Kerri Battles for LBJ School aka Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs via Wikimedia Commons

Georgia readers, check out Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams’ gun views as voting day approaches:

“…people get shot in the streets because some bigot decided he got to stand his ground.”, Stacey Abrams Video

“We need waiting periods because we know that we need time to find out what’s happened. We should make certain that no violent offender, especially a domestic abuser, has the ability to terrorize domestic abusers with a gun.”

“We have to make certain that automatic weapons and semi-automatic weapons that fire high-caliber rounds, that assault weapons are not allowed in Georgia.”

“I want common sense gun regulation because I believe in the Second Amendment. And if we want to protect the right to bear arms, we’ve got to protect the people in the state of Georgia and that is my mission.”, Abrams was Asked if She’ll Take Away Guns

“I think we have to begin with universal background checks. We have to ban assault weapons and the accouterments that make those weapons so dangerous. We have to, I think, investigate extreme protective risk orders, which allow interventions when someone poses a danger to either themselves or to others. …I would repeal campus carry…”, Stacey Abrams Talks Incentives, Guns, and Education

“It’s OK to talk about taking away weapons that have never belonged on our streets. It’s OK to demand a three-day waiting period. It is OK to say that background checks are necessary because not everyone who has the right to bear arms deserves the arms they want to bear.”

“There are those of us who are told our paths are going to be blocked by barriers that are created by folks not ourselves. That because we are women, because we are people of color, because we are poor, because we believe that right to bear arms does not mean the right to bear arms everywhere, any time, anywhere, we are told our beliefs are permanently off the table.”, How a Mis-Fired Gun-Related Tweet Put Abrams on the Defensive


  1. If the self hating white people of Georgia elect this woman you deserve what she does to the state.

    Voting against her does not make you a racist. Just as voting against an anti civil rights homosexual candidate, does not make you a person who hates gay people.

    • There’s no way in hell this piece of work wins in Georgia. Especially not on that platform. The way she’s talking is like she’s doing every thing possible to lose by the greatest possible margin.

      • Polling has her dead even with the Republican. We can laugh all we want but we are slowly starting to lose the south. North Carolina is already turning blue as are Florida and Texas. Georgia could easily be the next purple to blue transformation state if Republican’s don’t start making a better case on why people should vote for them.

        • The real challenge isn’t that conservatives don’t have a very strong platform. It’s that the left owns/controls almost all, if not all, mainstream media. Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube … New York Times, almost all major TV stations. Fox has gone quite to the left, with a couple of exceptions.

          So what do the masses hear? Anti-gun. Trump’s the problem. Racism. Sexism. White guilt. Etc. And that’s all they hear.

        • That’s pretty bad if that’s the case. If a state like Georgia can’t remain reliably conservative, no where can.

    • Same problem in Georgia as many of the rest of the states have. High density of northeast and Chicago transplant liberals and entitlement program recipients in Atlanta and Macon are skewing the longtime conservative base. Stacey Abrams is running on a platform of “Free Stuff” and the liberals are drinking the cool aid by the gallon.

    • The scariest thing in america in an articulate black man with a gun.
      The most terrifying thing in America are thousands of black people wearing “Make America Great Again” hats at the White House. It happened today. You will not see this story on CNN. I doubt you will see or hear it on PBS. I gave up on the MSM a very long time ago.

      BLACK MAN in a MAGA Hat & American Exceptionalism #WalkAway pt 2 #TRUMP2020
      10 minutes long

      AZ’s Best Gun Instructor Devin Hunt Talks Gun Safety, Liberal Laws, Kids & More!
      1 hour 20 minutes Tommy Sotomayor

      Anthony Brian Logan or ABL for short 4:85 minutes long. At the White House today.

      Young Black Conservatives at The White House, Leo Denson 33 minutes long.

      A black gun guy you don’t know about. small channel

      • You’re right on, Chris. On it being the scariest (to the left) thing in America. Blacks waking up. Blacks walking away from the plantation. And MSM will cover zero of it. Over the last two years in particular, MSM has revealed itself as the absolute propaganda arm of communism.

        I live north of Seattle. I get the Seattle Times paper. I don’t read the articles because I can’t stand to read the skewed view of everything Trump and conservatives. I do read the headlines, and that’s always enough to tell me where the article is going. The agenda is communism, though most of the masses, basically good though very ignorant people, are the ‘useful idiots’ of communism. And the extreme difficulty of preserving this nation, is that we have a media that is communist, and it ‘informs’ / manipulates / controls the minds of many millions in this country. Add in the millions of illegals / dead who vote … One has to wonder if there is any way to avoid things getting quite violent. Maybe not so long as Trump is President.

    • All self-hating white people should be the 1st ones killed in the upcoming Civil War since they are More Dangerous than Minorities who actually Love themselves & their own kind. Nothing worse than a White Commie Anti-American Traitor.

    • Sounds like she is implying that minorities often attacks others, so if we stand our ground and defend ourselves, it makes us bigoted. We should meekly let the ‘less fortunate’ redistribute our undeserved wealth by robbery. Or have some ‘old in and out’ when they feel the need. Otherwise we’re raceeees’.

  2. In most of the nation, Pelosi has recruited silly little, marginally attractive, socialist/marxist dimwits chics. Who hide what they believe or codetalk. If they actually have an informed opinion. Such as Cortez in NY or in NE Iowa Finkenauer. Funny that in Ga they went for a butt ugly mammy that says what she thinks.

  3. “I think we have to begin with universal background checks. We have to ban assault weapons and the accouterments that make those weapons so dangerous.”

    Those people are going to get anti-rights legislation passed. We had better get used to the idea that things are going to get drastically worse for gun rights until SCOTUS can put the brakes on them.

    The next ten years are gonna be rough…

  4. A right is not a right if it applies only within the narrow boundaries of whatever the Powers That Be feel are appropriate at any given time. That’s what you call a “privilege”, really nothing more or less than the beneficence of your masters. A right is that which a ruler is bound to respect, or else cease to be a ruler.

  5. Wow… what an ignorant… Can’t Understand Normal Things… right about now some kid with Down’s Syndrome just read this and thought”…Damn… Bitch is retarded”.

  6. She’s also the one who said a “blue wave” in the midterm elections will be “made up of … those who are documented and undocumented.”

    • Any politician who outright encourages, or condones, illegals voting, is a traitor to this country at the most fundamental level. I continue to be astounded that these people — and those who establish ‘sanctuary cities’ — aren’t arrested, prosecuted, and punishment given accordingly. How the blatant endorsement, or encouragement, of illegals voting, does NOT result in arrest and prosecution, staggers me to this moment.

  7. she does know that it is usually another black man that is shooting at a black man…in the overwhelming majority of cases…right?
    same for white on white…

    • Most murder cases involve perpetrator and victim of the same race, but when you look at interracial crime between Blacks and Whites, Blacks are there perpetrators and Whites are the victims in 85% of the cases.

      • You are correct. And most murders in America are committed by blacks.

        Black males under 50, usually.

        So about 6% of the population commits 51% of the murders.

  8. “We should make certain that no violent offender, especially a domestic abuser, has the ability to terrorize domestic abusers with a gun.”

    If this is not a typo, then her editors/handlers should be fired. Or maybe she really did say that and is a world-class ditz. That she’s engaging in anti-gun doublespeak is obvious.

    • …and somewhere a few hundred miles northwest of me I hear the soft whine of a turbine starting to spool up… 😉

      • Russian choppers do not softly whine. Or softly anything.

        I picture Skippy in a Hind blaring heavy metal.

        • Evolving from blasting “Flight of the Valkyries’ from a Huey to ‘Megadeath’ and ‘Anthrax’ from a Hind gunship…

        • I wish I could afford a Hind… Those things are awesome… Though to be fair, the pilots for those things must have been midgets. I’ve had a chance to sit in the cockpit of one, and I’m pretty sure the canopy wouldn’t have crushed my head if I tried to close it.

        • A supposed quote from an Afghan Mujaheddin – “We are not afraid of the Russians. But we are afraid of their helicopters…”

        • I was referring to an orc pilot in a MHI owned surplus chopper. Maybe I was sorta inferring Serge and the orc had some things in common. Maybe, 🙂

          And I was only ever a passenger in huey’s.

        • If I can barely put on a Hind cockpit, there’s no way you’re going to squeeze an ork in there. A grott, maybe, but not a propa boy. Though the thin’ is ded shooty.

  9. “I want common sense gun regulation because I believe in the Second Amendment.”

    Can she read? That part — ‘shall not be infringed’ — did she actually read the 2nd Amendment?

    I suspect the founders who penned the 2nd Amendment, thought that the absolute wording — shall not … be infringed — would cover it. F-ing politicians / lawyers / criminals got past that minor point a long time ago.

    • Some of those same founders passed the Alien and Sedition Acts, even though “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…”.
      Politicians have been untrustworthy as long as they’ve existed.

  10. I would say that her ignorance and contradictions are breathtaking. But considering the source I’d say rather typical. Her IQ can’t be much above 87 or 88. Yeah, demographically an over achiever. Thanks affirmative action!!!

  11. Dumb as a box ‘o rocks…probably related to the hoard of mental defective’s running in ILLinois😦

  12. Early voting here in Georgia has Republican voters well ahead of Democrats, but we need to put a major beat down on this woman. If she looses by more than 10 points we are less likely to see her again. This is the woman who has been endorsed by Pocahontas, Bernie Sanders, Linda Sarsour, and just about every Socialist group in the country.

    Vote Kemp!

    • “Early voting here in Georgia has Republican voters well ahead of Democrats…”

      Gotta win by more than the margin of fraud, or they’ll keep recounting til Al Franken wins.

  13. “…people get shot in the streets because some bigot decided he got to stand his ground.”

    People get shot in the streets because they are the victim of a crime who was told they could not defend themselves from aggression, not because someone stood their ground. True, there are cases where someone tried to claim stand your ground and it wasn’t a case of self defense, but for the most part if you’re shot in the act of being an aggressor you probably deserved it. Sorry. There’s enough bullies the world. I would do my best to avoid any kind of physical aggression and if I am in a state that allows stand your ground I will still try to remove myself from the situation – I never want to have it on my head that I have ever taken a life, even to preserve my own. If pressed though I will defend myself using any possible means at my disposal.

    • Don’t kid yourself, most people get shot in the streets because they are a gang member or hanging out with a gang member.

  14. So all the standard party platform statements – most of which she can’t explain if pressed.

  15. d-rats support gun control because they don’t want their constituents & relatives to get shot-up while carjacking, home-invading, mugging, etc. like abortion supporters, they like their victims defenseless.

  16. Stacey Abrams doesn’t even have the brains to make stupid sense, as some Democrats are unfortunately blessed with having for their low information minions.

    If she’s the best candidate that the DNC could find in Georgia, they must already be scraping the bottom of their barrel.

    The liberals’ worst enemy is their own lack of intelligence.

    • For politicians pandering to low information (liberal) voters, lack of intelligence is not a handicap. It’s a compulsory attribute.

  17. Y’all are just being so mean! How’re the homies gonna get money for school and stuff if they can’t get it from rich white people . . . who stole it from black people anyway!! If they start carrying guns and pass Stand Your Ground Laws they’re just making it all to hard. //sarc//

  18. If the people are stupid enough to vote her in as governor they deserve what they get. She wouldn’t be good for blacks either. She’s way too far from the off.

      • If it was pot infused black powder, I’d be down to go shoot it. Sounds like a great time. Seems to be foggier than normal…

    • Whatever they say it is. The whole idea, of course: the communists have complete and arbitrary authority to dictate whatever they want. What’s high caliber? Who is an enemy of the state? Whose money can they steal? They ask any question they want, and answer it in whatever way suits their purposes.

      No doubt a b-b gun would eventually be high caliber.

  19. “There are those of us who are told our paths are going to be blocked by barriers that are created by folks not ourselves. That because we are women, because we are people of color, because we are poor, because we believe that right to bear armsdoes not mean the right to bear arms everywhere, any time, anywhere, we are told our beliefs are permanently off the table.”
    Those “folks not ourselves” would be the founders of this great nation. And those “barriers” are known as “The Bill of Rights.” Which, by the way, is the law in this country, and its plain text clearly indicates that you are wrong. So take your totalitarian views, your race card and your “victim of sexism” mentality, and gtfo.

  20. I wonder if she has a Twitter account. She’s in need of a certain Malcolm X image – the one of him holding an “assault weapon.”

  21. “I want common sense gun regulation because I believe in the Second Amendment. And if we want to protect the right to bear arms, we’ve got to protect the people in the state of Georgia and that is my mission.”

    “… not everyone who has the right to bear arms deserves the arms they want to bear.”

    Two of the most ignorant statements I’ve ever heard!

  22. How about background checks for politicians; find out who whispers in their ear, who puts money in their pockets and whose business their nose is stuck up in. -30-

    • While law-abiding citizens would think that’s a great idea, Michael, the truth is that the laws are only for the law-abiding, and politicians can pretty much be included in the criminal element in our country.

  23. Sounds a lot like to me that she’s the real bigot. She very clearly has it in for gun owners and anyone that thinks that they have the right to defend themselves.

  24. I’m curios to know how that dude is able to get away with dressing in drag and campaigning for governor claiming to be a woman?

  25. “Stacey Abrams: Standing Your Ground Makes You a Bigot”

    Nonsense. But voting for this grifter makes you an idiot.

  26. Maybe this is just use-of-negative error … FIFY: “We should make certain that A violent offender has the ability to terrorize domestic abusers withOUT a gun.” That’s just prison, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  27. “Common sense gun control” has ALWAYS coincided with “common sense Jim Crow”.

    If you want to enslave (or re-enslave) a people, first ensure that it remains ignorant, especially of its own history.

    • You got that right.

      How else do you explain support for Kamala Harris?

      “Local law enforcement must be able to use their discretion to determine
      who can carry a concealed weapon,” said Kamala Harris, who was then the
      California Attorney General.

      I have always wondered how #BlackLivesMatter would view this. After all,
      according to their narrative, cops are just Klansmen with badges who
      habitually gun down unarmed black men. How could we trust such people with
      discretion to determine who may carry a concealed weapon.

      And yet, she tweeted this:

      Today, we remember #MikeBrown and recommit to ensuring truth,
      transparency, and trust in our criminal justice system. #BlackLivesMatter

      So I wonder if any reporter from the network broadcast and print media would
      ask her any of the following questions:

      – If the reason that “[l]ocal law enforcement must be able to use their
      discretion to determine who can carry a concealed weapon” is because they
      are just Klansmen with badges, why shouldn’t the Stormfront White
      Nationalist Community also get to decide who can carry a concealed weapon?

      – If the reason that “[l]ocal law enforcement must be able to use their
      discretion to determine who can carry a concealed weapon” is because they
      habitually gun down unarmed black men, why shouldn’t the Crips also get to
      decide who can carry a concealed weapon?

      – Is more black men dead or in prison a worthy price to pay to make lawful
      gun ownership more difficult?

      – Is making lawful gun ownership more difficult a worthy price to pay to put
      more black men in prison?

      – Does some magical guardian fairy turn these Klansmen with badges into
      freedom riders whenever they exercise their “discretion to determine who can
      carry a concealed weapon”?

  28. We need to just say it like it is. Liberal Democrats are always the problem, they need voted out and defeated. They have a blatent agenda. You cannot reason with them. You cannot apply logic. You just have to beg everyone you know to vote for #2A.

  29. “…people get shot in the streets because some bigot decided he got to stand his ground.”

    Um, people get shot in the streets more often than not, associated with gang, turf disputes. Literally “stand your ground”, thought the opposite of what the No Duty To Retreat laws say.

    Often, the shot and shooter are bigots. Until you’ve heard gangs going off on each other, you haven’t heard racial, racist and derogatory. “Bigoted” one might say.

    Maybe we should do something about gang, turf-based racial violence in our streets, and leave alone people minding their own business til they’re shot at … people of whatever color.

    Just a thought.

  30. “Stand your ground” … the notion that you are not required to cede your place, stuff or life on demand to some thug who happens to be armed. So, of course she’s against the notion.

  31. Weird that a black woman would oppose the notion that people own themselves.

    I don’t think they — her handlers and message crafters — have thought this position through.

  32. Just another Fat, Colored Turd with a Vagina. Somebody got some Fried Chicken & Watermelon to shove in her Pie Hole. By the way her “Hair” looks like some dyed Cotton.

  33. Shut the hell up, Stacey!!!! The only bigots I see in all of this mess are people like YOU and every other Demorat out there!! Do us all a favor…..the next time you are in trouble or need assistance for ANY reason, PLEASE refrain from calling 911…the responders have guns!! Try calling your buddies at BLM…perhaps they will come to your aid!!!

  34. Wouldn’t it actually be a GOOD thing to have “domestic abuser, have the ability to terrorize domestic abusers with a gun”?

  35. The lady is entitled to her own opinion, but that’s all it is, her opinion. Additionally, the fact that some still claim that the earth is flat is insufficient reason for the construction of a fence around it’s edge.

  36. According to Brietbart…unless today is the First day of April…as of this morning, the Georgia branch of the New Black Panthers seem to think kindly of her. They marched a few blocks for her carrying ARs, sporting full military regalia and the necessary berets, and her campaign signs, yes, signs, plural. Those poor, unfortunate progressives in GA. If you pick up a fired 5.56 case and listen carefully, you can actually hear the sound of…unintended consequences = some unbelievably, bizarre blowback. Who, what or which side do they cheer for now? Lord have mercy on me. I have no dog directly in this fight, but I don’t know whether to laugh or wind my watch. Is there anything in Revelations about this? There should be. -30-

  37. Stupid Bitch has body guards and wants to limit me carrying a gun??? She’s a flag burner.

  38. Abrams is truly ignorant. We need minimum iq requirements for all elected positions as well as any government job. If your iq is below 90, your disqualified.

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