pros or famous stars collect various instruments and own obscene quantities of them. Different guitar types and models get you a different sound, or play differently, or a certain vibe, or are traditional for certain types of music, or even just a “cool” look. How many is too many?

          As a musician and claimed gun guy he should know the same applies to guns. A bunch of guns doesn’t signify intent, just… That you have a bunch of guns. And are possibly wealthy, or that you don’t have any money left because you have…a bunch of guns.

          That’s why we need to repeal restrictions on possession of firearms. I don’t care if you have a grenade launcher, rocket launcher, machine gun, rifle, flame thrower… If you aren’t trying to commit a crime with them like robbery, murder, assault, threatening innocent people, then no harm done. Get rid of the pre-crime minority report laws that punish possession without intent.

          “That’s a scary looking vertical grip you put on that Glock, you’re going to jail!” “You own a bump stock? Jail!” “How long is that barrel?”

        • “How many can you use, at any one time?”

          Let’s drill this down a bit –

          OK, you can use a maximum of 2 at any one time.

          So, ‘2’ will be the most you will be ‘allowed’ to own.

          Now, as to “all that ammunition”. Personally, a fun day at the range for me can be over 500 rounds, *easy*.

          But with 500 rounds, I could potentially kill 500 school children! That won’t do!

          We need to limit the amount of ammunition you can ‘stockpile’ in your ‘bunker’ to only the maximum number of dead school children that society considers ‘acceptable’ to be killed in any one ‘spree’.

          Five. Five kids. So, the maximum number of rounds any one citizen should be allowed to own will be five rounds.

          Now, how to keep a ‘gun nut’ from amassing more than five rounds –

          Easy, by law, you cannot purchase ammunition unless you turn in your spent brass *first*. (And I do believe that’s actually a law in some countries!)

          There you have it, you may own only 2 firearms, and 5 rounds of ammunition.

          Unless you are a heartless bastard the wants more than 5 dead kids in any one ‘gun nut’ shooting spree.

          And that’s how easy it is to ‘respect the 2A’…

    • Old Guy…… You and I have multiple firearms ” but ” , this ” right shall not be infringed “. I think this so called singer uses his” but” to do his thinking !

  13. welp Eric welcome to the $5.00 bin at Walmart. Sure, you still may win ACMs and Grammys but your sales are going to take a hit.

    • With just one guitar I could easy kill 500 kids by garrote with the wire guitar strings…

      • Ban AC15s, the cousin of the AR15!!

        (VOX fanboys can be so pedantic…. I’ll take a Rivera era Fender.)

  14. Clearly not the sharpest guy in country music, apparently he isn’t smart enough not to bite the hand that writes his paycheck.

  15. Hope his next tour hits all of the FEMA camps (Chitown, the Motor City, DC, NYC, LA, SF, Newark and Newark, NJ + DE), Seattle, Portland and Miami, and concludes with a “free” concert at Gitmo. 30

  16. I need to compile a list of the largest traitors to America, starting with this asshole.

  17. Who is Eric Church and why the hell should I give a damn what he thinks?


  18. The 2A doesn’t have a qualifier, you country-pop d-bag. Thank heavens I have Sirius so I can listen to real country on Willie’s Roadhouse.

  19. If you must ask government for permission to exercise a ‘Constitutional right’ is it really a right?

  20. I honestly haven’t listened to country since Johnny Cash was singing about prisons. Probably the late 60’s.

    Dad liked Hee Haw and Dolly Parton. And daisey Duke. For rather obvious reasons.

  21. We need to keep track of country singer’s money so they don’t have TOO much-FIFY doofus.

  22. And yet the hillbillies will continue to give him money because he sings about how his dog got run over after his rusty pickup truck was stolen by his cheating ex.

  23. You forgot the gem he espoused in that same article where he says it’s “cut-and-dried” that the “gun show loophole” only exists because the NRA deemed it so.

    “To me it’s cut-and-dried — the gun-show (loophole) would not exist if it weren’t for the NRA…”

    I used to like his music, but now I think he’s just a f’n idiot.

  24. Jon Snow: What did father use to say? Everything before the word “but” is horse shit.

  25. But nobody should have that many guns and that much ammunition and we don’t know about it.”

    Who the F*** is this We you refer to Eric? As someone else said maybe We should be keeping track of how many hi powered amplifiers you have. Play your music and stay out of my business and we’ll both be happy.

  26. Guess what? An individual who owns 4 guns, 29 guns, 395 guns, or 100,324 guns is precisely as dangerous (which is to say, not very) as the individual with 1 gun. OK, Two guns if you’re John Wick.

    Heck, if anything, I’m guessing the statistics would show that those owning more guns are actually LESS likely to commit a crime than those who own one.

    • People think that owning lots of guns means you’re poor for some reason (maybe because of your gun habit? I don’t know), stupid, and unskilled.

      The same people, I assume, also think that owning a pickup truck means you’re poor, stupid, and unskilled. To the point of I had to withdraw an offer on a house (in Missouri, no less) because it had an HOA that forbade pickup trucks on the street or even in the driveway. Now, I was going to withdraw the offer just because it had an HOA, but I did ask… why no trucks?

      I was told, with a straight face, that the people in the neighborhood did not want their property prices driven down by the presence of pickup trucks.

      The neighbor next door has an ancient POS Neon. The guy in back has chickens, and is burning trash (which apparently involves lots of chicken sh!t). But yeah, it’s my $40k F350 Lariat Slick-top that’s going to drive the housing prices down.

  27. Why do these “famous assholes” think that anyone cares about their opinions about anything? Maybe they believe that old saw “any publicity is good publicity”. If I want their opinion I’ll scrape it off the bottom of my shoe.

  28. So another rich white man surrounded by private armed security, wants to tell me how many guns I can have. How much ammunition I can have. Nothing has changed in the 400 years of racist gun control history in the USA.

    This young, and rich, up start needs to have a long conversation with Hank Williams Jr. Who had a very extensive firearms collection. His Firearms collection was featured on one of the TV shows of the Sportsman’s Channel several years ago.

  29. “But nobody should have that many guns and that much ammunition…” in a room with a vantage point above above a large gathering “…and we don’t know about it.”

    or not.

  30. Pop country fraud that caters to faux country kids and soccer moms who think cowboy boots are sexy. I’d rather listen to Merle Haggard.

    Next, please.

  31. With few exceptions, new “country” music is horrible. Recycled 80s pop and hip hop. I can’t listen to it without wanting to stick an ice pick in my ear. Give me Waylon, Willie, Merle and Cash.

    • Yes and what is up with Beyoncé being on country music award shows? Was she country when country wasn’t cool or just another cop hater?

  32. You know, far too many in the Entertainment Industry die of drug overdoses, alcoholism and the like. We should take a page from my Industry – The Oilfield, and start constant drug and alcohol testing like we are tested. This would be for their ‘safety’. If they fail, fine them or throw them in jail. Test them before each performance too!

  33. “I’m a Second Amendment guy.”

    No. You’re a wandering minstrel with head full of mush and a mouth full of bvllsh!t.

  34. ha..
    Don’t worry about the man who has 50 firearms.. Worry about the man who only has 1.

    • Not that there is any acceptable threshold but you aren’t going to track the man with 50 firearms unless you start with the man that has one. I wonder if Church is so ignorant he doesn’t see that or he expects his fans to be too ignorant to see that.

  35. Just when I was starting to warm up to the guy, not because I care for his music, but because he has an appreciation of Ray Wylie Hubbard’s music, he goes and pulls this shit. Not that I was going to buy anything he does anyway.

  36. Considering how difficult it is to properly shoot more than one gun at a time, who care how many guns one person owns?

  37. ““I’m a Second Amendment guy,” Church said.”

    And then immediately proves he’s actually an ignorant, arrogant Fascist fuckwit who has no idea what the Second Amendment means.

    Get bent, asshole.

  38. Well, one more entertainer that won’t see any of my money. But again, why would anyone care what a country singer has to say on politics? Eric, stick to singing. No NRA convention entertainment invite for you ever.
    Say goodbye to you career. Hope you saved some money while you were making it.

  39. when i need another d-rat d-sucker “entertainer” or “celebrity” ahole to determine what i need, i know who to call

  40. “I’m a Second Amendment guy. That’s in the Constitution, it’s people’s right, and I don’t believe it’s negotiable. But nobody should have that many guns and that much ammunition and we don’t know about it.” – Eric Church

    But,but,but he Doesn’t!

  41. “I’m a Second Amendment guy. …But…”

    The 2A exists, and is written in absolute terms — “…shall not be infringed.” — because attempts to dial back people’s ability to protect themselves, on their own terms, are way, way, way too prone to side-effects and shenanigans.

    You can “know about” someone having way too many guns — whatever that it — all you want as long as that “knowing” doesn’t infringe on their having, bearing, or using those guns at all.

    You don’t get to make having, bearing or using guns a new crime. You want to infringe their *having* all those guns, they have to do something criminal, first.

    Somehow, like talk of “safety”, this “knowing” suddenly becomes less important when we’re talking about ways to do that that do not infringe. It’s almost like this talk about “knowing” or “safety” was really about getting the infringement.

  42. Grabber all excited about getting his infringement on. It must be a day ending in “y”.

  43. I’m not a big country fan, but I’d rather give my money to a guy like Toby Keith any day. I’m guessing country will keep moving left as “Bro Country” replaces traditional country.

  44. “nobody should have that many guns and that much ammunition and we don’t know about it.” – Eric Church”


  45. Without reading nearly 100 comments, I’m taking a chance that no one has stated the obvious that the 2A now has quantity limits.

  46. I’m a First Amendment guy. That’s in the Constitution, it’s people’s right, and I don’t believe it’s negotiable. But nobody should have that many CD players and that many Eric Church CDs and we don’t know about it.

  47. ““I’m a Second Amendment guy. That’s in the Constitution, it’s people’s right, and I don’t believe it’s negotiable. But[…]”

    He reminds me of that Monty Python skit where Hitler comes back and declares, “I am not a racialist, BUT… and it’s a really BIG but…”

  48. Just because this prick had a “Record Year”, doesn’t mean anyone should have a firearm related record of me.

    Two letters: F O

  49. I’m a second amendment guy but who needs that much ammo?= I’m a heterosexual but you’re looking mighty cute in them jeans.😀

  50. I’m a First Amendment guy. That’s in the Constitution, it’s people’s right, and I don’t believe it’s negotiable. But nobody should use their musical success as a platform for their idiotic opinions without being on a secret government watch list, investigated by undercover agents, and giving up all claim to fourth amendment rights.


  51. What an a$$! No one also needs the millions of dollars and many 100+MPH sports cars like he has. Why doesn’t he give away some of his money, or maybe the government should come in and monitor his bank account, place governors on his super fast cars to only go 50 as no one needs to drive faster than that. PISS OFF whoever you are (not into country pop music).

  52. Who? I saw Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Blue Oyster Cult, Tom Petty, Heart, Charlie Daniels, Willie Nelson, Hank Williams, Jr., I could go on, but you get the point. Who is this asswipe, and why should I care? See you in Tallahassee tomorrow!

  53. I don’t even know who this ass wipe is?? No matter, he’s not a “2nd Amendment guy”. Sounds to me he likes to have his guns but, no one else should…Lib much? And who give’s a shit what any “celebrity” has to say?

  54. Eric Church must not understand who his fan base is. Idiotic statements like this are a good way to get your fan base to dry up and blow away.

  55. I’m a 1st Amendment guy but you shouldn’t be able to protest the government.
    I’m a 4th Amendment guy, but why not let them search if you have nothing to hide?
    I’m a 3rd Amendment guy, but sometimes soldiers need a place to sleep

    Sounds pretty stupid, right? About as bad as what he said. Er… then again, I hear people say that stupid stuff all the time. Except the 3rd, that one’s a little unusual.

  56. “I’m a Second Amendment guy. That’s in the Constitution, it’s people’s right, and I don’t believe it’s negotiable. But nobody should have that many guns and that much ammunition and we don’t know about it.”
    So you just negotiated away your non negotiable right?
    I see this guy is part of the gifted and talented.

  57. Other people claim that we need to keep tabs on the Judenvolk, I heard that was policy in Germany about eighty years ago.

    there was even this special badge used to assist in that function.

    I wonder if anything bad happened as a result.

  58. This guy is no 2A supporter. He is a liberal who doesn’t understand that the NRA is the bulwark between gun owners ( him included) and the anti-2A haters. Eric Church, you have no business knowing how many firearms and ammunition law abiding gun owners have. People like you are a threat to the Constitution. I hope you go the way of the Dixie Chicks, There is little difference between y’all Rest assured I will not listen to your music.

  59. This is what happens when douchebags have some success and suddenly think they matter. Sell your music and keep your mouth shut about things you know nothing about. Amazing that they don’t have managers who tell them to stay out of political issues and focus on making money. It’s obvious he is a liberal, anyone else would have a clue and not destroy their customer base.

  60. I don’t think “I’m a Second Amendment guy” means what he thinks it means. Eric Church needs to put the O back in his c_untry music.

  61. if it werent for the NRA and other gun right groups we would have been a country depending on the goverment which is what the dems want.not very many dems listen to country .i think eric church just lost his fan base.

  62. I this clown just showed that he’s a two faced liberal. Want’s it both ways. Bet he voted for Kenya Boy, too!

  63. only a real man not just a male by birth could understand the need of owning a gun.

  64. Don’t know who this commie rap boy is & don’t care! Country music nowadays is really bad. Miss all the Good ones of yesteryear. Never got to see Merle & hate that I didn’t! Hollyweird is chock full of killery commies! Yeah, Big Brother is watchin us ALL, & wants to do away with ALL our GOD GIVEN RIGHTS!! Know your enemy & train with all your weapons! Never too much Ammunition, be proficient with what you have, dont care How many y’all own! Just practice,practice,train & Train more. Mentor your kids on how to survive, shoot,hunt,fish Trap & prep for when the SHTF & most importantly Love God & accept JESUS Christ ✝️ This Life is like a vapor , eternity is for ever✝️ Yeah, guess I’m just an old Redneck🇸🇴🦌⚔️🇮🇪☘️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏹

  65. “Better to remain silent and be thought a FOOL … then to speak and remove all doubt”

    Church should have this tattooed on the inside of his eyelids. And send a copy to LeBron James too. And then have “JUST SHUT UP” tatted on the back of both hands.

  66. It is anybody’s right to own as many guns and ammo as they want as long as they are not harming anybody and they can afford it and nobody has a right to know about it I wish I could but I am a poor man so I cannot and you are stupid to think any other way you can own as many guitars or any thing else you want not my business its yours same thing about guns and ammo as long as they can legally on guns whose business is but there’s

  67. Bro country idiot that can take his leftist thoughts & ideas & shove them up his ass & set fire to them. He is going to wind up like the dickless chicks. NOWHERE. Only he will be a chickless dick.

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