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Like Weatherby before them, Stag Arms has made the decision to leave its long time home in a gun-hostile state and move to the more hospitable environment of Wyoming . . .


Stag Arms LLC (“Stag” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the appointment of a new President as well as its new location.

Stag’s Board of Directors today announced that Chad Larsen has been appointed Stag’s President effective immediately. The Company also announced that it will be relocating to Cheyenne, WY, by the end of the year. In June, the Company disclosed its decision to move from Stag’s former headquarters in New Britain, CT, and accordingly initiated a national search for a new location.

In making today’s announcement, Elie Azar, Founder and CEO of White Wolf Capital, LLC, which owns a controlling interest in Stag Arms, said: “We decided it was time to do a complete refresh of the Company. We needed to solve for three things: visionary customer-centric leadership, a business-friendly, pro-growth economic environment, and a cultural climate that reflects Stag’s brand image of independence and free spiritedness. I am pleased to report that we have found a solution that hits all these points.”

To find a new location for the Company, Stag’s Board of Directors conducted a rigorous process comparing dozens of potential sites against a stringent set of criteria. “Cheyenne came out on top on most of the individual criteria,” said Azar, “and considering our requirements as a whole, it was by far the superior site. Not only is Wyoming an incredibly hospitable place to do business, it is also a top destination for outdoor recreation, including hunting and shooting sports, which reflects its citizens’ unwavering support for the Second Amendment.”

Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon, upon learning of Stag’s decision to relocate to his state, issued the following statement:

“I am pleased to welcome Stag Arms to Wyoming and to know that our state came out on top of a broad look at potential new homes for the sought-after company. We have a deep-seated commitment to the Second Amendment that I will continue to uphold. Ultimately, Stag Arms had to make a business decision and I believe this announcement is an affirmation that Wyoming is continuing to cultivate a culture that allows private enterprise to flourish. My administration will work collaboratively with the Wyoming Business Council and Cheyenne LEADS to ensure Stag’s move goes smoothly. I thank Stag’s Board of Directors and Chad Larsen for selecting Wyoming.”

Stag began working with Cheyenne LEADS, the economic development organization for Cheyenne and Laramie County, in June of this year after they reached out offering their assistance. LEADS assisted with site location, workforce evaluation and navigating the community.

Stag’s decision to relocate to Wyoming follows similar recent moves by other firearms companies, most notably Weatherby and Magpul. In addition to being firearm-friendly and outdoor-oriented, Wyoming has been very proactive in its efforts to attract high- skilled/high-paying manufacturing jobs to the state. Communities like Cheyenne have invested significantly in recent years in skilled- training capabilities.

Chad Larsen comes to Stag from Aero Precision, LLC, a leading manufacturer of AR-15 components located in Tacoma, WA, where he spent the last six years leading new product development. Azar noted, “Chad’s innovative genius with the Modern Sporting Rifle platform stems from his personal emersion in the shooting and hunting community. He knows what customers want—and what they don’t—because he is one of them.” Mr. Larsen is both an avid hunter and a registered 3-Gun, Multi-gun and USPSA competitor.

Mr. Larsen added, “I am both honored and humbled to have been selected to lead the charge to revitalize this iconic brand. The Stag team and I are totally committed to continuing Stag’s legacy of innovation—for example, we were the first AR platform to manufacture left-handed rifles—as well as continue our pledge of being 100% made in the United States.” Mr. Larsen succeeds Anthony Ash who was president of Stag since 2016.

Stag has begun the process of relocating all of its operations to Cheyenne and plans to be fully settled in its new accommodations in the upcoming months.


  1. THE WESTERN SHOOTERS WILL THANK YOU , the lefties will hate you , SO TAKE YOUR PICK WYOMING WELCOMES YOU ..who cares what the leftys want or demand???????

    • I wish I was in Wyoming; I’m a Lefty and Stag makes some neat rifles for south paws. My bad, I think I mis-interprited your statement.

    • Just as long as “lefty” doesn’t include we, the right brained I can agree!

      While living in Wyoming my wife once killed two mule deer at once, unfortunately the weapon was a Rambler.

  2. Good for them….I can honestly say I won’t buy in certain states like NY, Calif anything what so ever! Not 1 penny of my money will go to those socialist places…along with a few others.

    • Are they hiring? I’ll try to convince the wifey to move up our plans to leave CA if we have something lined up in WY. Willing to leave behind the once-beautiful SoCal shoreline here because the homeless are crapping all over it anyhow. I’m not joking.

      • I lived in Cheyenne for a few years. Nice climate in the summer, although the wind blows constantly. Not the coldest place in the winter – only got into minus digits for a few weeks when I lived there. It would take some getting used to if moving from California. I was glad to move back to Washington when I left – but now that WA has become a lefty-infested black hole, I’d consider moving back – although Cheyenne would probably not be my first choice – I like Sheridan or Buffalo better.

  3. I’m sure CT is thrilled to have those icky guns and evil gun makers out of the state, at least until they start counting up tax revenue for the year.

  4. Isn’t Remington in progress of moving out of NY? I think Ithaca is still there and then there’s S&W in Mass and Ruger likewise in CT.

    If the state governments do to them what NY is doing to the NRA I think the moves are inevitable. I’m sure that Wyoming and other free states will welcome the revenue tbh.

    • No, Ithaca shotguns haven’t been made in NY in over a decade. They are headquartered/manufactured in Ohio now. The original company has been out of business since the 60s, and the brand has been sold a half dozen times since.

      • Last I knew it was Remmington and Kimber for NY’s larger companies. Reminds me I need to check up on just right and dark storm.

        • To the endowed it looks like the Ilion plant is still running but the corporate headquarters is in North Carolina. I will be surprised if the NY plant keeps going if Remmington gets competitive ever again.

      • Driving around out by Medicine Bow to go run the Fink a couple of years ago my buddy and I were talking about how even the cows looked suicidal due to loneliness and the sound of the wind.

        Medicine Bow might be one of the more depressing places I’ve ever seen. Pretty country but… well, we saw some other people running the same competition because we we all stopped at the one place for food that there is in Medicine Bow and, upon entering it, decided to drive the 90 minutes or so up to Casper because that place… well, let’s just say I wouldn’t order anything with meat from their menu because it was probably made from the last people to stop by.

        We were all joking about it the next day, that if we hadn’t all been as well armed as we were that none of us would have made it out alive.

  5. It would prove wise for all arms companies to relocate from Commie shit holes to free states,such as Stag is attempting to do with their location in Commienecticut. Then not sell product to their former shit holes law enforcement departments,let them produce their own arms if they want them or pound sand.

  6. Good on Stag to leave an anti gun state!
    I wish they had moved here to Florida instead.
    We give out lots of corporate welfare to bring companies into our state.
    The weather is certainly better here!

  7. I have been examining a move to Idaho or Wyoming, Idaho is very nice but Wyoming is very attractive from a tax perspective for retirees. Wyoming is the least populated of the lower 48 continental states. Many companies are moving to Wyoming because of the business friendly climate. Expect rising electrical power rates and increased housing prices, however nothing close to communist states like California or western Washington. I applaud companies like Stag firearms. When standing in a sewer (Conn) don’t get down and roll in it, get up and move, that’s what they are doing for the survival of the company.

    • The only problem with Wyoming is that it will rapidly go Left, further and faster than Colorado as places like Jackson and Casper get “discovered” and turned into a new version of Aspen and Boise.

      Wyoming just doesn’t have the ability to absorb people from the coasts the way Texas, Colorado and Florida can.

      One neighborhood from Cali moves to Wyoming and they’ll own the place. (Slight exaggeration, but seriously the entire population of Wyoming is like 578K. That’s only like 20% larger than Colorado Springs by itself. Even the aforementioned city of Boise has like 35% of the population of the entire state of Wyoming.

      • A lot of people make fun of Florida or declare it a lost cause, but it really is a testament to southern strength that Florida has managed to stay mostly red/at least competitive this long. The tidal wave of leftists that invaded still have yet to really tip the scale into their hands. Many other conservative states would’ve capitulated long ago. Now, it may be curtains for us conservatives here in a few years as they continue to poor in more leftists and left wing money, however I do not think all hope is lost yet. Florida successfully fended off a northern invasion once before, as it was one of the only southern states in the civil war which was never conquered, and that’s important. Florida crushed the Union forces at Olustee, saving the state from the same fate Georgia and South Carolina suffered. Now, our saving grace this time may in fact be the liberal fear of climate change. Their truly losing their minds over coastal flooding and hurricanes. Well Florida sounds like a terrible place to be if you think the world is fixin to flood. Best to stay in the safe dry northern states.

      • strych9 – you’re 30yr late with the Jackson Hole theory. Hollyweird twits discovered it LONG ago and ran up the price of everything.

      • Living here in Wyoming, we see Californians move in all the time… and move out again within a couple of years.

        Californians are very sheltered and pampered people. They don’t know what to do with a state that gets no-shit-for-real blizzards, roads that close sometimes for a couple days at a time, hospitals with limited care options (meaning you have to drive hours to a higher level of care), etc.

        Most people from places like California who move to Wyoming, especially the Casper-Cheyenne-Laramie triangle, will be gone again in a couple of years. They just cannot hack the 70 MPH winds, drifting snow, tornadoes, etc in the state. Especially the women from the coasts. It is with some foresight that Wyoming’s founders put the (as in, “the only”) university in Laramie, where the winter weather is about the worst in the state. People from out of state who go to UWyo often don’t want to settle anywhere in Wyoming after four years in Laramie.

      • I’ve read that Kanye West purchased Monster Lake ranch south of Cody earlier this year with plans to sub divide into celebrity mini ranches. Cody will become like Aspen, Sun Valley, and Jackson in no time.

  8. Its survival of the fittest. Or perhaps the other gun companies are “blowing” the right politicians in Connecticut.
    Or Just like an old side chick they are cast off when the guy tires of them.

  9. All firearms companies in the US should immediately cease doing business with grabber state governments like Connecticut. No guns, no gear, no parts, no ammo, no nothing. If those governments want to continue their assault on the Second Amendment, they can tell their police officers to go machine their duty weapons in a garage and pick up their own brass from the range.

  10. So, off topic however, I see there was a comment about Cody, Wyoming. I have been there numerous times on motorcycle rides. It obviously is not a liberal city, as the streets were unbelievably clean. Not even a piece of paper or cigarette butt on the street or sidewalk. Spotless! If you ever stop there you must go to the Bill Cody museum. It has one of the most fantastic gun collections in the world on display. Give yourself at least 1/2 a day there, it was that interesting!

  11. Everytime I think of Connecticut I think of that Bull Dagger State Cop holding an AR-15 like its a fresh turd.

  12. After reading this and some of the above comments I’m being swayed, maybe the flat earthers got it right. How do explain such rampant stupidity on both coasts with supposedly the Atlantic and Pacific oceans in-between and such land mass the other directions.

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