Alexander Czaja (courtesy

Having grown up in a city, I’m not entirely familiar with the tradition of shooting road signs. Do you shoot the signs from a moving vehicle? Is there a preferred firearm/caliber? Anyway, I was certainly aware of the practice, encountering plenty of buckshot-mottled steel signage out in the country. And it is for sure illegal; an activity best hidden from upright citizen taxpayers and police. Obvs. Well, not so obvs/important if you’re stinking drunk . . .

Police said Troop C in Tolland [Connecticut] received numerous 911 calls from residents in the Crystal Lake area reporting gunshots.

Ellington police and state police responded to the area and saw a man, who turned out to be Czaja, emerge from the woods carrying a long gun.

Police said they ordered [Alexander] Czaja to drop the gun and get on the ground before handcuffing him.

Alexander Czaja's guns (courtesy

Czaja was found carrying two additional handguns and more than 25 rounds of .40 ammunition.

Police said Czaja had been drinking and was walking home from a friend’s house. On his way home, he fired 11 rounds from a 12-gauge shotgun, 17 rounds from a Smith and Wesson .40 caliber and 6 rounds from a Smith and Wesson .357 revolver at a speed limit sign on Minor Hill Road. further reports that the local DA charged Mr. Czaja with unlawful discharge of firearms, illegal carrying of a firearm under the influence of drugs and alcohol, third-degree criminal mischief and second-degree reckless endangerment.

Assuming he’s guilty of something stupid firearms-related, Mr. Czaja has also earned himself TTAG’s IGOTD award. Tradition or no, perforating public property is perfidious.


  1. On the bright side, all three guns are “approved” for citizen ownership by the benevolent state of CT, provided you have a Pistol Permit, or Eligibility Certificate for handgun and long gun.

  2. Growing up in Vermont, most of the bullet holes appeared during deer season. Then there was the Howard Johnson’s that had some little concrete deep in front. Yep, some fool shot one. Didn’t even tag it.

  3. You know how on tv shows, you hear about the guy that had “beady” eyes, that are set “close together”, well, this is the guy…

  4. Definitely too stupid to be trusted with a firearm. Somehow, I doubt he has a concealed carry permit since permit holders have a record of being more responsible. In his defense, he only shot an inanimate object that can easily be replaced. Compare that to yesterday’s old fart in church who is lucky not to have killed his wife.

  5. Road Sign hunting,. now their making them out of this foam shit that don’t even show the bullet holes. Bummer. Dumb ass county, the kids just run over the signs……… I love America, freedom has many forms.

  6. I’ve run into guys like this before. They often use the phrase “I don’t give a f@%!”

    Looks like this idiot will actually be forced to “give a f___!.”

  7. “Do you shoot the signs from a moving vehicle?”

    Yup, it’s kinda the point, as Mark N noted.

    Think along the lines of the old sport from the early days of the trans-continental railroad of shooting buffalo from the trains at speed…

  8. I honestly don’t see many bullet holes in signs in CT, even in the “rural” areas if this part of Ellington qualifies.

    Curious if they gave him a breathalyser or blood test to get the carrying under the influence. AFAIK, the proposed law to change this failed to pass so it should still be .1 for carrying in CT.

  9. Definitely an exceptional individual; set up for failure with more than a touch of FAS, and a double dose of familial DNA.

  10. >>Do you shoot the signs from a moving vehicle?

    Payne, that is stupid question (c)

    With 4 rules and blahblahblah about them.

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