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Doctors who treated Newtown victims want Remington suit reinstated – “A group of doctors who treated mass shooting victims is asking the state Supreme Court to reinstate a lawsuit against the maker of the rifle used in the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. Lawyers for the 10 doctors said Tuesday that they planned to file a friend-of-the-court brief asking the justices to overturn a lower-court decision in October that dismissed the lawsuit against Remington Outdoor Co., of Madison, North Carolina. They said makers of military-style rifles should be held liable for injuries the rifles cause, a claim Remington contested.” Apparently the docs’ attorneys aren’t familiar with the law that protects gun makers from these suits.

Another little present from the former administration on its way out the door . . . Obama White House Blocked Needed U.S. Arms Sale to Taiwan – “The Obama administration blocked a $1 billion arms sale to Taiwan in December that was needed to improve the island’s defenses despite approval from the State Department and Pentagon, according to Trump administration officials. The scuttling of the arms package was a set back for U.S. and Taiwanese efforts to bolster defenses against a growing array of Chinese missiles and other advanced weaponry deployed across the 100-mile Taiwan Strait. The action coincided with a controversial pre-inaugural phone call Dec. 2 between then-President-elect Trump and Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen.”

The next time left coast cops claim they don’t have sufficient resources to fight crime, remember this . . . LA Sheriff to spend $300,000 on uniform hardware – “The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is getting down to brass tactics. Sheriff’s officials are spending $300,000 on items they say would make deputies look more professional in their jobs and could help make them safer. But the taxpayer dollars won’t go toward tools such as higher-quality ballistic vests, backup guns or body cameras, all of which are optional items that deputies have to pay for on their own. Instead, Sheriff Jim McDonnell is spending the money on a minor cosmetic makeover of deputies’ uniforms: changing the color of their belt buckles and other metal pieces of gear from silver to gold. That way, the metallic bits — all made of brass — will match the gold-hued tie clips, lapel pins and six-pointed star badges that deputies already wear, McDonnell said.”

Night of the SAINT. Six competitors, three weeks, one champion.

EU approves tough new gun laws to battle terrorism despite OPPOSITION from Eastern Europe – “MEPs voted through new measures which will restrict access to military grade automatic weapons, which some member states farcically claimed were needed by “hunters” to carry out their hobby. In rhetoric more commonly associated with the American Bible Belt representatives from Eastern Europe lined up to argue that the move would take firearms out of the hands of the ‘good guys’.” And no, this wasn’t an opinion piece. That’s what passes for journalism in the UK.

MasterPiece Arms Introduces the MPA BA CZ-455 Chassis – “MasterPiece Arms (MPA), manufacturers of the MPA BA Rifles, Chassis Systems, Defender Pistols and Carbines, Suppressors and MPAR Rifles, is pleased to introduce the MPA BA CZ-455 Chassis. It was developed in response to many requests from MPA’s customers. The chassis is machined on MPA’s CNC Horizontal Machining Centers to exacting tolerances from 6061 aluminum. MPA’s unique pocketing system reduces weight and increases structural integrity of the chassis. At an astonishing 2.7 lbs. with no recoil pad, the BA CZ-455 Chassis will provide an excellent platform for the CZ-455 barreled action.”

Bill Would Let Police Seize Guns in Domestic Violence Cases – “The (Vermont) House Judiciary Committee is considering a measure that would have police temporarily remove firearms from the possession of people accused of domestic violence. The proposal, H.422, would allow law enforcement to remove a weapon from the scene and hold it for up to five days when a suspect is cited or arrested on suspicion of domestic assault. Supporters say the legislation could save victims of domestic violence from serious injury or death, arguing that data suggests victims are at greater risk in the period immediately after police involvement in a case. Others say the bill goes too far in allowing police to take personal property and could limit victims’ access to firearms for self-defense.”

Judge approves landmark Remington rifle settlement – “Turning aside objections from gun owners, legal experts and nine state attorneys general, a federal judge has given final approval to a landmark class action settlement involving some 7.5 million allegedly defective Remington guns. The ruling allows the owners of some of Remington’s most popular firearms — including the iconic Model 700 rifle — to have their triggers replaced free of charge.”

New from TorkMag – G-Block AR-15 to GLOCK (9mm and .40 S&W) magazine conversion for AR-15 magazine wells.

A question no one but an NPR affiliate would ask . . . California gun sales shattered records last year. Why? – “Californians bought guns at a blazing-fast pace in 2016, setting a record for the most guns ever sold in the state with 1.3 million. It was the first year Californians had ever purchased more than a million firearms. That’s according to data from the California Department of Justice’s Dealer Record of Sale system, which tracks gun sales in the state. Data the agency provided to KPCC shows that sales accelerated as the year went on.”

State lawmakers consider tax-free guns, ammo holiday weekend – “(Tennessee) state lawmakers are considering a bill that would create a sales tax holiday weekend for guns and ammunition. ‘It could potentially save you a lot of money,’ Tim Perry, a hunter, said. The bill would establish a “Second Amendment Sales Tax Holiday” the first weekend in September. ‘I think it’s the perfect time to do it right before hunting season,’ Perry said.”

Preview of Girls With Guns Submissions – “If these pictures could speak, they’d say Girls with Guns is back and better than ever! From machine guns to grandmas and everything in-between, we’ve received a mix of Idaho’s proudest gun carrying females!”

Lowest Paid Kentucky Head Coach Is The Rifle Coach, He Still Makes $133,000 Per Year! – “Kentucky’s former baseball coach Gary Henderson made $577,000 in 2016, $150,000 more than the revenue earned from baseball during that season. The Wildcats’ track and field coach made $429,000, up from $108,000 in 2006. Did you know Kentucky had a rifle team? Coaching that is a $133,000 per year gig for Harry Mullins (above, center). Colleges will claim they can’t afford a restructuring of the amateurism model. They are spending considerable sums on salaries and facilities to make it look as though that’s the case.”

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  1. In terms of the last story: I’m hardly surprised. Coaches at universities are often very well paid. Sports is a cash cow for the schools and they seem to pay according to how much the coach is perceived to bring into the school.

    Personally I see nothing wrong with that.

    • Will somebody please put the SAINT out of our misery.

      The ad campaign was a little dumb when it started, but now it is totally dumb. An embarrassment to the gun community. Actually a cartoon of the gun community.

      Some of those women need psychological help and some real confidence. The more we see of them, the more we see just how damaged they are. And the guns aren’t helping.

    • I agree to a point. That is how it should work.
      But, with one child in a major SEC school and a second getting ready to attend next year, I can assure you, the school fees and the tax payers are footing a good % of that $$.
      Plus, when a school coach (especially of a major sport) is terminated, they always have a buyout clause of which 100% of is on the back of the student’s, alum, and state taxpayers as that coach is no longer generating revenue but continuing to draw $.
      Unless of course it is a private university, then 100% of that buyout is on the back of current and future students, and alum. (Ref. Notre Dame, U. Of Miami, et al.)

      • A major problem with colleges and universities is that Uncle Sam ups what he’s willing to pay every year which drives up tuition costs.

        I can’t comment on every university but the Big 10 (none of which I attended) make ungodly amounts of money in via football programs. That program funds a lot of what the universities do elsewhere.

        That money coming in pays for other sports programs, helps fund building and grounds maintenance and pay insurance.

        Running a university, even just one department at a small one costs enough to make your head spin.

      • Major sports at universities is the biggest money MAKER for larger Universities. Tax payer dollars don’t fund sports. Sports fund themselves and get donations from alumni and supporters. Sports PAY for programs for the entire university. If it wasn’t for sports tuition would be much higher than it already is.

    • Back when I was a cadet, Fisher DeBerry was the head football coach at the US Air Force Academy, which fielded a decently competitive team (difficult to do with the size/weight standards in place for cadets). He was the highest paid employee of the Department of Defense at the time. Shortly after my time there that honor went to the coach for Canoe U (US Naval Academy) Paul Johnson, who made over a million a year. Kinda interesting (sad?) that football coaches for our military academies are making a LOT more than the generals commanding the entirety of our armed forces. But hey, at least the games are fun to watch. GO AIR FORCE! BEAT NAVY!

  2. “A group of doctors who treated mass shooting victims is asking the state Supreme Court to reinstate a lawsuit”

    Maybe the plaintiffs against Bushmaster should file a Certificate of Merit from a different gunmaker before they can sue.

    Because many states require plaintiffs to file a Certificate of Merit based on a review from another doctor in order to maintain a medical malpractice case.

    Guns are used in around 30,000 homicides (including suicides) a year. Doctors and hospitals kill at least ten times that many Americans every year, and they get away with it. No wonder they want us to focus on guns.

    Doctors are deadlier than guns.

      • “Healthcare Professionals” murder 1,200 Americans EVERY DAY.
        The AMA has convinced most states to put limits on on malpractice liability, so it’s the docs who are getting away with murder.
        Most of those 20,000 annual firearm suicides would go away if doctors would get off their high horse and give terminally ill folks access to suicide pills and as much painkillers as they want.

        • Too many so called doctors ride a very high horse & feel that they are ‘better’ than other us regular folks. And this observation is from personal experience. Because of a trade I was in at one time I actually knew a couple hundred of docs & about 95% were assholes as people. Much later on in a another line of work a doc came in his green scrubs, thinking that everyone would pay him homage. Didn’t work out that way. He came to my dept & actually told me that I was going to stop everything I was doing, including already waiting on another customer, and cater to him. Told him it was not happening. This shocked him immeasurably. Of course he complained to management, ask me if I care. Management came back to me & asked if was true; sure was. They understood & agreed with me. My opinion of the medical ‘profession’ (an oxymoron in my book) is so low that I have not seen a doc in over 50 years. I have friends & other people that I knew die (or being made severely ill or crippled) by going to the doctor.

        • Not referring to Ralph specifically, just a general comment to any one reading it. Most people doubt the figure & argue it until presented the evidence.

        • Button, I don’t follow names all that much, but I have seen 400+ 000 quoted before, and I have seen it doubted, and sources requested.

    • I hate doctors. They are arrogant, egotistical jack wagons. Always going on about how “I help people.” So does every other person who gets paid by people to do a thing for them (with a few exceptions like drug dealers). I’ll be impressed when you take a vow of poverty or are only making $30-40K and giving the rest to your patients to help cover the rest of their medical expenses.

      I’m a lawyer. I help people. Most of clients are extremely grateful for what I do for them. They thank me, and I say that it is just my job. I don’t go around praising myself for helping people. That’s not why I do it. I could do plenty of things that “help people” and wouldn’t pursue a profession where I didn’t. I do it because I get paid and I enjoy the work more than anything else anyone is willing to pay me to do.

  3. I hope the good doctors have to pay every cent of legal expense incurred by the defendant in this spurious attempt.

    • They are filing as amici (“friends of the court”), not as parties, so they pay nothing and get nothing either way.

      • I’m actually a little confused by that, because the original article say nothing about other plaintiffs and make it sound like the doctors group is the one filing the appeal. I guess it’s a more interesting story but not very complete.

  4. 133grand for a rifle coach…Tennessee sounds great. Never happen in Illinois-which is why I buy all my guns/ammo in Indiana. And my local gunshop just put the Ruger AR556 on sale for 499. Anyone have one?I may jump in.

    • Have friends that build the AR556 for Ruger. I have shot theirs & it is a real solid performer, would be my 1st pick if I decided to the AR route.

      • Good to hear…and it’s a Ruger so if anything went wrong they’d fix it. Helluva’ price!

    • Never fired one myself, but I’ve heard literally nothing but good things about it. Good, American made rifle at a good price? I’d say go for it.

    • I love mine. It’s an excellent rifle. It would be pretty difficult to take home a better new-in-box AR-15 for $500.

    • I have one, a good solid rifle, always goes bang, I have nothing bad to say. The barrel isn’t chrome lined, perhaps that may be the only negative for some folks.

      I say jump in and get one (or two, or three…..)!

      • I guess I’m not real current, I thought all 5.56 were chrome-lined. The reason for chrome-lined was that without it the rifle didn’t work woof a chit. If it now has a history of working, I would prefer that, quality control of chroming a 5.56 barrel seems difficult on its face, and uneven chroming is going to affect accuracy. All else equal, I’d rather do without the chrome.

        • The majority of AR-15 barrels of any caliber are NOT chrome-lined. Chrome lining is more for barrel life than anything else, and actually reduces accuracy. Most AR-15 barrels are chrome-moly-vanadium.

    • I don’t own one but I’ve shot one several times. Honestly it’s very nice. No issues with it. Only thing I would change is the rear flip up sight.

  5. “Apparently the docs’ attorneys aren’t familiar with the law that protects gun makers from these suits.” Of course, that is the 2005 “Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act of 2005”. However, there is one which predates that by a bit over two millennia, the Hippocratic Oath which all doctors take prior to beginning their practice of medicine. It is administered in various forms but it all boils down to “First, do no harm”. This amicus curiae brief does harm to the millions of law-abiding Americans who own the most popular firearms in the history of the Republic and would never even THINK of doing harm to anyone who wasn’t a threat to them or those they love. Hippocrates would be disappointed at your hypocrisy.

    • The hypocrisy you point out is two fold; first is the law abiding gun owners you mention, the second is the hypocritical conundrum of the doctors filing this brief as they are themselves (likely/probably) harming innocent patients.

      (Not all MDs BTW…)

  6. I’d like to clear one thing up. Los Angeles County has a population of approximately 9.8 million. As such, the LA Sheriff’s department has about 18,000 staff total. So $300,000 is less than $17 per person, for something they’re going to be wearing for years. I know not every employee wears a uniform, but for the sake of simplicity, let’s just break it down that way. $300,000 would buy very little body armor, and only a handful of body cameras.

    • It may not seem like much, but surely $300K could be spent on something more useful than just making sure everybody’s jewelry and buttons are the same color…

    • $17 per person also amounts to at least 100 additional rounds of ammo to train with.

  7. So. . . Remington dodges a huge expensive bullet at the expense of its customers, and the attorneys make off with $12.5 Million! What could be more fair and equitable?
    Remington doesn’t have to admit that the Walker trigger is unsafe, and millions of unsafe rifles will not be repaired or retrofitted because many don’t ‘fit’ into the ‘good will’ agreement or are deemed too old, and many more will never be returned to Remington in the first place by skeptical owners (who don’t believe that there is a safety issue) and others who just don’t want to hand over their guns to strangers on the other side of the country. The result? Remington ‘saves’ millions of dollars on repairs that will never be made, to millions of rifles that will remain grossly unsafe.
    Further, Remington will not owe a cent to anyone who has already replaced their Walker trigger with anything other than a Remington XMP trigger, and gets to pass out baseball hats and gift certificates (good only for Remington goodies) instead of making repairs or replacements to tens of thousands of rifles they deem ‘unworthy’ of being part of the ‘good-will gesture.’
    This is NOT the way things are supposed to work.

      • Fix the ones which malfunctioned, maybe the manufacturers would not resist. The concept of chasing down 50 years of guns is kinda daunting. Recalls are bogus. My BMW has been under recall for a couple years, due the faulty airbag inflators like every other car in the world, but they are apparently not in line for parts in the foreseeable future. This year, when I take it in, I am going to request they deactivate the airbags, since I think they are useless anyway and they might kill me, but I bet that is not allowed.

    • Yeah I can’t wait to build my dream rifle with one. I’m planning on building out a glock mag carbine of some sort, so being able to (but probably never actually doing) swap it all back out for .223 is exactly what I want.

  8. Am I the only one who sees that “Remington 1816 – 2016” logo and pictures a tombstone?

  9. The best “Doctors” i have been to lately have been PA’s, those Doctors opinion the “AR” in 5.56 is more deadly then other weapons is of course ignorant on its face and devoid of fact.

  10. I’m beginning to wonder if the gun control push in the EU might start some grumblings about a Czexit. It’s one thing to have unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels setting economic policy, but policy that would disarm you? Especially at an unsettled time like this? That starts to cut a little too close to home, I think.

  11. On the MPA chassis stock…if you can’t adjust the check piece or LOP on the fly without tools, it ain’t worth a, well you know. And on the Remington trigger thing, I thought Remy had already thrown in the towel and was offering free trigger replacements? If only the replacement triggers were Jewell’s.

    • A friend just received notice they would replace the trigger in his 700 free.
      He didn’t even know about the problem before they contacted him.

  12. from tork mags website on the page where they sell their standard ar mags…
    “*TorkMag is known to the state of California to cause cancer. Also in CO, CT, NJ, MD, MA, and NY. ”

    too funny…
    what the heck? are people eating these? or are they sanding them and inhaling the dust?
    I think the more appropriate warning is that they are known to cause lead poisoning.

  13. There is nothing wrong with the Ruger 556
    I’ve shot one plenty of times
    It’s a good solid entry-level AR type rifle
    Even if we accept that “healthcare professionals” kill 1200 Americans every day, there are midwives, technologists, nurses and physicians assistants all of whom are not doctors and can make medical errors and kill patients

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