April Fool's day hand drawn lettering. Template for, banner, poster, flyer, greeting card, web design, print design. Vector illustration.
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Want to build your own guns at home with a 3D printer? It’s cheaper and easier than you thought. You can buy a good printer for about $200. Yes, $200.

Read the first two posts in Ivan’s series on 3D printing for building your own firearms here:

DIY Guns, Part 1: An Intro to Modern 3D Printing and Making Your Own Firearms at Home

DIY Guns, Part 2: 3D Guns You Can Build Right Now


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    • It’s still there. You have to go to his tweets and scroll down a bit. It took me a little bit to find it.

  1. If you really want to stop insane gun control zealots inform the history illiterate milquetoast ivory tower public how the Roots of Gun Control are in Racism and Genocide.
    This if we don’t have guns only criminals will have guns has worn thin and it goes in one ear and out the other for gun control zealots. It should be if you support gun control you are a racist and nazi, Period.

    • Liberals don’t actually mind racism – it’s an epithet they paint their opposition with, but seldom apply it to themselves. After all, what group has actually label people of color as racists, because they aren’t strident enough in their calls for social justice? And most certainly, liberal elites don’t want the downtrodden – blacks, Hispanics, or hillbilly white trash — to have guns.

      Even now, while newly “woke” individual liberals are scrambling to arm themselves, they still don’t consider themselves a part of the great unwashed who have been armed for decades. The pandemic is, after all, a special situation! Somebody might invade their gated communities, or Horrors!, accost them in the Whole Foods parking lot. After things settle down in their respectably white, liberal enclaves, they’ll be back to preaching about guns and POTG are bad and must be rid from society.

      They ARE racist, and they don’t care. It’s only a social justice tactic to shame conservatives.

      • Very true. Have you also noticed how tolerant those liberals in Vermont are? No kidding, 90% of whites. Put the same folks in Atlanta, New Orleans or Miami and we’ll see how quickly they become racist.

    • “If you really want to stop insane gun control zealots inform the history illiterate milquetoast ivory tower public how the Roots of Gun Control are in Racism and Genocide.”

      When you say it like that they very people you want to teach will cease to listen to you because you sound like exactly the kind of arrogant asshole you’re telling them the “other guy” is.

      Getting into a “who’s the bigger asshole” contest serves no purpose and is actually counterproductive.

      People who know what they’re doing pull people in off the street and sell them shit they don’t need or, sometimes, even want and often can’t afford. OTOH people who don’t know what they’re doing fail to sell people shit they actually need when the price is easily affordable and the prospective buyer walks in the door of their own accord.

      Don’t be the latter.

  2. The state government ordered gun stores closed here (Queensland, Australia) on Friday afternoon without any warning. More annoying they declared all forests closed to camping and hunting as local deer season started.

    Lots of screaming from rural areas for example our local gun dealer is also the only hardware, rural supplies and stock food shop in a town of 4000. So from last Tuesday limited sales for farmers, police etc but not general public. Another well thought out knee jerk reaction.
    Personally have more than enough ammo for now but should do some reloading.

    • WA and Victoria have done the same. NSW Firearms Registry is not answering their phones or responding to emails. The shops are open for now. I’m hoping to receive a recently approved Permit-To-Acquire before it expires in June.

    • The Victorian government was freaked out by simply an increase in enquiries and applications.

      • Southern
        Good luck with PTA. They stopped accepting new ones here last Friday.

        NSW government has also declared all forests shut as far as I know. So much for using R licence either.

        • Good news. The PTA arrived in the post last night. I’m going to the shop to complete the purchase on the weekend.

    • I mean, he could just tell the government to fuck itself, and distribute his inventory to locals in return for a promise of support for his peaceful resistance.

  3. Improve you reaction time while sheltering in place…Everytime a democRat Ratbassturd pops up on your TV screen draw your remote and click that scumbag right between the eyes.

    • I have a nerf pistol for that — foam bullets with little suction cups on them. Many a time I’ve nailed a deserving politician or talking head right between the precious jellies.

  4. Oh there’s other April Fool’s out there…believing China is now the savior of the world. If we sink into a coronadepression everyone will be looking at us gun owner’s to “save” them. Keep your powder dry!

  5. The issue isn’t so much how to DIY guns, it’s how to DIY ammunition, which is much harder to manufacture (quite dangerous actually). The government doesn’t need to worry so much about the populace’s ability to manufacture guns, as they can just shut-down the ammo manufacturers should they really want (or their ability to legally supply civilians).

    • Ammunition has been uncontrolled for so long that it would be quite impossible to account for even a fraction of it.

      • That may well be true, but that still hasn’t stopped gun-grabbers from trying. Ammunition background checks, microstamping, ammunition registries, etc. These things have all been tried before and, despite having failed most spectacularly every time, these suggestions keep popping up from the mealy mouths of the willfully ignorant.

    • Watch for a sudden upswing in purchases of equipment from RCBS, Hornady, Dillon, Lee Precision, etc.

      If you follow obvious safety advice, such as No Smoking, reloading is safe.

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