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It’s 10:00 pm and you could just kill for a pizza. And a little extra cash. That’s apparently what one Myrtle Beach, South Carolina yoot was thinking last night when he walked into a pie parlor with a wallet as empty as his stomach (and his head).

When the man at the counter asked what he could get for him . . .

…the suspect then pulled out a magazine for a firearm and pointed at the victim, telling the victim to give him everything he has. The victim then slapped the magazine out of the suspect’s hands.

Not a pistol, just a magazine. Two rounds popped out when the mag hit the linoleum and Dillinger snagged them before disappearing into the night.

Sadly, the report doesn’t indicate whether the failed stick-up was committed with a handgun mag or one for an AR. Either way, look for our friends at Moms Demand Action to classify this as just one more crime committed with a high capacity “assault weapon.”

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  1. I heard on the news last night that a man robbed a bank in Oroville, California (home of the failed dam spillway), but was quickly found and arrested by police–because he was wearing his ankle monitor.

  2. When I read just the headline I’m thinking he used a Playboy or Time or the always evil Guns and Ammo. Then I read the story and I am very glad that he wasn’t armed with a clip. Could have been bad. In New York he’d have been limited to throwing just seven bullets at the counter guy. I feel safer just thinking about that.

    • Apparently the dude behind the counter was not afraid to use his high capacity slap- a- hand, either.

  3. This was so stupid, I had a vision of a magazine when I read it. Like, Time magazine. I truly did not envision a bullet holdy type device until I read the article.

    • The 31 round Glock mags would make a decent impact weapon, but to most folks a large rock would likely be more intimidating and thus more likely to facilitate his robbery attempt. One boggles at the stupidity regularly on public display.

  4. At least it wasn’t something dangerous like a kid’s pop-tart with the thing that goes up.

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