Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE: RGR) is thrilled to introduce a cutting-edge new platform – the Ruger-57™ pistol. The Ruger-57 is a full-featured handgun wrapped around a standard capacity, 20-round steel magazine, chambered in the high performance and low-recoiling 5.7x28mm caliber.

The most touted feature of this new pistol is its impressive ergonomics. The slender steel magazine is surrounded by a glass-filled nylon frame featuring an optimized texture, making for a natural and ergonomic grip. Despite the longer cartridges, the trigger reach is no longer than many common 9mm Luger handguns. All of the controls are easily accessible, like the 1911-style ambidextrous manual safety, robust slide release and the reversible magazine latch.

The flat-shooting 5.7x28mm cartridge is recognized for its superior ballistic performance. The lighter weight projectiles have significantly less felt recoil than 9mm Luger, allowing quicker sight reacquisition.
Rounding out the package is a windage and elevation adjustable, serrated rear sight and rapid acquisition fiber optic front sight for fast, accurate shooting; Picatinny-style accessory rail; and Secure Action™ fire control which combines Ruger’s reliable and proven internal hammer with a short, crisp trigger pull and a positive reset. To top it off, the slide is drilled and tapped for easy mounting of optics with a separately available optic adapter plate, available at
“The Ruger-57 is destined to become one of America’s favorite handguns,” said Ruger President and CEO Chris Killoy. “This pistol is soft shooting, accurate, powerful and just plain fun to shoot.”

The through-hardened, billet steel slide with lightening cuts features enhanced front and rear cocking serrations. The steel barrel features a black nitride treatment for wear resistance, and the fire control housing is precision CNC-machined from anodized aluminum. The pistol is 8.65″ long and weighs 24.5 ounces. It ships in a lockable hard case and includes two, 20-round steel magazines (10-round, state-compliant model also available).
For more information on the Ruger-57 or to learn more about the extensive line of award-winning Ruger firearms, visit or To find accessories for the Ruger-57 and other Ruger firearms, visit or your local independent retailer of Ruger firearms.

Awesome. I was wondering why there were no pistols chambered in 5.7mm other than the FN and the other uzi style ones that seemed wonky looking. CMMG has the banshee in 5.7 which is awesome. I hope the magazines are interchangeable between the pistols from Ruger and FN and CMMG, that’s too much to hope for, I know…
Good grief. Now I’ll never be able to sell off all my stupid .40s that were such the new hotness a few years ago. Now they are just a sign of a weak manhood clogging the pawnshop display cases.
I love my .40’s, in fact I just got a 2018 Cz75 not too long ago. There is room in my safe for this though, don’t see it replacing anything anytime soon but would make a good addition.
I have not had a good time with my banishee. Immediate buyer’s remorse when I placed a magazine in the gun, and felt how much play there was. The 30 rounds mags fall out with a couple bumps. The company said they knew of that problem. I bought it as a truck gun back up to the fn5.7s I carry, and it doesn’t like the factory fn magazines or the ss197 rounds. The company then told me that it the ar15 platform not liking the 5.7 round. That is when I took it back to the store. I had nothing but problems with mine.
I can’t wait until their companion PCC/PDW comes out.
All they need to do is rechamber the mini14 into the mini-57 and you have a winner 🤔
I don’t think it will be easy to do that. The qualities that make 5.7 pleasant in a handgun may not have the energy to cycle the action in the Mini-14. There’s quite a bit of mass in that bolt.
Now, a titanium bolt may work…
“Now, a titanium bolt may work…”
That sound you hear off in the distance is a mixture of poors crying and credit card company execs rubbing their hands together.
@geoff, true. In my mind the 5.7 is like a pistol-sized .223, but I know that it not the case…yet I can’t seem to shake the idea. I know it is far closer to .22 magnum but still. I think it has to do with the numbers/name.
Paul Harrell did a couple videos on the FN pistol and found the round to be woefully inadequate. It was designed to be used in a longer barrel carbine for rear echelon troops but even in that the military found it to be lacking in performance. I’m thinking that it might be a good varmint round if someone built a bolt action to chamber it, but then again the .22 hornet, .222 and .223 perform as good or better.
“Paul Harrell did a couple videos on the FN pistol and found the round to be woefully inadequate.”
Last I heard, the Secret Service carries the FN FiveSeven…
They carried the P90, but to my recall have dumped it recently..
The Secret Service is not necessarily the organization you want to look to for weapons procurement advice.
One does not simply disagree with Paul Harrel. The meat target never lies.
Lol they never used the handguns just the P90. They announced a switch fron .357 P229 SIGs to 9mm Glocks as standard.
That may just be the reason they are still Secret. So people don’t know to laugh at them for carrying a sidearm of such a wonky calibre.
P90s were woefully inadequate in StarGate Atlantis too
Unfortunately it was plenty adequate at the Ft Hood massacre. Morbid thoughts but you can’t get a better meat target than us humans. 44 shot, 14 dead 🙁
I saw the Paul Harrell video on the five seven round he didn’t pronounce it woefully inadequate he said it was a niche round do you think you’re the only one that watches videos
Agreed. In my opinion this is the beginning of the end of 9mm. 5.7 is smaller, hotter, faster, and shinier. It’s the 6.5 creedmoor of pistol rounds. 9mm is a big, fat, dumb, and slow FUDD round. A 5.7 can hold more ammo and better ammo. 9mm will go the route of .40. Get with the times 9mm fans.
You were dropped on your head as a kid, weren’t you?
The missing MSRP is $799.
Nevermind I see it.
The gun looks a lot like the Security Nine, which sells for $300, assuming Ruger’s usual street price being 75-80% of MSRP, this will probably go for about $600 once the dust settles. It’s probably worth it if it is reliable.I
Still I wish it was sub $500, but I am an awful cheapskate. Let’s see a Ruger PCC in 5.7 and 10million now.
Well done Ruger
If you are a cheapskate, then your opinion doesn’t matter. Because you aren’t a real 57 buyer. At least not at $1 per round.
Thats not an insult. I’d never buy one. Not with ammo priced at what it is and me able to make 9mm for about $0.11 per round.
Huh. Didn’t see this coming. Kinda want.
Now the question is: Buy it now or wait until it’s $100 cheaper and debugged.
First iterations almost always have *problems*. Just ask Remington about their 9mm a few years back…
My vote is for debugged and cheaper?
I can’t believe they want the same MSRP for a plastic pistol as they did for my Mk III Hunter with the 6.875″ stainless steel barrel, target sights and all the bells and whistles just a few years ago. Now THAT was a gun almost worth its asking price and made of REAL steel.
SHOT Show is just around the corner so we should see a number of Companies announcing new product(s), and I’m sure Ruger will sell a bunch of these.
Well that didn’t take long.
Looks like a Kel-Tec to me. No, thanks.
You have terrible eye site.
In Kel-Tec’s dreams……
20+1 capacity is awesome.
No RDS cuts, no threaded barrel . . . not so much.
I’ll wait until those are available.
The thumbnail that I saw on another “new release” post showed one with an RSS on it.
Yeah. The article says you need some kind of adapter plate. The slide is just drilled and tapped.
It ships with an adapter plate for Vortex, according to a different sight.
From Ruger’s product page:
“Through hardened, billet steel slide with lightening cuts is drilled and tapped for easy mounting of optics with separately available optic adapter plate, available at”
OK, but that’s a kludge at best compared with milling the slide to take an RDS. With the plate atop the slide and the RDs atop the plate, it’s not gonna cowitness with the irons, and the RDS is being held in place by two screws, rather than the screws plus the front / back edges of the optics cut.
The milled slide is probably coming with some kind of upgraded tactical model that they will raise the price on or a Gen 2. No one wants an adapter plate when a milled slide for optics has become standard. Also why is the front sight so tall and canted? Are they attempting some kind of cowitness or are they suppressor height for a future threaded barrel model?
Go buy the FN 5 7 then!
“OK, but that’s a kludge at best compared with milling the slide to take an RDS.”
True, but those with the means to do so can (probably) have that work done, if there’s nothing in the way inside the slide…
Those sights are pretty tall. One might even say suppressor height. Maybe something they plan to do in the future. A new tactical model with a milled slide and threaded barrel.
“Those sights are pretty tall. One might even say suppressor height. Maybe something they plan to do in the future.”
*Exactly* what I was thinking. Maybe even an integrally-suppressed version.
The aftermarket will cough up a threaded barrel in short order, I predict… 🙂
I hope they keep the lite series going, 57 lite with a threaded barrel would be nasty. I bet they make a integral suppressed version as well. Integral suppressed Ruger 57 would also be nasty as well.
Y tho?
Same question I’m asking myself. I don’t know where this fits in or why you need it.
Other then because America of course.
I might have to research this a little more
more like Belgium. FNH invented it and produces the only handgun and rifle that use it.
Duh. He was referring to scratching his head over why ruger would do it other than have an american made offering in the niche caliber. Seems like all the new ruger semi autos end up on some online wholesaler site for half price, or less, a year later.
That is incorrect. MPA, CMMG, and Excel Arms all currently make guns that fire 5.7×28. MPA and Excel offer both handguns and carbine versions.
Why is because ‘Murica! Actually, after armor piercing rounds for the 5.7 were taken off the market this round wasn’t very terminally effective. But now there are small ammo makers that are making great rounds for this cartridge such as Vanguard Outfitters. And with improved ammo that 20+ ammo capacity can look pretty good as a self-defense weapon!
Yep Vanguard, and Elite Ammo, and RRWS bullet designs are where it’s at in 5.7 if you can’t get SS190, or SS198LF
I just don’t need another caliber to stock ammo for. It would have to be a very compelling reason for me to want to acquire one of these.
Is it accurate enough for prairie dogs?
Good luck the day you have to shoot it without hearing protectors, I’d bet that thing is loud enough to scare everything within a 10 mile radius.
Who bags prairie rats with a handgun?
I thought .22lr and .17 had that market sewn up…
Don’t ever doubt the folks at S,R&Co when it comes to making lots of money making firearms.
Might also be noteworthy that this pistol’s only competition (FN) has an MSRP of $1435 (vs $799 for the Ruger).
I wonder if a patent ran out or something…
To my knowledge the only 5.7 patent was the PS90 magazine, not the cartridge itself..
I usually see Five seveN pistols for around $1100-$1200 in the wild.
I’ve never bothered with one due to the fact that I rarely see the ammo available on the shelves (and yes, I look). Learned my lesson about more exotic ammo with 9mm Largo. Cool as heck but, generally speaking, not worth the headache to chase down the rounds and if I order online I always fight with myself “Well, I could get X rounds of Largo but that would cost the say as Y rounds of…” so I rarely shoot it.
That is true. I would bet this one will end up pretty popular among the crowd that doesn’t reload and thinks big bores kick too much, if they can afford the factory ammo for it. Then one day they’ll realize this is almost as stout as a .22 Hornet and want something else.
Cause FN’s are f-ing expensive
Serious answer: Market for everything else is largely saturated, non-existent (at least for the price Ruger could offer it at) or doesn’t exist. Companies have to try to expand somehow. Notice Smith & Wesson and Walther (possibly others) both have made firearms for those with lower gripping power (which is absolutely a market. My mom and sister both picked their carry gun because the slide was easiest to rack and would have seriously considered one of these offerings if they existed at the time.) and they seem to be selling pretty well.
5.7 has its merits (like capacity per size and most importantly it pissed Brady off because “armor piercing”) and people interested in it, but is handicaped by only being supported by a couple firearms, the most iconic of which was screwed over by LaPierre/The NRA and Reagan. With an MSRP of 800 dollars, it’s already 200 dollars lower than the street price of a Five Seven. If the price got to $600 (note that the Security Nine, which this clearly shares some tooling with, can easily be found for 250 off the MSRP) they’d be almost half the price of the Five Seven, yet with some more modern features than the handgun that’s old enough to buy itself (via private purchase at least). People willing to try a 5.7 at $600 far exceeds number of people willing to try 5.7 at $1000.
Because 5.7 is superior to 9mm.
Except for muzzle energy, economy, reloadability, availability of components, availability of ammunition, cost of ammunition, adoption rate by military forces, and law enforcement, etc. Its been around since 1994, so if the round was the world beater that all the 5.7 fanboys shout from the rooftops, surely we’d have seen the light by now.
No threaded barrel – sad face.
*Please* The aftermarket will be along shortly…
You rang?
Now THAT’S funny!
Honestly pistol to pistol, a 22 mag can fall upwards of 500-1000 fps slower than 5.7 loads. It still even beats out 22 mag RIFLE velocities. I’d say it exceeds any 22 mag expectations but is closer to 22 hornet peformance, but yeah not quite 5.56 even from 7.5″ barrel
I wonder how 5.7 performs out of a longer barrel? Like a PCC barrel, for instance.
Out of a 16” FN PS90 I found this information. “Due to the added barrel length, the PS90 can achieve a muzzle velocity of up to 777 m/s (2,550 ft/s) with SS195LF ammunition, or up to 930 m/s (3,050 ft/s) with third-party ammunition.”
Maybe tomorrow they will release the 10/57? Doubt it though.
a 10/57 would be amazing…
Awesome. I hope they support this offering,and consider future models in 7.62×25,.38 Super,.357 Sig and 9×23 Winchester…
I may have to consider getting into the 5.7×28 now,but I admit to regarding it as an ” aerodynamic, centerfire .22 Magnum” but I could be convinced if this makes the ammunition more widely produced and affordable.
Damn you, Ruger! I have bills to pay. As soon as they come out with a threaded option, I’m going to have to get one of these. Never could make myself spend a grand on the FN one, but I’m guessing this should come in around $650 for a street price.
I feel your pain. I just used up a third of my Cabela’s Club MasterCard Points on a Ruger PC Carbine in 9mm. Now this!
I could afford to buy that 9mm toy, I have heaps of cheap plinking ammo for that. But a 5.7×28? I’d go broke!!!
That’s the trouble with gun makers these days, they’ve no appreciation for the limitations of my toy budget and the fact that pizza and beer are the other two requirements of life!
Um, not leaving out the four walls, roof, the dog, La Famiglia … you know ….
Isn’t it time the rug-rats started earning their keep?
‘Child labor’ sounds so Victorian-draconian, call it ‘family team-building’…
*snicker* 😉
Very interesting. I was just reading the specs. on the 5.7 mm cartridge several days ago. Not surprisingly, it uses a 50k psi max. pressure to launch the bullet.
More surprising is that the bullet in the first gen. ammo (the SS90) was only 23 grains. The second gen. SS190 ammo, then used a 31 grain bullet. Checking Midway, there are only two products listed in the 5.7 x 28 category, though the American Eagle is listed at $0.46/round which isn’t terrible. Both products now use a 40 grain bullet.
Really hope they have or soon release a threaded barrel option. My .22 suppressor is rated for the 5.7×28. That could be super fun.
Cool, but ammo is pretty expensive (right there with .44 Magnum) and from what I’ve read it can be dangerous to reload. Maybe dangerous is the wrong word, how about problematic?
The better term would be ” cautious”. With current 5.7 ammo (Speer is saying their cases are Nickel coated so we know nothing about those), you have to wash the brass in simple green solution, as if you tumble them you’ll remove the polymer coating that’s there for function. After that, you’ll have to size and trim brass like other bottleneck cartridges. The power charge is what you have to be careful on. You can easily double charge the load, or even .1 over can put you from safe to MAX load. Case life even with the coating is 5-6 reloads..
so that’ll be two handguns that use it and still only the one rifle?
sorry, there’s only room in my safe for one boutique cartridge.
There’s actually 4 traditional handguns in the 5.7
EA Accelerator (sp)
FN FiveseveN
Ruger 57
Fort-28 (UAE gun not imported).
There are 3 “pistols”
MPA 5.7
CMMG Banshee
EA X series
3 Rifles:
EA X Series
AR-57 (although not in current production and is simply an AR upper)
But yeah not everyone and their brother is out making a gun in 5.7…
You got me. I missed the 5.7 offerings from EA (EI?) and MPA. I know absolutely nothing about the quality of guns produced by Excel Industries or Masterpiece Arms. That CMMG Banshee looks fun.
The Ruger, Fort-28, FSN, and CMMG Banshee probably out weight the quality and reliability vs the MPA and Excel Arms guns
Now Ruger needs to shrink the mini-14 down a bit to accept this round…have a ruger rifle and pistol platform chambered in 5.7 would be pretty cool.
A mini-57 sounds like all sorts of trouble for varmints.
A simple re-chamber job probably won’t do it on the ’14. It takes gas volume to cycle that steel action…
10/57 maybe?
Nah. Delayed blowback…….so you could have a sliding stock …. and no messy gas.😁
3.5 pounds would be nice.
With a sliding polymer stock?…….. I think I might buy that..
Make it so Ruger!
Something tells me that thing would be LOUD.
This is kinda cool. Are the ballistics from a 5.7 really better than 22TCM though? I know I’ll never get either boutique round so it’s just an academic question…
That depends. The only 22 TCM bullet has the ability to penetrate steel better than the factory 5.7 loads, but it’s stopped by body armor. 5.7 loads (depending on bullet choice) can penetrate various level IIIA, and getting SS190 is easy (but expensive). Boutique ammo is there, and while $2/rd, is sometimes a 2-3 week wait for it.
If we discount exotic tungsten/steel core bullets, I thought bullet velocity was pretty much the only factor which determines whether bullets will penetrate level II and III ballistic vests. Am I wrong? (I welcome a thoughtful correction if I am wrong.)
Bullet design/composition plays a factor. SS198LF can penetrate some IIIA (Level II no problem) that are made from dyneema, or Kevlar materials. However introduce UHMWPE into the mix, and those panels will stop it. It typically causes SS198LF to mushroom out, increasing it’s frontal area and stopping it.
EA’s T6B/Dev, or Vanguards BF is a copper solid. Very pointy. Light like the SS198LF, it can penetrate more types of IIIA until you get into thicker UHMWPE rigid plates..
Velocity is the primary thing that determines armor penetration.
Although having a pointy profile does make a big difference with soft armor as it can slide between layers.
And the pointy, pierce-ey bullets are too long to fit within TCM’s OAL limitations. FN civvie ammo offerings may be neutered, but TCM is similarly neutered at the cartridge level. You give up a bit of bullet OAL that allows for true Spitzers, in order to get an extra half a grain of powder capacity at most. To me, that limits the TCM’s utility as a carbine round that reaches past 100yds, even if it does technically have more muscle right at the muzzle & defensive handgun ranges. Also to me, the variables that come into play for terminal ballistics (armor, clothing, angle of impact, density, objects in pockets, bone vs. organ, etc) far outweigh whatever ‘edge’ the extra powder gives you; the guarantee of holding a high velocity out to a farther range is more appealing –again, to me.
Niches within niches.
I’m going to wait about 7 years for Glock to come out with their model 59 chambered in 5.7. Their model 57 will be chambered in 22 magnum.
What’s with the hollowed out guide rod though?
Like others have said, this will need a threaded barrel at some point.
“What’s with the hollowed out guide rod though?”
Mass reduction? That’s not much powder in a 5.7mm case for the semi-auto ‘housekeeping’ chores required…
I don’t understand why. If they released a striker fired one It would be the first striker fired gun I would definitely buy that is not a glock.
It’s just a (cheaper?) fn 5.7 from ruger. I don’t fantasize about a dream gun much but I have always wanted a striker fired 5.7. I’m a little disappointed.
I hypothesize it has something to do with utilizing straight blowback due to the weaker recoil impulse. A lighter recoil spring means that compressing a striker spring upon going into the battery may not be possible, or at least not as reliable. You almost never see blowback-operated striker-fired guns.
What’s wrong with a hammer fired gun, esp one that conceals the hammer so it is out of the way if that sorta thing bothers you?
I train with all of my guns but I train 1 for defense and carry and stuff. It does not have a manual safety. It makes no sense for me to change my manual of arms. People will disagree with me but I think switching stuff like that around a lot if you don’t need to can be bad.
Nothing is wrong with hammer fired. If you use hammer fired I am indifferent.
I dont disagree with you., I just like shooting a bunch of different guns.
Your way just sounds kinda …… boring. ☹
I dont have to carry all guns I shoot. And this one would be kinda fun. A poor man’s HK Socom.
I get where you’re coming from, but shooting something for fun that you don’t carry is ok too 🙂
I avoid striker fired and Glocks in particular. For me I prefer SA/DA in my handguns and a hammer that allows a second strike if needed. This happened with me last weekend, my first failure to fire .40 in like 2 years, a weak or bum primer. Safety-wise the SA/DA hammer guns make better sense to me. The closest I came to a striker was the Hudson, but am glad now that I didn’t cough up the cash for it. The only way I’d likely go the striker route is with a physical safety in a non-polymer gun, if something was really unique or caught my eye. I regularly carry a PX4 but that is my only plastic fantastic, everything else is steel or alloy and everything is also hammer fired SA/DA, so that’s what I am familiar and comfortable with.
As per an American Rifleman review just posted, the Ruger magazines are similar to, but *not* interchangeable with the those of the FN Five-Seven. Which would mean only restricted capacity magazines for me were I to buy one, in spite of having purchased a bunch of Five-Seven mags before the law barring their purchase took effect in Colorado.
Lots of Colorado gun shops sell >15 cap magazines in kit form. You can also manufacture any magazine you want for sale outside of Colorado, with the approved markings. Too bad I’m not getting many orders for my $3000 hand-made artisanal magazines, so I have to hold onto them.
Hey, Ruger, since you’re just going around and rechambering pre-existing models of firearms, I’d love a PCC or short action bolt gun in 22 TCM
This looks really nice.
I don’t like how long the FN 5.7x28mm cartridge is which makes for a “long” hand grip on any handgun.
I was toying with the idea of acquiring a 1911 handgun chambered in .22 TCM which produces the same velocities in a shorter cartridge — and hence “normal” hand grip size/profile. However, a 1911 handgun chambered in .22 TCM will not have the same cartridge capacity.
Now I am not sure which way to go.
This is a picture of the muzzle flash. No comment on the loudness.
Wow… it won’t be so lightweight with the optional fire extinguisher!
Oops. A “loud report” they say.
My ears be ringing on me… 🙁
Wow. Never knew I wanted a 5.7.
This is a cool looking pistol…..well done Ruger.
Hopefully this will drive 5.7 ammo a little lower. ( I can dream!)
After watching Hop’s review on TFB – I really want one.
What I’d really like is one in 7.62 Tok. But this is a fun start.
I am sure this will encourage ammo manufactures to produce more, and cheaper ammo.
A pistol in 7.62×25 would be cool.
I am very surprised by this pistol, was not expecting this. Maybe Ruger know something we don’t.
Maybe we will more companies make 5.7 pistols or PCC or bolt Rifles ( Savage were going to produce one)
Five inch barrel (4.94″):
In case nobody heard, Speer is bring out a 5.7 Gold Dot 40 grain loading by spring…22plinkster had some to show off.
This one replaces my 10 MM Glock Long Slide.. Ruger is unstoppable..
Just can’t squeeze another gun and pricey ammo into the budget for the foreseeable future. But I may be able to scrape together a few bucks for a lottery ticket, I guess. Sure would love to add this to the rotation.
22 Plinkster has his review out already.
The 5.7 in the PS90 seems reasonable. Compact, very low recoil and report, high capacity etc.
BUT shooting 5.7 in a pistol produces a frigging huge flash and a loud report. Both seem detrimental to self defense use.
I’d pass on the handgun until someone makes a load optimized for shorter barrels that wouldn’t burn most its powder outside the gun.
Speer is marking a gold dot version of the 5.7 round, 22 Plinskter had some engineering samples he shot in his review video. Looks like the market is opening up a little more for variety and options. Supposed to be available spring 2020.
Based on looks probably will not excel at poking holes in soft armor..
I doubt that’s the point. General self defense, might make a good hunting/varmint round. There’s a lot of opinions here, but speaking for myself my primary choice in ammo isn’t in its ability to beat body armor.
Ohh I agree. This is probably more main stream user SD roles. If it can hit 1800-1900 fps (where smaller guys can get 40gr loadings). I myself in 40gr would rather stick to a ballistic tip round that can still penetrate armor because of speed, but generally will open up like the gold dot because the velocity isn’t there to cause it to frag all the way out..
I will have to mention my PMR 30 22 Mag. with 30 round magazines. I was skeptical at first but this is such a great pistol. The look is a little strange but the weight and feel and now with the Armalaser attached it is just great. Using the Hordnay 45 Gr. hollow points this is a great edc pistol. I do have my P320 Carry/Compact which is awesome but a little heavy to carry in South Florida.
The whole concept behind the pistol and PDW is predicated on using the AP ammo they were designed around.
As lowly subjects, we are not allowed to purchase said ammo.
I want to know what our friend Ivan Chesnokov thinks about this. For those who haven’t read his research papers, an excerpt:
Hannibal, that reads like an ikea instruction manual….
(Aka written in another language and google translated into English.)
I would like to have one but not at that price. A cheap plasticky pistol from Ruger is only worth about $400 at the most. If your going to spend that much money why not go a few bucks more and by an FN is will be a better investment.
Maybe because people want to shoot it, not buy it as an investment?
I can’t wait to get one. Fantasizing right now about running coyotes and the 20 round magazine!
To all those that will actually buy one I say:
Good luck with your misery.
Having watched a friend “try” to reload for a P90 all I can do is laugh.
And yet….I hope I am wrong about this latest attempt at the cartridge.
I can reload the 5.7 cases. Why was your friend having so much trouble. It’s like other bottleneck carts, just have to be careful to wash the cases, not tumble.
Actually, no. It was the matter of .1 grain between function and non-function. Eventually he gave up and sold it at a profit.
It was fun to shoot, don’t get me wrong. It was just too expensive or too tight a tolerance for him to work with.
All the best to those that buy and eventually find “reloading” to be cost effective.
not everyone wants, can, or will reload. That attitude of reloaders being better and the “only” way forward is why some people get turned off from some shooting activities.
22TCM anyone? Already have guns chambered in it otherwise I’d buy the Ruger.
Hey MAC,
As much as I like my Ruger’s I’ll not be getting this new pistol. I’ll be sticking with my TCM and I may be getting one of their newest models when it comes out.
The reason for that is I’ve started reloading for the TCM using other than the stock projectile/bullet and have gotten some good results. I’ve even experimented using small rifle primers and small pistol magnum primers with various powder types and charges, also. Even with that I haven’t seen any problems with the brass nor any excessive wear to the frame, slide, or barrel.
Awesome. Thanks. I really like the TCM. Wish it would become more popular to make it more affordable to shoot. And, I don’t shoot enough of it to consider reloading.
They just dropped a Gold Dot hollow point onto the market. That might change up a few things
Surprisingly, much of my New Years Eve was spent reading and watching reviews of this new gun.
Question: Does the Ruger 57 fire without a magazine? The mag disconnect is irritating in the FN 5.7.
I am not familiar on how the magazine disconnect works in this gun but I do know that in many other guns I have known it was no big deal to either remove the disconnect or modify it so it did not work anymore. I do not recommend doing this for a variety of reasons such as law suits and accidents once its removed but many people do it.
Because, the 5.7 is gonna be HUUGE. Everybody wants one, you can barely contain the x citement.
Just like the .45 GAP!
Uhh… love it or hate it the 5.7mm round actually fills a role that’s not served by much else. The .45 GAP was a failure because it was functionally no different from the already established and far more popular .45 ACP
Ruger, we’re still waiting on a 3-inch LCR and LCR-x with low profile sights (preferably Novak style). If you can do it on the SP101, you can do it on the LCR. The tall adjustable sight versions are far too snag prone for concealed carry
Only one comparison between the PMR 30 and this new Ruger 5.7? ( Tom Secreto )
If you ask me, this is the only real comparison to make here.
Both pistols are slim, very similar looking and use small fast projectiles to accomplish similar task.
Both are high capacity and produce similar ballistics.
I own 3 PMR 30’s and a couple CMR 30’s and see no need for this in my collection, but I did take a look and like.
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