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From Trailblazer Firearms . . .

Trailblazer Firearms, a US-manufacturer of innovative firearms, including the ground-breaking, folding, single-shot discreet carry .22 LifeCard®, is proud to announce the newest product to their portfolio. The Pack9 is a dynamic rifle chambered in 9mm that utilizes GLOCK® compatible magazines and features Trailblazer Firearms’ newest innovation, The Pivot™, creating a slim and portable rifle.

Designed to maximize portability, the Pack9 is less than 21” long when folded. A collapsible stock gives the Pack9 a full length of pull when the rifle is unfolded with the stock fully extended.

Weighing approximately 5 lbs., the Pack9 is 5.9” tall and as thin as many modern handguns, with a width of only 1.15”. The aluminum upper features an integral MILSpec Picatinny rail that is optics ready. A second magazine stores securely in the glass-filled nylon stock. The 16” button-rifled, threaded steel barrel with a 1/10-inch twist comes standard.

“In 2010, I came up with the crazy idea to fit a pistol in a candy tin, and that same innovative spirit that brought you the LifeCard now brings you the Pack9,” said Aaron Voigt, president and founder of Trailblazer Firearms. “We believe the years of work poured into the Pack9 have resulted in a 9mm rifle at the intersection of design, innovation, performance, and survival.”

The new Trailblazer Firearms Pack9 rifle is projected to be available through wholesale distributors starting in Q1 of 2022.

ACTION: Semi-Automatic, Magazine Fed, Direct Blowback
HEIGHT: 5.9″
WEIGHT: 5 lbs.
MATERIALS: Aluminum / Steel / Polymer
FINISH: Corrosion Resistant
SAFETY: Will not fire when closed / Manual Safety

Follow Trailblazer Firearms on FacebookInstagram, and YouTube.

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      • jwm,

        Expanding on your comment, pistol caliber carbines are IDEAL self-defense firearms for responsible children around the age range of 10 to 14 years old.

        Full size rifles and shotguns are too large, too long, and too heavy for children in that approximate age range. (Plus they generate WAY too much recoil.) And handguns are too heavy and too hard to control for children in that age range as well.

        The only practical options therefore are semi-auto firearms with buttstocks and 16-inch barrels chambered in either .22LR or a pistol caliber such as 9mm Luger. Needless to say, when it comes to self-defense, that type of platform in 9mm Luger is much more effective than .22LR when it comes to maximizing the probability of stopping an attacker as quickly as possible.

        • All else being equal, you’d be right, but all else is not equal. Blowback 9mms generally recoil more than locked-breech 5.56s.

          An RDB-S kicks even less than an AR and is an exceptionally handy 24.5″ long in the collapsed (but still fully usable) position.

        • sound awake,

          “self defense firearms for children?”

          For responsible children–yes.

          There are many stories of children successfully and responsibly defending themselves and/or family members with firearms.

          When a child is responsible enough to handle a firearm in a self-defense situation is for each responsible parent to decide. For some children, that could be as early as 10 years old. And I would argue that most children are fully capable of being responsible by age 12. (Note that I said, “capable of being responsible,” which allows for children who choose to be irresponsible and would hence disqualify themselves.)

          Here is another way to look at it: if a child is responsible enough to be a babysitter, then he/she is likely responsible enough to be able to handle a firearm responsibly and successfully in a self-defense situation.

        • Umm,

          While a pistol caliber carbine chambered in 9mm Luger may produce marginally more recoil that an AR-15 rifle, that pistol caliber carbine should be notably lighter and far easier to handle (e.g. shorter and better balanced–with the center-of-gravity much closer to the buttstock–than an AR-15) for a 12 year old. And the report of a pistol caliber carbine is far quieter than an AR-15, especially indoors.

        • I agree with your last point, but I don’t know of a PCC that is shorter or better balanced than the RDB-S – unless you mean a braced locked-breech pistol, which does the exact same thing as the subject of the article (at half the length and weight, yet with less kick).

        • Umm,

          I like to think that I have a pretty deep/expansive knowledge of firearms and I have to admit that I do not even know what an RDB-S is, much less how it would compare (in terms ergonomics) to a decent pistol-caliber carbine. I will have to research it.

          I just looked it up. I agree that should be a pretty good choice (ergonomically speaking) for a 12 year-old child. It would still produce a super-loud blast indoors though. Maybe if it was available in .300 Blackout and loaded with subsonic ammunition?

        • uncommon_sense,
          I was referring to Kel-Tec’s Rifle, Downward-ejecting, Bullpup-Survival. It’s a 5.56 bullpup without bullpup issues (great trigger, ejects straight down after extracting the spent case over the magazine, and that lengthy recoil stroke mitigates away the already-light 5.56 kick). It handles like a big pistol, except better because it balances right over your hand and rests against your forearm. It isn’t perfect (typical KT “plastic clamshells and 50 screws” construction), but it’s kind of amazing. If they made an SBR version in 6.5G or .300BLK, with an aluminum receiver, I’d marry it.

        • To Long To Heavy To Long and to much Recoil. Both my sons were 5′ 8″ 160 by the time they were 14. Shooting 12Ga, AR-15 and AR-10.308. Kids today are bigger than when I was that age and I was shooting 12 Ga ,.30-30 at 10 and 30.06 at 12. Just to put food on the table.

        • Darkman,

          While some boys these days are astonishingly tall and bulky at age 14, plenty are not. Of course plenty of girls are anything but tall and bulky at age 14, much less at age 11 or 12.

          I personally know or have known plenty of healthy girls who are around 80 pounds at age 11, 90 pounds at age 12, 100 pounds at age 13, and 110 pounds at age 14. And I personally know or have known plenty of healthy boys who only have an extra 10 to 15 pounds on those numbers that I just posted for girls.

          A pistol-caliber carbine is arguably the only effective choice for smaller people such as I listed above.

        • Also ideal for short women around 40 years old. My wife has an issue with handguns. She is 5′ tall and has small hands. Anything bigger than .380 is too powerful and generally doesn’t fit her hand. Even with .380 when she gets a gun small enough to fit her hand the recoil is too high. PCCs are perfect for her for home or range. The only place they do not do well is concealed carry.

      • A 5 lb. 9mm carbine might very well be appreciated by disabled folks (like me)- but not if it has more recoil than a 1.5 lb. handgun.

        Blowback is a bitch. I’m paraplegic and missing a finger and thumb on one hand, and it was much more uncomfortable/a bigger challenge for me to fire a 9mm JRC Carbine and a .45 ACP Beretta CX4 Storm Carbine (both blowback action) than it was for me to fire a Ruger American Ranch Rifle, a Ruger Mini-14 Tactical, an AR-15 Carbine (all in .300 BLK), and an M1A Scout Squad in 7.62×51.

        THAT’S how bad blowback recoil can be for disabled folks. Your results may vary.

      • So I watched the marketing video for this, and determined this video is being advertised for school shooters and a anti-gun rights group should sue.

        -The left

    • I guess the bottom part of the receiver spins around, I am sure that took some engineering to do. However, it looks like you essentially keep the whole receiver and barrel, really you are just rotating the stock out of the way. So it isn’t as thick as a folding stock doubled back, but the receiver itself or barrel isn’t folding around.

      It seems like you could get mostly the same with a collapsing stock on a more conventional gun. And I think both the Ruger PCC and Keltec Sub 2000 beat it in length collapsed. The stock just looks weird and possibly uncomfortable.

      Edit: (laughs) TTAG’s ads are showing the Keltec SUB CQB silenced model on this page, so yeah it wants you to get that instead.

    • That video was awful.
      It did not show exactly how it folds, had a lot of black, blank screen time, and jumped around so much it was very irritating.
      Apparently it fits in a long backpack and somehow pivots by pushing a button.
      Their marketing/advertising department is terrible

      • Docduracoat,

        I said essentially the same thing in my comment a couple of lines down below this comment thread.

      • Umm, I sure hope it is impossible to have one in the chamber when “folded” cause I really don’t like where that muzzle is pointed if a less than well trained person picks it up!

      • “Their marketing/advertising department is terrible”

        But they have the sleeve tat and the special forces beard in full effect, so we know this is a SERIOUS GUN FOR SERIOUS OPERATORS.

  1. All they need is one in .45acp that would be strong enough to withstand .45super pressures and I’m sold on it.

  2. What does this add (other than probably cost and complexity) over a conventional folding or telescoping stock?

  3. While this firearm may be fantastic, I could not tell since their promotional video jumped forward-and-backward (in terms of demonstrating how the thing functions) every 1/2 second–complete with blank/black screens sprinkled liberally throughout. This promotional video is why attention-deficit-disorder is a thing.

    TrailBlazer Firearms should immediately fire their employee or their advertising agency which produced that horrendous seizure-inducing promotional video.

  4. If they could make a “pistol” version, with, say, an 8″ barrel, that would interest me. You don’t need a 16″ tube to launch a 9mm from, except to keep it legal per BATFE specs.

  5. ill give it this:
    its one of the less gay looking pccs out there
    i wouldnt have one myself
    but if i was forced to id rather have this way more than a ruger pcc

    • I had the same thought as I watched endured the promotional video.

      Hint: my comment above is a play on words–meaning that I wanted to see one since I could not actually see one (at least not in a meaningful way) in that promotional video.

  6. Oh cool, an UGLIER looking Sub 2000 that weighs more. Since I already have the Kel Tec, I guess I need this… not

  7. I think it’s a cool little carbine, and assuming it’s reliable the price will make or break it. Given the small size of the company and the materials used, I fear the price will end up being too high for it to be a commercial success. Hope I’m wrong.

  8. I appreciate innovation of all types, but why would anyone choose this over the Flux Raider, which is much smaller, faster, and lighter, and even recoils less. One hand deployable, slightly larger and heavier than a pistol, with the controllability of a rifle. Lifetime guarantee, made in the US, etc. What advantage does this have?

  9. MSRP????

    If the cost is relatively similar to the Lifecard, No Thanks.

    Why anyone would pay that much money for a single shot .22 LR is astounding. $300 to $350 for this “wonder gun.” Yeah, I’m gonna run right our and buy one (heavy sarcasm).

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