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“Britain is a nation united in shock and in grief,” British Prime Minister David Cameron writes at “As the names and identities of the victims in Tunisia emerge – and the horror of what they faced becomes clear – those feelings grow. Everyone is asking the same thing: how can a day at the beach for families and friends have turned into a scene of such horror?” Because someone with a gun was able to shoot 30 defenseless British tourists (amongst others) without any immediate armed intervention? That’s not quite how David puts it . . .

The man who did this, the smiling gunman with a Kalashnikov hidden in a parasol, demonstrates the level of evil we are dealing with. It’s an evil we’ve seen on Mount Sinjar in Iraq and in shopping malls in Kenya; at magazine offices in Paris and in schools in Pakistan.

I know, right? So . . . Anglo-Saxons, Anglo-Saxons, whatcha gonna do? Watcha gonna do when they come for you?

We will not be cowed. To our shock and grief we must add another word: resolve. Unshakeable resolve. We will stand up for our way of life.

So ours must be a full-spectrum response – a response at home and abroad; in the immediate aftermath and far into the future . . .

Across the world, we must do more to work together and build our capacity to deal with terrorism. ISIL may use ancient barbarism in its methods of killing, but it is modern in its propaganda techniques, using social media as its primary weapon.

That is why we must give our police and security services the tools they need to root out this poison. And we must look at how we can work with countries like Tunisia to counter this online propaganda.

I spy with my little eye spies with little eyes spying on me. And everyone else, especially in Britain. No matter. As the Brits are wont to say, if you’ve done nothing wrong you’ve got nothing to worry about. Do you, love? Anyway, the Brits have a secret weapon: their stiff upper lip!

We have something the terrorists don’t. We have the great British spirit that triumphs in the face of adversity.

It’s the spirit we have always shown when we faced threats to our nation in our history. It’s the spirit that saw London rebound after the 7/7 attacks, whose 10th anniversary we mark next month. It’s the spirit we saw as British tourists went to the beach in Tunisia this weekend, determined not to be cowed by the terrorists.

We are the people who stand up to hatred. They are the cowards who murder defenceless people on a beach. They stand for oppression; we stand for freedom, and a peaceful, tolerant way of life.

They have guns. We don’t. Well, the British police and security services do. But not the defenseless citizens subjects slaughtered like the sheep they’ve allowed themselves to become. And so the UK anti-terrorist dudes (I believe that’s the correct vernacular) have gone into high gear. And? When seconds count, the armed police are only 3,426.6 km away.

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  1. The English lion left the flower of their manhood on the fields of WWI, and left the feminized and cowardly men at home to cover their women.

    This is the result.

    • You are figuratively and actually correct. It is “domestication” by breeding, England (and France) has had their “fighting stock” decimated in wars Whatever population with the ‘will to fight’ that does not return from war [victorious or otherwise] does not breed new fighting stock. [loosely paraphrased: TERMS, J.M. Thomas R., 2012, Pg. 146]

      “If when Political objects are unimportant, motives weak, the excitement of forces small, a cautious commander tries in all kinds of ways, without great crises and bloody solutions, to twist himself skillfully into peace through the characteristic weakness of his enemy in the field and in the cabinet, we have no right to find fault with him, if the premise on which he acts are well founded and justified by success; still we must require him to remember that he only ravels on forbidden tracks, where the God of War ay surprise him; that he ought always to keep his eye on the enemy, in order that he may not have to defend himself with a dress rapier if the enemy takes u p a sharp sword”. (Clausewitz, “On War” pg. 137) While Clausewitz was obviously addressing the idea of conflict between varying levels of participants, the author here wishes the reader to recognize the fact that when the overall idea of conflict is reduced to its absolute implicity, YOU (the reader) are “the commander.” [TERMS, J.M. Thomas R., 2012, pg. 26]

    • The proper response to an evil lunatic with a kalashnikov are ten good men with kalashnikovs (but ARs will work too, or Glocks in the hands of skilled Texans).

      • Art, you are so correct. Texans refuse, up to this point, to put up with any sort of terror threats. It’s too bad the rest of the world isn’t as brave and/or independent as Texas.

        • Well, at least they talk tough. In between falling all over themselves making up excuses for an ever more oppressive police state. To protect these tough sons of the Alamo from scary Mexicans, scarier Muslim virgins 14 time zones away and, scariest of all, Mormon children in prarie dresses even more fearsome than a burka. Massa Gommiment sure have to “protect” us from all that….

  2. Yes we must further our Police state and Further live as slaves. And you say you stand for freedom? Right. Just sad.

  3. It’s too sunny in Spain, and too dangerous in Miami. Lets all go to Islamoland for holiday. What could go wrong”. Eurotwits.

  4. “So ours must be a full-spectrum response – ” so long as it does not involve those nasty, privately-owned firearms.

    • It’s nice that people still think it’s “new” thing.
      “Freedom hath been hunted round the globe. Asia and Africa have long expelled her,
      Europe regards her like a stranger, and England hath given her warning to depart. O!
      receive the fugitive, and prepare in time an asylum for mankind.” (Paine, Common Sense pg.

  5. I guess the Brits went to Tunisia for fun in the sun because all the hotels in Syria were booked.

  6. The man who did this, the smiling gunman with a Kalashnikov hidden in a parasol, demonstrates the level of evil we are dealing with.

    Actually it’s been demonstrated since the first humans walked the Earth. But your governing body of idiots chose to turn to ignore a base human truth — that not everyone is “good”.

    It’s an evil we’ve seen on Mount Sinjar in Iraq and in shopping malls in Kenya; at magazine offices in Paris and in schools in Pakistan.

    And sweet F-all was done with that knowledge. Good job.

    What I don’t understand is where the “shock” is coming from. WAKE UP. There are evil people in the world. Take some responsibility for your inept decision to entrust your security to a very small group of people that can’t be everywhere at once when bad things happen.

    What did you think would happen? You honestly believe having no recourse against evil people will go unpunished by those hell-bent on inflicting harm on other people?

    Every single gun free zone or disarmed populace is a “massacre” waiting to happen. And the powers that did the disarming are DIRECTLY responsible for it.

    PSA over. I don’t want to hear about any more mention of “surprise” or “shock” tied to any “mass shootings” or crimes anymore. It’s embarrassingly stupid. It’s like being shocked when it rains.

    The right to self defense is inherent. People should be allowed to carry. Period.

  7. This is why I don’t think about spending good money to vacation in places that does not allow the carrying of personal defense weapons. Why would I visit a country that no only denies me the right to have some ability to defend my life, but that treats the rest of their population as peasants, peons and outright slaves?

    • There are a lot of states right here in the good ol’ USA that won’t let out-of-staters carry without a local license. Which is why I have permits from every state where I spend time: MA, NH, FL and NV. About 30 other states recognize one or more of my CCWs.

      I’m not going anywhere where my life is unimportant. It always amazes me that I’m supposed to trust politicians with armies, police forces, automatic weapons and weapons of mass destruction, but they won’t trust me with a gun.

  8. “We are the people who stand up to hatred. They are the cowards who murder defense-less people on a beach. They stand for oppression; we stand for freedom, and a peaceful, tolerant way of life.”

    Well Dave, keep standing for freedom while your citizens get run over, stabbed, gutted and shot. Then the courts prosecute citizens who lawfully self defend…makes mockery your justice system. Until your subject are allowed to lawfully defend with arms, will your peaceful, tolerant way of life have meaning.

  9. Too bad, so sad. The Gov’t has taken the people’s ability to defend themselves in an equitable standard. Nothing like being stripped of the most basic human need; survival.

  10. “the smiling gunman with a Kalashnikov hidden in a parasol, demonstrates the level of evil we are dealing with” Evil? Who would have thought!

  11. “We will not be cowed. To our shock and grief we must add another word: resolve. Unshakeable resolve. We will stand up for our way of life…But this doesn’t mean we’re going to let our citizens have access to the best force equalizer for self defense and defense of country. In fact, we’re still going to demonize any form of self defense, and, in all likelihood, if these vile chaps ever do make a move, we’ll just politely ask them to stop.”

  12. Uh, so, pile yourselves high? We’ll just keep throwing our dead bodies at this?

    It’s not merely a lack of balls. It’s being so stupid that even if you had balls, you wouldn’t know what to do with them… This is sad.

  13. All of Europe will be under the boot of Putin or Daesh. For their sake, I hope it’s Putin.

  14. I watched the whole video and never saw a gun go on a rampage. Maybe they uploaded the wrong video.

  15. “They have guns. We don’t. Well, the British police and security services do…”

    even some of them don’t, which just shows the extra nuttiness in the UK where unarmed people not only have to defend themselves but are expected to defend others with little more than a whistle and possibly TASER.

  16. We will not be cowed. To our shock and grief we must add another word: resolve. Unshakeable resolve. We will stand up for our way of life.
    Another great and invigorating Newspeak speech from Big Brother at The Ministry Of Truth proceeding from Ingsoc in Oceania.

  17. Isn’t it just being British when they get their arses kicked for being unprepared? See also; 1939

    • It’s almost like it is “fashionable” being unprepared in the U.K.

      On a much more serious note, I think the two major reasons for being unprepared are that being prepared takes resources away from “fun” stuff and it is really easy to say to one’s self, “Nah, that won’t ever happen to me.”

      To each his own. Just don’t come whining to me for help because you chose to be unprepared. As they say, “You made your bed, now you lie in it.”

    • to be fair, the brits were not the only ones unprepared in 1939. And what was our excuse on Dec.7, 1941?

      Being sucker punched can happen to anyone. It’s what you do after that counts.

  18. “So ours must be a full-spectrum response…” Except for the armed self-defense portion of that spectrum.

    “We have the great British spirit that triumphs in the face of adversity.” You also have British terrorists. Doh!

  19. Remember when….

    “…. we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” Winston Churchill

    He’d be tossed in jail for saying that now.

    • And he had a rifle, loaded and not locked up, under his bed during those days. We tend to forget that those old school pols like Churchill and TR had actually fought and killed men in their youths. Unlike the neuters serving as pols these days.

  20. You’re all missing one massive point! Yes Brits generally don’t have guns – but even if they did – they were on holiday in Tunisia!!!

    Can an American take his AR-15 to Mexico on holiday? Fuck no.

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