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I agree with Robert: in a real-world defensive gun use (DGU) we generally fight with the pistol one handed. One-handed shooting comes into play even more when moving or running. Believe me, when bullets start flying, I will be attempting to do both at the same time. That said, it doesn’t have to be a straight up choice between one- or two-handed . . .

In the video above, Mr. Phillips shows seamless transition between one-handed and two-handed shooting while on the move. Body and hand positioning is all about keeping the pistol pointed on target with the least disruption from our own movement. Generally, a pistol held in one hand will bounce around less than one held in two hands. Sort of like the gyroscopic turret of a tank.

Generally, when shooting to target on a right handed shooters 1-5 o’clock while moving, one handed shooting is the best way to maintain balance and keep the gun indexed on the target.

When shooting at a target to a right handed shooter’s 11-7 o’clock, the support hand comes into play since the gun has to come in closer to the body. The body should be pointed in the direction of motion, not necessarily at the target. The 7-9 o’clock is the most difficult direction for a right handed shooter to target since it is essentially over the shoulder.

Pulling the gun in close and getting two hands on it allows for reasonable hits without hitting one’s own left arm. Left handed shooting is probably better for these directions.

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  1. After watching this video on one handed shooting, I came to the conclusion that any moron with a video camera is now an expert on shooting. I would not want this jerk any where near me on the range, or God forbid on the street. I shoot one handed, because I have to. My left arm is paralyzed thanks to an attack upon me by a raghead. This idiots gun control was far less than satisfactory. His running around showed just how dangerous, these self appointed “…experts…” are. In a real life situation, your best defense is to not get involved in a dangerous situation, if at all possible. In todays world that is not always possible. The answer to that is, if you must shoot, while utilizing one hand is to carry a caliber that you handle one handed, without the firearm bouncing all over the place. If you are going to carry that big .45, then then learn to shoot defensively. Learn how to place your shots, NOT spray and pray like the moron in the video. His muzzle was every where. You are NOT going to run around your target such as shown in this video. In fact if you charge your target like this jerk, guess who’s going to jail!? YOU! Charging your target will be construed as ESCALATION! The law in most states will having wording to the affect that once the threat has passed, you MUST cease! Charging is looked upon as a hostile act. Not one that is designed to calm a situation. You have become the aggresor. Please take this MORONS video down!

  2. I’ve na’ seen such fantasy drivel in me life. The guy fires more than eight shots way above the target and way left and right. This is, in reality, pure spray and pray because the guy (apparently) cannot rotate his upper body while running. It reminds me of nothing so much as a ghetto run-by-the-playground gang shooting. His gun control was awful, meaning specifically that he kept pulling the trigger before the gun recovered onto target….like a newbee shooting a subgun. [This whole “invent new idiotic BS ‘techniques’ to amuse 12-year-olds” has gotten completely out of hand. Why on earth does TTAG run such stuff? To trigger comments? It will end up defining the site.]

  3. This guy is a fool living in a fantasy. This is the type of nonsense training that gets people hurt. The choice of music typifies the stupidity of this video; what kind of message is it sending? I agree with Paul, this video is moronic and should be criticized rather than praised.

  4. I’m gonna disagree with the previous comments – I think that this guy has more or less the right idea by adding movement to his defensive shooting technique. His technique may not be pretty, but it shows a much more accurate portrayal of a real gunfight than most of the school-house solutions being taught these days. The problem with most of the “conventional” instruction is that it never accounts for the fact that the bad guy will likely be shooting back. I’ve seen some pretty stupid “instruction” on that Personal Defense TV where they advocate standing still and shooting three or four (armed) attackers, sometimes combined with a slow, mythodical side-step motion. Unless you shoot like Jerry Miculek, that just isn’t going to work in the real world. If you have spent any time working with simunitions, paintball, MILES, etc., you will know that adding movement (esp lateral movement) into the equation greatly decreases your chances of getting hit – particularly if you are facing multiples. IMHO, getting to better cover has got to be one of your highest priorities in any gun fight. Having said that, I’m not sure that emptying your entire magazine BEFORE you get to cover is a great idea, since you are most vulnerable during that second or two (or three) that it takes to reload. On the other hand, when you are really scared shitless, pulling the trigger as fast as you can seems to make sense at that moment, so it is something you have to train to avoid doing. As for charging your target: In most cases I think that putting more distance between you and your attacker is a better idea. On the other hand, I do know of an incident where a charging technique was sucessfully used against an armed assailant. In that case, a bankrobber was taken out of the fight with a blow to the head with the butt of the pistol. Charging can have a huge psychological effect on the attacker – particularly if the attacker is not well trained and/or is not expecting the aggression. Try the “21-foot drill” and you will know what I’m talking about. In any event, I think the technique shown above is not generally taught primarily because it is much more dangerous than just having the student stand there and shoot at a non-moving paper target. However, in terms of surviving a real gunfight, I think that “movement while shooting” training is right on the money.

  5. I got tired just watching that guy. There’s no point winning the gunfight if you have a coronary immediately afterwards.

    I can run and I can shoot. I just can’t do both at the same time if I want to hit my target with every shot. After shooting from a Weaver stance, I always practice one-handed shooting. It’s an important skill and I’m damn accurate one-handed with a 9mm.

  6. For a long time, traditional square range training limited shooters to taking a few steps left or right while engaging a target, or trying step-and-drag backwards while shooting. Safety issues and facility limitations prevent most live fire classes from allowing students to move more aggressively off the line. For a long time “tactics” taught at shooting schools was based not on analysis of real incidents, but based on what could be done safely on a square range to approximate what really should occur.

    Force on force allows this topic to be explored in more detail, in a 360 degree “range” with a live threat that adapts and tracks the shooter’s movement. If 12 o clock is straight downrange (charge the target) and 6 o clock is uprange retreat, 10 other “clock angles” should be considered. Half of these use forward movement (9/10/11, 1/2/3). What everyone who has looked at this issue has found is that body movement is more natural and foot speed “off the X” is faster shooting one handed vs. 2. The price you pay for greater foot speed is in the difficulty in getting accurate hits, as this video shows.

    There’s value in practicing live fire drills working different angles in an empty U shaped berm, as shown in the video, but my recommendation is to focus on getting acceptable hits (C zone or better on an IPSC target, or inside the “-1” zone on an IDPA target) while moving, both for safety and for learning what’s required to get hits moving at the different angles. Under stress, accuracy will decrease and speed will increase. Just as with every other shooting skill, perfect practice makes perfect, and crap practice makes crap.

  7. Either shoot or move to get cover, or both. Chicken dances are ineffective. Spraying rounds leaves you with less ammo for multiple attackers or follow up shots.

  8. I hate to break it to people, but this is actually what a gunfight looks like.

    People are running, shots go wild, and everything sucks.

    • At what point did you have a real “…gunfight…?” I have been there, and done it for real. Nam 69-71.

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