Richmond Virginia July 4 shooting plot
Richmond Police Chief Gerald M Smith, left, speaks during a press conference at Richmond Virginia Police headquarters, Wednesday July 6, 2022, in Richmond, Va. Police said Wednesday that they thwarted a planned July 4 mass shooting after receiving a tip that led to arrests and the seizure of multiple guns. AP Photo/Steve Helber)

By Denise Lavoie and Sarah Rankin, AP

Police in Richmond, Virginia, said Wednesday that they thwarted a planned July 4 mass shooting after receiving a tip that led to the arrest of two men and the seizure of multiple guns — an announcement that came just two days after a deadly mass shooting on the holiday in a Chicago suburb.

A “hero citizen” overheard a conversation indicating there was an attack being planned on an Independence Day celebration in the capital city and called police to report it, Police Chief Gerald Smith said at a news conference. The caller said the attack was planned for the Dogwood Dell Amphitheater, where an annual fireworks show is held, Smith said.

“One phone call saved numerous lives on the Fourth of July,” Smith said.

Richmond Police Chief Gerald M Smith (AP Photo/Steve Helber)

Police initiated an investigation along with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the FBI, which led to the arrests of two men on charges of being non-U.S. citizens in possession of a firearm, Smith said. He said additional charges are possible.

Julio Alvarado-Dubon, 52, was arrested on July 1, the same day police received the tip, Smith said. He said police put a second suspect, Rolman Alberto Balacarcel, 38, under surveillance beginning that day, but did not initially have probable cause to arrest him. He was arrested Tuesday in Albemarle County, near Charlottesville, and was being held in a local jail.

Police spokesperson Tracy Walker said both men are from Guatemala. Initial documents filed in General District Court in Richmond say both Alvarado-Dubon and Balacarcel are not in the U.S. legally. The documents, which say Alvarado-Dubon has an expired visa, did not include any details about the alleged plot.

Court documents note bond was set at $15,000 for Alvarado-Dubon on Wednesday, but it was unclear if he had been released. The documents say he has lived in the Richmond area for three years and works full time in the construction industry. He has a preliminary hearing scheduled in Richmond on Aug. 2. Alvarado-Dubon’s attorney, Jose Aponte, declined to comment Wednesday.

It wasn’t immediately clear if Balacarcel had an attorney who could speak on his behalf.

Smith said the two men lived together at a Richmond house, where officers seized two assault rifles, a handgun and hundreds of rounds of ammunition that were in plain view. He said police have not determined a motive for the planned attack.

“l want to thank and applaud the hero in Virginia that stopped a potential massacre by alerting our brave Richmond Police Department Officers that work tirelessly every day to protect our communities,” Gov. Glenn Youngkin said in a tweet. “It’s a great reminder that if you see something, say something to your local PD.”

Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney, who joined the news conference along with members of the city council, decried what he called an epidemic of gun violence across the country.

“Whether you’re at home in your cul-de-sac, or in your neighborhood, or in a park, or at a parade, out dining — you have to keep your head on a swivel,” Stoney said. “And that’s not the country that I know I desire to live in … but those are the facts of the matter at this moment.”


  1. We need to remove ALL illegal aliens from the USA and their families and seize all of their US based assets to pay for the deportations!

    We cannot tolerate illegals in the USA for any reason.

    • I agree with you, and disagree with those who use difficulty or expense to argue against any action at all.

      Here’s something that wouldn’t be expensive at all: recognize that the US Constitution is a social contract between US citizens, chartering a government funded by US citizens for the sole benefit of US citizens (and our legal guests), which was never intended to protect people burglarizing our country. Prohibit any expenditure of a single taxpayer penny or man-second to punish, prosecute, arrest, award civil damages against, or even question any American for how he treats someone who has zero legal existence here.

      • The average illegal alien uses up $30,000 to $50,000 in government benefits a year, that should be reserved for Citizens and Legal Resident Aliens. This includes medical care and public school money. This does not count those convicted of crime which cost around $50,000 a year to imprison, plus the costs of court proceedings.

        • I agree, except for the legal resident aliens part. This is Americans’ home and our family. The only reason to admit any outsider to our homes is because he provides a net benefit to the family (delivery man, contractor, etc.). Inviting someone here to be a net drain on our economy is almost as bad as redistributing our income to invaders.

        • quote————The average illegal alien uses up $30,000 to $50,000 in government benefits a year, that should be reserved for Citizens and Legal Resident Aliens———quote

          Lets see a link to that racist and absurd statement. Links to the Proud Boys, KKK and American Nazi party not accepted.

        • you ok with nyt, wapo, huffpo, time, newsweek, cnn, salon, trace and rolling stone? thought so.
          did you sell grit as a kid?

        • here ya go dummy dacian

          then add below does not show costs for jailing criminals or costs in lowering of pay because they take jobs at a lower pay rate and NO there is not a need for 20 million crop picker/gardeners/buss boys!
          So they are taking or affecting wages across the board!

        • To bobo

          Your links are a joke and from radical right wing websites. NOW LET’S TAKE A LOOK AT JUST ONE OF THEIR BIG LIES WHICH YOU JUST POSTED A LINK TOO.

          QUOTE————-In Michigan, FAIR found that K-12 education takes the largest share for spending on illegal immigrants, with $314.1 million. Other spending (state and local) includes: General ($225.3 million); Welfare ($142.6 million); Justice ($66 million); Limited English Proficiency (LEP) education ($63.2 million); Medicaid ($62.4 million); and SCHIP ($25.2 million).————-Quote

          Illegals are not eligible for any of the above programs. This Right Wing Nut case that originally posted this was stealing it from the expenditures on LEGAL IMMIGRANTS NOT ILLEGAL ONES.

          quote———– NO there is not a need for 20 million crop picker/gardeners/buss boys!
          So they are taking or affecting wages across the board——–quote

          Total racist falsehood: Businesses are actually shutting down because of a lack of labor in the U.S. right now.

        • What happened downunder. Pre-pandemic, business and conservatives would trumpet from the rooftops about how “the market will provide”. But if they didn’t like the “natural equilibrium” they would alter it to one of their liking.

          With employment and wages, they used 457 skilled migrant visas to alter the supply of labor to increase the supply and reduce wages. For the last two years unemployment dropped and wages increased. But business wants to open the floodgates to 457s to get cheap labor again.

        • herr dacian. I retired from a school district. We had schools that had 50% illegals in enrollment. And they got things like medical care and other programs.

          You are an absurd liar that has never left his mommy’s basement.

        • to Jethro W.M.

          quote————-. And they got things like medical care and other programs.———quote

          Well then tell us what programs they were in? Since even U.S. citizens do not get free medical care then how do illegals get it?

          Try again Jethro you fell into the outhouse on that one.

          And remember illegals are not entitled to medical care from welfare programs either. That’s another Right Wing lie that they try and perpetuate. Even U.S. citizens are thoroughly vetted before they get welfare, the paperwork is astronomical.

        • dacian. I would think you were stupid….come to think of it you are stupid. But besides the point. No hospital ER in this country will turn away anybody, regardless of citizenship.

          And I note that you failed to address the issue of schools with heavy illegal density of students. Our tax dollars are being spent to educate and care for them.

        • to Jethro W.M.

          quote————And I note that you failed to address the issue of schools with heavy illegal density of students. Our tax dollars are being spent to educate and care for them.———quote

          And most of the children you scream against were born here not in another country. You overlooked that fact. Even the few illegal children will grow up to be tomorrows doctors, dentists, teachers, firemen etc , etc and you are in a panic over that. Guess what that makes you Jethro? In the past you said you were not that type of person but your posts prove otherwise over and over again.

    • I agree, deport them all if they are here illegally, but what of the kids that were born here?? It seems like that is a major sticking point. Break ups he family? Deport the kids from the only home they have ever known??

      • Revisit birthright citizenship. Require at least one parent to be a US citizen in order for the children to get citizenship.

        • If you looked at the requirements for legal immigration to the US, most US citizens would not qualify.

      • If a burglar gave birth in your home, would you support a law that obliged you to not only subsidize the little bastard for the rest of its life, but give it a vote equal to yours over every decision (what you’re having for dinner, where you go on vacation, what you buy with your pay, etc.) in the house?

        It sucks to be the child of a scumbag criminal, but that should never affect criminals getting what they deserve. I fully support birthright citizenship only if “birthright” has the same definition as in every other context: something you inherit from your parents.

      • IMO birthright citizenship for those of CITIZENS!
        or with parents LEGALLY here and here for LONG term(AKA more than 3 years), not just tourists
        Your parent/s HAVE To be here legally on a work visa, then they or one HAVE to be IN the process of gaining FULL citizenship and FINISH BEFORE your 18 birthday or you are just a resident alien and can start the process yourself as an adult
        and all bets are off if you commit a felony….DEPORT at the end of your jail term

  2. ONE bloody incident out of literally hundreds. That’s good then . There w should be apologies all round that many many more could not be stopped. But do not blame the pOlice the POlice only act byn the consent and withn the co-operation of the pubilic they serve> They are not Judge or Jury and they do not make the laws. They can only act withing the framework of just how much supposed ‘freedom’ a small minority o the citizens are prepared to set aside in the interests of security for the vast majority.
    I come from the UK and I cannot see that I am giving up an ‘freedom’ by not owning or wishing to own personal weaponry [even after two decades in the Military]. In fact I feel free to walk the streets without being bloody well shot at by some mad bugger with a Semi-Auto Rifle or a handgun.
    You may well hear an awful lot about KNIFE CRIME in the UK. I am in my mid 80’s and I do not know a single person who has even been threatened with a knife let alone assaulted with one.
    It’s so rare that the slightest Knife incident will probably make the regional if not the National News Channels. But then again the carrying of a blade of more than THREE inches without just cause, even in your car, can get you a Police record.

      • Exactly. First you have to mind control them into giving up almost all natural-born liberties, then make sure their ‘Mum’ (the Queen) is always there for socialized breastfeeding and comfy ‘assurance’ and warm shelter during all those bad news rainy days, and they must also have enough corner Pubs to drown their sorrows in while waiting for the night to pass into the next ‘Bloody’ day

        Comparing the UK to the U.S. is like comparing nuts to grapes. For sure Americans are nutso a lot of the time but average Brits are ‘softer’ than grapes. It’s what Marxism does to you.

        As far as these highly ‘coincidental’ Mass shootings which suspiciously increased with the rapidly growing rabid major push to outlaw and confiscate your most common all around sporting and self defense rifle, it looks like ‘they’ might be running out of the highy ‘workable’ mentally challenged patsies with the new focus on early detection and ‘treatment’ through other totalitarian Red Flag laws.

        Since Latin America is replete with various Hitmen to the point of being almost a cottage industry from virtually every country down there, it’s easy peasy sneezy to just hire a couple of these stone cold killers to keep up the psychological political agenda momentum of these horrific ‘assault weapon’ crimes, now wouldn’t it? Have them blast in fast and furious, a game stadium is a place with a lot of chaos potential, quickly extricate yourself, finish the Op by a pre-planned disappearance out of the country.

        I already noticed on a couple other smaller mass shooting in the Cities that seemed to start out bad for the innocent persons on the street, but got thwarted after only a few shots and they escaped. Since it didn’t play out spectacularly the coverage wasn’t huge and they faded off the radar.

        These could have been paid actors. Remember Antifa and etc. thought nothing of raiding, looting, and burning everything to the ground so killing would be an easy step up, especially if the money was there? And former Cartel hitmen gang members are a dime a dozen.

        There are a couple of curious things about this Richmond case that wrinkles an old Dick’s nose? It just looked too ‘professional’ to be the typical punk psycho case.
        The bond was way too low, considering the anti-gun climate today. Even for just a conspiracy charge at this time?
        These guys don’t fit the standard profile.
        Since almost every group or person of interest is surveilled or penetrated by a CI or undercover cop/agent, it would be ironic if these guys were being watched by a different ‘authority’ than the one that might be ‘working’ them, and they got their wires crossed!

        I doubt that the ‘overheard’ conversation by the unidentified witness was in the next booth at the coffee shop. If these illegal aliens had cell phones they would be easily stingrayed and sprayed and geofenced and even their residence ‘backscatted’ for the weapons, and THAT would be how they were ‘overheard’ in a Tip. Is the tipster ‘anonymous’ ?

        This will be a good one to watch. Lets see how transparently, or how invisibly, it’s handled.

      • quote————-The mindset of a subject instead of a citizen.————quote

        Its called being civilized Schrade

        • You don’t know the meaning of that word, herr dacian. ‘Civilized’ is a foreign concept to you ss/antifa members.

        • Hey, dacian the stupid!!!! How is it that “strict gun control” in “civilized” countries like Japan can’t prevent the assassination WITH A GUN of their former Prime Minister???? Aren’t the Japanese “too civilized” to have this kind of thing??? And if we ONLY adopted YOUR idiot ideas about “gun control” all crime using firearms in the US would just disappear, wouldn’t it???

          dacian, you’re so abominably stupid, you make dirt look smart. Why do you insist on coming here, where you are NOT wanted, to spread your lies and idiocy???? Do you ENJOY being mocked and ridiculed??? The shrinks have a name for that, ya know.

        • to the Lamp that went out in his head

          Now Lamp you are dancing in the blood of the victim.

          Name the last time there was a mass murder by assault rifle or even a handgun in Japan. They do not exist.

          Now you scream since there was one isolated incident in decades that Japan should scrap all of its gun laws. Next you will be advocating throwing out all the covid vaccines because a couple of people who were vaccinated died even though millions of lives were saved. The same is true of gun laws because they save millions of lives.

          Of the thousands of Americans slaughtered by mass murder most would be alive today if we had gun laws like Japan and the rest of the civilized world has. That is historical fact that any sane person can easily understand because of History Lamp that went out in his head. But you are not capable of comprehending it. Again advanced paranoia does that to people.

    • Fix the dysfunctional government of once Great Britain. This might well include expelling all the aliens you have stupidily admitted over the last 60 (or 10) years. Then we FREE American MIGHT consider listening to your BS advice. You damn serfs with an opinion, rise above your station. STFU

      • Albert,

        The irony of you writing here on a regular basis advocating for less rights for citizens of the U.S., while being a subject who watched any rights he had in the U.K. disappear, leads people here to have contempt for you.

        You describe how you “feel free” in the U.K. – OK how about a test. A test of the most fundamental right; freedom of speech.

        Albert kindly go to a few popular social media sites in the U.K. and say the following in open forums…….

        >>>>> ”I, Albert L J Hall, don’t like immigrants, especially Muslins, in the U.K. and I believe they should be immediately deported ASAP.” <<<<<<

        This will have two positive outcomes.

        1) You will find out first hand how “free” the U.K. really is.

        2) We will no longer hear you advocating for fewer freedoms in this country, from a country with little to no freedom.

        • to Citizen

          Actually having laws against hate speech on the internet is an excellent idea and our U.S. laws against hate speech are weak and should be strengthened. When your speech harms others it should be against the law in a civilized society.

        • Spoken like the true fascist that you are.

          Our First Amendment makes hate speech especially “protected speech.”

          Don’t like it? Change the First Amendment.

        • dacian the stupid supports fascist “speech” control. Who’da thunk it???? In other news, water is wet, MinorIQ is a moron, and the sun will rise in the East tomorrow.

          Being a libertarian, I’m quite happy with our First Amendment (and our Second), other than the idiot “interpretations” our SCOTUS USED to put on them. Pretty happy now that we see our SCOTUS actually READING the Constitution. Sucks to be you, dunnit, dacian the stupid??

        • to Klingon and the Lamp that went out in his head.

          Any educated person, any historian, and any sane person knows that no constitutional right is unlimited otherwise you would be able to make and use an Atom bomb, yell fire in a theater that resulted in people being killed or injured or used hate speech that did the same. Again any sane person can understand this as it’s not rocket science.

        • Asshole — screw yourself.

          “Any educated person …”

          Which apparently doesn’t include you. Show me where “hate speech” is not covered under the First Amendment. A Supreme Court decision will do. Oh, wait — you can’t, can you?

        • to Klingon

          If you try any of the above that I mentioned in connection with unlimited free speech you will end up in the slammer. Now try and tell me the 1st Amendment is unlimited.

    • There is only ONE PERSON yuo can rightly tell should NOT be armed.. yourself. It would appear you dwell in some sortof bubble. What I read from this side the Puddle tells me I’d not likley even LIVE in GB, let alone go about unarmed. Further, my inability to go about armed under the laws of your fiefdom further inform me that I won’t even pop round for a visit. The same government that attempted to disarm we Yanks has successfully disarmed you lot. Fie. That is YOUR problem.

      Here, things are different.Stump for the disarming of America alll you wish. WE are not listening.

      Now, what these guates, here illegall, actually had planned is irrelevant, They DID have a significant stash of weapons when they shouldn’t have had. Enough of a crime to warrent deportation which I hope is at least part of the outcome of this situatio.

    • Lol. You’re already on borrowed time and likely have only two or three Christmas’ left so just relax and watch the birds out the window. Your stress fueld nonsensical tirades about the goings on 3,000 miles away are only going to speed your demise.

    • England sounds like paradise, you should go back immediately. Walk around London late at night and enjoy the utopia that results from a disarmed populace.

      Guns are not the problem. Up until the 60’s you could purchase full auto’s in the mail and have them shipped to your door. The “problems” that have led to mass shootings are obvious and solvable – they just fly in the face of almost 50 years of RINO/Democrat/globalist “progress”, and just mentioning them is enough to get you banned on the internet and canceled IRL.

      • Actually machine guns were highly regulated with the NFA act back in the 1930’s and no, you could not legally get a machine gun through the mail in the 60’s.

    • …in my mid 80’s…

      In other words essentially post-war generation.
      Another example proving that….
      …the greatest generation raised the stupidest generation.

    • Why did you not stay in the UK if it is so wonderfully safe? It is always annoying to hear from foreigners about how they think US laws and traditions should be changed. If you find our laws and customs not to your liking, the airport is never too far away.
      In the US, one’s odds of being shot in a “mass shooting”, one that is not part of urban crime (using illegally obtained weapons) in places one is very unlikely to visit, is close to zero, on par with being electrocuted by lightening.

    • “I do not know a single person who has even been threatened with a knife let alone assaulted with one”

      Most Americans do not know a single person who has ever been threatened or assaulted with a firearm. The reason this makes news, is because it is so rare. We have a huge population, so of course the US is going to have more incidents.

      A 2018 CRPC study ranked the U.S. at number sixty-four in the world in terms of mass shooting rates per capita. Our country is vilified(unjustly) for violence, when it is actually less common here than other places.

      • Manse, thanks for bringing that up. And remember, the regular folk standing around just stared in shock, and did NOTHING to help the soldier! A disarmed Marxist citizenry doesn’t know how to take care of itself and pathetically believes their nanny leaders know what’s best for everyone. Albert is deceived in thinking that “knife/gun crimes” don’t regularly happen. They do, and like the Japanese, it all goes unreported.

    • “I come from the UK and I cannot see that I am giving up an ‘freedom’ by not owning or wishing to own personal weaponry”

      Bloody well good for you. I hope you’ll grant we Yanks the courtesy of staying put where you are as well.

      Truth be told, it’s great to have your commenting on this site- it shows Americans just how cowed and beaten down the rest of the world is compared to us, even your former brawny men Down Under.

      As far as violence is concerned, however, your soccer match riots almost make some of our BLM crap look like school kids. No guns needed.

    • Yep best to stay in the UK Albert. 80 years old, you wouldn’t make it over here, most Americans never make it past 70 before they’re shot full of holes. Once you get slow and cant duck as fast your running on borrowed time over here in the U.S.A.
      Cars all shot full of holes, houses look like a sieve from all the drive bys.
      It’s real tuff just staying alive at 30, an 80 year old, why you poor old bugger, you just wouldn’t stand a chance.

        • Miner49er-I read the article you posted the link to. The problem with the study is the very broad way of looking at the data and speculating as to what the cause is. At the conclusion of the article, it states the POSSIBLE causes to the USAs decline in life expectancy is opioid crisis and access to healthcare.

          It also states the POSSIBLE decline in the UK (yes the UK also declined) as being poverty or disadvantaged populace. I’d like to point out, if the UK has a broad social safety net and socialized healthcare, why are there poverty or disadvantaged people in general? Also, if these disadvantaged and poor people would still have access to the same socialized healthcare, why has their life expectancy declined?

          Socialized healthcare stagnates innovation. The USA is the world’s foremost innovator of healthcare products. The socialized healthcare nations price-fix the rate at what they’ll pay for these items, so the American people are left with the rest of the bill. Really it’s the countries like Canada and the UK that need to pay their way, not the American people.

          On another note, you can get healthcare anytime you want in the USA. It’s a strawman argument to say you can’t get healthcare here.

          Try better Miner

        • to Forp

          quote————-On another note, you can get healthcare anytime you want in the USA. It’s a strawman argument to say you can’t get healthcare here.——–quote

          Right wing bullshit. Over 150,000 people a year die in the U.S. because they cannot afford preventive health care and in many cases can afford no health care at all. Thousands go bankrupt every year over health care.

          I have known people who have died waiting to see a specialists in the U.S. It averages a 3 month wait and if they cannot find out what is ailing you , then they refer you to another specialist and that takes and additional 3 months of a wait. I have gone through this myself as well as some of my closest relatives so the idea that you only die waiting for healthcare in a foreign country that has National Health care is a lie most of the time because for serious illnesses you get in quicker in a foreign country to see a specialist.

          quote———–Socialized healthcare stagnates innovation. ——-quote

          Another damn Right Wing lie. Some of the major breakthroughs in medicine have come from Socialist Health Care in European and Asian Nations as well as of all places Cuba which is a leader in health care innovation and cures.

        • Herr dacian. You only wait long term in the US if you’re on the dole. Like you. If you are a productive citizen managing his own life, like me, then you have your affairs in order and have decent health insurance.

          Quit trying to game the system and get a real job. Get some education and job training. Leave fascism behind and work towards bettering your life.

        • jwm,

          Telling dacian the stupid to “get a job” is like telling a turtle to enter a pole vault competition. dacian has no skills, no intellect, no work ethic, and no desire to be productive in any way. He is of no use above the ground; he should be beneath it, inspiring the cabbages.

        • to Jethro W.M. our high school dropout.

          Now try and tell me Jethro that if you come down with cancer or need heart surgery that your great insurance plan is going to pay all of your medical expenses. Even the other far right nut cases on this forum know that is a falsehood.

      • You forgot the drive by flamethrower out Toyota Camys. Almost got fried going to the Quick Trip.

      • To Dacian, it’s is law that you cannot be turned away at the hospital. One such law is the Emergency Medical Treatment Active Labor Act (EMTALA). The EMTALA was enacted to prevent hospital staff from turning away patients because of their inability to pay, which is illegal.

        Also, you said SOME of the major breakthroughs come from countries with socialized healthcare. I never said they didn’t have medical advancements, I said the USA is the frontrunner with medical breakthroughs. This was also directed the Miner49er and you decided to jump into the fray. So since you jumped in, why don’t you answer the questions I posed to Miner49er?

        • to Forp

          quote————-I’d like to point out, if the UK has a broad social safety net and socialized healthcare, why are there poverty or disadvantaged people in general? ——-quote

          Trying to equate health care to economic prosperity for all people is merely a ludicrous Far Right Attack on Socialized medicine which has nothing to do with that subject.

          quote————–Also, if these disadvantaged and poor people would still have access to the same socialized healthcare, why has their life expectancy declined?————quote

          Like most of your statements when you research them they fall apart but lets assume you are correct for a moment. It’s ridiculous not to be aware of the fact poor people often “do not” take advantages of the services that are offered by a National Health Care Act. If you do not apply you do not get help. If you do not go to a hospital or a doctor because you chose not to it is not the fault of the Health Care System. If the State forced you to go then the Right Wing Fanatics would again be screaming about loss of individual freedom to commit suicide which is exactly what happened when Far Right Fanatics refused to get vaccinated for covid which resulted in them killing themselves.

          And you are totally wrong about the U.S. being no. 1 in health care innovation and cures. It actually is Cuba and that was one of the primary reasons Obama chose to try and normalize relations with the U.S. so the U.S. would have more access to Cuban breakthroughs in medical cures and technology. This is not new news as all of this was widely discussed at the end of the Obama administration.

        • To Dacian

          Quote- It’s ridiculous not to be aware of the fact poor people often “do not” take advantages of the services that are offered by a National Health Care Act. If you do not apply you do not get help. If you do not go to a hospital or a doctor because you chose not to it is not the fault of the Health Care System.

          So then why would we spend MORE money on something people won’t use. Sounds like a bad plan to me.

          Also, Cuba being No 1 healthcare innovator is straight up moronic crap. They drive around drive around in 50’s american cars, how can they develop surgical robotics?

        • to Forp

          quote———-Also, Cuba being No 1 healthcare innovator is straight up moronic crap.——–quote

          You just proved you only watch Fox News (broadcast for the extreme right wing and at the 6th grade level).

          If you watched some accredited new programs this is not new news at all. Its also been widely discussed on foreign news channels that you never heard of like France24, DW News, BBC, NKH World and Aljazeera.

          Cuba’s rise to a world leader in medical technology has been not only widely discussed on U.S. News but on foreign news channels as well because Cuba has shared much of this technology to help 3rd world countries. Its obvious you have never watched foreign news channels that is for sure. But then again to do so would be way over your head.

          Cuba has also produced innovations in medical research. In 1985 the country pioneered the first and only vaccine against meningitis B. The country’s scientists developed new treatments for hepatitis B, diabetic foot, vitiligo and psoriasis.

 has also produced innovations,diabetic foot, vitiligo and psoriasis.

          You really fell head first into the outhouse on this one. Giv e up you are out of your league

        • “And you are totally wrong about the U.S. being no. 1 in health care innovation and cures. It actually is Cuba and that was one of the primary reasons Obama chose to try and normalize relations with the U.S. so the U.S. would have more access to Cuban breakthroughs in medical cures and technology. ”

          That honor actually belongs to Switzerland, not Cuba.

          Cuba is not ranked.

          I do not believe this is a far right website.

        • Storm Trooper your rush to practice one upmanship just disproved your own right wing propaganda. The original statement by Forp was that the U.S. has the most medical innovations because it was not Socialistic and you just proved him wrong and got egg all over your face. Both Sweden and Cuba are both Socialist and are not located in the U.S. or is this new news to you????

    • Stay in the UK.
      If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom – go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!
      Samuel Adams

    • Of course no one will be threatened with a knife in your gated community. Others, the unwashed proles, are not so lucky.

  3. Lots of law abiding gun owners have, or likely have, if they realize it or not, ‘stopped’ a ‘mass shooting’ from happening at some point simply because it was known to, or thought by, criminals armed law abiding gun owners were in an area or place. Many criminals intending to, or who will not hesitate to, harm of kill victims in the commission of their crimes decide not to go to certain stores or areas because they are frequented by armed law abiding citizens or law abiding armed store employees.

  4. Why in the world would anyone give bail to 2 illegals planning mass murder ? They qualify as terrorists and are definately flight risks also. They should be kept in jail, tried in court and if convicted should be executed. Why give them a break just because we got lucky and their plan was foiled ?

    • 15k bail at that. These people are brain dead. You are correct absolutely no bail offered and a minimum of life in prison if the allegations are proven true.

    • That’d be -ist.

      Our rights and liberties must be restricted and our finances must be decimated to accommodate the invaders, druggies, pedos, schizos and psychos.

      Zero tolerance for productive members of society with ethical and moral standards.
      Full tolerance for all forms of criminal activity and degeneracy.

      • That is inevitable when one enshrines the absolute factual falsehood that everyone is the same and should be treated the same, as an absolute legal “truth”. You cannot make garbage ethical, hardworking, responsible, or productive, so you have to treat everyone like garbage. If that doesn’t work, you tax the non-garbage to subsidize the garbage toward some vague semblance of “equality”.

    • We’ve printed trillions of dollars over the past few years but the 10B$ or so for a full wall at the border is WAY TOO MUCH according to the imbecile uni-party.

      Personally I’d gladly pay for a Trump wall PLUS a no-mans land of mines and heat detecting automated machine guns. Better yet, web driven sniper rifles that citizens can enter a lottery to have time at the control pads.

      • Absolutely not necessary, just build a solar field a mile deep the length of the border. It would provide XiDen’s beloved ” clean energy” and cook medium -well anyone that tried to crawl their way northward. The yotes and peccary would clean up after supper on a nightly basis… next problem please.

  5. I’m supposed to believe those two could afford and set up those rifles like that? Red flag if I ever saw one.

    • Red Flag SHOULD have been triggered long before this. Illegal alien invaders with arms? Right there, they are felons. Cannot possess them at all under the laws (correclty so) Shold have been arrested long ago.
      But to jail then release on peanuts for bail? Talk about high flight risk!!!! Prosecutor should have demanded NO BAIL. He’s already been operating under the radar for three years. He’s got an underground network of help. He won’t show up for his arraignment, Or if he does, he’ll split afterward. Head south, disappear, no problem.

      Now, the construction compay for which he and his pal worked should be having a little chat with the appropriate authorities, too. Employing illegals….. naughty naughty, mustn’t do…….

    • Construction pays well. Legit construction work, better, but then you pay taxes

      Guns are not exactly expensive. Ammo is, but how many times have we seen police call something an ‘arsenal’ and reflect upon what our own stores would be called if we were arrested? Even if it is only from buying ammo in bulk to save money for training or hobbyist shooting.

  6. Special interest groups & attorneys & activist judges are the reason why we can’t get rid of the illegals.
    Until they are delt with, we’re stuck with what we got now.
    All immigration should be halted period.
    We’re pretty much screwed until we get tough on illegal immigration.

    • F that.
      Give them what they were planning for others.
      Un-successfully dodging bullets.

  7. I “overhear” that and I’ll be taking a different course of action. I ain’t happy with my country but you F with it and I’ll plant you

  8. Wait a minute……I thought the border was closed!! Everything that happens because of their border (non) policy should be laid right at their doorstep!!

  9. We live in a country that keeps passing more and more laws while not enforcing the laws that are already on the books. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Enough said.

  10. “Richmond Police Say They Stopped a July 4th Shooting Planned by Two Guatemalan Illegal Immigrants”

    Thank God for the NICS system!!

    OOPS! Wait a minute…

  11. Studies have concluded that illegal aliens commit far less crime than the indigenous population. They know they have to keep a low profile or they will be caught and deported.


    The results are similar to our other work on illegal immigration and crime in Texas. In 2018, the illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 782 per 100,000 illegal immigrants, 535 per 100,000 legal immigrants, and 1,422 per 100,000 native‐​born Americans. The illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 45 percent below that of native‐​born Americans in Texas. The general pattern of native‐​born Americans having the highest criminal conviction rates followed by illegal immigrants and then with legal immigrants having the lowest holds for all of other specific types of crimes such as violent crimes, property crimes, homicide, and sex crimes.

    I might add with the current labor shortage all immigrants both legal and illegal should be more than welcome.

    Studies show that around the world immigrants are more likely to start a business and be successful at it than the indigenous population. Immigrants cannot run businesses by themselves either, they therefore end up hiring people which gives them jobs and stimulates the economy.

    • msn. i’ll get right to that. remember, zero percent of crimes would be caused by people who are not here.

    • Quote-“Studies have concluded that illegal aliens commit far less crime than the indigenous population. They know they have to keep a low profile or they will be caught and deported.”

      In actuality, 100% of illegal aliens commit a crime….you said it in your quote ILLEGAL ALIEN.

    • dacian you moron …. you own crap tells you how much of a moron you are.

      A person being in the country illegally like an illegal immigrant is a crime. You want to know how many crimes? For starters, number of illegal immigrants/aliens = number of crimes.

      “illegal aliens commit far less crime than the indigenous population.”

      That is 100% false.

      An illegal alien is committing a crime by being an illegal alien. The fact they get convicted less does not mean they are committing that or other less crime. It only means they are more difficult to find to convict because they do not have all the normal identifying things and ties the indigenous population have thus are more difficult to catch thus are more difficult to convict and this results in them being convicted less because they are caught less because they are harder to find. In other words, illegal aliens are committing crime by being in the country illegally to begin with and committing other crimes for which they are not caught because they can’t be located because they do not have the traditional ties that the indigenous population has. Granted, not all illegal aliens commit crime beyond the crime of being in the country illegally.

      But yeah, based upon conviction rate, its going to look like illegal aliens commit less crime than indigenous population.


      And that one and all of those similar studies are wrong and false.

      I mean for cripes sake dacian, just the term ‘illegal alien’ alone should have given you a clue. Its called ‘illegal’ for a reason and that reason is its a crime for a non-citizen to enter the country and/or stay in a manner that is in violation of law and those that that do so are called ‘illegal immigrants’ or ‘illegal aliens’ and have committed a crime, in short, they are criminals that have committed a crime.

      • And by the way Booger Brain nice try on attempting to distort the surveys. The surveys were about convictions for things like violent crimes, thefts, murders etc not just being in the country illegally. That had zero to do with the comparison of indigenous crime and crime committed by illegals.

        Sorry try again your response was right out of Tucker Carlson’s diatribes against immigrants on Fox News.

        • You distinctly said “commit less crime”, dacian. Violating immigration laws (which ALL “illegal aliens” do) is a crime. Once again, you are a liar.

          Did your parents have any children that lived, dacian (Oh, I forgot – your parents were never formally introduced, were they???)?

        • to The Lamp that went out in his head

          quote———-You distinctly said “commit less crime”, dacian. Violating immigration laws (which ALL “illegal aliens” do) is a crime. Once again, you are a liar.———–quote

          Employ a 6th grader to explain my post and my links on that subject. Yes the stats prove illegals commit less than half the crime the indigenous people commit. Now try and lie your way out of this one. As usual you will ignore the facts with the wave of your hand.

    • Seems like that word “conviction” needs some qualification. How many actually went to court rather than fled, skipped bail or were specially shuffled from one sanctuary city to another?

      Without the deets this is a wholly useless study save for acting an emotional buoy for a partisan.

    • lil ‘d, we don’t have a ” current labor shortage” .What we do have is a population that has gotten used to sitting at home, waiting for the next Covid relief, build back broker, or whatever new round of money printing giveaway is in the mail. Human nature being what it is, it’s comparable to expecting the stray cat in your neighborhood to keep mousing when the kindly old lady up the street puts out a food dish every night.

    • 100% of illegal immigrants commit crime. They came here illegally. .

      You are a moron aren’t you?

        • to Dude

          You ignore that fact that the amount of illegals being detained for being here illegally inflate the figgures and have nothing to do with convictions for violent crime.

        • Douchian,
          And you ignore the fact that some arrested illegals are deported, lowering their percentage of the inmate population relative to the number of crimes they commit.

      • to Strom Trooper

        You dodge the truth and distort the results of the survey. The survey and surveys were a comparison of violent crimes committed by indigenous people compared to illegal immigrants. Your attempt to distort the survey did not work as the surveys had zero to do with illegals just being here.

        • Is it a crime to illegally migrate or not?

          Not a trick or hard question.

          If it is a crime, whether some study included or not, then my statement stands.

  12. So let me get this straight – a good tip about a possible mass shooting leads police to a couple of people illegally in the country illegally in possession of guns and one of them gets bond which will allows him to go free until a hearing if he makes the bail some way or another. We can’t even keep non-citizen dangerous criminals in jail.

    Yeah… and the democrats ignore why dangerous criminals are on the streets and complain about people wanting to have guns for protection.

  13. The mass shooting was planned for down at ‘Tico’s’ house and it was over drugsnpu$$y.

  14. The details reported in this story do not pass the smell test.

    Two middle-aged men from Central America are in the United States illegally and working full-time in construction–and they suddenly decide to go on a murder spree?

    Middle-aged men going on a murder spree is extremely rare.
    Two men setting out for a murder spree is extremely rare.
    Full-time employed Central American illegals going on a murder spree is extremely rare.
    Someone overhearing that plot is extremely rare*.

    Combine all four of those and I don’t buy it. Either this was a false-flag event or the facts are not accurate.

    * While it is totally plausible that someone could overhear a plot for a murder-spree when the attacker is a dumb a$$ white male between the age of 15 and 22, it is highly improbable that someone would overhear same plot when the attacker is a middle-aged Latin male.

    • Oh, and further complicating matters, whoever overheard the two men from Central America allegedly plotting a murder spree would have to have a fluent understanding of Spanish since the two men from Central America would surely be speaking about the plot among themselves in Spanish. That further decreases the odds that this story is legitimate.

    • “Two middle-aged men from Central America are in the United States illegally and working full-time in construction–and they suddenly decide to go on a murder spree?“

      $15k bail.

      There’s much more to this, it may or may not be revealed.

      • 15k bond? Someone is confused in the judiciary OR someone at the police department is perhaps overstepping their actual evidence by a lot.

        It would not be the first time that either happened.

  15. dacian

    You should open a PACER account and read the case filings that Texas has against the federal government concerning the DACA kids. There is a detailed accounting of every cent they’ve cost the state of Texas for the ones that are here registered in the state of Texas.

    The funny thing is both of these guys could have bought a hunting license in their state and their possession of the Firearms would have been completely legal.

    I don’t know why we’re really getting worked up about this anyway. They were just going to do the mass shootings Americans don’t want to do. They’re good folks, folks. Come on man.

    • to Officer Bill

      More racist clap trap. The majority of Daca children came to this country as toddlers. Most do not even speak spanish, yet Right Wing Jack Booted Storm Troopers want to dump them off in a country they have never lived in. Many have gone on to college and are now teachers, nurses, x-ray technicians, and belong to many more professions far to numerous to mention. In short they are all as American as apple pie, something the Far Right Tucker Carlsonite Racists will never accept as they fear “The Browning of America”. In another 20 years they will be the dominate force in city, local, state and federal governments. Get used to it!!!!

      • Dacian. Your people are at fault for soliciting illegal immigration. If we set the parents back, you ould probably suggest we abort their chdren ust in case.

        • Storm Trooper it was the Republican businessmen that have enticed illegals to come to the U.S. to pick vegetables and work in meat processing plants as far back as 100 years ago. I could tell you personal stories that confirm this beyond all doubt but you would as usual ignore the facts with your usual wave of the hand.

        • Personal stories from you? Your correct, I wouldn’t believe your stories. You more full of fecal matter as a horse stall.

          I didn’t say anything about Republicans. They are as guilty as your people. At least the Republicans looked for people to work, and at that the wages where poor. Yet, that was legal immigration.

          The sin comes from many places, it does not change the fact that illegal immigration is supported, and even encouraged by the likes of you.

        • to Storm Trooper

          Speculation. I never said I supported illegal immigration but I have said that our system does not match the fairness of other countries when dealing with illegals. We have no guest worker program that even President Busch supported. Our system is designed to discourage people from even applying for citizenship and the hoopes they must jump through have gotten far worse since 9/11 and much, much worse under the immigrant hating Trump regime which lowered legal immigration to the lowest in U.S. History. We have actually made our situation with immigrants far worse because of all of this thereby encouraging illegal entry rather than legal entry.

        • Well do you support illegal immigration? This is your chance to set the record straight.

          Of legal immigration under Trump was lower, did the quality of the immigrant rise? He did have ICE enforce criteria such as needing to be self sufficient to immigrate. Is that wrong to expect someone to provide for theand thier family?

        • to Strom Trooper

          quote———-Of legal immigration under Trump was lower, did the quality of the immigrant rise? He did have ICE enforce criteria such as needing to be self sufficient to immigrate. Is that wrong to expect someone to provide for theand thier family?——-quote

          It was a ploy and dirty trick to keep as many people out of the U.S. as possible. Just who sets the standards and are they even fair or equal. Not under the immigrant hating Trump regime. His immigration Czar was a known xenophobe and blatant racist immigrant hater. It was not a fluke that Trump picked him. He was the lowest form of humanity.

        • “Well do you support illegal immigration? This is your chance to set the record straight.”

          You didn’t answer the question. Why is that?

          What is wrong with limiting immigration? Is there a problem with having standards for immigration? Or is your belief that anyone who arrives should be taken in without a look at to see what their intentions are?

          Can you answer those questions factually without an emotional statement?

        • to Storm Trooper

          quote———–“Well do you support illegal immigration? This is your chance to set the record straight.”———–quote

          Are you blind. Scroll up and read my response and if it still is to complicated for you to understand employ a 6th grader to explain it all to you.

  16. 2 Hispanic/Central American, middle aged working males planning some sort of murder shooting spree? Unless they are working for some drug cartel, it just doesn’t pass the smell test. Nor does the chump change bail for someone allegedly planning mass murder and illegally in possession of firearms.

    • oldmaninAL,

      I posted a nearly identical comment. Your additional highlight about their paltry bail amount makes the entire shebang even more implausible. I say this was either a false-flag deal or the story is horribly inaccurate.

  17. “you have to keep your head on a swivel”

    Yeah sure, and if I’m wrong about some QTPOC immigrant, the media and the Puppet won’t hesitate to bury me and label me a white supremacist bigot.

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