SAF Condemns ACLU Statement Branding Kyle Rittenhouse a Deliberate Killer



From the Second Amendment Foundation . . .

The Second Amendment Foundation today condemned the American Civil Liberties Union for what it called a “deplorable reaction” to the not guilty verdict in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse by a jury in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Following the verdict, the ACLU posted this message via Twitter:

Despite Kyle Rittenhouse’s conscious decision to travel across state lines and injure one person and take the lives of two people protesting the shooting of Jacob Blake by police, he was not held responsible for his actions.

SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb was stunned at the ACLU’s reaction.

“While the ACLU should have been complaining about the conduct of prosecutors in the Rittenhouse case,” Gottlieb stated, “the organization instead is calling Rittenhouse a deliberate killer, perpetuating the myth that he deliberately crossed state lines to kill people. It is shocking for the ACLU, which has a long record of defending the rights of individuals against government prosecution to make such an outrageous statement.

“Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted by a jury of seven women and five men for defending himself against multiple attackers in the middle of a riot,” Gottlieb continued. “By being tried in court, he essentially was being held responsible for his actions, which the jury’s verdict clearly indicates were justified under the circumstances.

“We saw the same video evidence everyone else did,” he added. “Any reasonable person who viewed the videos and heard the testimony would easily conclude Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense.”



    • The website you need to go to in order to support Kyle’s Litigational war against the libelous MSM and others is called “Free Kyle”. FreeKyleUSA [dot] org – His mom set this up for him. The site is run by a foundation she created with a little help from Kyle’s lawyer squad.

      Donate as much and as often as possible; if we all chip in, Kyle can hire the very best lawyers for this new fight. We MUST make the MSM and Lefties PAY for what they did. The night of the riot, the gun was mightier then everything else; now the pen is mightier than the sword (gun).

  1. ACLU just found themselves in line to be sued by Kyle. Take ALL their crooked money. Bleed them dry.

    • “Take ALL their crooked money. Bleed them dry.”

      you can’t. their relatives at the never-audited “federal” “reserve” private banking system will simply print up whatever they need to continue to subsidize the aclu in the performance of its task – degrading america. if you get any money from them all it will accomplish is to iinflate the money supply and thus degrade everyone ELSE’s buying power.

  2. Despite Kyle Rittenhouse’s conscious decision to travel across state lines and injure one person and take the lives of two people protesting the shooting of Jacob Blake by police, he was not held responsible for his actions.

    Unfortunately, this is not surprising.

    — ACLU (@ACLU) November 19, 2021″

    So Kyle premeditated the murder of strangers at a riot, people he knew nothing of and traveled across state lines to specifically kill these strangers.

    Well so much for the American Civil Liars Union.

    • I’ve been kinda surprised by how well they managed the narrative on this. Even my parents fell for bits and pieces of the MSM story. But many people swallowed it hook, line and sinker. It was so well done in fact that assumptions were printed in dozens of international news publications from other countries assuming that Kyle was a racist murderer who chased these people down and shot only black people. That story’s been everywhere from the UK to Japan and back.

      And there’s a reason for that. As of an hour ago you had major “demonstrations” already planned (pre-planned if we’re honest) for the following cities:

      Washington D.C.
      Chicago, IL
      New York City, NY
      Philadelphia, PA
      Kenosha, WI
      Portland, OR
      Los Angeles, CA

      Now will they really be super large? I dunno. We’ll find out. But watch for this to spread because that’s just what’s known as of an hour ago (around 1330 Mountain time). The people selling “the narrative” never actually believed it and have spent some time prepping for this verdict. They want chaos. They didn’t get what they wanted via jury intimidation now they’re going to try to burn this mother down.

      • When the rioters come out, just go Rittenhouse on their asses.

        Am I the only person who noticed that the violence in Kenosha ended when Kyle took action? It was like, rioters looking over their shoulders to see if they were next to be shot. And, that is exactly the way rioters SHOULD FEEL!

        • If the local LEOs are ordered to stand down and they follow those stupid orders, then I agree. It is time to start supporting the blue if they follow the US Constitution or take up arms against the true insurrectionists.

        • “Am I the only person who noticed that the violence in Kenosha ended when Kyle took action?”

          no, not at all. the ones behind all this specifically noticed it and will now attempt to re-ignite it.

        • I didn’t realize until discussion this afternoon that Kyle missed another POS (entirely) with 2 rounds. So 2.5 of 4. Damn shame he wasn’t 4 of 4. But practice makes perfect.

        • @neiowa

          The average number of hits on a bad-guy in a self-defense shooting by an untrained person is 2 even at ranges less than 10 feet.

          There is a lot going on, bringing the weapon on target suitably for an untrained person is not as easy as it sounds or looks on the range. For the vast majority of untrained; There’s tunnel vision, lots of movement and nothing is smooth or coordinated, adrenaline pumping in tremendous amounts and their hands and limbs are shaking a lot, instinct is invoking ‘fight or flight’, then on top of that there is the “fear” response being overwhelming, and they are not thinking about ‘squeezing’ the trigger and end up jerking it so that even at such close range a lot of shots can miss the target.

          Kyle actually did pretty good.

      • Hell most here are still falling for the MSM lies in the Arbary case. The MSM version of Charlottesville is so prevalent that even Ann Coulter regurgitates it. And she broke their lies in the central park 5 case. George Zimmerman? How many of you knew that Trayvon got home safe and then went back out looking for trouble? How many know that the woman who testified as his girlfriend was not her?

  3. ACLU used to have the high moral ground on many occasions, until they were completely overtaken by the 60’s leftists.

  4. The fact is there is no evidence Kyle Rittenhouse traveled across state lines to injure or kill anyone. These were not protesters protesting. They were rioters rioting, destroying property while the police sat around drinking coffee and eating donuts … and after Minneapolis who can blame them. Rittenhouse was merely protecting property when he was attacked by the mob of perverts and criminals. Yes, add the ACLU to the list of those organizations that will find themselves being sued for defamation.

  5. I was listening to the coverage on Fox News in my car. They had a black civli rights attorney who said, “I have four words for NBC, MSNBC, Joy Reid, Joe Biden; (and others) Nick Sandman and Duke Lacrosse”. He went on to say that Kyle has slam dunk defamation suits against them all. Especially China Joe who called him a “white supremacist” while campaigning last year when he was a private citizen. BOOM shakalaka.

    • “He went on to say that Kyle has slam dunk defamation suits against them all”

      doesn’t matter. their relatives at the never-audited “federal” “reserve” private banking system will simply print up whatever they need to continue to subsidize the news/entertainment/social media monopoly/collusion in the performance of its task – degrading america. if you get any money from them all it will accomplish is to inflate the money supply and thus degrade everyone ELSE’s buying power.

    • Not to mention “sleepy Joe” wasn’t President when he said those things about Kyle. Get out the check book Joe!

  6. I really can’t believe that justice prevailed in this day and age! Maybe there is hope for the rest of us. I was starting to believe that The liberal media had poisoned most of our population.

  7. One more comment: I hope that the judge nails the prosecutor, including the DA, to the wall by their cojones. One of the other lawyers that was on FOX claimed to have been a homicide prosecutor and is now a criminal defense attorney. He said that the prosecutor in that case should have been called down to his office to find empty boxes for packing his stuff up and escorted out for his blatant trampling on Kyle’s rights in cross examination. I was surprised that the judge didn’t take stronger action. The DA for bringing charges before the investigation was anywhere near completion. He said that it was so blatantly a political decision that all of them should be fired and prosecuted for misconduct.

    • Agreed. Everyone associated with the DA’s office needs to suffer for this. Everyone who was in a position to voice an opinion whether to file charges needs to suffer. Everyone who participated in moving things forward. A general purge of the office is in order. The mental atmosphere is poisoned, as are the moral, ethical, and political atmospheres. If there are a couple people who can document that they fought against the prosecution, they might be salvageable. Those who said nothing are not salvageable, get rid of them.

    • the aclu stands for THEIR civil liberties. not yours. they stand for yours only if it contributes to their goal of subverting america.

  8. “SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb was stunned at the ACLU’s reaction”

    why? who did rittenhouse shoot? who runs the aclu?

    “the organization instead is calling Rittenhouse a deliberate killer”

    in their ideology, rittenhouse was not allowed to defend himself. he had no right to do so. in fact he has no rights at all. so in their ideology, he is in fact a deliberate killer.

  9. ACLU – (Another Criminal Liberal Urinating) They can all piss off – or piss on each other however they like it.

    • state lines had no bearing on this case…it was a fool’s errand to pursue that angle…especially when the rioters paid it no heed…..

      • There were several extremely good reasons to pursue that angle.

        They were not honest reasons but they were plenty good if you hold the *right* point of view.

  10. The verdict was just and correct. If the damn rioters weren’t breaking the law, supported by the dem/lib/communist party, they would not have been shot. The rioters were armed also, fair game.

  11. May we follow the logic of the sanctity of state lines? If they are so sacred, lets make DC a state, and force all POLs to stay there. Then demolish the fed and all its institutions and become a country of states agreeing to be nice.
    The ability to take something so mundane and make it sacred is amazingly stupid. The left has no limit to its debauchery.

  12. The ACLU should be concerned with the fact that prosecution witness Gaige Grosskreutz claimed in open court that prosecuting attorney James Kraus wanted him to commit perjury.

    • With any luck, there’s a grand jury somewhere evaluating those very charges. It would be entertaining to see him disbarred, arrested, booked, photographed, denied bail as a flight risk, tried…and convicted.

    • That would only be concerning if the suborning of perjury by the prosecution in this case was not in the best interest of the Greater Good, Sir. /sarc.

  13. As most of you know by now the ACLU has taken a Left turn and can no longer be credible in keeping with its name. American Civil Liberties Union use to represent anyone who was being treated contrary to the Constitution. Now they defend Leftist thugs and go after Conservatives. So apparently they have been compromised and no longer serve the function for which they were founded. Don’t depend on them to help you out unless you are a Leftist.

  14. The ACLU is race baiting. Show me a Black American who is going to sit still and watch their crib be burned by…Anyone.

    Last time I looked the deceased and the wounded bozo were white as rice.

    I hope KR and family gets some much needed rest and later sues each and every pos who slandered and libeled him.

  15. To all you privacy advocates. You have no privacy in the USA. The Rittenhouse case had 12(?) different camera angles. All from private sources. And one FBI government drone camera. The novel 1984 was right and wrong. Yes the cameras are everywhere now. But they are in the hands of millions of private individuals.

  16. The white communist founders of the ACLU have never supported the Bill of Rights. They have used the problems that black people have faced in this country to advance their communist agenda in this country. And they have never helped blacks Advance, socially, politically, or economically.

    And since this case was about gun rights, the white Communists of the ACLU have never supported gun rights for black Americans.

    The ACLU has never supported the First Amendment rights of black Christians when they were protesting against abortion in this country. But the ACLU did support the right of mostly white people to protest the draft and to protest at military recruiting centers.

  17. “While the ACLU should have been complaining about the conduct of prosecutors in the Rittenhouse case,” Gottlieb stated…”

    This. So much this. There should be no one, regardless of their views, who should be happy about the unethical, unprofessional, downright sleazy case the prosecution put forth.

  18. The ACLU comment goes to the heart of the matter which is the eternal debate of the value of human life.
    When you have taken action to fight for your life it is an objective decision.
    When someone hears you have done this their judgement on your actions is a subjective decision.
    If they feel your objective decision is wrong they should go fuck themselves.

  19. Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t the Democrats and the ACLU both claim that borders are just an imaginary line drawn on a map when it comes to people entering our country illegally? If so why are they so butthurt about Rittenhouse driving from his mother’s house to the town his dad oh, girlfriend, and extended family lives in? Do they believe he should have passed through customs or had a visa to enter a contiguous state?

  20. The American Communist Liars Union does not represent the real Americans! Never have, never will! There is no reason for any member of that party to receive any protections under our laws or by law enforcement for any reason. Not one dime to protect them from any violent criminals or their actions. They must now become fully responsible for their own protections and lives.

  21. Marissa Alexander. Alexander, an African American woman, didn’t cross state lines looking for trouble. It found her. Per her testimony, after fleeing her abusive, estranged husband after he broke through a locked door and shoved her to the floor, she fired a warning shot at him. No one was hurt.

    She was sentenced to 20 years.

    A perfect and not unusual example of white privilege (Rittenhouse) and a black woman who used a gun for self defense and did not even hurt anyone but got the book thrown at her.

    • dacian, as usual you tell a half truth. It seems that Ms Alexander’s conviction was overturned after she served three years and in a plea agreement she was given time served.
      Again, I have caught you in another distortion of the truth. You just keep repeating the same tired old propaganda. You tried to spread this on another blog here and I countered you to which you failed to comment.
      Will your propaganda efforts to ban guns ever stop?

  22. Meanwhile people regularly and with the blessings of city officials, cross streets, districts, bridges, what have you in Chicago to kill each other.

    But those are often black people and liberals don’t care about blacks being killed. Or poor people. Or innocent bystanders. Or innocent couch sitters. Or innocent slumbering children.

    They don’t care about lives because they see no worth in humans. They are just evolved amoeba to be used to advance their horrific agenda.

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