Australia has no Second Amendment, no Fourth Amendment, no Fifth Amendment, no First Amendment. There are only a few rights actually protected by the Australian constitution, and they are weakly protected. But what about ours? From

More than 80 illegally imported guns have been seized during raids across the country after a tip-off from US authorities.

The Australian Border Force seized the black market guns, as well as 43 firearm silencers and 37 kilograms of gunpowder, after raiding more than a dozen properties . . .

After receiving information from US authorities, Border Force investigators identified a large number of Australian customers buying “solvent trap” cleaning kits from a US-based website.

Items in the cleaning kits can be easily converted in sound suppressors, or silencers.

So an unidentified U.S. government agency is monitoring people who purchase solvent traps (which aren’t illegal and don’t require a license) and/or monitoring people who visit solvent trap web sites.

This unidentified agency or agencies sent the Aussies a list of people from Australia who purchased solvent traps. The Australian Border Force used the information to identify at least a dozen Australian homes to raid. What exactly did they find?

First, keep in mind Australians didn’t turn in all their guns during the infamous and mandatory Australian gun “buybacks” of 1996 and 2003. An estimated 80 percent of guns that were made illegal weren’t registered or turned in.

The article says that law enforcement seized more than 80 illegally imported guns. But the imprecision of such terms in the media is notorious.

Under Australian gun law, the air pistol in the upper left of the picture is treated the same as a real firearm. The laser training gun in the upper left may also be considered an illegal firearm, depending on the Australian state. (In New South Wales, the law treats computer code to print a toy gun the same as a real gun.)

The interchangeable use of “black market” and “illegally imported” in the article probably means that many or most of the guns seized were simply “not registered” — a serious offense in Australia

Back to the U.S. side of these arrests . . .

People have told me they don’t join the NRA or a local Second Amendment activist group because “they do not want to be on a list.” Too late.

Do you go to gun related sites on the Internet? Read gun related stories on establishment media? Purchase ammo or gun accessories with a credit card? Buy a hunting license? You are already effectively on a list.

All of that data is already collected and stored. If laws are passed to “deal” with gun owners, government officials can cross index and create such lists in a matter of minutes.

Bottom line: Americans have lost the battle for privacy. If gun owners want to protect themselves from unauthorized use of their firearms-related data they’ll have to remain vigilant, litigious and politically active.

©2017 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.

Gun Watch


  1. Highly doubt our government can do anything “in a matter of minutes.” Have you seen how long really basic things take?

    • That’s because those things that take a long time are intentionally supposed to take a long time because either they cost money or they don’t actually want to do it. If the gov decided to finally put the boot to the neck of the deplorables it would happen so fast your head would spin.

      • Agreed a million percent!

        Just wait for 2024 if the political pendulum swings back to the left whomever they run, if they are anything like OhBama or lord forbid, Hillary, we are guaranteed to return to far worse times ahead. Heck, it can happen in all honesty in 2020. I don’t want it, but my feelings like the SJW’s are equally meaningless in the face of reality.

        On losing privacy, cash payments whenever purchasing gun food, firearms, magazines etc.. or go totally protected and find a retailer that accepts crypto. However, no matter what we do as a community, our efforts are monitored, tracked, aggregated, and entered into databases through the efforts of our US surveillance state. It is part of the so-called Deep State, and it exists REGARDLESS of who is President; only a REAL swamp draining can begin to fix this.

        • On the up side, people who buy pretty much everything are monitored. Its not just guns. So keep buying that soda while you can, because there will be a day when its illegal.

      • It would have to happen head-spin fast, and in absolute security (good luck with that) because if it did not the jack-booted thugs (is that a Godwin’s law thing?) enforcing the edict would be all too frequently greeted with a hail of “You want all my ammo? Here it comes!”

        • It would happen anyway, because certain places would simply not cooperate and it would give enough advanced warning to load mags. Arizona would be all out civil war.

        • Go look at the ratio of LEO to population. Nothing is happening lightning fast, it’s not mathematically possible.

      • “If the gov decided to finally put the boot to the neck of the deplorables it would happen so fast your head would spin.”

        I’ll agree it would be fast, we might disagree on exactly *what* would be fast. If a bunch of average dickhead commanders issued orders for their subordinates to run out and start shooting conservatives, I doubt those commanders would leave the room alive. Probably nobody would have seen what happened to them, and nobody would recall what they were called together for.

      • I think the echo of the raids would ring throughout the nation with the speed of summer lightning. The thunder that comes next would be utterly predictable and overwhelming.

  2. ” If laws are passed to “deal” with gun owners, government officials can cross index and create such lists in a matter of minutes. Bottom line: Americans have lost the battle for privacy.”

    An air-tight case for cash purchases of 80 pct. lowers.

    The next Leftist in the White House *will* eliminate them, along with all home firearm manufacture…

    • The companies that make the 80% lowers keep records of how many they sell, which distributors got them, the distributors know what gun stores or web sites ordered them, etc. Even cash won’t be enough when it comes down to it.

        • The problem isn’t necessarily the lower or the upper or the whole damn rifle.

          Bullets, accessories tell the tale if you used plastic. Even if you used cash for everything your web browsing history will nail you because you came here or went to Brownell’s or something. Failing that, emails and phone records will point a finger in your direction and someone you know will likely cough up information on you.

          Realistically, if someone takes enough of an interest to turn the weapons of the modern security state against you it’s almost impossible to hide from. No, it’s not like Enemy of the State but unless you got 100% of your stuff on the flat-out black market they can find out about it in most cases.

          They call it “turnkey tyranny” for a reason. The elements are all in place, they just require people with the *proper* motivation.

        • Parking near a gun show gets your car tag recorded via drive-by scans.
          Paranoid or pre-annoyed?

    • So, you need to use cash for the magazines, ammo, uppers, and furniture. It is easy to tell if you have firearms, the real trick is how many. Lot to be said about magazine interchangeably.

      • Nah, use your credit cards for everything, no worries, mate! If they come to your door, shoot them. That game will not be fun for long. And you cannot be terrified and hide in your closet forever. Live free or die!

  3. “If gun owners want to protect themselves from unauthorized use of their firearms-related data they’ll have to remain vigilant, litigious, politically active and well armed.


  4. Not sure what most of those guns are but it looks like the Australian criminal underworld want to take up Olympic style marksmanship!

    • My thoughts exactly… this is not the sort of ‘criminal arsenal’ one would expect. Some poor marksman got screwed.

    • It seriously look as if someone who did not turn in his firearms just wanted to be able to shoot them from time to time and thought a suppressor would solve that problem without alerting the authorities. Oops.

  5. This is something most people aren’t aware of: while it would be illegal for government A to spy on its own citizens, there is no problem at all for government A to ask government B to spy on government A’s citizens and pass the data along.

    • There nothing illegal about our government spying on any one of us if they suspect a threat. The illegal part is using the information gathered in court, but there is nothing preventing a traffic stop to accidentally see your guns

      • I don’t agree with your statement. To “spy” on us means to intrude in our communications. It requires probable cause to obtain a warrant. That is really the purpose of the FISA Court…to keep such a process more secret and secure than would be the case in a court of general jurisdiction.

        I’m not saying, let it be clear, that spying by the government based on “mere suspicion” (legally insufficient indicia that crime is afoot) has not happened. Indeed, we’ve had a few government “programs” that have pretended to legalize the action, though the Constitution remained a barrier:

        As the 4th Amendment recite: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

        We will see if our government can get an explanation from Susan Rice or Samantha Power as to why 702 was so abused, or from the last administration generally about why 5% of all obtained FISA warrants were gained, according to the court, upon false evidence of probable cause. Political life is never simple, but there is hope that those entrusted with power will choose to follow our fundamental laws.

        • While I understand what you said, FISA warrants can be issued on a class of people viewed as a threat without listing names. It is possible the court decided that solvent trap buyers are suspected threats. Keep in mind that the NRA was considered s terrorist organizations by two different administrations

    • The US and UK have done this many times, I formation sharing where it would be illegal to collect such information on one’s own turf, and I have little doubt it goes on all the time, with a just of other countries. Privacy, in this era, is about hiding amongst the background noise.

      • It’s called “Five Eyes”, and includes US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

        Most of the damning surveillance operations, details of which were leaked by Snowden, are or were jointly operated by at least one other country from that list, in addition to US.

  6. The last time a government attempted to confiscate gun on-mass in this country. They got their ass handed to them. Yes it took several years and cost many lives. Those people had a sense of freedom and a will to fight for it. The only real question is do those people exist today. For me the answer is yes. I can’t speak for you. That is for your conscious to decide. As for being on a list. I’m sure I’m on plenty. Never cared then. Don’t care now.

  7. People have told me they don’t join the NRA or a local Second Amendment activist group because “they do not want to be on a list.”

    Meh, I’m already on a bunch of lists. A few more ain’t gonna change anything.

    • If I’m going to be on a government list anyway, I want to be on the RIGHT one. It’s one of the reasons I finally joined the NRA. There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind which side I’m on.

      • three cheers!!! And if you are wanting to make a difference you ‘must’ have a voice and skin in the game. Our voice today may only be a small group. Hire your voice for the low, low cost of membership in the NRA…

      • Agree. If NRA had *50* million members, this entire discussion would disappear overnight.

    • Being on ‘those’ lists may be saving us; it’s one thing to marginalize, disenfranchise, or even disappear a few people, to do so with millions is too obvious.

  8. Could someone more informed than myself comment on the legality, or process of obtaining a suppressor in Australia? My understanding of New Zealand is that they are essentially over-the-counter purchases… But I know Aussies and Kiwis don’t like being confused!

    • I think the main problem is when you’re trying to buy a suppressor, or suppressor parts, and you don’t have a registered weapon, DOH!

    • My understanding is that suppressors were highly restricted in Australia, worse than in the United States, and much, much worse than in the U.K. In New Zealand, anyone with cash can walk into a hardware store and buy a suppressor with no record of the transaction. It is like buying a rifle scope in the United States.

      But in 2016, a change in the law allowed Australian shooters to apply for silencer licenses for “Sport and Recreational Hunting”, at least in NSW, which is generally the most restrictive Australian State. The license costs about $120, and requiring extensive checks before being issued.

      • yes that law was passed in NSW however, there is little chance you will actually be approved for one unless you are a professional hunter doing licensed pest control for a business near built up areas. if you dont meet ALL those criteria then you may as well forget it. the laws here are an absolute joke and do nothing to stop the criminals as anyone with a single working brain cell would quickly work out. they only harm the law abiding

      • Extensive checks of what? Whether the licensee has a history of beating people to death with silencers?

    • Basically suppressors in Australia vary between being totally and utterly illegal for anyone other then police/military/dealers/armourers to being allowed for professional urban pest controllers (think pest deer in suburban parks).

      My state of Queensland wont even let the Brisbane (largest city in the State) city council pest control workers get suppressors. Other States can be a touch more reasonable though it is still pretty bad like everything about Australian firearm laws.

  9. “People have told me they don’t join the NRA or a local Second Amendment activist group because “they do not want to be on a list.” Too late.”

    I’ve been saying this for years!

    • If you’ve purchased at least one new gun from a dealer you’re already on a list.

      If you’re not on 2 or 3 you’re doing something wrong….

      • I always find it amusing how people think they can just “ghost” their way through and no one will be the wiser.

        LOL, as the article points out, it’s not capabilities that the government doesn’t have it that, at this point, they don’t much care. If they decided to care their abilities to figure out who has what border on terrifying.

  10. “Bottom line: Americans have lost the battle for privacy.”

    We may have lost the battle for privacy—government can know everything about everybody—but we haven’t yet lost the battle for the consequences of no privacy. Government can know or find out all manner about private citizens, but at present our laws prevent government in acting in ways socialist, authoritarian countries without our constitutional guarantees, can act. This is where the current fight is and its outcome will determine much about our future.

    • “Government can know or find out all manner about private citizens…”

      Except, apparently, which citizens who own guns pose an actual threat of using those weapons in criminal acts.

      • Cliff H.,

        What makes you think government has no idea which people are imminent terrorists or spree killers? Every time a spree killer or terrorist strikes, government uses that attack to justify every greater surveillance initiatives and ever greater infringements on our liberties.

  11. Mechanically

    Pretty easy in NZ, walk in, show license, buy and walk out

    Varies by state in Australia. Almost impossible in mine (Queensland) unless you want to do a lot of paperwork and are professional shooter doing culling or similar for the government.

    NSW it is fairly easy to get for hunting but not range use!

    I go home in just over a week from USA/Canada trip so not up on anything new at home.

  12. If I’m already on a list, I’m not worried. The director of the CIA can’t even keep his mistress a secret, the NSA got ratted on by one of its own employees, etc. It seems to .gov is so incompetent, it couldn’t do anything, even of it wanted to.

    • That’s true. With the last few years of steady, serious leaks that are real breaches in security, Im beginning to doubt the existences of any real “conspiracy theory” type activity behind the scenes. No shadow government, no alien bodies in Area 51, no coup against Kennedy, No UN global domination agenda, no to Hillary being a reptilian… it’s kinda made the world a little less exciting.

      • I was nodding my head in agreement right up to the Hillary comment.

        Gave yourself away as a Progressive troll, right there.

  13. Ah, the tinfoil hat crowd. We don’t know HOW the .gov was ‘monitoring’ these purchases, but you automatically assume they just plucked it off the interwebs. If they were truly constantly monitoring everyone evrerywhere, Jamarquavius wouldn’t be able to rob the local gunshop and sell off a bunch of Gats and get away with it. Sorry, Dean, but anonymity is still your best defense against government harassment. I’ve spent a lot of time working on electronic sensor systems. No sensor ever acquires a target in an instant. It always involves repeated small snapshots correlated over time. Reduce the number of correlations and you stay off the screen. You may be on ‘a’ list, but you’re still an invisible nobody. Start racking up the number of lists you pop up on, and people are now looking at you.

    We have a lot of stuff that we really need to focus on in the 2A community, but shaming each other because some of us still value our privacy is stupid and makes you sound like a paranoid nut.

    • If we know that Fedgov is tracking which foreigners are buying the ‘solvent traps’, we know that Fedgov can, and therefore almost certainly is, tracking which residents are buying them.

      How they’re compiling this data is much less important than the fact that they have it.

      And if SHE were president, they’d probably already be assembling the raid teams for the Waco reenactments.

    • I don’t know if you’re crazy, completely unaware of the state-of-the-shelf years ago, or a hopeless polyanna.

      The reality is that the NSA records EVERYTHING that happens on the US web. EVERYTHING.
      Bluffdale Utah has been operational for 5 years. All traffic on the interwebs is funneled through ‘filters’ that look for suspicious/criminal activity (Naurus Insight back in the SF closet days a dozen years ago). If you took your head out of the sand for a day and actually did some research, you’d find public speeches from the people who actually do this stuff, develop the hardware, write the code. They write white papers and everything.

      The algos are not yet perfected, but within the next 5-8 years, the entirety of your digital foot print, plus your phone location, and car (if it has active gps, your LPR pictues if not) will be saved in searchable format. Your ‘permanent record’ as it were. Police departments are already deploying ‘pre-crime’ algos to predict what and where, Chicago’s been using it for a couple of years, and were they to ignore the cries of “dat’s raciss!” it would be more effective.

      Minority Report is almost reality, they’re actively drilling down the algos to be able to use them vis-a-vis single individuals – in other words, if your emails, texts, travel patterns, buying habits, place of residence, etc match that of a serial killer, guess who’s door gets knocked on first if a girl goes missing. No tank with floating psychics needed.

      • All cars soon will have active GPS.

        It’s the only practical way to record miles driven on electric cars.

        They need that data to fairly tax roadway construction and maintenance, since gas taxes won’t apply to electric vehicles.

        That is gonna be a *massive* privacy issue in the next few years…

        • Very true about the cars. Unless you use at least 256/128/14 encryption for everything, it will be as transparent as a Kardashian to the NSA software currently in use. They already “know”, they just can’t file all your data instantaneously without deliberately targeting you. That’s evolving.

          The only “comfort” I have about the semi-near future is that something is going to happen to either effectively end civilization, wipe out 90% of the planet, high-altitude EMP, anything but the inevitable rise of the AI machines that will end humanity as an unproductive strain on Earth. The are so many plausible scenarios I’m not smart enough to suss out which one it will be, but, I do know there are a historically unprecedented number of potential tipping points, and as such, sooner or later, one of them will tip…

        • There are discussions about requiring GPS in all cars for registration so they can charge you a miles driven tax every year. It is one of the bills that keeps popping up in California and will probably see approval once single payer healthcare passes

      • eah sure. And were are the BACKUP sites? UT is the troll bait. The IT progs ALWAYS will have at least 2 backups.

        • Bluffdale is merely aggregating all the data that NSA has historically gotten, in one central site/database.

          I’m sure there are multiple redundancies, from all the other acquisition sites to the cloud.

  14. Gonna be a big list. Bring lunch and plenty of friends just don’t count on the infrastructure you have now supporting the effort.

  15. Hey I know I’m on lists. When my son joined DoD they investigated ME-even though he hasn’t lived with me since he was THREE. Every gun I buy legally too. No I never use credit for any gun related purchase. So what…I’m armed up and old. Come and take it…

  16. Solvent,,,,OH, solvent. I thought they were talking about solyent, like solyent green. It is coming. 🙂

    • If the electricity goes off for a month people in the biggest cities will be up to their necks in cannibals.

  17. Australia passed their gun confiscation laws to prevent mass shootings. New Zealand, with almost identical population, laws and culture, did not.
    In theory, Australia “should” show a dramatic drop in mass shootings while the incidence of mass shootings in New Zealand would have continued.
    Research has found:
    Key Findings
    • In the period 1980-1996, both countries experienced mass shootings. The rate
    did not differ significantly between countries.
    • Since 1996/1997, neither country has experienced a mass shooting event.
    • The results do not support the view that prohibiting certain types of firearms
    explains the absence of mass shootings in Australia since 1996.
    • Other factors may underlie the clustering of mass shooting events in the late
    1980s and mid-1990s, followed by an absence of mass shooting events, in
    both countries.
    • In the late 1980s and early 1990s, both Australia and New Zealand
    experienced high levels of unemployment, followed by a decade of relative
    economic stability and growth from the mid-1990s onward.
    • The clustering of mass shootings around a period of economic downturn and high unemployment, followed by the absence of such events during a period
    of economic stability and relatively low unemployment, may reflect broader relationships between economic wellbeing and violence.

    • actually there have been mass shooting events since 96 here in australia, it is just they have changed the goal posts on what constitutes a mass shooting. there have also ben quite a few other mass murder events that fit in the same category as a mass shooting except they have been done with other weapons

  18. “So an unidentified U.S. government agency is monitoring people who purchase solvent traps (which aren’t illegal and don’t require a license) and/or monitoring people who visit solvent trap web sites.”

    Unidentified? Riiiiiight. As if its anyone but the BATFE. Like the FBI, they have liaisons in other countries and at least one international agreement to help trace guns (look up E-Trace).

    • NSA does the heavy lifting (bulk data collection) on the web. Feebies, Bat-effers and such only do individual/target surveillance. If they need to know how many folks are on TTAG at any one time, who they are, their addresses, latest tax records,and what they bought at the grocery store yesterday, they call ‘No Such Agency’ (which was the party line until the ’80s or so [?]).

  19. I’m on almost all the lists! But I can still fly! So I’m not on that one. Ive never bought a solvent trap but after the hubbub I did look at them. So that’s another list. The amount of ammo and gun stuff I’ve purchased over the last decade on line is a lot and a lot.

  20. People think they’re smart buying 80% lowers for cash but if you ever bought ammo or AR parts with a credit card, the company has it on file in searchable databases, and the .gov can get access to it.

    The FBI once called our legal department about an item we sold, wanting to know what else was purchased at the time. They had a warrant, so we complied.

    • Or they just tap the location data from everyone’s mobile phones and cross-reference that with a database of gun store locations.

      You turn up positive on that basis and on the list you go.

  21. I buy stuff, I have a presence to be monitored.
    I try to be the buffalo in the middle of the herd and don’t stick my head up too high.
    All cash transactions can put you out on the edge with the Buffalo hunters and their 1874 Sharps.
    I guess buying a solvent trap puts you within range.

  22. I’d bet that most of the Ebay sellers (there were dozens a while back) with the threaded oil filter to muzzle adapters are actually run by BATF agents. Sort of like a speed trap. When I first saw those adapters while searching for 1/2″-28 muzzle breaks, I couldn’t figure what the “weird” thread was for.

    • KGB boys used to do the same to meet their quota of “illegal trading in foreign current” arrests.

      • I agree those are the tactics of the KGB from personal experience in the Early 80s. I also see a seller at local gun shows who sells those things. I will ask if he is CIA or any other agency. He certainly does not appear to be such. Somehow I suspect his answer would be a resounding “No” regardless if he actually was an agent or not.
        Kind of like asking a Muslim if he is a good one or a bad one. You will most likely get the answer that always looks like the best one.

  23. I’m Australian.

    The media over here run by Rupert Murdoch will publish anything the police tell them.
    Most of these illegal “weapons” they are finding wouldn’t even be classed as firearms in your country.
    The media just recently told us the police had found a machine gun in a law abiding shooters house with these raids. Turns out it was a legal Ruger 10/22 charger with a chassis kit.
    Australian shooters have no rights. One tiny slip up and they will take your guns. Even traffic infringements will loose you your shooters license.

    • Perhaps it is time for “THE PEOPLE” to take back their rights to self defense from criminals ans criminal politicians. I would suggest the same to Britain. Because it most certainly seems time is running out.

      We had a war with the British government for that very reason. The constant curtailment of our rights, increasing taxation without ANY representation to the point of economic slavery. Kind of like what we are seeing today with the Elite owned Banking system. The globalists are the greatest threat to the planet BECAUSE of their agenda.

  24. So, the actual crux of this story is that there is apparently some kind of (I dare say.) “Illegal, warrantless, surveillance, or internet fishing trips…!? ” And this data is being shared abroad….I think this is a serious breach of due process…Amongst other things…Is any one investigating these allegations…..?

    • Im not an expert, but I doubt an Australian who broke an Australian law and will be tried in an Australian court has standing to challenge US collection of data on US based servers. If Australia has some legal protections for it, such as if the warrants are unlawful due to being based on information obtained by a foreign government or something, then they have a shot, but still no standing to argue about the collection practices.

  25. As a law abiding citizen and a Medical Doctor, I am on all the lists.
    I looked into building a solvent trap suppressor on a form but decided to just buy one on a different ATF form.
    Like a lot of others here, I am hiding in the middle of the crowd

  26. If we consider there are at least 310 MILLION guns in the hands of Americans, why haven’t we seen the Democrats claim that such a possibility (already a fact) will lead to olde west style shoot outs?
    What have we actually seen? The ONLY PLACE where shootouts are taking place are in Democrat controlled states who already have the most gun laws! In FACT Downers Grove Chicago has MORE GUN LAWS than any other location on the PLANET.
    Why is it every claim made by the LEFT and Democrats is so easily torn apart and proven wrong with the US Government’s own statistics.

    Because all their bogus FEAR BASED RHETORIC is based in LIES!

  27. I think the “solvent traps” are kinda wonky. I’ve recently thought about getting a Maglite thread adapter and doing a Form 1 for it, maybe as a Beretta or .22 suppressor. Unlike in Ausfailia, you can legally make firearms and suppressors in most of the US. Cunts.

  28. So our names get on a few lists. It takes sworn police officers for a warrantless seizure and a data bank of information. The data bank has been growing for years. They will ask a suspect to turn in whatever they believe to be illegal and in most instances people fold and do just that. NOw, if they refuse. The need probable cause to search and it has to name what they are searching for and where the search is to be conducted. The what is easy if the person has purchased it and if it is reasonable the person has disposed of it (Like ammo) but the warrant must specify ammo or firearms related paraphernalia. Firearms require a record of sale or a dated report of when stolen. Some states require the reporting of a lost firearm. It may not be lost until you try to find it. It cannot be something purchased some time ago it must be recent or reliable sources or informant has to have seen the physical presence of it, seen by your buddy when a gun owner is showing off. Complaints by neighbors of recent machine gun fire would be an element of a search warrant. So, if nobody has ever seen an alleged illegal weapon or legal it is difficult to substantiate it’s presence. If we took them all to the range on Sunday and shot up a storm, the guy on table three can verify he saw them and you returned to your home with them. I would think they could get a warrant on that for about 4-5 days. The truth is we put ourselves in awkward situations either by show or our mouth. Search warrants are not magic, they are granted for a chronological list of information that would make a prudent person believe the items to be seized exist and where. Because Australians are not protected by a 4th amendment simple information is enough to act upon. There is a particular group of people that belong to a particular political party that seem to come to the front of every anti-gun issue. I will do my best to insure they never get my vote including a blank ballot if necessary. We can join every existing gun group to protect our freedoms, it is easier to vote for people that do not enact laws that we have to be defended from.

  29. I rather suspect this information comes from the recent seizure by BATFE of the assets and information contained in the business records of one SD Tactical who specialized in “solvent traps” rather than as the result of widespread NSA or other electronic surveillance. But hey, carry on with the tin foil hat, conspiracy theorizing…

  30. I got news for you … those “lists” don’t have to be “created” because they already exist and are updated with every transaction. Your telephone calls to private sellers of firearms, ammo and reloading supplies are monitored and registered too. It is called Meta Data, connecting known purchasers, manufacturers and users of scary fun-related products with everyone they are in contact with via telephone, e-mail and Internet conversation. The feds monitor all of those interdependent communication points and use that to determine potential threats, sources of inventory and channels of distribution. The infrastructure for this capability was established with the Bush II administration when AT&T built the fiber-optic connections throughout the backbone networks carrying landline and mobile communications for all of North America.

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