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I have been accused of being a “Fudd,” here and othe places, because of my taste in firearms and because I don’t always say nice things about black guns. Or something like that.

Admittedly, I like classic things a bit more. Old Smith & Wesson autos, C3 Corvettes, Les Paul guitars and Marshall amplifiers.

But there are a number of poly-striker pistols that I’ve handled and/or shot that I ended up really liking for various reasons. Most of the time, plastic pistols leave me cold; they feel too artificial, too much like a “product” while the metal frame guns – Beretta 92s, CZ-75s and their clones, 1911s – feel like they have something approaching a soul.

I shot my first GLOCK more than a decade ago, and every time I try another one it’s basically the same result. It’s accurate, it eats whatever you feed it, but it just feels numb. If I were a police officer, I would carry one in a heartbeat because I wouldn’t care about holster wear and wouldn’t get sentimental if I was issued something else. But if I’m dropping $500 or more of my hard-earned cash? I’d better like whatever it is.

That said, there are some striker-fired guns that this Fudd loves.


The Heckler & Koch VP9SK is the most comfortable of the striker pistol that I’ve ever handled. The trigger was incredible, which is the thing that usually turns me off about factory striker guns. Their bangswitches just feels…kind of dead, compared to many DA/SA semi-autos and DA revolvers and certainly any halfway decent 1911 trigger. But the trigger on the VP9s and VP9SKs that I’ve handled were slick, just sort of “snicking” to the back like a short-throw manual.

If you gave me $600 and told me I had to come back with a striker-fired gun, I would have a hard time buying anything else.

Walther PPS M2

The Walther PPS M2 feels better than any of the subcompact single stacks. I get why people like the GLOCK 43, but this one just feels better. At least to me. YMMV.

Smith & Wesson M&P9

As far as the fully full-size striker guns, the one I’d have is the Smith & Wesson M&P9. Great capacity, ergonomically excellent, and quite affordable. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to shoot.

Taurus PT111 G2

Say what you want, the Taurus PT111 Millennium G2 – Taurus is apparently in the middle of rebranding it as the G2C – is cheap and cheerful. If I only had $250 to blow on a gun, that would be the one. It feels decent enough, the trigger is good and it really isn’t a bad gun, all things considered.

Smith & Wesson M&P9 Compact

Lastly, the original Smith & Wesson M&P9 Compact is/was one of the best compact guns I’ve ever fired. Comfortable, accurate and very carryable with decent capacity. No, the trigger wasn’t the best, but I liked it enough to not care about that so much…though not enough to buy one the last time I rented one at my LGS.

So I’m not a total Fudd in my taste for guns. I just happen to lean that way.

Have you ever tried a gun you thought you’d hate because you generally don’t like the kind of gun it is, only to fall in love?


[This article was originally published in 2018.]

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  1. One’s taste in guns does not determine if one is a Fudd. You can only like British double rifles, but as long as you respect somone else’s choice to own and use modern firearms, you’re not a Fudd.

    • I agree. Fuddism is only liking older guns and denigrating new ones. See Jim Zumbo. Yes, beautiful guns are nice but so are ones that work all the time and do it at a reasonable price. Not forgetting that the main purpose of guns is to maintain freedom. Freedom from any kind of tyranny. Whether it’s a mugger, robber, or out of control govt. So beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

      • It goes further than that. A Fudd doesn’t just denigrate newer guns, but is also okay with having them banned or restricted, so long as Uncle Sam promises not to come after his trusty fowling piece.

    • Online it seems the true meaning of the word FUDD has been long forgotten. It never meant someone who likes or owns older guns. Today, even mentioning older guns brings on the FUDD police.

      No, FUDD was term created for a class of gun owner that didn’t really believe in the 2A at all, and thought guns were ONLY for hunting, and nothing else. Only hunting guns were to be permitted. They often said things like “What the hell are you gonna use THAT for? You can’t hunt with it!” These types were incredibly ignorant and predominantly existed in the 80s, 90s to early 00s. These true FUDDs are actually quite rare these days since the AR boom and 2A rights surge of the late 00s early 10s.

      • Not true. There are still PLENTY of Fudds out there, many of them under the age of 30. The goalposts have simply been moved. The bumpfire stock ban exposed a lot of them. These are the people who will own an AR-15 and a Glock but still say things like, in addition to being okay with banning bumpfire stocks (in principle, not just as a political ploy), will also say things like “why does anyone need to own more than [insert number here] guns?” or “I support the NFA” and “felons should never own firearms.”

        • That’s nothing compared to the true blue FUDDs. The fact that they own ARs and carry is a huge improvement. Maybe some of you aren’t old enough to remember, and I’m only in my late 30s, but when I was a kid, I grew up hunting, and I remember the old fudds. When I say they thought guns were ONLY for hunting, I mean that quite literally. They literally thought people shouldn’t own guns for self defense even. None the less carry a gun. Only police officers and criminals were interested in owning handguns. FUDDs never liked revolvers or 1911s, either. Bringing up any semi auto rifle or pistol resulted in things like, “what are you planning to shoot the place up!?”. The fact that you consider modern FUDDs as someone who doesn’t want bumpstocks or felons to have guns, means we’re winning the culture war. No offense meant, but I have a feeling you may have only got into guns within the last 10 years. Which is perfectly ok, I’m glad you joined in. But it was far worse not that long ago. There was nowhere near the cultural reverence for the second amendment back then. I personally believe a combination of the huge influx of modern war veterans combined with the conceal/open carry movement, and even call of duty, helped normalize modern weapons for this generation. And that’s a great thing.

      • I turned 16 in 1990 and that that age already viewed guns as the needed tool against oppressive govt. Unlike many, I off my own bat studied political history and not from the sources espoused by the education system. quite some of that was US history and early British history with the formation of British common law which was the foundation upon which US law was based upon and expanded upon. I may be Australian and dealing with the oppressive climate firearms wise here but I hold the 2A just as dear as any of the most Absolutist 2A supporters around. The way things are going I am almost ready to leave society till society is ready to fight

    • The Sphinx brought a smile to my face the first time I racked the slide.
      It was a cross between a fine Swiss time piece and a Swiss vault door.

      • So its funny about the Sphinx pistol as I use to work for Kriss USA when they were still located in Virginia Beach. Those guns were crap. Our lead “gunsmith” who wasn’t a gunsmith at all but a machinist use to tell us all the time “shoot it until it works” whenever we had a pistol not work right when,we test fired them. Some pistols would get shipped out as a new gun that we “test fired” in excess of 100 rounds. Even our Vectors were Swiss designed made in the U.S with parts made in Canada. Those at least worked unless got an early one that had phosphate plates that weren’t heat treated right and frames would shatter.

  2. I have & love Taurus pt111g2. Just added Springfield Hellcat (chosen over the Sig p365)

    Virtually same physical and capacity sizes.

    Will someone add Taurus to the side by side critiques that are usually helpful.

    Taurus stands tall at half the price…

  3. Another misuse of the term Fudd. The term has practically lost all of its original intent.

    • Fudd is just an insult used by people without anything worthwhile to say. It’s just like Boomer. People on the net have no idea if you’re really a boomer, but that isn’t the point. “Winning” through insult instead of debate is the point.

      • “Fudd” is the insult of choice to be used against the gun owner who has failed the internet’s 2A purity test. For example:

        Person A: “Well, I don’t think the NRA is perfect, but they have done some good thi-”

        Person B: “YOU’RE A WORTHLESS FUDD!!”

        • I’ve always viewed Fudds as saying, “I support 2A, but …” Usually, their support means protecting their own break action shotguns (maybe pumps) and bolt rifles. They’re fine with throwing everything else under the bus that they don’t personally use for hunting or on the trap/skeet/clays range.

      • That’s the discription i’ve understood, and includes a gun owner that spreads fear and non-facts on message boards and comment sections on what’s illegal for gun owners.
        Non FUDD related, back in the 90’s, I first tried Glocks and hated the ergonomics, swore never to buy or shoot one again, 20 years later I bought my first one and dremeled the frame to fit my hand better, the more I shoot it the more it grows on me.

    • Likes classic things a bit more? Prefers metal guns? Doesn’t like “plastic” guns? He’s not a Fudd, he’s a Boomer. (There’s nothing wrong with that 🙂 )

      • I’m far from a boomer, and I really do not like plastic guns or striker fired 9s. Maybe it has to do with my love affair with guns. When I first really got into guns on my own in the 90s, there was epic shit tons of soviet surplus laying around for cheap. Still have a bunch. But I’ve just always prefer my guns to be made of iron and wood.

  4. I’m not interested in who is an Elmer Fudd or is not, or what the popular definition of that insult may be. Not my problem.

    What I am require is all gun owners be accepting of the particular area of gun ownership and use that another gun owner prefers. If you are all about knocking ducks out of the air, or combat pistol competition, or long range coyote and prairie dog shooting, running three gun shooting courses, just getting out with family to knock tin cans around with the .22’s, or maybe your thing is hunting griz in the wilds of Alaska, or sitting in an elevated blind to hunt deer with a shotgun … or maybe you just own a handgun to protect house and home … whatever it is we should all accept your Second Amendment Right to do your gun thing.

    After that I reserve the right to focus my limited gun budget on the most bang for the buck in helping out the American Worker. So even though there are foreign made guns I admire, they cannot have my money.

    I also utterly despise Glock as a company. For reasons far superior to any you may have to defend that scumbag company.

    But that’s a different topic.

    For the petite ladies especially, I think an American gun maker should be offering a double stack .380. Capacity, control-ability and ease of reacquire of target on follow-up shots for the smaller adult. Similar to the Bersa Thunder Plus concept, possibly? More barrel length than the usual pocket carried mouse gun. Decent sights. External hammer, DA/SA with a de-cocker. I’d accept a striker fired on this one, but it would not be my first choice.

    Nobody makes that.

    • enuf,

      +1 on all of your comments.

      For reference I have the same desire in a semi-auto pistol chambered in .380 ACP, ala Bersa Thunder Plus. Alas, no firearm manufacturer in the United States makes such a firearm. (Bersa manufactures their handguns in Argentina.)

      • Scumbag company.
        Anti-American in the extreme.
        Great at advertising and image building, without a doubt.
        Should be banned from importing anything into the USA, and I do mean anything at all not just Austrian made parts for the guns they stamp as MADE IN USA, also banned from removing money from the USA in any amount. Not even loose change in some executive’s pocket.

        • What does Glock do that other companies like HK don’t t do? There are many companies that claim made in the USA when assembled in the USA is a more accurate description, flashlights are a good example where almost all the components come from overseas. Are you aware of facts about Glock the rest of us are unaware of? I’m not understanding the full extent of the Glock hatred.

      • Nothing. They’re the height of mediocrity.

        Boringly reliable, adequately accurate, light-for-size, and their magazines are tough as nails.

        It is a great auto for someone who is not “gunny” to buy and stuff in a sock drawer.

        For “gunny” people, they are a platform for endless pursuit of the perfect tacticool pistol.

        But evidently you need to buy many copies in case yours gets scuffed-up.

        • They are the Toyota Camry of guns. Some folks insist on trying to fix what ain’t broke. I never liked Glocks. And then I bought one last year. It. Just. Works.

          Bone stock from the factory and I would walk on any ground on this earth and feel like I had a good companion with me.

        • JWM – Odd but I’ve had the very same impression of actual American guns. Smith & Wessons, Colts, Rugers, even some cheaper brands like KelTec and others. Sure, I’ve seen guns have malfunctions, but it’s rare and often either a bottom barrel brand or a poorly maintained, filthy mess of a gun or is using the wrong ammo it was not designed to shoot.

          This myth of Glock being a gun that goes bang every time you pull the trigger implies that other brands do not do that out of the box. I’ve at least one each of six different brands of semi-auto pistols right now that all worked just fine right out of the box.

          Full disclosure, I always field strip, clean and lube a new gun before I shoot it the first time.

        • You’re that guy, aren’t you enuf? You have that laser focus fanaticism that blinds you to any opinion but your own. TDS sets you to spitting rage. Anti glockism to the point that others choices anger you. What does it matter if I choose glock? I also have some of those other brands you name. Or have had.

          Thank god you’re not a muslim. You would have blown yourself up by now.

        • Enuff
          Cmon. One reason autos didnt take over sooner is because lots of autos were finicky about ammo in general.
          I’ve owned 1911s and PPK that took lots of fluffing and buffing to feed ANY hollowpoint let alone all hollowpoints.
          All these guns were finely fitted and took some tweaking.
          The Beretta 92 and Sig 226 (Browning BDA) upped the bar.
          Glock took it one step further and made the gun more simple, had looser fitting, and true drop-in part replacement.
          So Glock is a white-bread blaster out of the box and you can piddle with to your hearts content.
          I am not a fanboy (I own a 43 and 48) but they have deserved reputation of going bang with no fluffing. Thismgoes a long way for folksmwho just want “a gun”.

          No soul or overt character, but a yeoman tool.

  5. While I dearly luv my 51 Navy colts,originals and a pair converted to cartridge,I also luv my Glocks and the P 80’s as well. Same goes for longer guns from the Sharps to AR’s,they are all good.

  6. Some I like and others not so much. Have what you want. That’s the beauty of freedom. You can choose.

    • Reminds me of the old saying,That’s why they make Chevy’s and Fords,every body can have what they want.

  7. There’s the reverse too. When you hate a gun you thought you’d love. For me, that was an AccuTek AT-380 I bought at a gun show. I don’t recall exactly when, but it was before the second model came out.

    That gun was a finger pinching terror. I had it mind I’d be doing a trigger polishing on the gun, as it was rough and nasty with a heavy break when I dry fired at the seller’s table. But I had not counted on how that trigger would bite the crap out of your finger, just a matter of angles and rough surfaces, after a few magazines I was forming a blister already.

    I quickly lost interest and the thing sat in my gun locker for a long time. Eventually sold it to a guy,full story included, but he liked it and that was that.

    Have read that Accu-Tek’s got better, they are still made. But I’ve never touched another.

  8. I don’t care about any of that. I’ve used weapons for effect that 99% of the human race has never seen other than a picture in a magazine or on-line. If the thing does what it’s supposed to do – that being kill and destroy – then it’s good to go.

  9. I’m nowhere close to being a Fudd. My meager collection is somewhat eclectic. From 1800’s rolling blocks, to an AR 10 in 6.5 CM. From Webly’s to glocks.
    I just found a revolver that’s been at the top of my want list for almost 20 years.
    Not really that rare, but rarely sold on the open market.
    If my question to the seller is answered to my satisfaction, I’ll welcome this piece as a possible new carry gun. (Wishing it was Monday)

    • Tom,

      I was going to say basically the same thing.

      I am most assuredly NOT a Fudd. And yet I love classic firearms made of wood and metal. My favorite handgun is a .44 Magnum revolver in stainless steel with gorgeous aftermarket wood grips. It is bordering on a work of art, visually speaking. The only way it could be better is if it was blued steel with that incredibly beautiful deep bluing (which almost looks royal blue in bright light) that we only tended to see 80+ years ago.

      And I seriously appreciate and enjoy modern handguns and sporting rifles with ample polymer parts. While I do like and own polymer firearms, they don’t evoke “awe” in me like a beautiful classic revolver, 1911, or bolt-gun does. (For reference I am referring to bolt guns with deep-blued actions/barrels and walnut stocks whose grain and finish is a work of art in itself.)

      I am also thrilled to hear about other firearm owners who regard modern firearms with polymer components the way that I regard classic firearms with walnut and steel.

      All of that means I am not a Fudd. And from the author’s portrayal in this particular article, he is not a Fudd either.

      • My newest handgun is stainless steel. First one I’ve owned. Had some nickel plated guns in my yute but they look cheap. I still like blue but that stainless is growing on me.

    • Cool, that’s exactly the gun owning life I wish I could afford. Enjoying a variety from interesting antiques to modern day wonders.

      I like all guns. Not Glocks of course, but all guns.

      • Why only glocks? Not a glock person myself, as I’ve stated I just don’t like polymer striker 9s. In particular I don’t like that glock style trigger that many of them now have.

      • Sorry my friend.
        It’s a public auction and I don’t want to queer it.
        It’s got a buy it now price and I’m willing to pay it. (Already have the cash pulled from the safe.)
        I’ll answer the question in a day or two.

        • Tom in Oregon and jwm:
          “Dammit. Now I’m all tingly in my nether bits waiting to hear.”

          Me too! But I understand the hesitation to spilling the beans too soon. Had the same feeling when I bought my Webley. Hope you come back to this spot with the answer, when the time is right.

        • WooHoo!
          I got it. Finally got a live person. He was able to confirm my questions to my satisfaction.

          I’m now the happy owner of a 1980 S&W 629-1 Five inch barrel .44 mag. It was a dealer exclusive back in the day.
          I can return it if I’m not satisfied, but it would have to be in piss poor shape for me to return it.

  10. Meh…I came to all this so-called “gun culture” fairly late in life. Hadn’t shot any gun since I was a teen. Frankly being a large & strong lifter I thought I could take of any violence happening toward me & mine. Now being smack dab in the middle of boomerism(did I just coin a word?)Boomers(still!) rule and young boyz drool. I realized how vulnerable we were. And we took care of it. Guns are merely tool’s to me. I like beautiful wood, engraving and gorgeous brass but I’m an antique & fineart dealer so it’s a natural progression. Went to few gun shows held concurrently at or near antique auctions. Got an extreme “these boyz are nut’s vibe”. The gunshows I went to as a kid were filled with fudds. Mostly old hunting types. I’m cool with my cheap Tauruses. NO problems(I’m not inept). I’m good with my cheap S&W Sport. It runs great. It seems a lot a A-hole’s are joining the “poors” during the apocalypse. LOL…

  11. Shhhhhh – here’s the secret. Fudd is now a word used mostly by guys who about a dozen years ago were really into emo and My Chemical Romance but then discovered guns when their girlfriend broke up with them for some redneck specimen. So they got a Serpa holster (back then), mag carriers, and went full tactitard. Their arms were already tat sleeves and those transitioned well. Just don’t look too closely at the tattoos or you will discover their real history. These guys will fade from the world of firearms completely, I predict, in a few more years. They will find other things to get into and firearms were just one more fad they followed in life seeking affirmation. A lot of black guns truly are idiotic and the proof is in the fact that firearms manufacturers have awakened to this wholesale, many of them making the EXACT same weapon because it has a 150% profit margin over what they used to make. There was an article years ago about how Remington only made 40% markup on its traditional bolt guns and shotguns, which was its bread and butter, but then discovered that ARs were 150%. They are $150 guns as far as manufacturing goes and their buyers are being played hilariously. This doesn’t mean, of course, that we can’t like them and have them. But don’t hide the fact that most of America’s firearms community has been sold on much cheaper junk for the same price in recent years. And the ads talking about “man cards” were a real thing and they appealed very much to the tat-sleeved emo boys.

    • Precisely. In fact it reminds me of the “Urban Cowboy” fad from back in the ’70’s.

    • LOL…you’re right about the poseur losers. But it cost’s more than $150 to make an AR(except those junkers with poly lowers). My S&W Sport was $372+7% tax. Used never fired “new” from Highland,IN pawn. He had 4 from the same guy. And I’d rather have a gun that can shoot 30(or 40,60 or 100) boo-lits than a bolt gun(which I’m getting anyway cheap from Savage).

      • Fair enough Water Walker, but look at what you just said: “..except those junkers with poly lowers… .” That is nearly every pistol made now, hahaha.

        • If by “junkers” you mean guns that are functionally better in every way, then sure, modern polymer framed pistols are junk. That’s why I carry one every day.

          Meanwhile I still like revolvers, and my favorite gun of all, the one I’d never part with and which I’d also trust my life to, is a lever-action .30-30. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, beats a good lever-action rifle.

          Two things can be true.

        • LOL(again)…an AR is not a polymer framed semiautomatic pistol. Period. An AR has many more parts. Gas system,bcg,trigger group,barrel ETC. Try another argument😃

        • The original point, boys, was that ARs and modern pistols are made very, almost embarrassingly cheaply and then sold at the same value as the rifles of old. If not for more. The gun companies are literally walking all over the newer generations. That book about Glock that came out a decade ago talked about Glock’s overhead costs, how they basically took over the firearms world by selling to police agencies at very low cost, undercutting everyone. That was because at $275 a pistol they were STILL making a large profit. The guns are cheap in the literal sense. We are buying pistols that cost $150 to manufacture for $539. The ARs are some aluminum and plastic thrown together with rather embarrassingly cheaply made springs and pins. It’s not that they aren’t fun guns – it’s that the American people are way overpaying for them and the manufacturers are laughing at the current crazes.

      • Ah! Put one together after I was gifted a AR poly lower. Added a Bear Creak upper with PSA parts. Put pencil profile barrel on it.
        It runs well. No issues.

    • Now that made me laugh! I remember that garbage era. The music was pure trash. The culture surrounding it was pure trash too.

    • So true. I love how a bunch of guys who discovered guns around the time Obama got elected tell the rest of us about how special there AR is. Meanwhile it takes them 30 rounds to hit the target at 200 yards. If spray and pray is your thing have at it, but please stop telling us how accurate your average AR build is. I’ve seen the results and they aint pretty.

    • Usually, but not always. In “Rabbit Fire” (1951) Elmer’s gun does, in fact, run out of ammo (the last round striking Daffy).

      Yes, I am an animation nerd.

    • And you stop the shot column/bullet by sticking your finger in the barrel or tying the barrel in a knot.

      Those old Bugs Bunny cartoons are funny as hell.

    • I’m still looking for a Break Pump Action Double Barrel. If I find one in 12 bore my life will be complete.

  12. Kinda funny. Unusually get called a Fudd for not fawning over someone’s POS AR they made themselves (poorly) and have hung 12 pounds of doo-dads of questionable quality.

    Doesnt bother me. I know what I like and what I want to shoot and carry.

    A boomer is also a badge of honors far as I’m concerned. I’ve been through enough tough times and good times to know:
    Nothing lasts unless you work at it.
    Anything worthwhile takes effort.
    There ain’t no free lunch.

    Millenials ( and a bunch of older fart too) shot themselves when their phone coverage drops to 3G. God forbid there is an outage. Life will always be hard for folks like that.

    • I am a boomer parent of a millennial. He is rare for his generation. Literate, professional, husband and father. Millennials are the worst educated generation in a century. One would hope that the current state of the world would force them to grow up.

      • I am cynically optimistic about that. 🤔

        I hope you are right…..the world needs you to be right.

        Folks need to understand that Google does not “make you smart”.

        I have seen too many youngsters (bright, plenty of potential) melt down when they actually have to offer an opinion and back it up with evidence without consulting a screen.

  13. It’s not so bad to like a gun you thought you would hate. What’s worse is to end up hating a gun you thought you would like.

  14. A Fudd has guns because of his Hobby/Sport.

    A Firearms owner owns guns because it’s their right and they know that the Gov’t hates that.

    Everyone else is in between. Also it’s Fudd’s that have almost lost us our right to own firearms. They’re the ones who didn’t care or see the point and let all sorts of infringement go on for decades.

    Also they’re so stupid a wise ass Rabbit or a crazy Duck can kick their ass.

  15. For someone who doesn’t like striker fired plastic guns, do you realize you just created a list of striker fired and/or plastic gun you like?

  16. You are not a FUDD because of the guns you own… it’s your understanding of what owning guns means. Think of it like this: Everyone in the military at core, is a “rifleman”. So when it comes down to it, you, as a civilian gun owner, are basically a militia member already. Once you understand this, you can flaunt your .22 with pride. Or something like that… whatever. Also, this article was published in 2018? I think someone is just butthurt about being called a FUDD on a regular basis. Take the hint, maybe? I dunno. Choice is yours. Quit yer bitchen tho.

  17. I agree 100 % with all the others who correctly state that FUDDism isn’t about liking ye olde schoole guns.

    Its about thinking that all anyone needs is an olde schoole gun and that its fine if the Government bans the rest.

    My father has absolutely zero interest in anything that isn’t steel and wood. He is not anything near a FUDD.
    When CT was about to ban AR15s, he bought an AR15 and some Magpull mags. Just as an eff you to the state. He still hasn’t shot it.

  18. Thanks, I appreciate the review on these firearms, I have owned and sold several of these and have been eyeing a Walther PPS M1 in .40 S&W. You helped me pull the trigger on buying it. I have been looking for a reliable replacement for my Shield in .40 as it continues to have feed issues and cant trust it for concealed carry. It looks like the PPS 9mm and .40 are same dimensions.

  19. If you like the VP9 and the Walther, try the Canik TP9SF.
    It’s better.
    And half the price.

  20. I don’t care what firearm it is, as long as it is well made, reliable and accurate. I like Glocks because they just plain work. Same goes for Ruger Blackhawk. well made, over built and never fail.
    Trouble with modern day engineering and manufacturing is that quality is never a consideration. It’s about sales, pure and simple.
    Reason many people like older steel/wood firearms is because most were very well made and a century later they still work. Marlin 336 /Winchester model 94, Etc, older ones were built better, machined more precise and quality was a prime consideration. Just my opinion.

  21. I just learned what a fudd is!? Late to the game I guess. 2 things here 1st thing “ALL” gun owners must stand to protect our 2nd amendment rights from the ever encroaching government! I don’t believe for one second that gun confiscation will stop at hunting rifles. 2nd thing I own 4 of those evil black rifles Glocks, ppsm2, s&w wheel guns. My personal fav’s are the 1911 I owned a Dan wesson .38 super Ruger Sr 1911 .45 acp Colt officers model 9mm & a metro arms comnander 9mm that I bought as fixer upper. So I said all of that to say this. What is so cool about gun ownership there is something for everyone!

  22. And here I thought the definition of a fudd was:
    Someone who owns only a hunting shotgun or bolt action rifle;
    Denigrates anyone who owns “black rifles” and pistols;
    Who supports Wayne LaPierre unconditionally and continues to donate to the NRA;
    and who supports “reasonable gun control” including the bump stock ban & Red Flag laws.

  23. I work with a guy who says he hates Glocks, and that they’re dangerous because they don’t have a thumb safety. Bought a PPQ last month.

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