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Here’s something for that next baby shower – a perfect outfit for the little nipper in your life, and simultaneously, a way for you to assert your manhood, should there be any doubt. [NOTE: If the milkman shows up at the baby shower with this in a gift box, your mom-to-be got some ‘splainin’ to do…]

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  1. You know, ESPN has been firing and suspending people for using language similar to yours (nipper). As a man married to a Japanese woman, I don’t take offense because I understand where your heart and intent are. (man I hate ending a sentence with a “be” verb.

    • Feh. Where I grew up, “nipper” was always preceded by the word “little.” There was no racial component to it at all. Hell, even Stevie Wonder did a song about “nappy-headed” – which would likely get you shot, if you’re white and used it in the wrong place/wrong time.

      When my dad (who grew up in Chicago) moved to Shreveport, LA, they went to an Italian restaurant, where my mom (a Louisiana native) ordered a “Wop salad.” My dad came unglued. He said to her, “DON’T SAY THAT IN HERE! DO YOU WANNA GET GROUND GLASS IN YOUR FOOD?” She smiled, and pointed to the menu – where “Wop salad” was listed. Even better, the place was reputed to be a hangout of Carlos Marcello – the Wise Guy Don for the Gulf Coast.

      I suppose it’s all how you look at it.

      • I should have put a smiley in there, or something… It was really directed at the lunatics in ESPN and the whole Jeremy Lin incident – your article just provided the impetus.

  2. Wasn’t Edison’s dog (pit bull?) named ‘The Little Nipper’?
    It’s his dog on the record labels with a caption ‘His master’s
    The dog has his head cocked as he looks at an old Victrola
    playing his owner saying something.

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