Brady Kris Brown
Brady president Kris Brown isn't happy. Ever. (YouTube screen grab)

It’s difficult to understand how anyone could have watched the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, including all of the video evidence and testimony, and not been convinced that he was innocent on the merits…whatever your thoughts may be on civilian gun ownership and gun rights.

Oh wait…no it isn’t.

Take for example, our friends at Brady United (formerly the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, formerly Handgun Control, Inc., formerly National Council to Control Handguns). The gun-grabbing droogs who run that particular civilian disarmament operation watched the goings on in Kenosha and have come to one ineluctable conclusion…it was all the gun lobby’s fault!

They’ve issued this statement decrying the result of the trial. . .

Following the not guilty verdicts in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, Brady decries this miscarriage of justice and reiterates that armed vigilantism resulting in death of our fellow Americans is murder and is no basis for a valid claim of self defense. Americans have a right to live in a civil society without the fear, or reality, of being shot in a public place while exercising their basic rights, including Constitutional rights protected by the First Amendment.

A gun owner’s singular right under the Second Amendment cannot and should not be interpreted to deny the rights of other citizens to live and to exercise their fundamental rights while they are alive.

Brady President Kris Brown shared:

This is a sad day for the rule of law and for public safety. This out-of state-shooter, who traveled to Kenosha, Wisconsin, from Illinois and obtained an AR-15 before heading into groups protesting the shooting of a Black man by the police, should not be absolved of the murder of two people and the injury of a third. There is no legal justification to travel across state lines, arm yourself withan illegally purchased firearm and murder two people and injure a third. As the counsel for the prosecution stated, ‘you cannot claim self-defense against a danger you create.’ This shooter was emboldened and intoxicated by the rhetoric of the gun lobby and extremists, leading him to create a dangerous situation that resulted in the death of two people. There must be accountability for those actions.

Brady Chief Counsel and Vice President of Legal Jonathan Lowy shared:

This verdict is a horrifying reminder of what could happen if NRA’s guns-everywhere vision of our country is enshrined in law. There is no right to carry a firearm – much less an illegally bought assault rifle – across state lines to terrorize and play “police officer.” And this tragedy shows what happens when civilians feel entitled to bring guns anywhere. The Supreme Court recently heard a case that could make this kind of tragedy the norm. This is the world we could live in if the Court decides that the Constitution entitles virtually anyone to carry guns virtually anywhere, to shoot people when they deem it necessary for self-defense. If the Kenosha Killer had not brought an assault rifle to that protest, no one would have died. Because he did, two people were killed.


  1. Why is this even a point? A really stupid one at that.
    “There is no legal justification to travel across state lines”

    • Golly I live a scant mile from Indiana. I cross the state line nearly every day. And I’d defend friends and my church from scum…

      • Much the same here. I live 3 miles from the Oklahoma state line, 15 miles from the Texas state line, and ~60 miles from the Louisiana state line. Obviously, that puts me really close to Texarkana, Ar. I go whichever direction I go, on any given day, and state lines mean just about nothing to me. No cop has ever asked me, “Well, why are you even IN Tx, OK, or La?” If he did, I’d have to answer, “That’s none of your business, orificer.”

    • There is more to the quote: There is no right to carry a firearm – much less an illegally bought assault rifle – across state lines to terrorize and play “police officer.”

      And I agree with that completely. I noticed the same thing with the Robert Francis quote earlier today. What these people are saying is perfectly rational. The issue is their statements have absolutely nothing to do with the reality of the situation they’re trying to apply them to.
      It’s an insidious use of the false equivalence fallacy, with a bit of straw man thrown in for good measure.

      • And the statement in itself would be perfectly fine if it were not wrapped up in the context of the “total” argument which makes it an inference to the oft repeated and totally false claim by MSM and perverse politicians that Rittenhouse crossed from Illinois into Wisconsin already in possession of the firearm…

        Obozos statement is basically in the same category as NO rational person wants their family members to ever be shot by ANYTHING, that guy is a moron and his belief that the people of Texas are too stupid to see through his little dramatic offering is offensive and totally absurd…

        • WTF?? AWAITING MODERATION? For what? Speaking the truth?
          By the time the comment is APPROVED and posted 12 or 14 hours from now it will be irrelevant… I want a clarification Dan, WTF is wrong with that comment?

      • Since when is there no right to carry a firearm across state lines? What do state lines have to do with anything? Are you saying that if I move from State A to State B I have “no right” to bring my firearms with me? That if I have a CCW with reciprocity in the state to which I am traveling, I have “no right” to bring my firearm with me? If I go hunting pheasant in another state, I have to leave my shotgun home? Where on earth did you ever get such an idea? What statute supports your view? Are you saying I have no right to armed self defense except in my home state? Sorry, ain’t buyin’ it.

        • Go back and read all the words. The sentence I quoted mentioned crossing state lines with a firearm to terrorize and play “police officer”. Nobody has the right to do that. Terrorism and impersonating a police officer are both felonies.

          But that’s my point: they make these very reasonable claims that nobody should be allowed to run around murdering people for sport or drink the blood of puppies, but the people they’re talking about, from George Zimmerman to Kyle Rittenhouse, didn’t do anything remotely close to the actions the progressives are condemning.

        • “play ‘police officer'”

          he wasn’t playing.

          the ones he shot were playing social justice warriors.

        • *sigh*
          Read the words, all of the words. I didn’t say he was a terrorist or playing police officer. I said, twice, that the progressives are making these statements that people shouldn’t be able to get away with some bad activity, which sound very reasonable. But the bad activities they mention, in this case terrorizing people or being a vigilante, have no connection to reality. They’re trying to create a false equivalence between Rittenhouse and terrorism or vigilanteism.

        • these people live a cloistered existence…clinging to their “safe zones”…the idea that people can easily penetrate it…and always extremely disturbing for them…you can almost sense the fear among their ranks with a lot of “they’re coming for us” comments on the liberal websites…they don’t get it…probably never will…

      • Three of the four men that Kyle fired at tried to execute “justice” against him and prevent him from surrendering to the police. They were the ones “playing police”, not Kyle.

        Period. Full stop.

        • JasonM is not quoting the one I am. The quote he is mentioning is from the Brady Chief counsel.
          “There is no right to carry a firearm – much less an illegally bought assault rifle – across state lines to terrorize and play “police officer.””

          The quote I referenced is from the Brady president.
          “There is no legal justification to travel across state lines, arm yourself with an illegally purchased firearm and murder two people and injure a third.”

          My statement is crossing state lines means absolutely nothing.

        • the idea that they were trying to apprehend him rather than kill him runs against the grain for these people…who’ve amply demonstrated their violent tendencies in the past….

        • Not playing police. Those fine upstanding antifa members were trying to play judge, jury, and executioner.

      • Nothing rational in a statement that has no context in reality. Sorry. And, you never allow the fascist left to define the narrative. Point out the falsehoods, both the explicit falsehoods as well as the implied, and tell they they are full of smelly brown matter.

      • What I have noticed over the years is this is a standard issue political tactic. Apply reasonable sounding statements to something that doesn’t fit within the bounds of the statement as justification for a political position.

        It’s a widespread tactic used in all spectrums of society.

  2. so amazingly convoluted that’s all actually quite impressive. and that’s how oneside sees it. vigilantiism.
    i see it more simply, don’t start none, won’t be none.

  3. These Anti-Gun Radicals need to read a book on self defense.
    This case is a case that should never have been brought. It was clearly a matter of SELF DEFENSE.

  4. …it was all the gun lobby’s fault!

    They’ve forgotten about Trump? How could they not blame Trump for this, he gets blamed for everything else..

  5. The Brady Campaign statement shows we have NO common ground with them. They are elitist, authoritarian pigs.

    They detest you.


  6. Which is worse, being blind to the facts or not looking at the facts ( purposely exaggerating the facts), This quote “There is no legal justification to travel across state lines, arm yourself with an illegally purchased firearm and murder two people and injure a third.”
    (a) it was a twenty minute drive into a town that was a regular place for him as family lived there . (b) The firearm was illegally purchased but that was not valued as an important part of the trial. (c) his arming of himself as I understand it was the owner of the lot also a friend that asked him to help guard the lot from more vandalism by fire.

    • YOU know that, and I know that, but THEY have their own set of facts, and have created their own reality from it.

      “The gun was illegal because reasons. It couldn’t be legally carried across state lines for reasons. It was illegally purchased because reasons. Shooting a person trying to wrest a rifle from someone after explicitly stating that they were going to kill that person is wrong because reasons. Shooting an ‘unarmed’ person slamming you in the neck with an eleven-pound skateboard isn’t self-defense because reasons. Shooting a man pointing a gun at your head is wrong because reasons.”

      As you recall, even our esteemed Vice President has stated that each individual is entitled to their own truth, and has the right to have that truth ‘heard.’ The People’s Right to believe whatever they want, and to expect everyone else to believe it, shall not be infringed, of course; That’s in the 14th Amendment, amongst the penumbras, where you find the Right to Abortion On Demand.

      And so it goes.

  7. There is no right to carry a firearm – much less an illegally bought assault rifle – across state lines to terrorize

    Way to hang on to THAT lie… No matter how many times they say it or print it those pesky FACTS will stand in the way of THEIR “truth”… Keep it up Brady Bunch I’m sure CNN and MSDNC will be happy to continue your narrative UNTIL they are sued and ordered to shut the fuk up… Maybe Kyle can add you to his list…

  8. The Brady group will always be the party of death for in their minds, no one has a right to defend their life! NO ONE! I strongly believe that everyone of them should be forced to validate that when confronted by a violent criminal intending on taking their life! And let Darwin win!

  9. It’s guns, climate change, white supremacy, big oil, anti vaxxers, Trump, independent media, etc…

    Oddly enough it won’t ever be the fault of corporations, mainstream media, banks or big pharma. They’re immune from generic Boogeyman status at the moment by virtue of their party loyalty.

  10. It was the fault of good people on the ground recording everything and a jury with some integrity that evil didn’t prevail that this day.

    Some say he shouldn’t have been there.
    I say they shouldn’t have attacked him.

    I say this verdict inadvertently prevented more violence.
    Non-democrats can riot too… especially if they lost all faith in the courts.

  11. I am sorry. As an American, I hold dear the God given rights to self protection. If you do not like it, you are welcome to immigrate somewhere where this is not true. Do NOT try to change the BORs because of foreign influence.

    • Just makes you sick, doesn’t it? There’s having a difference of opinion and then there’s operating in two different realities. Those people and myself do not live in the same solar system.

      • “Those people and myself do not live in the same solar system”

        yes you do. and in their ideology it’s theirs, it’s all theirs, including you. so it’s them or you, winner take all.

    • “I am sorry”

      why? don’t be. they aren’t.

      “you are welcome to immigrate (sic) somewhere”

      you don’t get it. in their ideology everything in the universe is theirs, their property, put here by god for their material benefit and enjoyment. including you. they won’t leave, they’ll subjugate you or die trying. if you leave they’ll try to stop you, if you succeed they’ll pursue you to the ends of the earth, demanding your submission and slavery or your death, or they’ll die trying.

      you’re gonna have to fight.

      if you fight alone, you’ll lose.

      • “…they won’t leave, they’ll subjugate you or die trying. if you leave they’ll try to stop you, if you succeed they’ll pursue you to the ends of the earth, demanding your submission and slavery or your death, or they’ll die trying.”

        Well then, it’s a real good thing they’ve trained their ‘droids to think guns are ‘yucky’ and won’t want to touch them, eh? 🙂

        • they look to others to protect them…somebody…anybody…when that is called into question by the dubious loyalty of their “protectors” it really messes with their minds….

  12. “A gun owner’s singular right under the Second Amendment cannot and should not be interpreted to deny the rights of other citizens to live and to exercise their fundamental rights while they are alive.”

    Hysterical. This is the precise meaning of the Second Amendment: terminally denying the “rights of other citizens” engaged in government suppression, repression, oppression of “the people”. A stern warning against rogue government, tyranny, and its agents.

    Why is it that “pro-gun”, “pro-2A” movements ignore the first principle of the Second Amendment, and focus almost exclusively on self-defense? If we, POTG, dodge the first meaning of the Second Amendment, we also contribute to the relegation of the Amendment to second-class status.

    • …except that this case wasn’t about the primary purpose of the 2A (bulwark against tyranny). It was exclusively about the second purpose of individual self defense.

  13. Go out and buy a gun tomorrow, just to piss these people off. There’s a barely used Ruger Vaquero in .45 LC at my local gun store I’ve had my eye on. Tomorrow’s the day!

    • +1

      Rural King’s online gun store (and maybe local stores too?) is doing 10% off firearm purchases through Nov 27. Now if my wife brings that to my attention, what does it mean? I’ve been squirreling away bits of cash, may have to go shopping…

    • I’m almost tempted to buy an Adler lever action shotgun just to p!$$ of Gun Control Australia. Even though I’d never use it.

  14. I almost wish I was part liberal. Maybe then I could understand how they believe that that rhetoric B.S. they spew and believe.

    • “Maybe then I could understand how they believe that that rhetoric”

      it’s dirt simple to understand. in their minds, they’re human, and you’re not. in their minds, whatever they want is true and righteous and good by definition, and anything that doesn’t help them achieve that, or worse hinders them, is evil.

      that’s it. that’s all there is to it.

      • “it’s dirt simple to understand. in their minds, they’re human, and you’re not.”

        Yep, it’s the lead-up to Croatia-Serbia, Hutu-Tutsi all over again.

        Because history has a way of repeating itself for those who refuse to learn.

        I look at it this way – The price of nice real estate would become very attractive in a seller’s market.

        And no one will bat an eye to open carry in Times Square or downtown San Fransisco… 🙂

  15. “Americans have a right to live in a civil society without the fear, or reality, of being shot in a public place while exercising their basic rights, including Constitutional rights protected by the First Amendment”

    it all comes clear when you realize that by “americans” they mean themselves, and not you.

    • What even makes them think there is such a “right”? I can show you the right to keep and bear, where can I find this “right to live in a civil society”? You aren’t allowed to just manufacture rights on the spur of the moment, on any subject, and mandating whatever floats your boat today. You must demand them, and then stand with your countrymen with your gun in your hand, to fight and kill and die until those rights are recognized by all who are still alive. THEN you can call it a Right.

  16. I guess those three convicted felons that attacked Kyle were representatives of the “gun lobby”.

    “Americans have a right to live in a civil society without the fear, or reality, of being shot in a public place while exercising their basic rights, including Constitutional rights protected by the First Amendment.

    A gun owner’s singular right under the Second Amendment cannot and should not be interpreted to deny the rights of other citizens to live and to exercise their fundamental rights while they are alive.”

    “”Americans have a right to live in a civil society without the fear, or reality, of being shot in a public place while exercising their basic rights, including Constitutional rights protected by the First Amendment.”

    Good for you, letting us know that you are aware of that thing called the Constitution. What you do not seem to be aware of is that there is more than just one right in that thing we call the Constitution.

    “A gun owner’s singular right under the Second Amendment cannot and should not be interpreted to deny the rights of other citizens to live and to exercise their fundamental rights while they are alive.”

    That didn’t happen here. A right of self defense should always be “interpreted to deny the rights of other citizens to live” if those other “citizens” are trying to take the life of the defender or another like these convicted felons were trying to do.

    Attacking another with intent to harm or kill forcing the other person to defend them selves is not an expression of first amendment rights.

    In what universe do you live where its an expression of first amendment rights for convicted felons to be wandering the streets and attacking innocent people forcing them into self defense?

    Kyle probably should not have been there, ok, it was a bad decision to go. But he was there, he was not harming anyone and was doing his own thing.

    Then, apparently in your delusional view, these attackers come along and tried to exercise their first amendment rights upon Kyle but Kyle was wrong for exercising his second amendment right upon them.

    What color is the sky in your world lady?

  17. “Good for you, letting us know that you are aware of that thing called the Constitution. What you do not seem to be aware of is that there is more than just one right in that thing we call the Constitution.”

    you don’t understand. to them, you and they are not equals trying to find a way to live together. to them, you don’t count at all. in their ideology, THEY THEMSELVES are the constitution, and if you don’t obey them then you are evil.

    • “…THEY THEMSELVES are the constitution, and if you don’t obey them then you are evil.”

      Then that’s going to be a problem for them. It will be a rude shock on the order of how they felt when they realized Trump would be President, but on *steroids*. 🙂

      • Yeah, uh huh, okay Geoff 👌. You made whatever point you were trying to make. Now be a good boy and hobble off so the adults get back to discussing this important matter.

    • rant7 is correct on this point. One need only look back to the original marxists, and consider the extent to which they went in an attempt to create their “utopia” in the places where they lived. These neo-marxists have the same intent and fervor, and they live *here*.

  18. They’re just trying to amp up their liberal army of turds to push legislation denying the right of self defense.

  19. Funny how no one brings up that one of the people shot was a felon in procession of a concealed handgun who brandished it before he was shot.

  20. Ever notice and get a kick out of how these Lefties behave when they lose and don’t get what they want. They make all sorts of ridiculous excuses and whine like babies instead of bucking up and accepting that when you are attacked by rioters who try to physically harm you and you fight back and win they deserve what they get. I would like to see how quickly they poop their pants if a bunch of people were chasing them to beat them or kill them and they decided a better way was to try to talk their way out of it. LOL They would be pulverized in a minute by these cowards and thugs from the Left. You do notice they only come in groups and never challenge anyone unless they have a group. They came into my town twice and twice they went home without causing any trouble because they were met by a much bigger community group and our law enforcement who would not permit them to even contemplate any form of violence or disruption. So they had no choice but to behave themselves or take a whooping.

  21. they behave like pack may take considerable firepower to deter that…but the lesson from all this is you can fight back

  22. “Kenosha Killer?’ Sounds like defamation to me. I hope Kyle gets a good lawyer and takes them for millions.

  23. The masks are finally coming off. They simply don’t believe you have a right to defend your life using deadly force if necessary. They believe you should die. Do not even attempt to reason with these people. They are irrational. It’s time to start calling them out.

    Simply state they would rather have a woman be raped instead of her shooting her attacker. These people simply do not believe in self-defence at all. And it’s about time the “gun Community” face the truth about their opposition.

  24. Judging by her pic, it looks like Kris has been hitting the Kris-py Kreme pretty hard lately.

    Just sayin’…

  25. Its baffeling that after decades of anti Second Amendment rants by the Communist revolutionaries, lawmakers, and idiots with Phd’s that White Hat writers of gun blogs and magazines continue to be puzzled at how anyone can view solid exonerating evidence and conclude the defendant is still guilty in a use of force gun trial.

    The methods of the Communists and Nazis are the same. Repeat a lie and spread the lie. Rinse and Repeat. These maggots hate guns in the hands of civilians. They dont hate guns in the hands of the state.

    Not until White Hat gun writers acknowledge that:

    1 All Democrats are Communists

    2. All Communists want you disarmed because its easier for them to kill you.

    Simple facts that must never be forgotten. Simple facts that White Hat gun writers should propagate in every article they write.

  26. Unintended Consequences, a Novel by John Ross. One of the best books to read! I would advise anyone who believes in rights to read it. It is quite expensive and a long read, dems and liberals need not apply, you know, with the short attention span…..

  27. What they want is a socialist country. Brady was shot by a crazed individual looking for a headline and he got it. They used the Brady family to establish their own agenda and headlines to try to disarm us all. They are are as a big a joke as the the prosecutor who brought this to trial. We the people as they say can’t arm ourself to defend our property or others property from destruction from people breaking the law. Arson is a crime. Destroying property you don’t own is a crime. Threatening people in an angry manner is a crime. Carrying a pistol when you are a convicted felon is a crime. Defending yourself by people trying to kill you is not a crime.

  28. It’s the fault of the dem/lib/communist party. Their hatred of the Constitution and Bill Of Rights is well known. This party is trying to disarm AMERICA under the U.N. Small Arms Pact, and hence into global communism. LOCK AND LOAD.

  29. Self defense is just that. Nobody has the right to assault any one. What Rittenhouse did was only defend himself. All three of the men who got shot assaulted him and that was documented. The one who lived testified in court that he aimed a pistol at Rittenhouse before he was shot. The men who got shot were all convicted felons and the survivor committed a felony by being in possession of a fire arm. Some times I almost wish that I had a little liberal in me so I could maybe understand how they could have and believe their totally f—-ed up ideas.

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