Transitions are the period of greatest danger. When you’re leaving somewhere and going somewhere else it’s time to crank-up your situational awareness. And move decisively. Of course it helps if you think ahead. For example, back your car into a driveway whenever possible. You’re not turning your back to attackĀ and it’s a lot easier to drive away in an emergency (less risk of backing over a kid, too). That would have helped here; the attacker would have had to come around the car. Also, keep your windows up when you leave your car, scan the back seat before you enter and lock the doors as soon as you get in. (Do not depend on autolock.) Practice extracting your firearm while belted, drive away from a threat if you can but don’t be afraid to fire through the car window if needs must. Still, winning is the only thing. As it was here.


  1. Guy did pretty good. Saw the thug coming in the side view mirror; checked behind the vehicle for someone else after the first guy was down.

  2. It doesn’t appear to me that he needed any other help at all. Perfect response. I hope the thug is as dead as he appears.

  3. The perp was running away when the guy fired the last 2 rounds.
    If I were to do that and was on video it would not go well for me.

    • Perp was still armed. He could have just been moving to the cover of the corner where he could return fire.

      • It also appeared the bad guy had a partner. It looked like a second armed man was coming around the corner when the shooting started.

        • I saw it that way too, jwm.

          I think that’s who the GG is looking for when he clears around the back of the vehicle.

          Unfortunately for we, the viewers; the camera angle doesn’t catch the skid marks left by BG #2. (And #3, the driver.

        • The second bad guy was even pulling a gat when his friend started running back towards him.

    • He won the gunfight when he had the chance – I don’t see how he could have done any better.

      • Hopefully they gave him a medal for removing this waste of life from the earth. See, now that he’s dead, he won’t be able to try this crap on anyone else.

  4. Makes me want to look into a holster under the steering wheel.

    Carrying while driving usually means a seatbelt renders a draw delayed at best, which in this case, might have been never.

  5. I noticed the perp car slink by the first time I watched; betting the GG did as well. If not, he definitely saw him in the mirror. He had his weapon hot pretty damn fast.

    Looked around and cleared; also did the Hollywood gun kick as well.

    Anyone know where this was?

  6. What was that skip in the video (but not the time stamp) as the BG was approaching the car?

  7. Saw something in, of all places a cowboy movie, that intrigued me. As the rider dismounted he had the holster and pistol in his crotch. As he walked away from the horse he moved the whole rig to his right hip. I carry IWB CrossBreed so that would not be feasible but it did give me a lot to think about.

    • You can do that when you have a separate gun belt that’s not attached to your pants. For most of us, it won’t work like that.

      • Yeah, I got that. The Cross Breed is a total bitch to get properly positioned but once it’s in place it’s damned comfortable. I alway carry a back up, AMT DAO Backup in 45ACP. I’ve been thinking about getting one of those crotch holster for it but I have the dunlap disease. You know, my belly dun lapped over my belt. Oh well.

    • Appendix carry something like a Remora no-clip holster and switch to your other holster before you exit.

      • I was planning to do something similar to this (with two holsters), however a friend brought up an excellent point:

        What if there is someone in the car with you that doesn’t need to know you are armed?

        Maybe it’s better to transition “sometimes” when you can, but that imposes a reflex-risk (aka, your gun might not be where you think it is).

      • I’m not a big fan of shoulder holsters. But, if you spend a lot of your time in a car it might be the way to go.

    • Call me strange but since I spend lots of time seated in a car, desk, pew, etc…I carry in IWB in crossdraw position. The seatbelt is not an issue and a 4in barrel .45 fits very well there.

  8. Looks like a poster child fer doin’ it right, ‘e does.

    I confesses t’ lax winder discipline mese’f w’en it be too blasted hot out – but always I checks th’ holds fer stowaways afore I steps aboard, I does.

    • He did the dead man drop, so I assume that he’s had The End stamped on his medical records.

    • If he’s not, he’s radically paralyzed for life. That was a CNS-hit response.

      • He did stiffen up as he dropped. But I believe you can also see blood pooling up around his head, so I’ll agree. And the world is just a little bit better now.

  9. Beautiful. Unfortunately our legislators would rather have a dead law abiding citizen. Prosecutors, corrections, & police living off tax payers cash flow. No money in citizens making short work of criminals.

    • Do not forget that the family of the dead bad guy will sue the good guy in civil court for beaucoup money.

  10. The would-be perp turned his heels and was making tracks as fast as his fox legs could carry him. I’m sorry, but I don’t see a justified shooting by U.S. law.

    Then again, this didn’t take place here.

    • Gun still in hand means perp still a threat and he could be playing possum. Gun kicked out of perp’s hand means perp now a lessened threat.

      Disarmed dead perp = no longer a threat.

    • Define “U.S. law.” As I recall, there are 50 different states. With two attackers, I’m pretty sure a grand jury in many states would find that entirely justified.

    • BG could have just been backing up to get some kind of cover, not like the GG chased him and shot him in the back as he was fleeing.
      While it IS possible prosecution could happen, it’s doubtful, he did everything right, and it’s pretty obvious.

  11. Pretty intense, but good points by the TTAG commenting crew – looks like a check in the side view mirror saved him. BG #1 down, BG #2… probably running home with brown pants.

    But that car is definitely parked right next to a “blind corner”. The dangers of urban living…

  12. In Texas it would be legal through and through…you can use deadly force to stop someone fleeing the scene of an aggravated robbery. Good shoot.

  13. I saw this video a couple weeks ago and my first thought, and i tried to find the guys statement online, but i think he saw the BG at the corner. That was why he took the second trip to the door. Hoping to catch them while outside the car. He had his gun ready when he sat in the car because he definably saw them drive behind the parked vehicle. He looked prepared right out of the gate. If he was any more prepared he would have shot first. Just my first thoughts.

  14. Something does not look right in the video as far as what’s going on before shots are fired but I wasn’t there. Seems like the perp had the drop on the driver but never pulled the trigger.

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