San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo
Former San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo new the requirement was illegal when he signed it into law. (By Anthony Quintano from Honolulu, HI, United States - This file has been extracted from another file: Facebook F8 2017 San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo (33272015914).jpg, CC BY 2.0, Link)

The Chinese coronavirus outbreak and shutdown have revealed a lot of anti-gun autocrats for exactly who they are. New Jersey’s Governor Phil Murphy practically jumped out of his shoes at the chance to stop his state’s citizens from buying firearms. Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva wasted no time in sending deputies around from store to store telling them to lock up and go home.

And then there was San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo. Looking around the nation and seeing hundreds of thousands of Americans lining up at their local gun stores, the idea of more citizens being able to defend themselves send a chill down his spine.

“We are having panic buying right now for food,” Liccardo said Wednesday. “The one thing we cannot have is panic buying of guns.”

So on the first day of his shelter-in-place order, he closed down the city’s lone gun store.

Now, in a turn of events no one could have possibly foreseen, San Jose businesses are experiencing a spate of break-ins and robberies.

From CBS SF BayArea:

Already Struggling Small Businesses In South Bay Being Targeted By Robbers

Several restaurants and small businesses in the South Bay say they have recently been targeted by thieves trying to take advantage of the COVID-19 shelter-in-place order.

“They walked out with kind of the heart of the restaurant as far as the financial aspect of it. It’s your monetary income,” said Dan Holder, owner of Jack Holder’s Restaurant and Bar in San Jose’s Cambrian neighborhood.

Holder said his employees arrived Sunday morning and discovered that someone had smashed out a window on the side of the business and stolen several tablets and other items.

The mayor’s move to prevent San Jose residents from buying firearms to protect themselves and their families during a national emergency were apparently heard loud and clear by the city’s criminal community.

All around the country, hundreds of thousands of new, first-time gun owners bought firearms in the last few weeks out of concern for crime and social unrest under a national emergency. Mayor Liccardo has done his level best to ensure that as many targets of his city’s criminals as possible will be unable to effectively defend themselves.

And he did this as Bay Area jails have been releasing hundreds of convicted criminals.

We’re sure that the San Jose criminal community would like to extend their sincere thanks to Mayor Liccardo for his assistance during this difficult time.



  1. High crime is just a part of living in a fair and just society during hard times, and not so hard times. We can’t have people making their own decisions about whether they are in danger, or whether they can take private measures to defend themselves. Public safety is a matter for government, not the beneficiaries of government.

    • Spoken like a true big government liberal. I make my decision when to protect myself and ask no one for permission. I guess that is why I live in a free state.

      • Jeff,

        Sam left out the [/sarc] tag on purpose because he didn’t think it would be necessary. Read his comment again.

        • “Sam left out the [/sarc] tag on purpose because he didn’t think it would be necessary. Read his comment again.”

          TY, my friend. TY.

        • Poe’s Law

          Poe’s law is an adage of Internet culture stating that, without a clear indicator of the author’s intent, it is impossible to create a parody of extreme views so obviously exaggerated that it cannot be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the views being parodied.

          • “…it is impossible to create a parody of extreme views so obviously exaggerated that it cannot be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the views being parodied.”

            A risk the skim readers always take.

            As for my sarc/parody/ridicule (mostly ridicule), the clues are always there, out in the open, intended for those looking to be entertained by the puzzle. I admit, I rarely put something here for the sloganeers.

        • I would think that this mainly revolves around the various businesses being unattended for a period of time.

          The animals are starting to creep back into areas where they normally aren’t seen due to human traffic. Everything from big cats and coyotes to hedgehogs and squirrels. A big reduction in human presence means the gap is filled by wildlife.

          This is no different. A big reduction in the presence of the law abiding and the gap gets filled by the opportunistic.

          Considering that “sTaY aT HomE!” is now the ultimate consequence-free virtue signal this is hardly surprising. Ironically it’s leading to an increase in the very habits that create comorbid conditions for “the virus”. But at least everyone today knows about Carole Baskin and that Jeffrey Epstein didnt kill himself.

        • Was once told by a friend….”If you and Attila the Hun were standing side by side, he would turn to you and say;

          “Dude you just need to chill”

          I always thought I had a great sense of humor.

          • “Was once told by a friend….”If you and Attila the Hun were standing side by side, he would turn to you and say;

            “Dude you just need to chill”

            I always thought I had a great sense of humor.”

            Great snippet of life. Gonna copy it for my use. Thanx.

        • And just like Attila shot Bleda his brother and Hunnic Ruler, seems he slipped in the saddle on a hunting trip putting an arrow in the back o’ his brother’s head, stealing the throne……so Sam taketh from me….


          • “And just like Attila shot Bleda his brother and Hunnic Ruler, seems he slipped in the saddle on a hunting trip putting an arrow in the back o’ his brother’s head, stealing the throne……so Sam taketh from me….


            Plagiarism is an unappreciated skill.

        • Joe “My brain don’t work no more” Biden knows about plagiarism. I like Machiavelli’s quote….

          “Where I steal an Idea, I leave my knife”

          • “I like Machiavelli’s quote….

            “Where I steal an Idea, I leave my knife” ”

            Oh, yeah. The original Mack The Knife.

            My kinda guy.

        • I once told Atilla he needed to see a doc about those nosebleeds.

          He didn’t listen.

          • “I once told Atilla he needed to see a doc about those nosebleeds.
            He didn’t listen.”

            I only said he trained under me, not that he was a good student.


      • It always starts with the stores…then the soft targets…and then…eventually…they get around to you and me…

    • FINALLY!! Someone who gets it! PM me, I’ll need a good man in charge of the Ministry of Love when all this settles down.

      Eric Swalwell 2020

      • “I’ll need a good man in charge of the Ministry of Love when all this settles down.”

        I’ll pass. When people from Californication talk of “love”, the implications are scary.

        • I see from your above posts that you were being /sarc/astic. You have been moved from the “future employment” list at the Ministry of Love to the “rat cage on the head” list at the Ministry of Love.

          Eric Swalwell 2020

          • “You have been moved from the “future employment” list at the Ministry of Love to the “rat cage on the head” list at the Ministry of Love.”

            Ungood belllyfeel.

      • “Sam are tou really that big of a fook”

        Winky… for comprehension much?

        Let not your heart be troubled. Many are they who look only for echo chamber affirmation, too impatient to fully engage the mind, tripping over error, then picking themselves up and carrying on as if nothing happened.


    • All political partisanship is a mental defect, a corrosive bit of rot in our Republic. The more extreme it becomes, the greater the brain damage in the believer. Don’t give a shit if it’s a liberal or a conservative, show me a True Believer, a Kool-Aid Guzzler, a Champion of sHillary or a Trump’ista Extraordinaire and they are all the same to me.

      Partisans and Party Members, all a cancer within the Republic.

      • “Partisans and Party Members, all a cancer within the Republic.”

        Some of the founders held the same thought. However, people always gravitate toward likes in ideas, thoughts, goals, politics. Factionalism is impossible to achieve when the medium is people. So, while it is true that politics ruin the ideal, it is impossible to remove politics from the republic, or even human existence. Factionalism is the deck of cards we are dealt. To steal a phrase, “Politics: you can’t win, you can’t break even, you can’t quit the game.”

        • “Factionalism is impossible to achieve when the medium is people.”

          Oooopppsss. Tangled up my own keyboard. Should have written:
          “Factionalism is impossible to avoid when the medium is people.

      • Wow must be hard, a moral colossus like you survive having to even share a universe with us mere mortals.

  2. That’s quite alright. The rest of us don’t give a hill of beans about CA or San Diego.
    I lived in CA. Don’t miss it one little bit.

  3. As small businesses in downtown San Jose are getting broken into. Nice going there, Mayor Assclown.

    • ….did they shit on the floor on their way out?….seems to be a california thing…..

  4. For any real Americans still living in California, I say this, .. it way past time to take out the trash… I’ll let you (if your smart enough) figure out what that means…

  5. Is Sam I am a troll? Rhetorical question. After the wake of “Commy China’s version of the trail of tears” were going to need the 2a community step up and teach, it’s bad enough now at public ranges

    • “Is Sam I am a troll?”

      People who can actually read and comprehend know what’s what. Skim readers, knee-jerk responders nearly always illustrate their handicap.

      Rhetorical reply.

    • Oh, good lord, I already posted this:

      Poe’s Law
      Poe’s law is an adage of Internet culture stating that, without a clear indicator of the author’s intent, it is impossible to create a parody of extreme views so obviously exaggerated that it cannot be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the views being parodied.

    • He successfully trolled you, so I guess so… but it was pretty evident sarcasm to most.

      It can be hard to tell, though, without knowing which usernames have been here awhile and which are drive-through troll jobs

  6. Burglary and robbery are two different kettles of fish. The bar and restaurant business described was burgled, not robbed, and that had a lot more to do with the fact that it was not open for business than an inability of the owner to buy firearms; simply stated, he wasn’t there when it happened to try to prevent it. The greater causative factor is the release of criminals from the local jail, criminals who are out looking for an easy place to steal from so that they can score their next fix. Because so many businesses are closed due to stay at home orders, one would anticipate an increase in burglaries from those that do not have alarm systems.

    Unless we are talking about an increase in home invasions (or open for business robberies) when people are present are we even raising an issue as to the availability of guns. On top of that, closing the one gun store in San Jose doesn’t mean that the other stores in the county are closed as well, or those in the (numerous) adjacent counties. The fact is that only a few sheriffs have ordered gun stores to close, some, perhaps, have closed to avoid contamination, and others closed when they sold out of stock.

    • thank you.
      no reason to assume dan holder doesn’t have lots of firearms. if san jose had one hundred 24hr gun shops his restaurant would still have been burgled during this lockdown.

  7. never been to Ca. never wanted to go I will stay my butt over here in Fl. where I can have what I want small-town life is great and living out of town is better

    • never been to FL, never wanted to go I will stay my butt over here in CA. People who have visited and/or lived there in FL tell me the bugs are the size of helicopters, it’s always muggy, nobody can add 2+2, and God sends “come to Jesus” reminders every so often in the form of hurricanes to encourage people to move to a safer, better locale. Yet people somehow stay, so they must be dumb as rocks, eh? I like my small town life here in my section of CA, where life is great, and living out of town is better.

        • True, and true. We’ve had three years in a row of above average rain and I’m loving it, as the droughts can be a pain. I’ll take the odds of a major earthquake every few decades instead of a hurricane or tornado ripping thru every other year.

          But I hardly think CA has cornered the market on illegals.

        • I was thinking I don’t want to put up with the crazy crap in either of your states until I had to run to the basement last night due to the tornado sirens going off at midnight,now they don’t look so bad.

      • Hmmmm. Hurricanes or Cali’s politicians
        ( elected – so intellect is in question there as well).

        I’ll take hurricanes. And the eye of Michael went over us.

        At least trees grow back and I can build a new house and barn.

        Left-wing socialism is forever. And unfortunately, is metastasizing as Californicators move out.

        Unfortunately, Florida also gets a lot of New York and Michigan refugees as well. I’d rather have the illegals from south of the border. At least most them came to work.

      • It’s not always muggy, just 8 out of 12 month’s worth.

        Winter weather is the cool and dry season, quite delightful.

        Summer sucks…

        • Don’t like muggy? Well then you should come to the great Central Valley of California! It may get pretty warm some days, sometimes as many as 30-45 days over 100, and there are the rare hot ones (those over 110), but the humidity is usually in single digits!

      • The worst thing we have in FL is democratic escapees coming from other states polluting our “waters.” I wouldn’t doubt one bit our very sudden and dramatic surge in positive cov19 case is a direct result of that. Why else would the governor take such drastic measures as roadblocks on highways? Their corrupt bastions here were the first to report, and they sure seemed proud of it when attempting to lambast our governor to force him to shut the state down. They’re no different than the “man on the street” reporter in NYC who interviewed many people who would rather there be more deaths than see our current president reelected. I could continue indefinitely, however feel it would be nothing but ad hominem attacks, no matter how factually correct. Stay safe, they want us dead, and they ain’t hidin’ it no more!

    • I was thinking the same thing. You know damn well he has police protection. What makes his safety anymore important than anyone else’s? He should be required to provide for his OWN safety. Let him ponder that and see how he feels about infringing on gun rights.

  8. The mayor is saying to his constituents, “Your proper place in society is that of helpless victims. Don’t get uppity.”

    • agreed. i’d much rather be farther from the border. say, queretero. fifteen cent al pastor window tacos and victoria beer from an eight year old with a shoebox for a cash register. he was kind enough to explain, “for every three empty six packs you return you can take one full one.”

  9. “The one thing we cannot have is panic buying of guns.”

    Um, clearly, on the basis of what is right there before all of our eyes, he is wrong. We can indeed have panic buying of guns. Been having it for weeks and weeks now and it ain’t the first time this has happened. “Panic Buying” is a thing we Americans do, always have and always will.

    He may as well sign a decree against rain during a hurricane, for all the impact it will have on panic buying of food and gasoline and yup, guns and ammo too.

    This “We cannot have” shit never plays out well for Americans.

    Just ask all those Hoplophobes who lined up at gun shops and emptied the shelves post haste. 😉

    • This is not new for this character, just the most recent excuse for his anti-gun jihad. He is trying to ban all guns and gun shops from his little corner of California.

  10. Liccardo…this f*cktard is one of the reasons I packed up and moved out of the state after retiring.

  11. But wait, the mayors of all these large cities in California are touting reduced crime stats due to the stay at home orders!

  12. Just do a quick search for “San Jose mayor allows beating of Trump supporters” to see what a fine person the mayor really is.

  13. The mayor is absolutely right. Panic gun buying is a disaster. You might end up spending a lot of hard earned money on something that might not adequately serve your needs. The purchase of firearms should be done in a rational, well reasoned manner. Unless of course, you’re all ready tooled up and only buying because you’re afraid an especially desirable gun might get away from you. It would be so much better if people anticipated their needs ahead of time. Government should encourage people to get out in front of the need.

    • ^This 1000%. My son asked me why we needed to load all these additional magazines I had purchased. I simply reminded him that the very reason he is asking that question is because his entire life exists because people greater than he and I were prepared centuries ago. Checked off everything on my immediate list earlier this year, to simply ensure I would have every firearm necessary. Panic buying is for people who hadn’t considered it important enough to prioritize, or of course those hopeless hoplophobes who still deny others rights that only they should possess.

  14. California has a ton of laws meant to keep guns out of the hands of bad guys, right? In addition to background checks, waiting periods, and special lists that determine what handguns you can and cannot buy, you must pass a safety test and get a certificate! Then there’s the safe storage laws!

    What could they POSSIBLY be afraid of if people buy guns?

    I mean… unless someone breaks the law. But that couldn’t happen… could it?

  15. “So on the first day of his shelter-in-place order, he closed down the city’s lone gun store.”

    Lone? There are at least five stores in SJ.

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