Afghanistan Taliban
Taliban fighters stand guard in the main gate leading to Afghan presidential palace, in Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday, Aug. 16, 2021. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)

I have nothing informed to offer on the [Afghanistan] situation save this: the moment we’re all witnessing, where the US military is scrambling to evacuate as 20 years of counterinsurgency crumble behind it in a matter of hours, will be a touchstone in our gun debate for decades to come.

Any time anyone, anywhere suggests that Americans surrender their AR-15s because the US military is so all-powerful that it cannot be opposed by irregulars with small arms, Kabul will be invoked to counter that suggestion. And as well it should.

 – Jon Stokes



  1. tally me banana.
    victory was negotiated… in our absence the tribes bowed to their new leaders.
    so with cells maturing their and here (and an open border…) we should get a fine reason for disarmament soon.

      • @JenGriffinFNC
        “Just received a first hand account that the Taliban have already started going house to house in Kabul to look for any Afghan Special Forces who fought alongside the US military. The Taliban have all the records of those who served from the KKA (AFG Special Forces)”

        So is this what “Registration” would look like?

  2. But to our dear “leaders”, this is the reason we the peons should not have AR15’s as it is now obvious again that a group with such small arms CAN wear down and crumble a modern military. I would expect the gun control rhetoric to ramp up. For me an mine, we will be staying the course of never turning in anything. I hope this is a solid reminder to those on the fence of why you cannot turn over your tools of protection.

  3. US military is so all-powerful that it cannot be opposed by irregulars with small arms, Kabul will be invoked to counter that suggestion

    If you want to blame this fiasco on the men and women who actually FIGHT the battles that’s your business, but we all know it’s the politicians and an incompetent General Corps making up the “rules” and tying their hands behind their backs that are responsible for this shit show… Let’s put the blame where it belongs on Braindead, Obummer and company, Do NOT create another generation of “Vietnam” veterans, been there done THAT, didn’t like it… How the hell can you fight a war when your own government restricts when and where you can engage the enemy… The first time I heard the term “fighting season” my head nearly exploded… I mean you can only engage the enemy from April til Oct.? George Patton must be convulsing with endless laughter from the grave… Maybe they should have waited til Nov or Dec to pull out…

    • “Let’s put the blame where it belongs”

      It’s like everyone forgot that dealing with ISIS was a major topic during the 2016 presidential election season, and it was all but forgotten soon after Trump came in and solved the problem.

      Speaking of wars, isn’t Joe supposed to go to war with Turkey so he can protect the Kurds in Syria? Remember that story?

      • Ever see a general shoot himself (multiple times) in the foot like Milley in 2021?

        July 21 2021 (UPI) — The United States’ top military leaders on Wednesday touted Afghanistan’s abilities to prevent the Taliban from taking over as the militant terrorist group has made territorial advances amid the United States’ withdrawal from the war-torn country.

        Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters during a press conference with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin that despite the narrative that the Taliban is winning, the Afghan Security Forces “have the capacity to sufficiently fight and defend their country.”

        “A negative outcome, a Taliban automatic military takeover, is not a foregone conclusion,” he said. “We will continue to monitor the situation closely and make adjustments as necessary.”

        Blame the suits, not the boots.

        Is flag staff considered boots, or suits?

        • Above a certain grade a lot of military promotions are more political than meritorious. Add in the various consultant positions offered after one exits service in relevant industries and it is not hard to imagine that we may not have selective pressures in our officer corps that are inclined to produce the best. With that said we do thankfully have a lot that buck that trend but I fear they may face greater negative promotion prospects.

        • “Can” is obviously not the same as “will.”

          Politicians in military uniforms telling politicians in three-piece suits what they want to hear…

          Also, counterinsurgency is a misnomer for what the US has been trying to suppress in Afghanistan. What our military calls an insurgency was actually the region’s dominant culture. It never went away, and with the suppressing force removed, it has reasserted itself.

          America never had the will (never mind the right) to do what would’ve been necessary to destroy that culture. And I do mean destroy; it would’ve taken China vs. Tibet levels of effort, and even that level of atrocity might not have worked.

        • Don’t forget about the idiot Sec Def who is a 1970s affirmative action twit. in the 70/80s you a woopoo appointment was to fill a quote and they took the “best qualified”. Fully qualified was not a consideration. “Need some of dem and he can fog a mirror” = gets the slot. Same was true of every other commissioning source.

          See also Colin Powell.

    • “. . . it’s the politicians and an incompetent General Corps making up the “rules” and tying their hands behind their backs that are responsible for this shit show . . . ”

      Imposing our cultural will upon a foreign nation vs a tyranny on our own nation strikes me as an apples vs oranges comparison. I think it’s useful to do the analysis, but we must bear clearly in mind the differences.

      Afghanistan was a matter of mere ideology. The powers-that-be were interested in, e.g., girls in school. There was nothing at stake that really mattered to the “interests” of those powers. It was not a struggle for the survival of America’s politicians. They could afford to lose the Afghanistan war. They could afford to fail in keeping girls in school. And, if they failed, what of the consequences to those girls of becoming war booty? There was no real military commitment by the politicians; only a commitment by the soldiers.

      Conversely, in America, there probably would be very little commitment by the soldiers to shoot their fellow citizens. Yet, a war to impose tyranny upon the citizens would be – by definition – a struggle to maintain the politicians’ power; i.e., their “interests”.

      The respective commitments of politicians and their soldiers would be inverted in a domestic tyranny as contrasted with Afghanistan.

      I make no prediction of the outcome. Nevertheless, I predict that the politicians will make misjudgments. Just as those of the Axis powers misjudged the prospects of going to war against the whole of the rest of the world; especially if the US were to enter the war. Our politicians will over-estimate the commitment of soldiers to their chain-of-command and under-estimate their commitment to their fellow citizens (to say nothing of the Constitution).

      It appears that the Harris-Biden administration is committed to purging the military of “white supremacists” and repopulating it with soldiers who are ideologically pure. Those who will be purged will join the ranks of older veterans who voluntarily returned to civilian life. Politicians can’t imagine how their policy will impact the efficacy of combat soldiers and those they will oppose.

      • Look up “Bonus march”. Also, the vast majority of strikes that were violently broken were broken by US military and/or law enforcement.

        • Haven’t been as willing to use that kind of force since the 60’s on larger protests. Not saying you are wrong in the historic precedent and would add the whisky rebellion but I think it would have to be approached differently especially with social media.

      • MarkPA,

        While your analysis seems to be correct, you are forgetting to consider a scenario which is more in-line with this article and the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan.

        What happens if a bunch of “militants” decide to take-over much/most/all of the U.S.A.: and, most importantly, a Democrat controlled Congress and White House are sympathetic to that action? All it takes is for the Commander-in-Chief of U.S. forces (with solid support from Congress) to order U.S. forces to stand down–or hamper them with “rules of engagement” which guarantees that they are impotent–for those “militants” to prevail.

        And before anyone poo-poos that notion, look at recent events which establish an outstanding probability that such a scenario could actually–better yet is likely–to occur:

        1) For the last seven months, all United States forces (e.g. Border Patrol, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Homeland Security, National Guard, and all branches of the U.S. military) have effectively sat on their hands and done nothing to stop MORE THAN ONE MILLION illegal aliens pouring across our nation’s southern border.

        2) During several months of calendar year 2020, law enforcement agencies, National Guard, and military forces refused to intervene while tens of thousands of “demonstrators” shut down streets, looted hundreds of business, burned countless businesses, damaged/destroyed government buildings, created autonomous zones, and beat/maimed/murdered countless innocent victims.

        3) Law enforcement, National Guard, and U.S. military forces stood down for six days in 1992 when riots broke out in Los Angeles, California–resulting in countless damaged/destroyed buildings and businesses (estimated loss at $1 Billion), thousands of beating victims, and 63 homicides.

        Like it or not, there is a proven track record of local, state, and federal government forces refusing or failing to stop wide-scale destruction. That alone is reason enough that most of us should have firearms and never, ever give them up.

        • quote——————-What happens if a bunch of “militants” decide to take-over much/most/all of the U.S.A.——————–quote

          You did not oppose the Republicans when they tried to take over the government by force on Jan. 6th so why are you now fantasying about something that never happened or would happened under the Democrats. Surprise, the Dems actually believe in democracy because they do not take away peoples right to vote and they promote fair and free elections.

          And if you are under 40 start learning Spanish as the latest census proves the Whites are now fast becoming the new minority. I will laugh my ass off when they start getting discriminated against. Poetic justice for sure.

        • Douchian your a liar and a pos. Nobody tried to take over the government. on jan. 6. Fake news bs.

        • quote————-Tired of the bs August 16, 2021 At 19:53
          -Nobody tried to take over the government. on jan. 6. Fake news bs————-quote

          If that was true then why did their own families and neighbors turn them into the government. Why were they screaming to kill the congress people when they rampaged through the halls. Get real only a Moron would deny they did not try to overthrow the government. But what you expect from a person that only watches Fox News, you have no more idea what is actually going on the world than an orangutan in a cage in the zoo.

    • To Maddmaxx again.

      We heard the same bullshit from you flag wavers when the Vietnam War was going on. if only we would have had smarter generals or if we had only threw a few billion more dollars down the drain on an endless war of attrition, or if only we would have invaded the North (that one was really a laugh) even the moron U.S. Generals knew that they would have faced 21 million Chinese troops in addition to 3 million more Vietnamese and Nuclear war with China was not worth winning in Vietnam, a country we could have had easily if we had supported them after WWII ended. Instead we supported the French, now that was a really brilliant move, even Alfred E. Neuman would have been smarter than that.

      Face facts the U.S. did not learn anything from the Vietnam debacle and has refused to admit they got their asses beat in that war by a small country willing to wait us out until we went bankrupt ,and we ran out of numb skulls willing to go there to make people in the military industrial complex rich.

      I would not rate the Afghans on the same intellectual plane as the Vietnamese but they sure learned a lot from them and won the war in the same ways. The old Asian proverb, “If you cannot kill your enemy with a single sword thrust then kill him with a thousand tiny cuts”.

      If you believe in mythical stories try this one. David slew Goliath not once but twice because Goliath was too dumb to admit he got his ass beat and play dead and then go home and stay there. Dacian 2021

      Will the arrogant U.S. have finally learned their lesson in regards to invading foreign countries. No, I do not think so because we still have to many brainwashed flag waving hillbillies eager to be used as cannon fodder to make the people in the military industrial complex rich.

      Get over it we lost again but cheer up we will invade another country soon and you will once again be able to “shoot that thar big o’l rifle gun and kill them thar foreign devils out to take away your guns and your religion”. It will be glorious (and I will be buying more stock in the military industrial complex.

      • We heard the same bullshit from you flag wavers when the Vietnam War was going on.

        Fuck you, you ignorant punk ass bitch… I was WAY more than a fucking “flag waver” I was an ACTIVE participant as a voluntary enlistee in the USMC… I WITNESSED the incompetence, the lack of political wilpower and the corruption and greed as well as the STUPIDITY that cost the lives of over 58,000 Americans while chicken shit pussies like you ran off to Canada… I have seen the same shit daily on news reports about this fucked up war… Fighting Seasons? Can’t cross that line? Don’t carry a round in your weapon? Don’t shoot til you are fired upon? Go fuck yourself you Commie punk, You don’t deserve my time and trust me “VLAD” You just got the last of it that YOU will ever get… What a Scum sucking Moron, It must REALLY suck to be you…

        • Except Madd Maxx (and you are mad) History proved we Liberals were correct, Vietnam was an obscene, immoral ,unjust war that never should have happened.

          If you would have admitted that from the beginning instead of the ridiculous war mongering post claiming “we could have won with more lives lost and more money spent” at least I would have respected you but of course you like most of the flag wavers learned nothing from Past U.S. war making mistakes including this last debacle.

          Again we Liberals were correct about Vietnam and we were correct about the Afghan war as well.

          And it was reveled in my post yesterday Busch was offered Bin Laden’s head by the Taliban but Bush rejected the offer because he knew he would stay in the Presidency if he started a glorious patriotic war.

        • Except Madd Maxx (it’s MADDMAXX- one word)

          at least I would have respected you

          Fortunately for ME, I don’t require the respect of a nameless faceless clown like you (I CERTAINLY don’t respect you)… I respond because it amuses me to watch you dance, to see how many different ways you can regurgitate the same bullshit… You must have a very high opinion of yourself to think that your respect is all we “Jethros and Hillbillies” live for… Nice try, but it’s really time to come out of the closet “VLAD”… OBTW: it still must suck really bad to be you…. And you failed to influence anyone with your lame (same old shit) response…

    • When the really Big Show SHTF, Patriots from military will side with Constitution supporters. There will be no Big Government politicians’ Rules of Engagement to restrict Patriots from doing their job. Failure will not be negotiated by politicians as in VN and now Afgan. That is the WHY of “common sense” gun control. Makes common sense to politicians to protect their own asses, for what they have done and intend to do to America, from Patriots with ARs and standard capacity (Libturd high capacity) magazines.

      • “When the really Big Show SHTF, Patriots from military will side with Constitution supporters.”

        Do you have a link to the data?

        “When the really Big Show SHTF, …”

        That will not happen, but talk and hope for such distracts attention from what is happening. Government doesn’t need storm troopers going door-to-door, taking firearms from everyone (except the inner-cities); legislation has been pretty successful. And “constitutional carry” (which it really isn’t) amounts to nothing more than simple legislation; it can be undone in the next election (why do so many people put stock in the idea of “constitutional carry” legislation, when the US constitution
        [which is more difficult to change] fails to protect?)

        No igloo, boys; creeping leftism will eventually neuter any threat of a popular threat to government.

        So, I ask again…where/what is the “bright red line” that will that “one step too far” on behalf of government? Looking back at how far government has intruded into every aspect of life, please identify how we will know when we have arrived at the end of that “long train of abuses and usurpations”, “all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States”. The founders listed 27 abuses of power by the King. Have “we” not a list much larger, more expansive?

        Where is that “bright red line”?

        There isn’t one; won’t be one.

        • Answer is not clear. Sorta like ATF definitions…..can’t clearly define, but will know it when they see it. There will be a trigger….example/s being made…..ala Katrina New Orleans door to door. Something by itself small. Primer ignition. The stew has been simmering for decades almost to a rolling boil.
          “Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.” Jefferson
          Popcorn done, sitting back.
          First American Revolution due to taxation without representation.
          Second American Revolution due to taxation BY representation….plus a plethora of additional tyrannical abuses…..your 27 .

  4. So all of those weapons we supplied to the Afghan Army, are now in the hands of the Taliban.

    Our political and military leaders should be so proud

    • So all of those weapons we supplied to the Afghan Army

      Not just arms and equipment supplied to the Afghan army… They left “Everything”… Apparently it’s cheaper to provide the enemy with weapons, armor, trucks, helicopters and ALL the supplies, parts and materials associated with engaging in combat in a foreign country than it is to drag ALL that stuff back home… I’d call it giving aid and comfort to the enemy… (isn’t that like treason?)

      • the Afgan air force simply deserted bases and ran away, without bothering to disable or destroy their air craft to keep the from enemy hands. Now the Taliban has something else they did not have before, war-machine aircraft.

        Billions of dollars in weapons, ammo, parts, aircraft, materials, buildings, infrastructure, bases left behind and intact – all the Tailiban has to do is walk in, get fresh uniforms from base supply, and stand up as a fully equipped military force.

        Roumor has it the Taliban sent Biden a nice “thank you” fruit basket.

        • Fool me once…

          Same thing happened in Iraq, when ISIL came knocking.

          @ Jack “Rumor has it the Taliban sent Biden a nice “thank you” fruit basket.”

          It was sent to Hunter, and it wasn’t fruit.

        • Jack, you are correct – we are doing more to supply our enemies with high end weapons that the Iranians the Russians could ever hope to match.

          The bottom line is the men in the Armed Forces of Afghanistan are deserting the military, leaving their weapons behind and running away. If I knew a group of religious fanatics was coming impose their will so my daughter would no longer be able to go to school, have to wear a burka from head to toe, could be forced to marry a man she does not know and be treated like a piece of property, I would grab my rifle and fight until me last breath.

          I guess that Afghan men don’t feel the same way about their daughters.

        • I guess that Afghan men don’t feel the same way about their daughters.

          No they really don’t…

        • Jack. It takes a whole lot more than fresh uniforms to maintain and operate high end military equipment. Spare parts will only last so long and with the sudden learning curve the attrition of the high end stuff will be high.

          Still. Drones and cruise missiles could eliminate a lot of the problem, equipment wise. If the admin in DC can get the go ahead from Beiging.

    • And We The people supplied all our tax dollars to furnish the taliban with those arms, and the Hmvees and other vehicles to ride around in whikle killing everyone. And if any US Air Force aircraft were left behind, I take we’ll soon see one flown into another large, tall American building soon………maybe we”ll get lucky and they’ll fly one into the Whitehouse whille Joe,Kamala ,Pelosi, Chuck and “The Squad” are there?

      • I haven’t posted here in who knows how long. I can’t remember…

        I came back because I can’t wrap my head around ANY American saying some stupid shit like this. You should have ended up in a sock, son.

    • Muslims are killing muslims, this is a good thing. This is a very good thing. This is a go dance in the street naked kinda good thing. The only downside is they are too slow about it, we should sell them even more weapons so they can kill themselves more efficiently. We should not shed a tear, and we sure as fuck should not get in the way of muslims ridding the world of their vermin selves. We have wasted entirely too much blood and treasure on trying to prevent muslims from killing muslims, despite their perfecting the practice for about 5000 years. Many presidents have battered their legacy on the rocks of the middle east, trying to prevent muslims from killing muslims. America, land of the free, propping up regime after regime that refuse to allow women to vote, or drive, or go outside unless wearing a hefty bag, or have a clitoris. Let them kill each other, step back, point, and laugh.

      Or, commence war with all the fury and anger we can muster, with all the terrible weapons at our disposal, to bring about as much death and ruin as quickly as possible, then make it the 51st state and tell the world . . .move us, if you dare. But, mostly, the killing muslims thing is good.

      • “We have wasted entirely too much blood and treasure on trying to prevent muslims from killing muslims”

        I wonder if we wasted any trying to control energy contracts.

  5. “Any time anyone, anywhere suggests that Americans surrender their AR-15s because the US military is so all-powerful that it cannot be opposed by irregulars with small arms, Kabul will be invoked to counter that suggestion.”

    One thing’s for certain: America did just surrender thousands of M-16s (M4s), SAWs, helicopters, planes, SAMs and tons of other American weapons systems to the raghead ragtags with no strings attached. Likely just in time to make a nice 20th anniversary assault on US soil in remembrance of 9/11. No problemo getting here if they just go to Mexico first, Biden’s peeps will likely even provide free transportation once they cross into the US.

    Not ever a conspiracy theorist: I now believe armed American citizenry will be forced to take on these cretins before we ever have to consider “replacing” our woke, impotent and entitled Federal government and military leadership. One thing is certain- the “Bagdad Bob”-type of reporting of events will be something to totally ignore. Rain, snow, sunshine??? Just look out the window, to hell with the “weather reports”.

    • “stick your head out the window, if it gets wet, we won’t be there.”
      the german weather report.

    • At least the insurgent on the right is wearing a mask….

      And sporting his brand new (to him anyway) American miitary rifle, straight out of the local (abandoned) armory…

  6. The debate about Gun Control should have been over when it began. To debate Gun Control amounts to debating with a pile of poop about whether it smells or not when the history of Gun Control confirms it stinks to high heaven.

    On the other hand…Gun owning crybabies who held hands with democRats to slander and libel POTUS DJT own everything Jim Crow Gun Control joe has done thus far and continues to do…APOLOGIZE.

    • Helluva job dims…they’ll still blame Trump. What a colossal waste of blood & treasure. Who’s surprised? Slow Joe is already offering “aid” to the jihad scam…I’ll keep my guns.

  7. The problem with these iodiots who claim F15s and nukes are required to defeat the US government is they conflate the political victories with military ones.

    • After Saigon, we had Reagan and a national rejuvenation that lasted 30+ years. This is a bad and humiliating moment for America, but it isn’t our only moment, and it isn’t the last word.

      (We’re gonna need some pretty dang wonderful people to step up if we’re gonna undo all the damage caused by President Psaki and company though, I’ll admit it…)

    • “then spot nuke.”

      I’ve heard this solution for years when it comes to that area of the world. The thing is, some (probably most?) of the people there don’t agree with the crazies. It’s similar to the situation we have here where the general populace doesn’t agree with the oppressive crazies in control of the government. Taking innocent life is an absolute last resort effort of self-defense. BUT that’s how you win wars (ask Japan). You just have to be certain that this is a necessary war, and your innocent life is more important than their innocent life.

      • I would let the taliban know, in no uncertain terms, that if we trace a terrorist attack against Americans back to them we will hit them with 3 tactical nukes for every incident.

      • Think of it like attacking cancer with chemotherapy.
        You have to destroy some good cells before the cancer takes them all.

        It’s a tough decision to make but if it was easy it would be done by now.
        Is it better to lose 100,000 people today or 200,000 over the next 5 years?

        Runaway train theory and all…

  8. Do you ever watch an old thriller movie, and think they couldn’t make that now because cell phones would fix the problem? Of course they have to make cell phones break or suddenly stop functioning sometimes now to make the plot work.

    Now consider everyone conceal carrying and keeping AR-15s in their house and car. That would seriously mess with the plot wouldn’t it?

  9. Hah! It’s another argument against Democrats, feminism, a “certain kind” Pride, and everything else the Left tries to shove down our throats.

    • “It’s another argument against Democrats, feminism..”

      Is there any difference?

      Democrats are feminism. Feminism is Democrats.

      They are one in the same.

      The Democrat party, as it is today, could not exist without feminism.

  10. I stand with the Taliban against the atheist and rainbow flag waving America. My friend is still in solitary confinement for participating in 1/6 peaceful protest.

    I’m not even kidding. I can’t believe that now o can lose my job for opposing drag queen story hour. I, unironically, support the Taliban.

  11. It all makes sense now. Once the military has been purged of all patriotic enlisted and the ranks filled exclusively with gang members and trannys the US will invade sans rules of engagement for the heroin and to impose the globohomo agenda on those backwards shepherds. The pieces fit.

    There must be some plan, right? The US can’t possibly be THIS incompetent. I mean, jeez, this is the 5,000th time our “intel was wrong.”

  12. Only a senile old fool would blame the troops for the incompetence of General Mark Milley and the rest of the woke Pentagon. The point is that Pashtun tribesmen who don’t have F-15 fighter jets and nukes have won the Afgan war. Bombs and fighter jets don’t work against an insurgency since they are mixed in with people you don’t want to kill, unless of course you are Eric Swalwell.

  13. Well the Good News is look at all the money everyone made selling uniforms, guns, training, infrastructure and other cool stuff. Heck war is really profitable, maybe we should continue to get involved everywhere as its good for business. Where could we go next and how do we convince the public that its a real threat, which isn’t too hard, as we have the media and others who will carry that water. We have to give them a good reason why their sons and daughters are coming home in body bags, as they just don’t understand the cost of business and would probably be mad if they knew the truth of why we are always at war. Anyway, we kept this going for 20 years, maybe the next one can last a 100 years. – Love & Kisses from the The Global Cabal

    • Heck war is really profitable, maybe we should continue to get involved everywhere

      Yeah, and now they need to replace all of the shit they left behind, How many rounds of ammo? Probably in the millions… That the sandnaggers will be throwing back at us somewhere over there…

      • “WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.”

        General Smedley D. Butler

        • I give no credence to Butler. After a lifetime of serving that ‘racket’ and only after his retirement was in the bag did he speak out against that ‘racket’.

          Same with Ike. His entire adult life was spent in service to the ‘military industrial complex’. Only after his bennies were secure did he speak out.

        • RETIRED 4 STAR GENERAL Smedley Butler did very well having a government pension during the depression.
          And the anti-military industrial complex crowd never mentions the federal money that floods and corrupts colleges and universities. That was the other side of Ike’s speech that they like to ignore.

          Because most of the folks who complain about military spending are working in academia. So they like the federal spending on THEIR pet projects. Including the Libertarians who work in an academy.

          And their propaganda organs like Reason or Ms. Magazine are subscribed to by thousands of schools all across the country. That’s a great deal of $$$ in subscription funds, that these rags make from the government.

  14. The fall wasn’t Taliban vs. US troops. It was the US leaving as quickly as possible and telling the Afghan army that it was their job to stop the Taliban. They weren’t up to the task, and Biden wasn’t going to adjust his planned withdrawal to bolster the Afghans where they needed it. Biden had already pulled US air support.


  16. To address the subject at hand first:

    Attempting to compare Afghanistan to the U.S. is ridiculous. The Afghan war was financed from outside the country and weapons and money to finance the war came in from outside the country. Because of this outside help the Afghan fighters knew that they could defeat the U.S. colossus war machine, the most warlike country on earth (quoting Jimmy Carter) by simply biding their time and bankrupting them through a Vietnam style war of attrition, just as the Vietnamese did.

    Equating the victory of the Afghans over the U.S. to gun control is absurd and ridiculous. Any guerrilla war in the U.S. would be doomed even before it got underway as no nation would fund an insurgency in the U.S. and even if they wanted to the logistics would defeat them as the U.S. is separated from Asia and Europe by two oceans. We have a friendly neighbor to the north of us and a very weak corrupt one to the south of us and neither would risk the wraith of the U.S. government by financing an insurrection in the U.S.

    The government could size control of domestic ammo and firearms production as well and like world in WWII ration gas and automobile tires.

    The U.S. surveillance system is the best in the world (on its own citizens). You are tracked 24 hours around the clock and photographed at least 350 times a day. Cell phone records, the black box in your car (we do not ride camels to work) security cameras everywhere, bank records, credit card records. For example the mass murderer Ted Bundy was tracked across the country from his credit card records and cell phone records putting him at the place of the murders he committed. The government currently knows more about Right Wing Nazi groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers than they know about themselves.

    The always arrogant U.S. learned nothing from the Vietnam debacle. You cannot Americanize a foreign country that has been in existence for thousands of years.

    Concluded below

    • U.S. surveillance system is the best in the world – Utter BS. So far.

      The “Champs” are the Chicoms then the UK (London).

      The DEMTARDS learned nothing from Vietnam. We WON then the dems surrendered at the table in Paris.

      “arrogant U.S.” – bite me numbnuts.

      • quote—————-The DEMTARDS learned nothing from Vietnam. We WON then the dems surrendered at the table in Paris.———————quote

        You flunked History class. Stay out of subjects you know zero about.

        The Paris Peace Accords, (Vietnamese: Hiệp định Paris về Việt Nam) officially titled the Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Viet Nam (Hiệp định về chấm dứt chiến tranh, lập lại hòa bình ở Việt Nam), was a peace treaty signed on January 27, 1973, to establish peace in Vietnam and end the Vietnam War.

        Nixon resigned in Aug. 1974. Read carefully 1974 came after 1973. Is this too complicated for you?????

        • Didn’t France drop out of Vietnam and get us to take over? Honestly I need to reread that era of history but it has been a busy month up here.

        • For a fascinating account of Ho Chi Minh and what led up to the U.S. involvement in Vietnam as well as the prior French Occupation and rape of the country read ” Ho Chi Minh A Life” by William Duiker a former U.S. foreign service officer to Vietnam and who spoke and wrote Vietnamese fluently.

          Ho was perhaps the best statesmen of the 20th Century and he beat two of the most powerful countries on earth. A real life David and Goliath story and the best part was “The good guy won just like in the movies”.

        • quote———–Neiowa 1. Who won Tet?———-quote

          At the Paris Peace Conference one American Hillbilly General spoke to General Giap and told him ” You all little yellow people never did beat us in any major battle” to which General Giap replied “That is true Herr General but we won the war so your statement is irrelevant is it not?” The Red faced Hillbilly U.S. General turned on his heal and walked away much to the laughter of the news people who overheard it all.

      • quote—————-Didn’t France drop out of Vietnam and get us to take over?————–quote

        Actually many of the French Politicians and even many of the French Military warned us not to get involved in the quagmire of Vietnam.

        French businessmen for 85 years were very able colonial administrators and raped the Vietnams rice and natural rubber economy of billions of dollars. This was not unknown to greed monger American Businessmen who could not wait for the U.S. Military to invade the country so they too could rape the economy once France had left. Of course the “official excuse for the invasion was “the laughable domino theory” and the Gulf of Tonkin incident that never happened.

  17. And now after yet another humiliating American defeat the finger pointing begins. Yes if the incompetent U.S. generals had actually run the country the Afghan troops and police would have been paid and paid more than they ever would have been paid under the corrupt Afghan government. It would have prolonged the war but probably not won it because when foreign troops are in your country no matter how well they treat the people the nationalistic feelings always win out in the end.

    In conclusion just as in Vietnam we spent trillions on the two wars and lost thousands of people and of course it was money down the drain and lives lost for nothing, but then again is that not the result of all the wars the U.S. ever fought as not one was inevitable and in most cases even necessary.

      • Again your reading comprehension is at the third grade level. Have your wife read the part where it says “in most cases” or is this way over your head.

        Of course I will not go into why we really got into WWII but that would be way over your head. In brief it was because of a trade war with Japan and the European part of it was Europe’s problem not ours and the result would still have been the same, the Germans would still have lost. The Russians won WWII, we were a side show that shortened the war by about 2 months.

  18. I must say it is almost impossible to civilize the “Naked Ape” as it is his natural evolutionary behavior is to live for war and destruction as xenophobia, hatred , prejudice and bigotry are ingrained in his Neanderthal DNA. He is only most happy when he is killing his fellow man who he will tell you is “the other” not to be trusted, but feared , hated and attacked and annihilated because he is of course declared sub-human with a false religion and a different way of life.

    We may not agree with how the Afghans treat their people but we are not Afghans either, something the arrogant U.S. does not seem to understand. I remember all the doom and gloom about what would happen to the Vietnamese if the U.S. lost the war and today they are one of the most prosperous nations in S.E. Asia. I am not saying the same will happen in Afghanistan, it probably will not, but it is not for us to run their country for them either.

    Biden is taking a big hit for pulling out but remember Trump was in the process of doing the same. History will treat Biden much better than he will be treated today as the hypocrite Republicans will have a field day screaming from the roof tops about Biden losing the war.

      • Not even close to right, he is an extreme racist and a raging moron.

        Everyone of his posts show a mentally unbalanced sociopath/psychopath (ASPD).

    • “…but remember Trump was in the process of doing the same.”

      First, that’s completely irrelevant. Also, we’ll never know if the Trump administration’s exit strategy would have looked like this because it didn’t happen under Trump. Joe’s entire shtick was that he should be elected because he would do things DIFFERENTLY from Trump. He was going to have the smart kids in charge and all would be well.

      July 8, 2021: Joe Biden said, “There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy in the—of the United States from Afghanistan.”

      Barely over one month later, the exact opposite happened. Trump would have been raked over the coals for this. At least be honest about the reality of the situation.

      • quote—————First, that’s completely irrelevant.————quote

        The U.S. politicians of both parities knew that the war was lost some time ago, and as in Vietnam they were just trying to delay things to save face.

        Trump would not have been able to stop the inevitable, and as a matter of fact he was less warlike than Biden. Still Trump was a loose cannon and even he did not know what he was going to do from one minute to the next. At least Biden has been consistent, when he says he is going to do something he does it. Trump on the other had wanted to get out but was persuaded by the power mad Moron U.S. Generals that begged him for just a few more thousand cannon fodder, and a few billion more dollars so they could save face and retire before the U.S. pulled out.

        • “At least Biden has been consistent, when he says he is going to do something he does it.”

          The only thing the Biden administration has been consistent at is creating crisis after crisis. This is an objective fact. Just because the administration ignores it, and says it isn’t a crisis, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Example: There isn’t any inflation. Okay, there’s inflation, but it’s transitory. It will be over in no time. Okay, it may be with us for a few years, but we need to spend an extra trillion or three to get rid of it. Oops we underestimated how much inflation we were going to have, and we completely ignored basic economic principles. I also gave you a recent example above of Biden saying one thing, and the very opposite happening. The media would have reminded Trump of that for the rest of his presidency.

        • The it is a moronic demtard marxist Obiden lover. Voted multiple times. Knows squat about Vietnam or Afganistan history. Next will be yapping about “the Brits”, Alex the Great”, “dem Russians”. Idiot.

        • quote———————-The only thing the Biden administration has been consistent at is creating crisis after crisis.————quote

          Wrong again Biden said he would use the power of the Federal Government to help the States start vaccinating millions of people and he did exactly that. Trump did nothing and dumped the expense and administration of fighting the pandemic onto the backs of the states, many of whom were bankrupt. This was one of the major reasons Moron 45 lost the election because killing 600,000 Americans did not go unnoticed even among the hillbillies.

          The Republicans did zero about infrastructure repair while Biden is going full steam to do something about it. Yes the bill will be passed that is a given.

          Trump did away with Obama’s pollution controls to fight global warming so Trumps gangster criminal Republican businessmen could go on raping the environment and destroying the planet we live on for blind greed and profit while Biden put an immediate end to their raping of the environment by once again reinstating Obamas pollution controls for cleaner air and water. Cancer rates went up under the Trump “rape the environment behavior”.

          Biden through the ATF banned ghost guns that have been rising astronomically in crime and mass murder.

          And Trumps Tax rape bill that let the rich pay no taxes will soon be a thing of the past as they will have to pay their fair share of taxes too.

        • Thank you dacian for lobbing that softball for me.

          “Wrong again”

          Within only a few months:
          -Worker shortage crisis thanks to government policy
          -Inflation crisis thanks to government policy
          -Overrun southern border thanks to government policy
          -Welcoming in thousands of Covid positive illegal immigrants thanks to government policy
          -Making the debt crisis even worse by outspending WW1&2 combined thanks to government policy
          -Creating a dangerous situation with the Afghanistan exit non-strategy thanks to government policy
          -Making the USA look like incompetent fools by propping up a senile old puppet as the president

          Your imaginary list:

          Trump used the federal government to help the states during the pandemic. No one has explained why the death total stopped being the fault of the president as soon as Trump left. Biden and Harris did all they could to undermine the vaccine while Trump was in office, only to ride Trump’s vaccine coattails after he left. The media and the expert medical class pretended that the vaccines wouldn’t be available before the end of the year. They (including St Fauci) lied so that no one would have hope going into the election.

          “zero about infrastructure repair”
          Go back in time to 2016. Trump was talking about infrastructure on the campaign trail. He was still talking about it after being elected. The dems weren’t having it, and to be fair, neither were the Republicans. Do I have to explain to you why that is? If it was important, and the dems only wanted what was best for the country, then why didn’t they go along with Trump for an infrastructure plan? Things that make you go hmm.

          “Trump did away with Obama’s pollution controls to fight global warming”
          We got out of the Climate Accord because it was a joke. We don’t need an international body telling us how to live our lives and forcing us tax payers to pay for other countries while we limit our own growth. Ironically, after we got out, we continued to LOWER emissions. We made a larger impact than the fools in the agreement. The entire climate scare is a farce to help the authoritarians gain control. Yes, the planet is warming. Guess what? Humanity is better off now than we were when the planet was one degree cooler, yet they pretend that another degree, or even half of a degree, of warmth is when it all falls apart. You believe that, right? Is it weird that their climate models are ALWAYS wrong and they ALWAYS err in the same direction?

          “Biden through the ATF banned ghost guns that have been rising astronomically in crime and mass murder.”

          This is your key to fighting crime? Is this why violent crime and murder rose in the past year? Because of ghost guns, right?

          “And Trumps Tax rape bill that let the rich pay no taxes will soon be a thing of the past as they will have to pay their fair share of taxes too.”

          I’m not personally 100% on board with the tax plan, so I’m not defending it, but you’re mistaken on who actually pays the taxes. Here’s your homework assignment for the week: Find out who pays 80% of all income tax.

        • Within only a few months:
          quote——Worker shortage crisis thanks to government policy————–quote

          It only proved the Capitalvanians were paying wages so low that when the Government gave them A LIVABLE WAGE LIKE THE EUROPEAN GOVERMENTS DO the workers gave the Capitavanians the finger.
          quote——————-Inflation crisis thanks to government policy——————qoute

          Oh cut the Republican bullshit the inflation came about because of the pandemic going on for so long under Trump who did nothing to try and stop it. Naturally there was a rush to buy things when stay at home restrictions were lifted it would have happed under Trump if he had won the election. Your accusations are ludicrous.

          quote——————-Overrun southern border thanks to government policy————–quote

          Wrong again. Trumps draconian immigrant hating Nazi policies of stealing children from parents and rescinding former U.S. Government immigration laws resulted in a rush of people after Trump and his Nazi’s were driven from power. It was Republican immigration policies that were responsible for the mad rush after they were defeated at the polls.

          quote——————Welcoming in thousands of Covid positive illegal immigrants quote——————thanks to government policy——–quote

          Do not make me laugh the Republicans have done everything to spread covid by playing politics with peoples lives and preying on their ignorance by advocating the cancellation of wearing masks, the lying about the covid vaccine as being dangerous to health and ineffective to stopping the virus and ignoring social distancing

          quote—————Making the debt crisis even worse by outspending WW1&2 combined thanks to government policy——————quote

          Don’t make me laugh Trump ran up the debt higher than any other President in History (2 trillions) with his tax rape law that let the rich avoid paying ANY TAXES. Amazon made 2 billion in profit and paid zero taxes. Our National debt went up by 2 trillion dollars so do not scream about Biden’s proposed infrastructure bill that has not even been passed yet.

          quote ——Creating a dangerous situation with the Afghanistan exit non-strategy thanks to government policy——quote

          No matter what party was in power the collapse of the Afghan Government was inevitable due to a wide variety of U.S. mistakes in handling that war under all the Presidents Republican and Democrat alike. Quit playing the usual Republican blame game trying to make themselves out as saints.
          -Making the USA look like incompetent fools by propping up a senile old puppet as the president

          what a laugh trump was the biggest fool to ever disgrace the white house.

        • “Quit playing the usual Republican blame game trying to make themselves out as saints.”

          I don’t know where you got that, I don’t even like Republicans. I call it as I see it. And “But Trump…” isn’t a valid defense of anything.

          Yes, the inflation crisis did begin last year. I called it before we saw the effects of it. However, not only was it made worse by policy decisions this year, but there hasn’t been a plan to counter it. Do you know why? Do you understand why they didn’t even acknowledge that we were experiencing inflation until they had to (in other words they lied)? Because the solution is to stop spending money. Do you understand what is happening right now? They want to spend more than we have ever spent in the history of this country. And the puppet in chief literally said that blowing money we don’t have will help inflation, and the bootlickers in the media obediently nodded.

        • quote—————Go back in time to 2016. Trump was talking about infrastructure on the campaign trail.————quote

          And he and the Criminal stingy Republican did nothing about infrastructure. The proposed bills were a drop in the bucket as to what was needed, even the Republicans did not deny that fact they unashamedly said “We know it and are too cheap to spend the money”. Trump did zero about it.

          “Trump did away with Obama’s pollution controls to fight global warming”

          quote————————-We got out of the Climate Accord because it was a joke. We don’t need an international body telling us how to live our lives and forcing us tax payers to pay for other countries while we limit our own growth.————–quote

          How ignorant can you get we all live on the same planet and a host of Nations all agreed if we as a planet do not stop global warming it will kill us all. Screaming the usual Republican ” I am too cheap and stingy to spend any money” even though we as a nation are best able to afford it is absolutely insane. Plenty of smaller nations are willing to spend large amounts of their money why should we shirk our moral responsibility to save the planet we all live on.

          quote———— Ironically, after we got out, we continued to LOWER emissions. ————-quote

          Trump propaganda and pure bullshit. Studies show pollution INCREASED under Trump and the gangster criminal greed monger Republican crooks. Trump lowered air quality standards and water quality standards. In West Virginia they started pouring pollution into the streams. Horrific news programs showed it in all its disgusting obscenity. Air born cancer rates went up in children under Trump.

          quote————— Guess what? Humanity is better off now than we were when the planet was one degree cooler, yet they pretend that another degree, or even half of a degree, of warmth is when it all falls apart. You believe that, right? Is it weird that their climate models are ALWAYS wrong and they ALWAYS err in the same direction?————-quote

          Where do you live on the planet Mars. Just this week the latest scientific information has made the horrific discovery that the planet is warming far faster than what was previously thought. But when did any conservative ever believe in science???? They are still saying covid is a Democratic conspiracy and falsehood.

          quote—————–This is your key to fighting crime? Is this why violent crime and murder rose in the past year? Because of ghost guns, right?————-quote

          Read my previous posts how ghost gun crime and mass murder has skyrocketed. I gave a list of the horrific mass murders committed with them. So you are saying we should just do nothing (as usual) about it. That is insane.

        • quote—————-Do you understand what is happening right now? ————–quote

          Go back and read my post. Once again it was Trump running up the 2 trillion debt that caused the sudden inflation. Biden has not spent any money yet on his infrastructure bill , it has not even passed yet. Get real and stop blaming him for something that does not even exist as of yet. When the filthy rich get away with not paying billions per hour in taxes that is why we now have inflation.

        • quote—————quote————— Guess what? Humanity is better off now than we were when the planet was one degree cooler,————–quote

          Another Far Right climate denier. We have experienced the hottest and driest weather in the history of the planet. Turn on your TV and see the U.S. and the European countries all on fire. Take a look at North Africa and even the Nile River and the various African lakes are all drying up and the land turning into complete deserts.

        • dacian, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

          “Once again it was Trump running up the 2 trillion debt that caused the sudden inflation. Biden has not spent any money yet…”

          We have a crisis in part due to the reckless spending in 2020. Yes, Trump signed those bills. Dems can’t criticize that though because they wanted even more spending than we got last year. Now here’s where it gets really nuts. This year, Biden signed an extra 1.9 TRILLION economic stimulus package THAT WE DIDN’T NEED. IT ADDED FUEL TO THE FIRE. We are now in full crisis mode with NO PLAN TO COUNTER IT. Am I speaking slowly enough for you? Not only is there no plan to counter it, we are about to add MORE FUEL TO THE FIRE in the form of ludicrous levels of spending. And stop with the infrastructure farce. That’s a small percentage of it. That’s the excuse to go crazy with spending.

          dacian: “It only proved the Capitalvanians were paying wages so low”

          This doesn’t even make sense dacian. People were working at my local Wendy’s 1.5 years ago making $7.50 an hour. There’s a sign out saying they’re hiring at $12-14 an hour and they can’t get anyone to show up to work. I went through a Dunkin Doughnut drive through the other day and they were closed at 8:00. There was a sign that said they are closing at 6:00 due to a worker shortage. They’re paying more now than 1.5 years ago. This is a direct result of the government competing with employers by paying people to stay home. This combined with all of the Covid shut down madness is destroying small business while the big monopolies are thriving. Why are you okay with that?

          I don’t have time right now to address the climate scare. It’s weird though that every solution to “fix” any “problem” involves taking more of your money and freedom, while the elite thrive. It happens every time we experience a crisis in this country.

        • quote—————— Now here’s where it gets really nuts. This year, Biden signed an extra 1.9 TRILLION economic stimulus package THAT WE DIDN’T NEED.—————quote

          Baloney people were about to lose their employment benefits, people were about to be kicked out into the street because they had not been able to pay the rent because they lost their jobs due to Trumps ignoring of the covid crises that ended up shutting down or severely curtailing businesses.

          The plan, his top priority as president, sends direct payments of up to $1,400, extends a $300 per week unemployment insurance supplement, expands the child tax credit and puts funds into “vaccine distribution”. Repeat “vaccine distribution”, Repeat “vaccine distribution”. Am I getting through to you.

          QUOTE——————–This is a direct result of the government competing with employers by paying people to stay home. ————quote

          This was immediate help for people who were laid off from work and could not go back to businesses that were shut down because of the covid crises. You are speaking of pre-covid bragging about the obscene serfdom slave wages paid back then. Get real these people needed help now not when the economy fully recovered which can and probably will take years.

          And the evil Capitalvanians deserved what they got they have gotten away for far too long forcing people to work for nothing working 2 and even 3 part time jobs that do not pay the bills which means we the tax payers must fund more welfare payments to them even though they are working. We are all tired of paying for corporate welfare because people do not make enough money to pay their bills with the slave wages they receive.

          Stick it to the Capitalvanian businessmen who need to start sharing wealth with their workers. Unions no longer have the power to force this greed monger filth to pay livable wages. So let the Government stick it to them. I loved every minute of it and laughed for days about it.



          quote————–I don’t have time right now to address the climate scare. It’s weird though that every solution to “fix” any “problem” involves taking more of your money and freedom, while the elite thrive. It happens every time we experience a crisis in this country.————-quote

          You are a real nut case. What good will it do you to save a few pennies in taxes if you destroy the planet and all the people in it because you refuse to support funding the plans to stop global warming. How in the world someone could be that blinded by pure stinginess and blind greed is beyond the scope of human understanding. Your attempt to hint you do not have the time to refute the reality of global warming is so far off the scale of sanity and acceptance of science it defies all logic.

          Scientists knew as far back as the 1940’s that we were destroying the planet. They could see the pollution clouds forming above the weather clouds and creating the green house effect when they sent up weather balloons at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio during WWII. Bill Best a governmental employee of the time during WWII related horrific horror stories to me on what he and the other weather experts knew about global warming but could do nothing about. The government considered it too expensive to fix and said “Lets leave it for the next generation to fix”.

          In 1973 the movie Soylent Green correctly predicted everything that is now happening due to global warming. Even the post-WWII generation was made aware of it in 1973. Even in 1964 I remember some Scientists giving the planet only about another 50 years before irreversible damage and disaster struck the planet and how right they were.

        • “NOW PAY ATTENTION TO THE LAST PART OF THIS… Repeat “vaccine distribution”

          First of all there was still unspent money from the previous absurd stimulus package. Second, how much of the 1.9 trillion was set aside for vaccine distribution for the states? 4.5 billion? Why did we need 2 trillion again? How do we afford to pay for this? Why were we sending direct payments to fully employed individuals and fully retired individuals? Why were we adding a bonus to existing unemployment? None of that makes sense, and none of that adds up to 2 trillion. Certain states were hoping for a bailout because they mismanaged their states.

          “And the evil Capitalvanians deserved what they got…”

          You’re proving that you have no idea how small business works. Small businesses are usually run by average people that bust their butts for a living. Small businesses have been crushed in the past two years solely due to stupid government policy. The mega corporations and ultra wealthy NGOs are doing just fine, yet they somehow ended up with millions of our tax dollars. Explain that one. The wealthiest corporations, private schools, and NGOs aren’t aligned with the evil Republicans, and they raked in the cash during the pandemic. Why am I paying for that?

          dacian on small businesses: “So let the Government stick it to them. I loved every minute of it and laughed for days about it.” That’s sick, and you have the gall to accuse me of being stingy, lacking empathy, or even lacking respect for human life? You definitely don’t know me. I think all life is precious, and if you have the ability to help someone, then you help them. Try debating the issues at hand without the juvenile personal attacks.

          dacian said: “Your attempt to hint you do not have the time to refute the reality of global warming is so far off the scale of sanity and acceptance of science it defies all logic.”

          What are you even talking about? It means I literally didn’t have time, as in I had to get back to work. It had nothing to do with the importance of the topic.

          dacian said: “What good will it do you to save a few pennies in taxes if you destroy the planet…”

          What good will it do to tax me into submission and force third world countries to use only “green” energy, thus stifling their growth, for no benefit other than making the green energy lobby super wealthy? How much needs to happen in order to prevent the Earth from rising another degree? They’ve already done the math. It’s impossible. It isn’t going to happen. Like I said, humanity is doing better than they were 1 degree ago, and you actually believe it’s all going to fall apart if we warm another degree? Is it weird that a certain group of people stand to make a fortune if they implement their green plan? Is it weird that it stifles everyone else? Where’s the compassion and empathy in that?

        • quote—————–Second, how much of the 1.9 trillion was set aside for vaccine distribution for the states? ————-quote

          blah, blah, blah. The real fact is that Biden did what he said he was going to do and that was get off the stick and throw the full weight of the Federal Government behind the vaccination project and get the people vaccinated and fast something Trump did not do. Biden proved he was not bullshitting like Trump and to date is right on time and has vaccinated millions since he took office.

          quote————–You’re proving that you have no idea how small business works. Small businesses are usually run by average people that bust their butts for a living.———–quote

          Spare me the “poor boy” crying I have been around way to long to fall for that Conservative greed monger line of bullshit. I have seen hole in the wall businesses that cried poor boy and when the old skin flint kicked off he had millions in the bank. And lets not forget about the greed monger businesses like Amazon and McDonald’s either because they make billions and pay their employees’ nothing in wages or benefits. Again I have been around too long to fall for the “poor boy bullshit”

          quote———– I think all life is precious, and if you have the ability to help someone, then you help them. ———quote

          Sorry but your skin flint ranting about not paying any taxes to fund needed Social programs prove otherwise. Giving a dime on Sunday at church does not cut the mustard when it costs millions to help large groups of needy people and private charities cannot fill the need not by a long shot. History has proven it.

          dacian said: “What good will it do you to save a few pennies in taxes if you destroy the planet…”

          quote——————What good will it do to tax me into submission and force third world countries to use only “green” energy, thus stifling their growth, for no benefit other than making the green energy lobby super wealthy? ————-quote

          I realize the Far Right are too terrified to watch any educational programs especially the plethora of programs on foreign TV that they can broadcast because they get government funding but if you had watched them you would have realized how ignorant a statement you just made. Third world countries are rushing to green technology precisely because it is cheaper to maintain than old fashioned coal and natural gas use and often way cheaper to install as well. They have even shown nickel and dime projects bring electricity to places out in the middle of nowhere because it was not financially practical for some poor countries to electrify everywhere and guess what the green technology even on the primitive level worked and did not pollute the planet either.

          quote————How much needs to happen in order to prevent the Earth from rising another degree? They’ve already done the math. It’s impossible.———Quote

          You really went off the deep end on that totally ignorant statement. Again and pay attention this time. Just this week Scientists have warned the earth is warming up at a far more rapid rate than previously thought.

          Ground Temperatures Hit 118 Degrees in the Arctic Circle › ground-temperatures-hit-118-de…
          Jun 22, 2021 — Newly published satellite imagery shows the ground temperature in at least one location in Siberia topped 118 degrees Fahrenheit

          The polar glaciers are melting so fast the scientists are having trouble even measuring the rapid day to day melting.

          In the U.S. entire Eskimo villages are now totally underwater from melting glaciers. Polar bears are starving to death because the nearest floating glaciers are 200 miles out to sea so they cannot hunt seals anymore.

          My God is all that you watch just Fox News, it would have to be so. You are not even aware of what is happening in the real world. Its almost unbelievable with all the information available in the 21st Century we have got people like you living in a medieval fantasy world.

        • “You really went off the deep end on that totally ignorant statement. Again and pay attention this time. Just this week Scientists have warned the earth is warming up at a far more rapid rate than previously thought.”

          Thank you. You just proved my point dacian. They aren’t meeting their self-imposed deadline of stopping the warming. They already ran the numbers before this this week. If you aren’t stopping it, then you better be focused on dealing with it. Welcome to the real world. They’re using fear mongering tactics in an effort to gain more power and control over you.

          Ah yes, there it is. The Fox News Fallacy. LOL. I don’t even watch Fox News. I don’t even have cable anymore. You live in your own world with your assumptions and prejudices.

        • Here’s your homework assignment for the week:
          How did Native Americans get here, and how did they end up being cut off from Asia?

          Bonus question: Did they drive gas guzzling SUVs?

        • “blah, blah, blah”

          That isn’t a valid defense of blowing an additional 2 trillion after we already spent more than any non-wartime era in the history of this country. There are consequences for that. You hate and laugh at struggling small businesses, yet you worship wealthy pols and an all powerful, oppressive government.

          Guess what? Your dream of socialist utopia doesn’t exist without those evil, ultra wealthy businesses to fund it. But, we don’t need ultra wealthy corporations to exist in a world that doesn’t have to fund your socialist dream. I’m guessing the irony is lost on you.

        • quote—————That isn’t a valid defense of blowing an additional 2 trillion after we already spent more than any non-wartime era in the history of this country. There are consequences for that. You hate and laugh at struggling small businesses, yet you worship wealthy pols and an all powerful, oppressive government.————quote

          You did not scream your head off when Trump and the gangster criminal Republicans ran up the debt by 2 trillion dollars with their tax rape bill that helped none of the working people one iota but you scream your head off when Biden spends money to get the economy rolling which will give people back their jobs they lost and keep them from being thrown out onto the streets because they were behind in their rent. If I live to be 100 years of age I will never understand the twisted selfish views of the Far Right Republicans.

          quote————Thank you. You just proved my point dacian.———–quote

          Yes indeed I did prove my point and that is that stingy, cheap Republicans like yourself reject solid Scientific facts because your blind greed and selfishness takes president over common sense and humanity towards the people of world. You are totally unable to think logically or accept Science because it does not fit your twisted political agenda of raping the environment for every penny you can because you say “Who cares I will be dead before I totally destroy the planet anyway”. Wrong, the end is coming faster than anyone of us ever imagined and you will burn up with all your money which will not save you and there is no other planet to flee to.

          I am also willing to bet you were one of the nut cases that claimed covid was a Democrat conspiracy and that you would not get vaccinated no matter how many people you killed because it was a violation of your right to be totally irresponsible.

          quote————-Guess what? Your dream of socialist utopia doesn’t exist without those evil, ultra wealthy businesses to fund it.————–quote

          Well you finally got something half right but you have proved you certainly flunked sociology and psychology classes, if you ever had any. You can always count on human blind greed to cause the Capitalvanians to live down to their lowest level of humanity.

          Yes businesses in Europe fund Social programs that is how Socialism functions but Socialist European Governments monitor the blind greed of Businesses so that they do not abuse and enslave their employees. Businesses are required by law to pay their fair share of taxes and are not allowed to rape people for blind greed and profit like our drug companies do over here

          Civilized Socialist European Countries also have “liveable wage laws” not part time slave minimum wage laws..

          Socialist Civilized Countries have drug review boards that prevent drug companies from bankrupting and murdering people because of sky high rip off prices. This is why the Capitalvanian greed mongers must always be watched and kept under control. Its called living in a civilized country, something the U.S. has yet to achieve.

          Its utterly shameful and totally criminal the way the American people are treated when the U.S. has more than enough money to prevent such needless suffering and death due to the blind greed of the Capitalvanian Republicans like yourself. Health care has become unaffordable, drug care unaffordable, education expenses unaffordable, our roads and bridges dangerous to use because they are deteriorating.

          You mock Socialism by calling it a utopia when in reality your living in a Capitalvanian hell hole and are too ignorant to even realize it. Blind greed destroys your ability to think logically and clearly.

          Someday of course you will desperately need Social programs and or affordable health care to save your stingy ass. Someday you too will need a life saving operation or life saving drugs so you can go on living the life of Ebenezer Scrooge of the Charles Dickens story. His story was based on the real lives of people just like you but in real life the Scrooges of the Business world never undergo any redemption as they believe they will be able to take their hordes of gold to the grave.

          And by the way you do not have to tell us your a businessman your posts prove it.

        • “You did not scream your head off when Trump and the gangster criminal Republicans ran up the debt”

          There you go again with your prejudice and assumptions. I’m not a fan of a good chunk of the tax plan. If you were paying attention, you would note that I literally said in this thread that I won’t defend it because I’m not 100% on board with it. I’ve been screaming my head off for years about not balancing the budget, and you can even find posts from me on this site being against Republican supported absurd spending.

          “Who cares I will be dead before I totally destroy the planet anyway”

          Where did I say that dacian? Where did I contradict science? I love the environment, and I understand science. I thought I was going to be an environmental engineer at one point, and it wasn’t for the money or the chicks. You don’t even respond to me. You just keep running through your talking points and making assumptions about me.

          “I am also willing to bet you were one of the nut cases that claimed covid was a Democrat conspiracy”

          LOL. I’ve said absolutely nothing of the sort. Our conversation doesn’t even involve that. Put down your talking points. You sure are a prejudiced person Vlad.

          “Well you finally got something half right but you have proved you certainly flunked sociology and psychology classes, if you ever had any.”

          I took both in college for an easy A break after taking more difficult classes like physics I & II and calculus I & II thank you.

          Why are you giving me a lecture on social programs and affordable health care? Where did I say we don’t need them? Again, it’s like you’re running down your talking points without even considering the conversation. Where do you get off calling me greedy just because we have philosophical differences? By the way, one of the reasons I voted for Obama is because he promised me affordable healthcare. Imagine how pissed off I was, not only when I never got it, but when I found out they knew it was a lie back when they were saying that.

          What I am saying, if you’re actually listening this time, is that we need to stop wasting money. Maybe you can find a post by me that says we COULD afford government subsidized healthcare if they would quit wasting money. I’ve said that here on TTAG. Do you know how much federal “free” money I personally took in during the free for all in the past 1.5 years? Zero. Do you know how much wealthy NGOs and corporations took in? Millions. I’m still being taxed. In other words, my taxes are going to them. Hell yes I have a serious problem with that.

          “And by the way you do not have to tell us your a businessman your posts prove it.”

          Do I have to tell you that I quit college, so when I decided to go back I was 100% on my own without help from my parents? I worked two jobs while being a full time student. Yet I managed to buy a new truck (though the only options were A/C and a tape player), pay for college myself, pay my rent, utilities, etc. and still have enough money left to take my girlfriend to a nice restaurant every weekend. I didn’t have cable or a phone. Those were wants, not needs. I used pay phones. THAT’S why I have zero sympathy for young, able-bodied deadbeats with phones, internet access, and brand name clothing, that are about to get thrown out of their apartment because they won’t get off their lazy ass and work their way up like I did.

        • quote—————-“Who cares I will be dead before I totally destroy the planet anyway”

          Where did I say that dacian? Where did I contradict science?——————quote

          Get real even a 5th grader does not believe you after reading your rants against proven science in relation to the destruction of the environment. Your posts prove you place the value of money over that of human life. Its almost impossible to believe you went to college and then reject science in very post you make.

          quote—————Why are you giving me a lecture on social programs and affordable health care? Where did I say we don’t need them?————-quote

          You damn well need a good lecture as your posts scream that you will not support paying a few more pennies in taxes to support the badly needed or underfunded programs we have or still need.

          quote——————-By the way, one of the reasons I voted for Obama is because he promised me affordable healthcare. Imagine how pissed off I was, not only when I never got it, but when I found out they knew it was a lie back when they were saying that.—————–quote

          Good God how could anyone who claims to be a college graduate not understand what happened when Obama was pushing a new health care plan. Do you not ever watch any accredited news programs. Obama never wanted Obama care he wanted a civilized European style National Health Care but he was battling the powerful gangster criminal greed monger Republicans and in order to get something past he had to comprise.

          Really are you so ignorant you are not even aware that under his plan you are a hell of a lot better off with what he got then getting nothing at all. Don’t you even realize that he did away with pre-existing conditions that prevented millions of Americans from getting any health care that was any where near affordable. Obviously you are still a very inexperience young man when it comes to health care in the U.S. And also Obama made insurance caps illegal as well because it was a previously a scam that made your health insurance next to worthless when you had an expensive catastrophic illness. And how about when his plan extended coverage to children still living at home. How in the world can you ignore all the benefits of his plan.

          Have you ever even thought about why the Republicans have done everything possible to destroy Obama Care with no justification for doing so except that they are being paid to destroy it by the criminals in the insurance industry.

          Quote—————–Do you know how much wealthy NGOs and corporations took in? Millions. I’m still being taxed. In other words, my taxes are going to them. Hell yes I have a serious problem with that.————-quote

          Without even realizing it you just contradicted your own posts and that is exactly what I have been saying and that is we do have enough money for a health care plan and we have always had the money it is just that the corporations are stealing it all for themselves and that is exactly why they pay their prostitutes the Republicans to prevent a health care from being past because if it is then they will be getting way less free tax money because the pressure will be on Congress to cut back on the free money they give corporations. Really do you not even understand how the system works??????

          quote————–“And by the way you do not have to tell us your a businessman your posts prove it.”————quote

          You never answered my above question which proves that yes you are a businessman and that is what is behind your posts as they are rooted in money and greed.

          quote————–“I am also willing to bet you were one of the nut cases that claimed covid was a Democrat conspiracy”

          LOL. I’ve said absolutely nothing of the sort.————quote

          You are not squirming out of this one. I made a statement and you tried to squirm out of answering it. Now we know you did indeed refuse to get vaccinated. Again its unfathomable you have a college degree in anything.

        • “your rants against proven science”
          “you place the value of money over that of human life”

          Put up or shut up. Where did I say any of that? I didn’t rant against science. I never valued money over life. You sir are an idiot.

          “paying a few more pennies in taxes to support…”

          Spare me you fool. I’m all for helping people. I don’t know how many ways I can say that. You believe whatever you want. The government is busy paying themselves and their buddies as they crush the working class. You are blind as a bat. We could help plenty of people without thieves in charge of the money.

          “Obama never wanted Obama care”

          What he wanted is irrelevant you fool. He sold America on the ACA, and he lied through his teeth. You don’t care because you’re a party cheerleader.

          “you are a hell of a lot better off”

          Everything has pros and cons. We were promised affordable healthcare and lower premiums. Obama and the gang lied through their teeth. People involved with it admitted it on video. Don’t lie to the public so you can push a plan through.

          “Without even realizing it you just contradicted your own posts and that is exactly what I have been saying and that is we do have enough money for a health care plan”

          Where’s the contradiction you fool? They aren’t giving us free healthcare because they’re too busy paying themselves and their buddies. How many different ways do I have to say that?

          “Without even realizing it you just contradicted your own posts and that is exactly what I have been saying and that is we do have enough money for a health care plan and we have always had the money it is just that the corporations are stealing it all for themselves and that is exactly why they pay their prostitutes the Republicans to prevent a health care from being past because if it is then they will be getting way less free tax money because the pressure will be on Congress to cut back on the free money they give corporations.”

          Have you ever heard of a run-on sentence? Where did you go to school? That diatribe is barely legible. Name the wealthiest corporations, private schools, and NGOs. Now how many are currently aligned with Republicans? Both parties are corrupt to the core. You’re a fool for trusting any of them.

          “You never answered my above question which proves that yes you are a businessman and that is what is behind your posts as they are rooted in money and greed.”

          I didn’t think it was necessary. I’m self-employed. It isn’t a secret. The fact that you automatically think all business owners are greedy instead of assessing people as individuals just goes to show how prejudiced and hate-filled you are. Are you self-sufficient or do you ever rely on businesses to sell you goods and services? Do you realize that everyone can’t work for the government? Someone has to produce something. Geez man.

          “You are not squirming out of this one. I made a statement and you tried to squirm out of answering it. Now we know you did indeed refuse to get vaccinated. Again its unfathomable you have a college degree in anything.”

          You make up your own little fantasy world don’t you? It doesn’t even matter what I say. You are completely unhinged. Seek help. Oh, and I’m vaccinated you prickk.

        • quote—————Put up or shut up. Where did I say any of that?———————-quote

          Now your lying between your teeth You screamed from the roof tops that global warming was a not real and we went back and forth on this for several days.

          quote————– I’m all for helping people. We could help plenty of people without thieves in charge of the money.————quote

          Same old Right Wing Republican bullshit. You are too cheap to support Socialist programs at the government level. I got news for you even a Moron knows that private charities can in no way address the problem of poverty and homelessness in America.

          quote—————“Without even realizing it you just contradicted your own posts and that is exactly what I have been saying and that is we do have enough money for a health care plan”

          Where’s the contradiction you fool? They aren’t giving us free healthcare because they’re too busy paying themselves and their buddies. How many different ways do I have to say that?——–quote

          You admitted you hated Obama Care but did not level with us as to why and that is because you are too cheap and stingy to support it. Even Obama Care is light years better than what we had before and if you dispute that you are too young to know how bad it was before Obama Care Was passed. I already gave you 3 very good reasons it was a godsend compared to what we had before and you ignored it completely with a wave of the hand “Do not confuse me with the facts because it does not support my warped Right Wing Stingy Agenda”.

          You will support no new taxes just as you would refuse to buy a 10 cent cork to plug the hole in the bottom of the sinking boat because if I do not support stopping global warming that is killing us all do you think I would buy a cork to save myself and all the other people in the boat. No way because I would be footing the entire 10 cent bill.

          And yes you were ranting about how much another Health Care Bill would cost until I brought up the truth about Trump’s tax rape law that ripped the people off by 2 trillion which you ignored with a wave of the hand. That was ok with you because your beloved Trump and the Republicans passed it but when Biden spent money then you were going spastic ignoring the fact that Biden’s spending was actually helping people.

          quote————-I didn’t think it was necessary. I’m self-employed. It isn’t a secret. —————quote

          But until now you sure as hell tried to keep it secret because it proved what I said about you all along and that is the its only the blind greedy businessman that opposes spending a few pennies more in taxes funding Socialist programs to help people which you scream is always a waste of money if the government funds it.

          Give us all a break and pull yourself out of your ignorance and observe how European countries do it and they refuse to let people die like dogs in the streets of Capitalvania.

          European countries on average are 50 times smaller and way less rich and they afford health care so do you think anyone will believe Republican lies that we cannot afford it. Get real for once.

          DID YOU HEAR ABOUT…..
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          JIM: “YOU MEAN SEAL TEAM 6?”
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          BOB: “NO THE OTHER ONE:.
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          BOB: “NO, THE OTHER ONE.”
          BOB: “THAT’S THE ONE!”

        • “Now your lying between your teeth You screamed from the roof tops that global warming was a not real and we went back and forth on this for several days.”

          Go back and read the words. I literally said they won’t be able to stop the warming. You don’t listen to a word I say. I take the time to treat you like a real person and attempt to have a friendly debate, and all you do is insult me for no reason. You treat everyone like a walking stereotype.

          “You are too cheap to support Socialist programs”

          Once again I literally said (multiple times) I am for responsible programs to help people in need. You only hear what you want to hear.

          “You admitted you hated Obama Care but did not level with us as to why and that is because you are too cheap and stingy to support it.”

          Listen to yourself you fool. I hated it because I was promised something that ended up being a lie. I plainly explained that but you just cover your ears with your hands. You don’t listen to a word I say.

          “You will support no new taxes…”

          What the fck are you even talking about? I’m being taxed while the pols are paying themselves. I clearly explained this. They could help people IF THEY WOULD QUIT WASTING MONEY. We just spent more than any country in the history of the world. If we can’t help people with that, our government will never be able to pull it off. And don’t tell me they needed it for vaccine distribution. That was a few billion. They spent trillions. Covid was the excuse. They paid themselves and their donors, and they’re keeping the scheme going. Why do you trust pols as long as they have a D by their name?

          Note: These are rhetorical questions. You aren’t having a conversation with me. All you’re doing is not listening to a word I say while you constantly insult and make assumptions about me.

          “But until now you sure as hell tried to keep it secret”

          You’re a fukin loon. It makes no difference what my job is. It was completely irrelevant to the conversation, just like if I’m vaccinated. You’re acting like it was some sort of gotcha that I’m self-employed. Hell, I’ve mentioned that on here before. Owning or not owning a business doesn’t determine whether you’re a good person. This is what happens when people don’t understand what true virtue is.

          I took the time to listen to you and try to have a conversation. All you’re doing is talking past me, putting words in my mouth, and insulting me. I’m a walking stereotype for you to blame everything on. I’m done with you.

        • MADDMAXX,

          You’ll have to add spying on and attempting to frame an incoming administration to the list.

        • Sorry Dude but at least I would have respected you if you had stood up for what you believe in. I thought I would never say this but even the mental midget JWM I respect because he does not back down from what he believes in.

          Now your claiming ” I really did not mean I did not believe in Global warming (after you ranted for days about it but then were hit with too much science on the matter) You even screamed the climate could not get 1 degree warmer with the usual Far Right Mumbo Jumbo that had educated people and the scientists rolling in the aisles with laughter.

          And now your claiming “Gee I really did not mean I hate Obama Care because it was not perfect and because I had to pay for it”.

          And I really did not mean I do not support a National Health Care plan (As long as it will not cost me anything).

          Next time be man enough to stand by what you said and what you really believe. I guess all the embarrassment with science was too much for you to handle.

      • You’ll have to add spying on and attempting to frame an incoming administration to the list.

        Yeah I would have but it’s not my property, permission to share but I don’t edit other folks materials like some of the lower life forms posting here… I already responded to that clown but evidently it was considered a bit too colorful for the other adults in the room so it got “censored” too bad, it was a good one…

        • “OBTW: This should cause the little trolls head to explode… ”

          Thanx. Read that article years ago; saved it, but lost it in a computer upgrade.

          When I shared it with climo-nazis, they generally said, “Forbes is a financial rag, and has no credential allowing influence in science.” (pretty much, “Forbes is only authoritative when it publishes something I like.”). When I pointed out the author was using a tactic that should be applied to any statistical claim, the climo-nazis usually replied that Forbes was generally the same; Forbes is a financial magazine having no credible experience with sophisticated statistics.

        • Capitalvanian greed
          @VLAD THE FOOL:
          Yeah I read the NASA screed (the same NASA that thought spending their funding to teach math to people in the Middle East?) and even they admit that actual temperature increase is 2 degrees over the last 140 years, they used every term Epstien described… Fearmongering to the Sheeple… I wonder how you live? Anti Capitalism so you must live off the land in a handbuilt shack… But, which “Capitalist” power company are you supporting to power your cell phone/laptop or whatever you are using to post your drivel? What Capitalist provider are you using to communicate the crap you attempt to pass off as fact? Do you grow your own food, walk everywhere you go? Do you have a real job? what do you do for money? Are you a welfare baby, foodstamp recipient (congrats on the pay raise)… You are a joke, you either live off the government and partially participate in “Capitalvania” (AND contribute to YOUR version of Global Warming) OR you WORK for some Capitalist and are an all in user of verything capitalism affords us… Or you live in some Fascist or Communist state which means that NOTHING you have to say has any value what-so-ever (not that it does anyway)…

  19. Let’s see now, we got afghan terrorists now armed with our weapons, we got who knows how many coming across our southern border, we got our own domestic terrorists along with the other gangbangers, and they wanna take my gun?? 🖕

    • To be fair they did lose a big assumption/talking point/safety blanket that country bumpkins with rifles cannot overthrow a government. With that said super jealous they get to own full auto’s, crew served, and all manner of fun equipment.

  20. Where are the massive bomb strikes we need to make against the Taliban. We could bring the country to it’s knees with the people begging for us to come back. We should take the front line out and let them be warned.

    • Wrong. The Taliban are now in control of the major cities and bombing civilians in the cities would bring worldwide condemnation. And of course the Taliban would then just melt away into the hills and we would then be back to square one i.e. an endless guerrilla Vietnam style war that only ends with the bankruptcy of the U.S. Of course to be honest we already achieved the bankruptcy with 2 trillion dollars wasted.

  21. Afghanistan was never going to have a democratic form of government. The idea that the United States which took four hundred years to become what it is today, could actually recreate itself in Afghanistan within 10 or 20 years.

    This is just ludicrous Thinking by people who haven’t read a history book. The non-european societies that have adopted Western ways did so because, at one time they were either a colony of a western Nation, or they were conquered in Wartime by a western Nation.
    There are societies who might like having internet access, computers, modern medicine. But they still want to live as if time hasn’t changed for the last 1,000 years. As the United States is leaving Afghanistan or trying to, the Biden Administration is bombing Somalia in Africa.

    And for those that have forgotten it was the obama-biden administration that dropped 5 times more bombs on more countries than the Bush Administration ever thought about.

    But there were no anti-war protesters because it was a Democrat dropping the bombs.

    • Who got us into the Middle East again? Oh wait it was Republicans. You of course conveniently leave that out. You are a Statist and believe Governemnt can fix everything, especially morality. Governement has no business in morality and even less business in the Middle East. Once you begin to realize you are an equal part of the problem alone with Democrats we can move on to actually fixing the problems of this country.

      As others have said; Muslims killing Muslims is a good thing. We sell guns to both sides and it’s an absolute win.

      • It was bipartisan. Check the vote history of some very prominent Democrats including Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Chuck Schumer. The media rewrote history into a solely Republican event. And while you’re at it, check the vote history of prominent Democrats like Gore, Sr. during the Civil Rights Era.

        • bipartisan, globalist, neoconservative, neoliberal, and generally happy military industrial complex. Looking back the early 2000’s were a wild time.

  22. “The Taliban’s Victory in Afghanistan is Another Argument Against Gun Control in America”

    Not seeing it. Nor the idea that somehow, irregular forces inside the borders will be effective. There is no more vicious war than civil war. Civil War 2.0 was between Americans. The members of the union army had no difficulty killing fellow Americans.

    Why pick Afghanistan as the example of rebellion that is to prove irregulars can defeat organized military forces? Why not, Ireland? Why not Cuba? Why not Indonesia? Why not Israel? Why not Texas? Why not Haiti? Why not Vietnam? Why not Algeria? Why not….

    The only lessons from Afghanistan (and Iraq) are that America is not a reliable ally. And that America uses its military to send “messages”. And that America is not good at empire building.

    List of rebellions through history:

  23. The Taliban just wiped the drool off Joe Bidenheimer’s chin and shoved critical race theory up Mark Milley’s @ss. Trunalimunumaprzure!

  24. Is there a new push to infest conservative forums with marxist progtards? Obiden is getting nuked and suddenly the twits come out like hookers at sundown. Perhaps required to keep getting their bonus $600/wk Fed deadbeat income.

    • He seems to get all excitable after a weekend of riding the new unicorn ponies at ProgWorld with his mom.

  25. @jwm

    “Jack. It takes a whole lot more than fresh uniforms to maintain and operate high end military equipment. Spare parts will only last so long and with the sudden learning curve the attrition of the high end stuff will be high.

    Still. Drones and cruise missiles could eliminate a lot of the problem, equipment wise. If the admin in DC can get the go ahead from Beiging.”

    Yes, I am well aware of that. But now that they have an airforce they have something to bargain with from other countries. Plus all they need to do is import pilots from other pro-taliban groups and there are plenty of those who were purged from the Afgan air force a few years ago.

  26. I disagree entirely with the sentiment expressed by the Twitterer as there is a fundamental difference between us and other people. Those responsible for this debacle don’t give a tinker’s dam about other people as said other people can’t do anything to them in terms of holding them accountable. Conversely, they would not think twice about grinding us under their heel in order to preserve a domestic dominance if they thought they could get away with it.

    And they couldn’t under the current circumstances. Americans still tend to enjoy the degree of freedom they have and won’t tolerate a rapid suspension of it. It’s why they’re always chipping away and will never stop chipping away at it. One day, the tipping point will be reached. At that point, there will neither be nothing to resist with nor the inclination to do so…see Afghanistan as an example of such a ground-down populace.

    That’s why we can’t give an inch.

  27. @StLPro2A
    “Answer is not clear. Sorta like ATF definitions…..can’t clearly define, but will know it when they see it.”

    While I view “know it when they see it” childish, let’s put that aside. I still need a reference link supporting the claim that “…Patriots from military will side with Constitution supporters.” Hope is not a plan.

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