va capitol gun rights VCDL
The Virginia state Capitol building is surrounded by fencing in preparation for Monday's rally by gun rights advocates. (Dean Hoffmeyer/Richmond Times-Dispatch via AP)
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Before the tear gas clouds had cleared from this week’s siege at the U.S. Capitol, the campaign to derail America’s next major gun rights demonstration was already underway.

Gun haters shrieking on Twitter immediately escalated their activity, with Virginia’s ‘Gun Saves Lives’ mega-event kicks off in a little more than a week.

On January 18th, gun rights supporters in the Old Dominion and from across the country will once again trek to the state capitol in Richmond to stand for the Second Amendment as part of the Virginia Citizens Defense League annual Lobby Day gathering.

Pro Gun Rally Virginia
Demonstrators are seen during a pro-gun rally, Monday, Jan. 20, 2020, in Richmond, Va. (AP Photo/Sarah Rankin)

Last January, more than 25,000 gun rights supporters ringed the State Capitol complex openly carrying their sidearms and long guns. It was one of the most striking Second Amendment demonstrations in American history.

A demonstrator stands on the sidewalk before a pro gun rally, Monday, Jan. 20, 2020, in Richmond, Va. There was a light crowd early morning Monday outside the Capitol ahead of the rally. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)


Pro Gun Rally Virginia
A man walks in the crowd during a pro-gun rally, Monday, Jan. 20, 2020, in Richmond, Va. Thousands of pro-gun supporters are expected at the rally to oppose gun control legislation like universal background checks that are being pushed by the newly elected Democratic legislature. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)
virginia gun rights
Demonstrators stand outside a security zone before a pro gun rally, Monday, Jan. 20, 2020, in Richmond, Va. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)
Open carry gun rights protest
A demonstrator carries an AR-15 rifle during a gun rally at the Capitol in Richmond, Va. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)

The 2020 pictures and news accounts of the gathering—which was expertly organized by the Virginia Citizens Defense League—was a gut punch to gun control radicals.

The event last January was the equivalent of the entire population of Fredericksburg, Virginia swamping the Capitol City with openly armed citizens.

And now, with little more than a week to go until Lobby Day 2021, gun control extremists are ramping up the pressure on Virginia’s governor and Richmond city officials to throw down every possible roadblock, citing the alleged threat of “far right radical violence” that, in their fevered view, will carry over from the Capitol siege of this week.

The response from the Virginia Citizens Defense League: don’t allow the overheated messaging from the Left to deter you from converging on Richmond on the 18th.

VCDL President Philip Van Cleave says the current social media posts alleging “right wing threats” is nothing more than a sky-is-falling shaming effort designed to separate you from your fellow guns rights supporters.

Van Cleave notes the hypocrisy:

When gun grabbers burn down buildings and beat up and kill people, they are mostly “peaceful demonstrators. When we hold a peaceful rally, it’s “a stunt”.  The VCDL continues on course for our Lobby Day on January 18th.

So, how is it that the side that is at war with America’s freedoms can so blithely ignore their own modern history of attempting to derail one of the branches of government?

Fuck Civility protest supreme court sign
Courtesy Jeff Hulbert

Two years ago it was Democrat radicals, enraged by the confirmation of Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who fought with police and kicked over barriers near the U.S. Capitol in an effort to occupy the U.S. Supreme Court Building.

That mob of protesters rushed the entrance to the Court, kicking and pounding the massive brass doors with feet, fists and sign poles in an effort to breach the building.


Fortunately, the building’s massive doors held, but the protesters intent was clear: occupy the third branch of government and put the Justices in fear of their lives.

Undeterred, the enemies of the Constitution and our freedoms continue to caterwaul that they somehow occupy the high ground, as if their own “occupy and destroy” history was just a figment of the “far right insurrectionists'” imaginations.

Clearly, tensions about U.S. political divisions and violence are as high right now as they have been in a generation. And with the report of a Capitol Police officer succumbing to his injuries following the U.S. Capitol siege, one can expect heightened feelings among law enforcement, especially among those who answered the call to aid the Capitol Police with the chaos.

capitol police siege
Courtesy Jeff Hulbert

Virginia shares a border with the District of Columbia, and Virginia’s governor sent members of the National Guard to Washington this week along with 200 Virginia State Troopers. Undoubtedly, some of those personnel have witnessed, up close, the grief and mourning for a fellow officer who lost his life.

Virginia State Police capitol richmond
Courtesy Jeff Hulbert

Although, the Virginia governor has committed the Guard members and VSP troopers to aid DC officials with security through Inauguration Day, one could expect some of those troopers will be called back to Richmond for Lobby Day on the 18th.

Will their presence translate to more tension between the arriving gun rights supporters and law enforcement on Lobby Day? It’s a virtual certainty that political pressure from agitated gun haters in Virginia and elsewhere will result in the largest turnout ever by law enforcement at the Virginia Capitol complex.

In the view of many, it would be wise to step lightly as America’s next big 2A event unfolds. However, VCDL officials stress to all who have Lobby Day 2021 on their calendars, do not be deterred from stepping forward to advocate for your enumerated civil rights to peaceably assemble and to keep and bear arms.

The VCDL proudly points to a two decade record of peaceful open carry Lobby Day events, with no incidents. The 2021 Lobby Day, though, will unfold in a significantly different way than last year, with tens of thousands of 2A boots on the ground fully occupying streets for blocks around the Virginia statehouse.

This year, the VCDL has dispensed with a designated meet-up on the Capitol grounds, and is instead organizing vehicle caravans to converge on Richmond from all corners of the Commonwealth.

Lobby Day participants are urged to join established caravans during the morning, or form their own, all with an eye toward ringing the Capitol complex by afternoon with vehicles decked out in gun rights banners and flags.

The VCDL is making its trademark “Guns Save Lives” flags and placards available with a suggested donation through many Virginia gun stores. A full list of locations and Lobby Day updates can be found at

Once in Richmond, participants will face a changed legal environment that involves new pop-up “gun-free” zones. These temporary zones are supposed to be triggered when groups apply to the city for “event” permits.

VCDL officials fully expect “AstroTurf’ gun control groups to try to acquire as many “event” permits as possible on the streets surrounding the Virginia statehouse in a cynical effort to create a gun control buffer zone.

That said, the VCDL has committed to engaging with the Richmond Police Department over the next week to get them to identify these temporary “gun free” zones and communicate them to participants who wish to take to the Richmond sidewalks while openly armed.

As always, before converging on Richmond, educate yourself on Virginia’s regulations for the legal transport of firearms in vehicles and/or on the city sidewalks. There is a 20-round magazine limit to be aware of for some residents and non-residents. The VCDL has extensive guidance on this so that citizens can be assured of avoiding complications.

Once again, as the VCDL proclaims, be determined to stand for your rights, not deterred.

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    • The Virginia folks have done a fine job of peacefully protesting in support of the Second Amendment. The problem now is the assault on the Capitol has splashed its filth upon all of us.

      As we so clearly saw it does not take left wingers to riot and destroy and loot and kill people.

      • Maybe your coward ass feels filthy, but I don’t.

        I’m not afraid of the media talking heads or the leftist government thugs who let leftist terrorists run roughshod over the entire nation, and are now in total panic because the right committed what amounts to to simple vandalism of government property.

        • A violent mob invades the very heart of our representative government. The last time that happened it was the British in 1814.

          Yes, all the rioting and looting should have seen cops shooting looters and arsonists all over this country.

          How in the hell does that excuse the President of the United States instigating an insurrection on his own government? That’s not a little property damage. That’s a Putsch, a Coup, an Insurrection. It is an entirely different animal.

          One that deserves to be shot dead on the Capitol steps. Followed by Trump evicted from the White House of Mar-A-Fucking-Lago and imprisoned for Sedition, Treason and Insurrection.

          Finally the last thing we need is any visual or audio connection to Trump in gun rights rallies. Trump is an enemy of this Republic, he stains everything he touches.

        • Enough of your shit. Trump did not tell anyone to storm the capital but in your fucked up leftist mind thats what you wanted to hear. There are many traitors in our government but he isn’t one of them.

        • “A violent mob invades the very heart of our representative government. The last time that happened it was the British in 1814.”

          Wrong, there have been two Leftist bombings, and who can forget the Puerto Ricans in the 70s who opened fire inside the capitol wounding five?

        • Yep. You know why? Because BLM antifa terrorists murdered MULTIPLE police officers and innocent civilians over the last several years and literally have gotten away with it Scott free. So save your crocodile tears you leftist trash.

        • No doubt your looking to previous riots to trivialize officer Sicknick’s death will be a great comfort to his family and friends.

        • Geoff, don’t you mean 1954?

          President Carter thought it was horrible that some terrorists who shot five Congressmen were among the longest serving inmates in federal custody, so he let them out. (much like President Clinton pardoning convicted terrorist Susan Rosenberg)

          You want to read something really funny?
          If you do a search on Susan, you get the opening line of her Wiki entry, and oddly enough, the words convicted and terrorist aren’t there:
          Susan Lisa Rosenberg (born 5 October 1955) is an American activist, writer, and advocate for social justice and prisoners’ rights.

        • Unarmed protester shot dead by Capitol Police equals “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”, right?

        • “A violent mob invades the very heart of our representative government. “.

          Violent mob? No. It was an angry crowd that went into the Capitol building. A crowd that felt that their concerns about their votes being stolen were being dismissed by their elected representatives and sometimes angry people will lose rational control and give vent to their anger. You and your ilk keep calling this an insurrection. In a real insurrection, people would be carrying guns. And nobody in that angry crowd was carrying any. You should think about that.

  1. Sadly it is to be expected. A mob of insane Trumpists assaults the Capitol, attempts a coup and now they are all connected with Second Amendment Rights. Supporting Trump has been a disaster for this country, hundreds of thousands dead, an attack on representative democracy itself.

    What the hell were you people thinking in supporting that reality TV charlatan anyway? Why did you ignore the warnings?

    Ironically the SCOTUS situation may save our SA rights. But the added burdens of the Trump Error only add to the challenges ahead and it’s YOUR GOD DAMNED FAULT!

    Anyway, here’s wishing Virginians good luck in defending their rights. The road has only gotten harder these past four years.

    • “..insane Trumpists…”

      I’ll point this out one more time. Not about President Trump. He merely said what 70+ million people were saying and wanted done.

      President Trump is/was a reflection.

      Creepy Joe is a reflection of who?

      • False. Say it is not what it blatantly is all you want it does not change that the January 6, 2021 Putsch on the US Capitol was anything other than all about Trump. He instigated it, spoke out non-stop to fan those flames. This is what an authoritarian does. Uses the emotions and dissatisfaction of the mob to fuel a rise to power and damn the consequences.

        I could care less about Biden. He is a mere commonplace middle road Democrat compared to the hell this country has been living thru these past four years. There is no equivalency there compared to Trump who’s mental illness has permitted 374,093 deaths and counting and instigated a violent insurrection against his own country.

        If a Second Amendment Rights event includes any references to Trump in it’s signs, banners, chants, speeches or whatever, it stains that effort.

        The last thing we need is the stain of insurrection to taint a Second Amendment rally.

        It’s not Trump ever gave a damn about POTG anyhow, once he had our $32 million.

        • ” Say it is not what it blatantly is all you want it does not change that the January 6, 2021 Putsch on the US Capitol was anything other than all about Trump ”

          Say it is what it blatantly isn’t all you want, it does not change that Trump is gone and irrelevant. What you falsely describe as a Putsch is nothing of the kind. What we saw was the inevitable response of too many people being ignored, marginalized and demonized for way too long, and they’re pretty damn sick of it. Trump was just a catalyst that brought it all together, but now that the reaction has started, he’s no longer needed. The backlash is now self-sustaining. If there is a Putsch going on anywhere here, it’s coming from the Demonrats, who are already angling to take every advantage of what happened. Worried about Fascism? Well, it’s coming, and it’s coming from the Democrats. Kind of odd that those who make the most noise and point the most fingers about looming Fascism are actually themselves the Fascists.

        • You won’t mind us taking a blood sample to see what type of drugs leftist stooges take to modify their thought processes.
          You seem to have a very strong case of T.D.S. perhaps you should see a psychologist to have it treated!

        • “Hell of the last 4 years”

          Considering the economic booms, great reform in relations with China, reforms of NATO, Middle eastern bilateral peace agreements, and the overall employment rate, prison reform, disentanglement from middle eastern wars, lack of engagement in new foreign conflicts, and numerous other policy victories I’m really interested in what what “hellish”?

          The lack of movement on 2A? You got that one, but I’d hardly call that a hellscape.

          Was it the COVID 19 Pandemic? Everyone likes to talk about how abysmally he handled that, yet I can’t help but notice proportionally more people died in European, Middle Eastern, and SEA countries. Apparently no one did well with it.

          Was it his often cringey rhetoric and flamboyant showmanship? You got that too, although most politicians engage in it just with more class and refinement. He wasn’t very presidential, but he hardly stoked an insurgency.

          I have no great love for Trump as a person because he’s a horses ass. As for what was accomplished by his administration though, its fairly impressive given the foaming at the mouth irrational resistance he seemed to get every step of the way from the left, media, and certain three letter agencies.

      • You, my friend. When you tell them that their mentally ill comrades can’t have sex with your ten year old child, they will whine about you. And then their whining-enforcers will come after you.

        I suggest you take action before they get the chance.

    • Trump has been a disaster? Howso? I’d say he has been the best president of the modern era in many ways. As for Covid, what exactly would a President Hillary or Kamala or Biden have done any differently from what Trump has done to handle it? You act as if the hundreds of thousands dead are strictly due to Trump. It is siliness.

  2. Very likely they’ll change “insurrectionist” to “domestic terrorist” at some point in the not too distant future and use that as an excuse to drop the hammer.

    And, also very likely, they’ll get away with it because what that action will generate is applause from the majority of people who are too fucking stupid to see where this is going.

    And what’s the counterpunch? A witty tweet based on facts that is deleted and gets the account banned in a few minutes?

      • When a fascist calls someone a ‘traitor’, it doesn’t really have any weight to it.🤷‍♂️

        • I think in “normal” times, you’d be correct. With mob rule on the way? I think we will be seeing this on the regular. Apparently, it’s going to have to get much worse before it gets any better…

    • ” Very likely they’ll change “insurrectionist” to “domestic terrorist” at some point ”

      Already done. Biden has already promised a new domestic terrorism bill and a re-organization and “professionalization” of Homeland Security — backed, of course, by oodles and oodles of new funding. Y’all liked the War on Terror? Well, you’re just gonna love the sequel — The War on Domestic Terror. There are already calls to put “insurrectionists” on the No-Fly list, which by the way also automatically means no gun purchases for those on the list. We’re all about to pay for this one, good and hard, both right and left.

      • There have been moves to restrict gun sales to those on the “no-fly” list, I am not aware they have even approached being successful. The “no-fly” list is completely without Constitutional basis and allows no testimony or probable cause, no due process of any kind, and is completely secret, you don’t even know if you are on it. Neither does your local gun dealer.

    • .”..domestic terrorist…”

      Yep. Creepy Joe used that exact term among others in his reaction to the event. He so badly wants to drop the hammer, his body language is clear.

    • Don’t forget, the censorship and big brother monitoring is kicking into overdrive in every aspect of American life. The social media purges are just the beginning, no public or private institution is safe. The DoD just got a “Deputy Inspector General” position which will focus on “evaluating military personnel priorities, programs, and systems, to ensure: diversity priorities are addressed, responsiveness to white supremacist and criminal activity by personnel, keeping racial inequality a foremost priority”

      my DD214 blanket has never felt better, because this sounds like it could become “the office of witch-hunts and moral panic”. I’ve been out for about 5 years now, so while it might of changed I sincerely doubt it, but the military was hands down the least racist organization or group of people I’ve had the privilege to be a part of. I know the adage about all servicemen being “green” is kinda hokey and overused, but its also absolutely true. Race was never an issue for any team I worked with, and I never heard it being an issue from others. I can only assume it was because it would get squashed immediately whenever it reared its head. I’m certain the lack of its presence won’t deter the moral McCarthyites.

  3. Vehicle caravans have some advantages:

    1. They are highly visible.
    2. They can cover a wide area.
    3. People who can’t get to the Capitol, can participate by gathering on over passes and roadsides to cheer the caravan onwards.
    4. When the weather is bad, you can stay warm and dry.
    5. You do not have to lug gear, signs, and flags.
    6. You can listen to speeches via wireless without having to jostle closer to the stage.
    7. You can drive to a potty and avoid those portable coffins.

    Very best wishes to VCDL for Lobby Day!!!

    • I hope they have a good day.

      And I hope they leave the Trump paraphernalia behind, just focus on Gun Rights, keep the message clean, on target.

      • No problemo Enuf. Can’t fly a Biden banner as he has declared that he wants a ban on firearms. I guess that he is afraid that someone might play John Wilkes Booth on him. More likely that his own party will dispose of him to move K.H. up to replace him.

  4. If you want to keep your human rights? Then 50,000 open carry gun owners need to show up. Instead of the 25,000 the last time. So what if people in the past got shot in DC. They were breaking the law.

    They stole an election. They will take your rights away. They have done so on the entire west coast of the country. Peaceful open carry protests are your birthright. Yes there very well could be infiltrators. At least one was caught in DC.

    And if you see one? Given them a firm “Butt stroke” to the head. Zip tie their hands and feet, call the cops, and film everything.
    Sending $$$ to the NRA, JPFO, GOA, or whoever, is not scaring any tyrant. But peaceful open carry does. And that is using your guns. Without shooting anyone. I would like to avoid having to shoot people.

    Or you can just turn in all your guns when they tell you to. Because they will at some time tell you to turn them in.

    • If we do not separate this Trump lunacy from the political fight for the Second Amendment, we only harm our chances of ever winning it. There was not a stolen election. The only attempt to steal an election culminated in the US Capitol Putsch a few days ago. An attempted violent overthrow of our Republic which killed five people and tried to kill more.

      Imagine what would have happened had those people screaming for Pence to be hanged actually caught up to the Secret Service team rushing him to safety? The Secret Service is not known to be squeamish in defense of a protectee.

      That insurrection should have ended with the bodies of the anti-American thugs littering the Capitol steps. The incompetence of the Capitol Police leadership in this failure to prepare and issue orders to shoot is an outrage, and careers are being ended because of it.

      • enuf,

        What happened at the U.S. Capitol building the other day was absolutely NOT a hostile takeover of the U.S. government.

        In order for that event to have been an attempted hostile takeover, there would have to be a defined entity with a clear call and objective for new government — and there would have to be associated command-and-control, coordination, a strategy/objective for the takeover, and then a plan for future operations after taking over. None of that, I repeat, NONE OF THAT existed.

        What we saw instead with respect to the thousands of the attendees:
        99% stayed on Capitol grounds and violated no laws
        0.9% simply trespassed (outside or inside)
        0.05% vandalized (broke windows/doors)
        0.05% pushed and shoved police (disorderly conduct)

        These are simple facts. So do yourself and all of us a favor and STOP LYING AND CALLING THE EVENT A COUP.

        • It’s on video, capitol police moving barricades and opening doors to allow them to enter. When we were there years ago, we were funneled through a small entrance, through metal detectors. Why would the police be allowing all kinds of people in, and giving them free roam? Could it be because they were told to?

        • “In the months leading up to Wednesday’s deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, the Trump administration gutted a key federal agency responsible for funneling intelligence and threat assessments to law enforcement partners across the country, two federal officials with direct knowledge told ABC News.

          As a result, officials said, the information vacuum left behind may have deprived law enforcement in Washington, D.C., of a key avenue for actionable warnings that could have helped officers prepare for the inbound threat posed by right-wing extremists who gathered on the National Mall on Wednesday.

          “Prior to Jan. 6, there were mountains of pre-existing intelligence that should have been collected, analyzed and disseminated to the federal, state and local authorities,” one of the officials told ABC News.

          One of the officials said that by Monday night, for example, Department of Homeland Security intelligence leaders had received field reports detailing that people known to law enforcement were heading to the Capitol, and that they were heading there in many cases with weapons and ropes.

          MORE: Investigators combing through massive US Capitol crime scene in wake of pro-Trump riot
          “Several officials were aware of this intelligence and also assessed violence was likely,” said one official.

          However, “no specific plans were put in place ahead of time as it would have been done in the past,” he said.

          Had the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis been operating at full capacity over the previous months, the officials said, U.S. Capitol Police would have had a clearer picture of the “specific and credible” threats of violence posed by groups planning to attend Wednesday’s rally.

          Those threats foreshadowed an unprecedented breach of the Capitol complex on Wednesday, and culminated in the loss of five lives, including a Capitol Police officer deployed to help protect members of Congress as they gathered to formally certify President-elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College triumph.

          The operations and staffing at the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis were slashed in the wake of the controversy surrounding the department’s response to civil unrest in Portland, Oregon, over the summer, said the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. In August, a former DHS intelligence chief, Brian Murphy, was reassigned after reports emerged that his unit had disseminated three reports containing journalists’ tweets about documents that were leaked from the department.“

        • Perhaps the actions of the Capitol Police were due to the fact that they recognized the theft of a national election and were not ready to go along with it. Somehow, some people (notably far left extremists) seem to believe that all government employees have been lobotomized to the extent they do not understand tyranny any more. Many will learn different on the same day they … retire.

      • No stolen election? The midnight vote dumps, destruction of subpoenaed evidence, ballot harvesting, illegally adjucated ballots, usurped legislatures, removal of Trump votes, ‘misreported’ Biden wins, statistical and mathematical improbabilities, and post-dated ballots all disagree with you. So do the 200k more votes than voters in PA.

        Save your BS for somewhere else. You don’t give a shit about the 2A, 1A, or BoR in general. You happily clap along as the Dems drive this country into a ditch because oRaNgE mAn hurt your feelings.

        • All that evidence they somehow couldn’t get together to present in their 60 or whatever court cases, many dismissed by judges nominated by Trump himself.

          At some point, believing in the stolen election requires believing that the Democrats pulled off this vast conspiracy, despite having never shown anywhere close to that level of competency in anything else they’ve ever attempted, and believing that large numbers of officials previously loyal to trump somehow turned to the dark side after the election.

          It’s an absurd belief, and to the extent that gun rights rallies going forward tie themselves to that absurdity (and to last week’s attack) by participants displaying Trump regalia, they give the gun grabbers the opportunity to portray the entire movement as a bunch of delusional insurrectionists. If there’s group of unkempt white men wearing Trump regalia, be certain that’s the group the MSM will show to represent gun owners.

        • Enormous enthusiasm for one candidate while the other hides in his basement and refuses to answer any questions, it is OBVIOUS that the election was stolen, but since it was SUCCESSFULLY stolen, we need to shut up and get on with it. But we do not need to forget that it was stolen. And NEVER surrender your guns.

    • 50,000 armed people looking at each other to bludgeon and restrain suspected “infiltrators” – what could possibly go wrong?

      • We ‘uns liberals developed a technique to handle right wing extremists decades ago, an amazingly effective tactic for creating internal strife within the domestic terror groups.

        “Now he let out a yell that’d curl yer hair
        But before he could move I grabbed me a chair
        And said “Now watch him Folks cause he’s a thoroughly dangerous man!”

        “You may not know it but this man is a spy.
        He’s a undercover agent for the FBI
        And he’s been sent down here to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan!”

        He was still bent over holdin on to his knee
        But everybody else was looking and listening to me
        And I laid it on thicker and heavier as I went

        I said, “Would you believe this man has gone as far
        As tearing Wallace stickers off the bumpers of cars.
        And he voted for George McGovern for President.”

        “Well, he’s a friend of them long haired, hippy-type, pinko fags!
        I betchya he’s even got a commie flag
        tacked up on the wall inside of his garage.”

        “He’s a snake in the grass, I tell ya guys.
        He may look dumb but that’s just a disguise,
        He’s a mastermind in the ways of espionage”

        They all started lookin real suspicious at him
        And he jumped up and said “Now just wait a minute Jim!
        You know he’s lying I been living here all of my life!”

        “I’m a faithful follower of Brother John Birch
        And I belong to the Antioch Baptist Church.
        And I ain’t even got a garage, you can call home and ask my wife!”

        Ol’ Charlie Daniels sure knew how to handle right wing terrorist groups, kick ‘em right in the shin!

        • You’re both fascist morons. You’re clapping your hands now because you think you have some kind of weird moral authority.

          Enjoy your circle-jerk while you can. Be prepared to surrender your property and freedoms to the mob in short order. For the good of the State you so lovingly praise.

  5. Thanks to Donald Trump‘s executive order, many of the insurrectionists will be facing serious time.

    I think 2021 will be the year of irony, wouldn’t it be special if the first use of trump’s executive order is directed against Trump supporters…

    “It is the policy of the United States to prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law, and as appropriate, any person or any entity that destroys, damages, vandalizes, or desecrates a monument, memorial, or statue within the United States or otherwise vandalizes government property. The desire of the Congress to protect Federal property is clearly reflected in section 1361 of title 18, United States Code, which authorizes a penalty of up to 10 years’ imprisonment for the willful injury of Federal property.“

    • The thing about Trump’s executive orders if they are often little more than public relations stunts. They say things with no force of law, or which already exist in the law.

      So, yeah, that blurb from Trump says what should happen to the thugs of the US Capitol Putsch of 2021, but it’s not as if the DoJ wouldn’t be going after those thugs anyway.

      Last I heard there have been 82 arrests. Citizens are calling the FBI to report recognizing their neighbors in photos on the FBI website. A West Virginia state senator was arrested.

      Payment for their anti-American attempt to steal an election is about to be demanded of those Trumpists. Can’t be severe enough or any too soon!

      • “Circle jerk”?

        More Homo-erotic jokes, can’t you guys get your minds out of the gutter?

        It seems your deeply suppressed sexual thoughts keep popping out unexpectedly…

    • If the people had chanted, “this is what Democracy looks like”, like the leftists who occupied the Wisconsin legislature for months because they didn’t like an election, would that have made them equally OK?

      Meanwhile, Biden is so popular that he’ll be installed while ringed by a force of thousands of heavily armed soldiers to prevent what was, until recently, termed “Patriotic Dissent”.

      • And that force will grow constantly for at least 4 years, the government afraid of the people, because they were not actually elected, but OVERWHELMINGLY defeated, and need protection from their subjects.

  6. And Fascist Authoritarian sympathizing righties deserve nothing less than a C130 flight thirty miles off shore and push them out the loading ramp.

    South American shit hole countries have done that sort of thing. Why not do the same for the worst of the US Capitol Putsch of 2021?

    • Zing! Another Homo-erotic plea from our friend.

      You must want it bad, I hope you get some relief soon.

  7. Wow. Looks like we have a real contest going on here between enuf and Miner49 to see who can drink the most gubmint-issued kool-aid. A putsch? an insurrection? an attempted violent overthrow of the gubmint? C’mon fellas, the two of you need to get a room and take a cold shower — together. If this was a attempt to overthrow the gubmint, or even a putsch, it was very poorly organized and armed — so poorly that one has to conclude it really had no plan or direction driving it. It was just a lot of really (justifiably) pissed off people with some crazy notion that maybe — just maybe — they could get a bunch of arrogant assholes to listen to them for once. A fool’s errand, for sure.

  8. OK, I’ll explain it simply.

    The plan was to rush the house chamber, as the members and staffers fled the rioters would move into and occupy the chamber, just as they did that day.

    They knew that if they could secure and/or destroy the authentic electoral college ballot certificates from the states, they could bring the presidential election process to a halt.

    With no state certified electoral ballots, the election would be thrown back to the various state legislatures.

    This would give trump the opportunity to have 50 different lawsuits, attacking each state legislature’s process and attempting to force an immediate vote by the legislatures to select electors.

    With a majority of Republican controlled state legislatures, they would produce a plurality for Trump and award him the presidency, against the votes of 81 million Americans.

    This plan would’ve succeeded but for a group of patriotic Americans, who acted quickly to save the constitutional process.

    Senator Markley’s staffers retained the presence of mind to gather up the electoral college ballots in their mahogany boxes and evacuate them from the house chamber before the insurrectionists could gain entry.

    May Providence bless these patriots, whose quick thinking preserved the legitimate government of the United States of America.

    • The McChrystal troll is certainly out in force tonight, using all his handles.

      Something must have really spooked them…

      • I’m not spooked, I’m actually looking forward to the immediate future.

        The Democrats will soon hold the house, the Senate and the presidency, and there is a word for that.


        • So says the future Peoples Commissar who will purge the nation of unbelievers, one at a time if necessary.

        • Good advance work is important for a successful insurrection.

          “In the months leading up to Wednesday’s deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, the Trump administration gutted a key federal agency responsible for funneling intelligence and threat assessments to law enforcement partners across the country, two federal officials with direct knowledge told ABC News.

          As a result, officials said, the information vacuum left behind may have deprived law enforcement in Washington, D.C., of a key avenue for actionable warnings that could have helped officers prepare for the inbound threat posed by right-wing extremists who gathered on the National Mall on Wednesday.

          “Prior to Jan. 6, there were mountains of pre-existing intelligence that should have been collected, analyzed and disseminated to the federal, state and local authorities,” one of the officials told ABC News.

          One of the officials said that by Monday night, for example, Department of Homeland Security intelligence leaders had received field reports detailing that people known to law enforcement were heading to the Capitol, and that they were heading there in many cases with weapons and ropes.

          MORE: Investigators combing through massive US Capitol crime scene in wake of pro-Trump riot
          “Several officials were aware of this intelligence and also assessed violence was likely,” said one official.

          However, “no specific plans were put in place ahead of time as it would have been done in the past,” he said.

          Had the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis been operating at full capacity over the previous months, the officials said, U.S. Capitol Police would have had a clearer picture of the “specific and credible” threats of violence posed by groups planning to attend Wednesday’s rally.

          Those threats foreshadowed an unprecedented breach of the Capitol complex on Wednesday, and culminated in the loss of five lives, including a Capitol Police officer deployed to help protect members of Congress as they gathered to formally certify President-elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College triumph.

          The operations and staffing at the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis were slashed in the wake of the controversy surrounding the department’s response to civil unrest in Portland, Oregon, over the summer, said the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. In August, a former DHS intelligence chief, Brian Murphy, was reassigned after reports emerged that his unit had disseminated three reports containing journalists’ tweets about documents that were leaked from the department.“

        • Of course a fascist would look forward to a fascist take over of the US.🤷‍♂️

          No surprise there.

          Are you going to be applying to join the Gestapo next?

    • Well that was the plan. And here’s how it would have went down if it worked. “The boxes of ballots that got stole was just the fake boxes, the real ballot boxes was hid away, see. “

    • What the actual fuck are you on about? How do you know of this plan that even the people supposedly trying to carry it out don’t?

      You are completely full of shit, and you know it.

  9. How about setting aside the brawl over DC politics and post up your thoughts on the upcoming Lobby Day—an event that I have taken to calling 2nd Amendment Woodstock. Are you in?

    • Go for it. The folk of Virginia need to get out in force and show that they are not part of the Democrat stooge fest.

    • It could be argued that the most advantageous conveyance of any pro-2A message to the largest possible audience (without it being dismissed out of hand) would be to not unnecessarily entangle it with pernicious distractions. Trumpism has attained abhorrence status.

      Be smart.

      2A support stands on its own- it has never required “association” with any specific person, party, religion, etc. And it never should.

      It could also be argued that there is wisdom in not sabotaging one’s own message by simply keeping one’s ego in check.

      Be smarter than Trump. Learn from others’ mistakes.

      It is prudent to realize that even if you have hitched your wagon to a crazy horse- you still may have time to jump off… until the wagon goes over the canyon wall.

      Canyon ahead.

      How’s your depth perception?

    • Ayup; and the Durham investigation will be coming out with indictments of all of the “Obamagate” conspirators any day now. How many months have fringe sources been promising that?

      • In other news, Hillary Clinton is enjoying champagne and orange juice Mimosas with Bill this morning, as they watch a beautiful sunrise kiss the dawn of a new day.

  10. I hope this is peaceful and well organized. I also feel frustrated and angry how things are going, but please in this moment, be more stoic. Chin up. Noble. Don’t take their bait.

    In this exact moment, trying to threaten and bully will scare the shit out of everyone, and backfire. Like it or not the pro 2A, pro freedom Americans need the moderates.

    • ANTIFA and BLM will probably infiltrate the event to conduct a false-flag incident. They want to win by any means necessary.

    • “trying to threaten and bully will scare the shit out of everyone, and backfire.“

      Truth, but many on the right enjoy the bullying and intimidation far too much to stop.

      If infiltration by BLM or antifa is the issue, POTG need to self police their ranks and remove those planning violence, it is a simple as that.

  11. The lesson everyone needs to learn from the 6th. A few dozen unarmed people with trump flags wandered into the building to take selfies. Law makers responded by hiding in puddles of their own cowardice.
    When the government fears the people there is liberty.

  12. The real fight is coming…and it won’t be long. I see the same old commies commenting. The stupid is stunning.

  13. All of this bickering and in-fighting doesn’t help a damn bit, but that’s all that’s left to occupy the time until the inevitable, total disarmament. May I not live to see it.

  14. After reading a lot of the comments here, I’ve come to a realization. Some of yall aren’t getting the fact that the gun rights battle is a public relations fight, right along with the fight with legislation… The people here cussing those who say don’t bring trump stuff aren’t realizing we need to maintain an image that distances from controversy, and normalizes the common gun owner. If you don’t win the hearts and minds, we will be painted as fringe lunatics not to be taken seriously. Show up in tac gear, show up with trump memorabilia, and you WILL be painted as a white nationalist extremist. Sorry to say, that’s the perception we need to fight against if we are to be taken seriously…. Just look on social media if you want to see what most people think of trump supporters right now. Is it fair? No, Is it Right? No. But its the uphill battle we face.

    • Sorry but decades of compromise by acquiescence, going along to get along, trying to “win hearts and minds” has led us to where we are today. When 100% of the MSM, 99.9% of Democrats, and 70-80% of Republicans are blatantly biased and/or unrepentedly stupid, you will never get “good press”. Just look at the Va rally last year and how that was characterized…

    • So far being the most peaceful, productive group of people always open to anyone who wants to join and willing to engage with antis in good faith has gotten us less than nothing.

      • Does being the “most peaceful, productive group of people“ include erecting gallows in front of the United States Capitol and chanting “Hang Mike Pence!“ and “Hang Nancy Pelosi!“?

        How do the Molotov cocktails filled with homemade napalm fit into the “peaceful” part?

        • If we are going to pin the actions of a few on the whole group, no matter how unrelated, then I say we hold you accountable for Hitler and Mussolini.

          Both were fascists just like you.🤷‍♂️

    • “Some of yall aren’t getting the fact that the gun rights battle is a public relations fight“

      The problem is, far too many right wing extremists enjoy intimidation and fear mongering.

      They are the schoolyard bullies, because they lack the intellectual capacity to understand complex situations, they react with anger and violence because of their frustration and inability to understand the forces that control their lives.

      • ^ Spot on- this sums it up very nicely.

        Except… to make it veritably correct, the words “right wing” must be removed from the statement.

  15. These demonstrations are not productive and play right in the hands of Gun banners. The Left considers these rallies as intimidation, and their first moves are more gun laws, not less. In Maryland, vocal provocateurs at the Handgun review board hearings, only caused its demise. There are many states that do not allow open carry. Using open carry where it is legal, for ostentatious display or fashion show purposes is a sure was to have the legislature outlaw it. If this is what 2A Rights Saints feel is productive, get to it but you are fooling yourselves.

    • Sure thing. Just acquiesce.🙄

      The regressive left wants your guns, your money, and your obedience.

      Playing nice with a bear just gets you eaten without a fight.

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